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教育王國 討論區 特殊教育 "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "
樓主: kawai

"Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group " [複製鏈接]

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發表於 05-11-24 13:58 |顯示全部帖子

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

We will visit Dr. Lam tomorrow after Yu's school travelling from the Repulse Bay.
We are giving twice per week B12 injection to Yu  now and we make it at night when Yu is sleeping. So far I strongly feel that B12 injection made him quite active... Hope it will be better afterwards. All thanks to Kawai, the posting of how to make B12 injection, now my skill in making injection has improved a lot.. quick and can make 30 degree injection...

Supplement Yu is taking now is very similar to your son..

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-30 06:32 |顯示全部帖子

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

Dear Stellacl,
I have bought it at the same price as you several months ago! I did not think it was so special, so I did not post here.. that is good you post it here.
I have got a table type warm/cold water set as a gift,
not sure whether have 100 積分.. will check.

Dear Kawai,
Don't be stupid,(hope you will not mind I said that) none of us will think you are taking advantage.  We are helping each other here. we are appreciated a lot of  your effort and posting here and research done for us/


stellacl 寫道:

我已經訂了上次很多媽咪在這裡介紹的濾水器, 但我同sales傾到可以用展銷價買 (原價$2180, 而家 $1680 ), 任何人如果用我作為推薦人買 (quote我的 a/c no. 就可以了), 都可以用我呢個價買 (但購買人和推薦人的回贈積分只有$100, 不是用原價買的有回贈 $300, 回贈積分是給下年買濾芯折扣用的)  


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-30 06:41 |顯示全部帖子

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

I have the same worry as Stella as my son had been taking 1000mg/1ml B12 injection at home for one month now.. According to Dr. Lam, his B12 is with less concentration, but it seems it is not or?

Stalla, we must really check with him again!

mrsphcheung 寫道:
With reference to Dr. Neubrander’s protocol (the innovator of B-12 injection), 25 mg/ml methyl-B12 can demonstrate the best improvement.  My child is taking the low dosage one which is less than 25 mg/ml.

Dr. Trodd insists on giving me the mild take-home dosage as he mentions that 25mg/ml may be a bit dangerous to take at home.

HayBMum 寫道:
Mrs Cheung,
What do you mean by high dosage of B12? How high is it?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-12-7 10:22 |顯示全部帖子

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

Dear All,

We visited Dr. Lam last Thursday, and he gave us new version of B12 for injection. It is one bottle marked 10mg/2ml. I was told that each time I need to make injection for 0.2ml only. Means : 1000mcg/0.2ml. And I studied the post by Haybmum again before, I think this dosage is even a little bit less than the requested one: 1168mcg?  I tried to make the injection last night, it was much easier and quicker than the old 1ml injection.
Stella, you might ask Mr. Lam to give you the same version next time with higher concentration, but less ml.

Other supplements are nearlly the same as before.

Yu has big improvement in the language. His hyper activities seem to be back to normal again. But still with poor eye contact and social skill with other people except close person such as me... Any suggestion on this points?

I have heard your son had made great improvement and would not be recognized as special child while going out... Any sharing on the healing way which is the most effective?

I have enrolled the piano lesson, Music theraphy, English playgroup and social group in Heephong. He will be very busy next months... so as me la...
And I have enrolled the Parents training course of SI in Heephong as well...
Time is flying so quick, now he is nearlly 3 years and nine month, I really need to try more things to improve his potential and social skill...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-12-7 12:14 |顯示全部帖子

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

Dear Kawai,
Only this point is very difficult already! It is not possible for Yu ah..
How about your son's performance before while going out to have dinner?



Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-12-16 10:39 |顯示全部帖子

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

dear all,
really great to come back from endless trips and see all of your messages. It took me one hour to chase back all I missed!
Dr. Lam also gave me the same supplement and Yu also does not like it. I tasted it myself a little bit and found it was a little bit bitter with sweet. I have to feed him while he is playing computer games.

