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發表於 11-10-17 02:58 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 1# stccmc 的文章







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發表於 11-10-17 09:38 |顯示全部帖子

回復 3# eviepa 的帖子






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發表於 11-10-17 16:02 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 judy 於 11-10-17 11:00 發表

Is this gender discrimination?

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發表於 11-10-17 20:00 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 awah112 於 11-10-17 19:46 發表


The answer is NO.  Such requests will no longer be entertained - PERIOD.  If a member intend to make their sharing a meaningful one, they would need to make careful selection of words.  This is NOT the responsibility of the moderators to do so.

[ 本帖最後由 iantsang 於 11-10-17 20:01 編輯 ]

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發表於 11-10-17 22:23 |顯示全部帖子

Status Update

I would like to take this opportunity to share to members on the status of a few concerned members:

motherotk: There are posts which this member has posted and must be reviewed.  In the process of doing so, the account has to be blocked first while these posts are being removed.

judy: One of her posts is now under legal review.  The complete content of this post has been removed from this thread so it is no longer viewable by any means.  While this is in process, the concerned account has to be blocked in the meantime.

Shoeshine: This is a permanent ban as this account belongs to a previously banned account (i.e. 回魂).

I believe the members who have raised their concerns do not understand the review process itself and may have over-reacted.

As much as I do not want such inconvenience being caused, members must allow time to handle these situations.  Once these processes are completed, and the accounts are deemed appropriate to be re-activated, then we would do so (except for the case of Shoeshine).

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發表於 11-10-18 10:03 |顯示全部帖子
After one night of rest to allow my mind to refresh, the first explanation I would feel I owe the members is that it seems many of you are quite sensitive to the situation when a member's account is being banned (w/o day limit).  I think I have not been considerate enough to sit in your shoes to look at it from a purely member angle.  I feel the situation now has been interpreted as a permanent account ban.

I do remember I have explained clearly on the status update concerning each members' status.  Except for the case of Shoeshine with a previous account ban record, the two other accounts are simply under review.  Is this because there hasn't been a day limit set for the ban so the members would see it as a permanent ban, which in that case, all the posts by certain members will be gone forever?  Since it appears to me the concerns are the loss of previous valuable comments by certain members.

In order to address the members' concern, I am willing to review my handling method and also share what has and going to happen, so we can all improve in the future communication.  However, I do not intend to enter into lengthy unnecessary discussions/ debates with members on specific arrangement.  So, please do not expect me to answer your queries one by one.

So here is what I can do for now and why:

(1) For the case of the problematic thread "本港教師質素, 失望!!!", there are at least three 超版 who has started to undergo review on this thread.  Besides the posts by motherotk which require our attention, we have also found at least one other violation by other members.  Please do understand it is a very time consuming process, in order to check against a lot of information.  It is under our current estimation that we will need more than a week to complete.  As a result of that, the ban on motherotk will be set to 14 days.  Due to our internal procedure where it is not allowed for member to use another account to continue posting during account ban, it has been suggested and concurred by at least two 超版 to also ban the account mothertk1.

Concerning how much of the comments by motherotk can be saved, may I suggest the concerned member to PM me directly to further discuss?  If the member is willing to do so, one of the possibility is we can provide a time limit for the members to revise their own posts according to the forum standard.  If he/she fails to do so, then we will have to remove all of them.  However, please be reminded this can only be done after we have finished investigating on the other violations on that particular thread.

(2) For the case of judy's account, it was banned after the review by at least three 超版.  The comment made has shown disrespect to one of the 超版 during the post.  As a result of that, it was also confirmed by these three 超版 that the account will be banned for 14 days as a penalty.  At the same time, legal advices are being seeked concerning the contents so this is why I mentioned there was a legal review before.  I was being careless to combine these two situations together so please accept my apology on that.  There are no specific allegations being made so let's also make this clear.

(3) For Shoeshine's case, actually I have limited knowledge of the background of the previous banned account.  However, we do not intend to change the policy at the moment concerning previous account which are being banned permanently.

I think this should be sufficient and there won't be further explanation on details.  All along the actions being taken so far has been a collective effort, so I didn't take any actions without seeking further comments from at least two more 超版.  However, we do not intend to invite members to provide objective inputs concerning how these rulings are being made.

Further comments regarding this will be considered as improper.  No warnings will be given and members' account will be banned immediately starting with one-day penalty, on incremental basis if the situation persists.

Finally, similar handling will be used concerning similar (not all) suspected cases of forum rules regulations, until further notice.  When 版主 notice such situations, the member's account will be banned initially for 1-3 days so to allow further review.  Normally these situation would have involved more than a single comments by a member, plus any other members replies in response to those comments being initiated.  A key reason why this is required, is to protect the completeness of the concerned posts during the review. Unfortunately there are limited functionality which can be used to achieve such purpose, so it has been chosen to done so for the time being.

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發表於 11-10-19 00:23 |顯示全部帖子
very well stccmc.  I believe it is useful to provide example to share what constitute disrespect to 版主.



By proper manner, anyone should be referred to by their account name, not 呢個 or 個咩.  This is exactly why we have unnecessary argument.

The 版規 is just a guideline.  There will no longer be discussions with members on how 版主 execute these rulings and how they should be interpreted.  If a member has suggestions on how to improve the regulations, anyone are welcome to provide such suggestions thru 使用意見.

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發表於 11-10-19 08:32 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 小謙伯伯 於 11-10-19 06:10 發表
原來如此 剛巧 "呢個" 、"個咩" 正是在下時常掛在口邊的助語詞

所謂兔死狐悲本來有些話要說然後就義但 ...





[ 本帖最後由 iantsang 於 11-10-19 08:42 編輯 ]

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發表於 11-10-19 17:36 |顯示全部帖子

The latest update

Here's for reference of everyone on the latest status.

http://forum.edu-kingdom.com/vie ... &extra=page%3D1

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發表於 11-10-23 04:28 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 kls12 於 11-10-23 01:03 發表

...另外,"legal review" 同"legal advice" 有甚麼分別?...


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發表於 11-10-23 04:29 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 57# Tommy 的文章

Thanks for the reply.  Will consider your suggestions.

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發表於 11-10-24 00:28 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 kls12 於 11-10-23 15:07 發表

可否告知此出此post 而被禁言一天的原因?謝謝

Hi kls12,




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發表於 11-10-24 00:34 |顯示全部帖子

回復 72# csy_ma 的帖子


A quick response to your query concerning cow's one-day ban.  It was a one-day ban, no errors on that.  And thanks to Tommy's reminder, cow was released sooner than one day.  So I hope this clarify your concern.

A friendly reminder being added: basically your posts appear to have also violated the previous request we had stated.  We had ask members not to further discuss with the situation, only for the time being.

Unfortunately I am extremely tire so I will discuss with the team concerning your account status tmr.

[ 本帖最後由 iantsang 於 11-10-24 01:17 編輯 ]
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