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教育王國 討論區 特殊教育 "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "
樓主: kawai

"Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group " [複製鏈接]

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發表於 05-8-24 16:48 |顯示全部帖子

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

Dear Kawai,
I talked to Kevin reg. this point, he asked me to check the fish oil supplement is made of what kind of fish.. as Yu has no problem with Salmon & Tuna at all.  I will study the two supplements tonight.
But we will stop both Cod and Perch which we bought quite often before. Actually Yu stop eating fish after the visiting to Dr. Lam. But he commented Yu should stay with DHA70 supplement...

I would like to know where do you order digestive enzymes? and where can I get the flex see oil?

kawai 寫道:
Due to your son is highly sensitive to cod which is a kind of fish.  I suggest you to stop giving him the fish oil supplement or ProEFA for a few months time.  Flex seed oil can be a perfect replacer and it  provides same benefits of omega 3,6,9 to your son.        

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-3 07:47 |顯示全部帖子

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

Dear all,
We visited Dr. Lam second time yesterday. I had a very good impression of him. He is very patient to explain us many things, the visit of us takes more than half of hour in spite of other patience waiting outside.

We had another B12 injection. And he gave us oral taken B12 to put under tongue. Salt for bathing.
And many other supplements. We will make Urine testing instead of hair testing. Hopefully, when we visit him again 18 days later, we will have the result. He gave me one mother's phone nr. who has twins A children who had dramatic progress after taking bio-treating to share... I think I will call her today.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-4 14:47 |顯示全部帖子

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

I have brought back the big (very big) container to fill his urine. (I asked many times the nurse why we needed so big one for urine collection. Its size is similar to 5 litre oil container). but Yu is taking coughing medicine these days. So we will do it after he is recovered. There is one medicine we need to take for three days and at the last day, we will collect the urine sample. Then his father needs to bring to Dr. Lam for testing. Hope we can have result when we see him again then.
I have my daughter tested by Biotek as well and am waiting for the result.
You should bring the biotek report copy to Dr. Lam, he can give you some advise.  B12 so far has no side effect on Yu...(2nd injection). Maybe you can check with Dr. Lam when you are visiting him.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-5 07:39 |顯示全部帖子

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

thanks for your advice.
Regarding the B12 injection. Dr. Lam commented last time it was not necessary to do it so frequently as I asked him whether we took injection every 18 days was too less.. but we did take B12 orally.And I asked him whether the visiting and taking supplement for our kids were lifelong or not, he commented not.
Kawai, do you ask the similar question to Dr. Trodd? and how is his opinion?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-6 06:19 |顯示全部帖子

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

We should thank you to give us so many information on the various theraphy to treat our kids.  Believe you have spent a lot of time and effort on it.  Please do keep on sharing with us.

I asked the same question to Dr. Lam. He told me it
was not necessary, he said it depended on the progress of kids. -- half of year to 2 years...

Sorry to know that your son is highly sensitive to so many food catagories... We also have to ajust our food supply to Yu as he is also allergy to all the cow's milk product and egg...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-8 13:33 |顯示全部帖子

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

I am eager to know:
how and to what extent it will improve the attention span?
Can it replace totally the DHA we are taking now?

If kids are allergy to certain fish, will it be the problem to take this supplement?

Sorry for so many questions and thank you so much in advance.

I have given 3,6,9 to my daughter so far, if this is suitable to Yu, I would like to try it as well.

Your son's progress seems very good! Arguing means he is smart and alert.

When will your son start the school life? Did you choose the school which my son is going now?  We will have a Mid-Autumn-Festival Party in school on 17th Sept. Will you join then?  

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-10 21:30 |顯示全部帖子

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

Thank you so much! Can you send me a copy?
Pls check Pm.
It is a good idea to let the salesman attend our gathering for presentation.. I will be ok on
30th Sept.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-14 06:26 |顯示全部帖子

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

Dear All,
Long time not come here and took me quite some time to digest all of your messages.

