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教育王國 討論區 特殊教育 我的ADHD (過度活躍症/多動症/專注力失調) 兒子停藥了! ...
樓主: leeamen

我的ADHD (過度活躍症/多動症/專注力失調) 兒子停藥了!   [複製鏈接]

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發表於 09-4-20 11:21 |顯示全部帖子
Dear All,

I am glad to see all the valuable comment and information from all of you. Its really help.

My son confirmed that he have ADD 2 months ago and I am still stuggle rather or not I should let him take medicine?! On the IQ test, they found out he is a superior kid. But the marks in school was pretty low.
And this week, I will bring him to see the metal DR for the medication. Hope things goes smooth and not much side effect on him.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-4-20 20:58 |顯示全部帖子
Dear Leeaman,

He will be 9 in Aug this year. And if he continue the lower marks, I am afraid he need to repeat which he told me he don't want to.
If he can concentrate he really did good. But that not happen all the time, only 10% n daily life.
Yes he do not have Hyper sytom. Therefore he is only a ADD kid.

原帖由 leeamen 於 09-4-20 13:16 發表

Dear achow,

You are welcome! As a mother of two kids with different levels of ADHD, I truly understand your struggle on deciding whether or not to let your kid to have the medication.

How old is y ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-4-24 16:57 |顯示全部帖子
I just bring my son to see the DR. and confirmed he have ADD, and the DR gave him Concerta 18MG to start. I will let him start by tomorrow. After begin, need to take at lease 3 years-still don't know rather or not I make a right decision?!

Hope it help with less side-effect.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-4-27 16:27 |顯示全部帖子
My son is now P3, the Dr. told me once start he might need to take it till secondary school. (But of course if he can get well in such a short period, he can stop taking it). But I talk with the other experience parent, most of them told me their kids took the pills for 5, 6, 10 years or even longer.

I let my son took pills on last Sat-so far no side effect. Will need to meet the Dr again this Thursday for follow up. Dr told me I need to go there every week at lease for a month, then in every 2 weeks etc.

Hope the pills can help!

原帖由 leeamen 於 09-4-27 13:39 發表

Dear achow,

How is your son doing?

After begin, need to take at lease 3 years >>  did your doctor tell you this info? I have never heard from the doctor who prescribed ritalin or concerta to my so ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-5-26 10:13 |顯示全部帖子
Your case really similar to mine. As a mother my mood is always going up and down so fast and easy. (That's really hurt the kids).
Sometimes because I am so nervous I shout and sometimes I cry-because my ADD boy forgot to bring the classworks/ complain by the teachers/ got a bad marks in assement (I do not reconize he have ADD at that moment). I felt so helpness, is like the end of the world and i don't know how to keep going till he finish his education.....

At the end I went to see pysologist and they teach me how to do to improve myself (control my temper), but it not help at all.
Until one day my son confirmed that he got ADD (Attention discorder), I bring him to see 精神科Dr for the medacine. Dr. talked to him alone in the room. And below is my son conversation:Mummy don't cry, don't be sad, I will try my very best to be a good boy. The only thing that make me upsad is to see mummy cry. I am not a good boy because I always forgot this and that. If taking pills can help me, I will take and the only thing I want is to make mummy happy.

After I heard this conversation, I start crying. And now I changed totally myself. No matter my son got improve or not. I knew my son care about me and as a mother, I won't let him to be disappoint on me and worry on me anymore. I will control my temper and be a sweet mother forever.

原帖由 亞菊 於 09-5-21 14:27 發表


其實在這兩三天裏,我腦海常常回憶在過去的幾個年頭對囝囝的態度 ...
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