I must check with Dr. Lam reg. DMSA. As I still use the old way of taking as twice per week. And Yu was not performing good after taking DMSA. He appeared to be tired and quiet in the school.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-1-6 14:27 |顯示全部帖子

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

Dr. Lam asked me to put the bottle on the upper side of the fridge. But everytime when I took it out, the liquid inside would be ice and I must wait some time
for it to melt.. Do you experience the same?
thank you for the ensyme, I found Yu is reacting good on it and goes to toliet more easily and regularly. I will buy more stocks.


stellacl 寫道:
另外, 你而家用緊那些user friendly的 針連b12 packed, 是從Dr. Trodd那裡買的嗎 ? 有牌子嗎 ? 下次試下叫Dr. Lam 轉先得 !  而家我地用緊果隻係一瓶裝, 每次用就插支針入去抽0.2ml出來, 又放回雪柜, 又怕唔知會唔會contaminate 左入面那些未用的液體, 又怕抽出來的時候會有空氣抽入針內...總之就是很麻煩的 !!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-1-17 02:47 |顯示全部帖子

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

dear all,
too busy to leave a message last days, however, I visited here often,just for a quick scan.
Justin, congratulation on the progress your son made!
Yu's progress in language is good, however, he has more and more stubborn bahavious which make us big headache during joining playgroups. Such as when tutor said : let's count for 5. He would immediately cried: I want 10 ah.. If we said 10, he wanted 15... if we said ok 15 la, he wanted 20 ect...
If blue plate was given to him during snack time, he requested orange one. I guess if he got orange one, then he would ask for blue one...  :cry:
Concerning awareness and language he has big improvement. He would ask us: Mumy, (grandma), where are you going? Will you bring me with you?
I want to go with you... On the way to school, he will keep asking all kinds question regarding How to say something he sees on the way in English or Mandarin... Sometimes I could not answer him and have to ask him to wait till I check the dictionary later...

We stop DMSA as I told Dr. Lam he was not able to go to toilet every day. He gave us a lot of supplement this time. some changes:
oral ETDA every day per pc to substitute old ETDA supp twice per week to put into Yu's pat pat. ( As Yu would immediately go to toilet after we did that)
Normacol+SP Irulina -- similar function as Ensyme?
Solmucol  every day one pack
Coenzymated B3
Bio-Tomosan -- Kawai, is it functioning as Ensyme?
Melatonin  ____ my son is working very fine with this supplement.
He commented again that with Yu's improvement, there is no need to take B12 injection so regulary. But I rejected him as I did not want to stop B12 injection after I experienced the good side of it, especially after overcoming the bad side.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-1-18 07:55 |顯示全部帖子

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

Yes, exactly 包拗頸. But I will not let him do as he likes every time, so he cried a lot last days... Do not know how long this period will go on...:evil:

Last night, he suddenly ask me how to say "stubborn" in English.. thought he might hear our comment upon his recent bahavious..   
stellacl 寫道:
mickeyma & justin2002

Glad to hear that Yu and Justin have progressed a lot !  Yu's character is similar to my son - 包拗頸 and it is a good chance for you to train up your iq and eq too, otherwise you will not be able to catch up his speed... :idea:

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-1-20 07:52 |顯示全部帖子

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

we applied the Glutathione Gel to Yu before, and did not find any obvious problem. He is also taking 1/2 Melatonin 2.5MG every night and he would feel asleep very quick after that. But these two nights, he would wake up in the mid-night as Daddy was back late and made him awake.

Teacher complained Yu was not obeying the rules in the school well these days. he went away from his seat often and he pushed his classmate while waiting to go to toilet and was amused by what he did. When teacher asked him whether it was right, he said: no. But sometimes I really found that he likes :
I know it not ok, but I want to do it.  

I do not know whether the change is because of EDTA orally taken every night?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-2-14 13:10 |顯示全部帖子

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

Pls count me in.

To those who want to order TF Classic:

Let's gather and make the ordering, see if we can get 10 bottles requirement so as to enjoy the 2 extra free (hope it's still buy 10 get 12 like last time).