Dr. Lam gave Yu B12 injection on the thigh instead of 手背靜脈 every time. And he commented it was not necessary to do it quite often such as twice or once per week. We only get injection every 18 days while visiting him. However, we also got Oral B12 from him.  

My son has some side effect from the injection or supplement recently: not following instruction rate is higher, likes to hold our hand to his targeted object again sometimes which he did not do for long long time... I do not know whether it is the effect of the three pcs medicines Dr. Lam gave us to take before Urine test... the pill smells chemical to me.

But after we finished that, Yu is better. We could sit down to play and read for one hour again last night.

We have quite a lot of supplement from Dr. Lam from last visit all in pills form:
Selenium   once per day in the morning
Pregnenolone  once per day in the morning
Zinc Balance  once per two days in the morning
Nevramin       once per two days in the morning
DMAE             once per day in the afternoon
Melatonin        once per day before sleeping
Amino Night     once per day in the evening
R-Lipoic            once per day in the evening
Methylobalamin B12   once per day
Bio-Tomosan     once per day before dinner
Glutathione Gel        once per day (and my son has no allery to it as Haybmum)
Salt for bathing

I do hope YU will get improvement after all those supplement.. and my hard working..
Same as Stalla, if no obvious improvement is shown, I will try Dr. Trodd as well.

Dr. Lam's clinic is open in Sunday from 10:00am to 1:00pm.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-14 11:53 |顯示全部帖子

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

the Gel is very very smelling!

. Dr. Lam gave my son Glutathione gel to put on his both foot while he is sleeping, and wrap by 保鮮紙 until the next day morning, let it absorb by the body and no need to wash it out, he also asked me to put some under his 腋下, but I didn't do that. So far no allergy is found.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-26 18:09 |顯示全部帖子

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

thanks for information. Dr. Lam has called me. Yu was tested with quite high heavy metal standard.We are going to see him tomorrow.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-28 13:58 |顯示全部帖子

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

count me in la..
by the way, 承媽, pls check PM.
kawai 寫道:


承承媽媽 寫道:



Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-29 13:34 |顯示全部帖子

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

My boy is the same. That is their 通病。勁cool.
But with our guidance and wisdom, hope we can set up our own 社交小組。

Dear all,
I am quite happy to see my elder daughter becoming my son's "ST" recently. And my son is very obedient while my daughter is doing table task with him. And I have never expected my bad-temper daughter could be so patient while playing with her brother...  She even does much better job than me as she is more creative than me...  :
HayBMum 寫道:
嘎, 你以為我個仔識得一齊玩架? 佢都係企埋一齊(什至離隊)咋,希望以我地有限的skill, 可以令佢地玩得有點兒互動吧。
kawai 寫道:
HayBMum & Mickeyma,


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-10-3 12:12 |顯示全部帖子

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

Dear All,
Yu was found with very high Lead and Mecury.
As report is at home, I will update you later. I was very down as I noticed that infant lead poisoning will lead to development delay and muscle strength lossing and muscle tenderness which shown in Yu all.I was so upset as my mother in law had a habit before to store piles and piles of old newspapers at home till Yu was found with problem. We cleaned up her room in order to have more space for Yu to receive training. (not really thought about lead poisoning at that time)  
The possibility of lead poisioning is mainly from environment...     Though now we have thrown away all those newspapers, she still keeps some in her room...   The damage has already done... I had a big fighting with my hb yesterday as he is still not realizing the importance to keep a clean nice living environment for children. He even questioned me whether the aloe I planted outside the window had caused problem...     

