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教育王國 討論區 深造進修 有d咩係會特別為了囝囡而學,又可以教番仔女的? ...
樓主: amamigo

有d咩係會特別為了囝囡而學,又可以教番仔女的? [複製鏈接]

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發表於 11-9-4 02:53 |顯示全部帖子
We learn to be a better person: a correct value system, respect of others, proper manners, less-materialistic, more healthy living.  So, we can be the role model for our children to learn.

Hope parents can remember this while the children are getting equipped.

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 11-9-5 09:18 |顯示全部帖子
Hi stinkyrabbit,

It's good to see u here too!  You know I have to check around everywhere in EK now so I just happen to see this and wanna share a bit.

Frankly, I just feel while we all focus on improving on the children in different educational or recreational learning from external help.  The most important thing is for them to be a good citizen.

For your case, no need to really "stop" her from saying it.  I would lose my temper from time to time and said things I don't wanna say too!  But the important thing is to share the reasons why you have say that, and you feel sorry about it.  If she doesn't wanna say something and then feel sorry, then she should think twice before doing so.


原帖由 stinkyrabbit111 於 11-9-5 08:46 發表
hi ian, 喺度見到你真好!!! agree with what you said!
did not realise how easily our children pick up things from us!!! I remember ages ago saying the bad word "sXXX" in front of my girl just once..... ...
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