Put your name and quantity down here if like to join the group order:

1. mrsphcheung - 2 bottles
2. sjmama - 1 bottle
3. stella - 2 bottles
4. wewangwang - 2 bottles
5. ABBmom - 2 bottles
6. Mickeyma - 2 bottles

The more we order, the less shipping cost we pay. The deadline for ordering is Wednesday, 15 Feb.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-2-15 13:08 |顯示全部帖子

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

ABBmom 寫道:
Order for the new probiotics HLC MindLinx by Pharmax which is claimed to have specifically developed for autism and ADHD. Let me know if anyone interested to try. The deadline is on coming Friday.

Click here

1. Dommom - 3 bottles of CAPSULE
2. chanchanboy - 1 bottle of POWDER
3. yuenyuen - 2bottles of capsule
4. Justin2002 - 2 bottles of capsule
5. ABBmom - 1 bottle of capsule and 1 bottle of powder
6. Mickeyma - 2 bottle of capsule

The capsule contains no FOS and strains HLC. The powder contains FOS, only HLC and 250 mg more L-glutamine. Don't know whether it makes any difference or not.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-2-20 10:45 |顯示全部帖子

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

Dear Kawai, Stella,
I have a problem here want to get some idea from you.
My son's bahavious was quite bad in the obeying the order and routine discipline around CNY. And he got sick after CNY, that is why we stopped all supplement and I realized that he was much better at that period, so did the comment from school.
Since he was better then, I started the supplement again (without any DMSA, ETDA... as he reacted badly upon that), but he got active again. How come the normal supplement will affect him so much? Must I stop all of that? even B12 injection? I am really confused...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-2-26 04:29 |顯示全部帖子

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

I wish your son will recover soon.
Yu was sick during CNY and we have stopped all the supplement as well as B12 at that time. At first several days, he was very 牛牛地, 無晒d精零野. When he was getting better and no need to take the medicine, he was much much better then. I started supplement again now. Since B12 was stopped for nearly one month, I have to start to suffer the side effect of it again as at the very begining. Hope it would be better later again.

My daughter had her arm broken as well during Christmas, same fell down from dinner chair... We have to stop the swimming and all other physical exercise.. But now she is recovered totally, I guess. We will have a checking on Apr. again.

As  Justin said: Take care of yourself as well!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-3-13 14:07 |顯示全部帖子

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "


My son was getting more and more active recently.
Tracing back, we found it started from two months ago when Dr. Lam changed the ETDA to capsule orally taken every day. He became not easy to fall asleep and slightly more active than before. But overall performance was still ok in school. During
CNY, he was sick, so we stopped B12 injection and
supplement. Anti-biotic was given in order to heal the throwing out and diarrhoea... After he was better two weeks later after CNY, we started supplement again. Then it was the begining of the nightmare. He was complained by school: the basic rule he obeyed before, he could not keep. Walking away from his seat, rolling on his classmates while sitting on floor,
patting other kids' heads.... I discussed with Dr. Lam, he said it is up and down of the treatment process..and anti-biotic might have some affection on him.. What should I do now? stop the supplement immeidately or wait again as his problem has been lasting for more than one month now...    
It is really frustrating...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-3-15 08:09 |顯示全部帖子

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "


Dr. Lam asked Yu to take ETDA every day per capsule.
Sometimes I am quite confused as he only asked you to take 3 days per week.
Now I have changed the capsule to put into Patpat again. Both ETDA and DMSA. Yu would struggle and cry when we do that.

My Heephong tutor has asked us to stop the supplements if Yu's problem is not improving. I am considering that...

Does anyone hear about another kind of so call Natural Theraphy done by OT Mr. ChanKeiHua?

Thank you Justin2002.  Dr. Lam also did not mention apple is not good to us. Grape is the fruit
he mentioned not to eat. not fresh, not dried.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-3-19 22:23 |顯示全部帖子

Re: "Biomedical Treatment - Parents' Group "

Thanks for your advise. My son got sick last Saturday, so we went to see Dr. Lam not longer than last visit. We also discussed the probelm with Dr. Lam again and he asked us to stop DMSA and ETDA at the moment as Yu was sick and we could take other supplements and he gave another new medicine which could help Yu : IP-6. Anyone heard about that?
Yu had fever last night still. Just like Ultramom's son, at the night time, fever is coming back...  :-|

Dinner is a good idea! Long time not meeting all of you!
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