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-10-3 12:39 |顯示全部帖子

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

忍唔住又要 ,是我害了佢!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-10-3 14:14 |顯示全部帖子

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

what you said, I all know. After going through all those struggles and pains, tears and laughs, I have learnt to look forward, just like most of the mums here... But still 心有所怨,心有所痛。

I put all my hope now in Dr. Lam.. hope he can drive away my son's high lead level by his supplement. we had B12 injection again in his clinic on sunday. And he use DMSA again for my son. I have discussed the side effect with him, but he said it was the best way so far to do it and it was safe to do that as the side effect was very little.  We need to take that twice per week. And in order to pull off the lead, he gave us supplement to put into the PATPAT of my son for better absorbing and result. Will report the name later when I am home.  Also twice per week.

if you order EyeQ liquid, pls count me in. I have started to let Yu try that from last saturday... So far he likes it.
I prefer the liquid form as Yu was nearly throwing out yesterday when he took one pc of big Zinc tablet from Dr. Lam. I will break it into small pcs today.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-10-3 15:13 |顯示全部帖子

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

Thank you for your encouragement!
Are you visiting Dr. Trodd now so far? What is your plan to remove your son's high lead level?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-10-3 21:48 |顯示全部帖子

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

Yu's lead and mercury level is 3 times of normal level.  Arseinc & bismuth & Titanium are double.
Nickel is 7 times higher.   

Supplement got this time from Dr. Lam is :

Susp DMSA  twice per week
EDTA Supp   twice per week to put into patpat
Methylcobalamin B12  once per two days
Zinc Lozenges 23MG  once per day
Melatonin 1mg  once per day
PS 100mg  once per day
Vitabex A + Lipoic Acid Syr.   twice per day
Lacspan Powder  once per day
Glutathione Gel : once per day on feet..

B12 injection taken in the clinic.

I have studied the report, EDTA is mainly used to remove lead... I do hope Yu will have some improvement after this treatment. He looked quite tired today and went to bed early.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-10-4 15:43 |顯示全部帖子

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

Dear All,
I found this post in other column. so want to share with you:
排毒食物一覽 (轉貼)  















地瓜葉纖 維質地柔細、不苦澀,容易有飽足感,又能促進胃腸蠕動、預防便祕。把新鮮地瓜葉洗淨後用開水燙熟撈起,與剁碎的大蒜及少許鹽、油拌勻,就是一道美味爽口的蒜拌地瓜葉!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-10-4 22:44 |顯示全部帖子

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

Dear Kmwun,
today, Shunshunmummy faxed the information to me. If you want, I can fax to you tomorrow. just PM your fax to me.

I was deeply moved today when I came home.
My son said: Mami, you are back!
and He ran to me, hugging me tightly.
and He said: I want mummy to come back.
He welcomes me every day when I come back, but never said :I want mummy to come back.. Normally he said: Mami, you are back.    I was so moved.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-10-5 09:58 |顯示全部帖子

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

Kmwun, Stalla,
Pls check fax.
Yes, I always remember your sharing before here:
I often practice : I LOVE YOU! YOU LOVE ME! with him before sleeping. This morning, we had a such kind of conversation again while sending him to school:
媽: 宇宇中意邊個?
宇: 宇宇中意媽咪。
媽: 媽媽中意邊個?
宇: 媽咪中意宇宇。
媽: 宇宇嗲嗲邊個?
宇: 宇宇嗲嗲媽咪。 (宇將頭靠在我肩上)
媽: 宇宇唔中意邊個?
宇: 宇宇唔中意媽... (宇突然停住,笑,自言自語:宇宇唔中  

昨天又去油麻地見陳博士,他覺得宇發展都如意,建議開始教他下飛行棋,唔知得唔得呢? 宇昨天在油麻地見玩具被小朋友霸晒,想玩,就走過去,問:一起玩啊?  沒人理他。 他又問:哥哥,我地一起玩啦? 還是沒人理他,他唯有悻悻然走開。但我看在眼中好開心。 臨走唔舍得走,發脾四,但陳博士好包容地說:正常唧,有時都要俾小朋友表達下情緒。 我覺得每次見陳博士我都如沐春風,又取到好的建議,又得到心靈的慰藉。

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