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教育王國 討論區 特殊教育 我們的聚腳地∼∼∼士啤酥會;)
樓主: HelenMrs.Lau

我們的聚腳地∼∼∼士啤酥會;) [複製鏈接]

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發表於 04-9-13 10:43 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 我們的聚腳地∼∼∼士啤酥會;)

Thank you Helen, great name - 士啤酥會!

Nice gathering we had on last Friday, but time was too short. Next time, maybe we can find a weekend, so we can bring our kids out to have fun together then.

Since assessment at the end of July, I often brought my son out and found it very helpful in developing his language and knowledge. Last Saturday, we went to the Repulse Bay, when we left, he followed me to say: Bye Bye Beach, Bye Bye birds.. And when we arrived Hung Hom Ferry and went through the bus station, he started to said by himself: Bus gone.  I was so happy, a sentence!!! I taught him every morning when we lined up to wait for mini bus to KTR station. He never followed me, but he remembered and showed me now.

Mickey ma   

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-9-13 14:30 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 我們的聚腳地∼∼∼士啤酥會;)




Mickey ma

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-9-13 15:08 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 我們的聚腳地∼∼∼士啤酥會;)


你都好過我! 我在宇宇七月尾(两岁四個月)做佐
評估才開始正視問題。 所以他這一個半月來的


Mickey ma

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-9-14 14:05 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 我們的聚腳地∼∼∼士啤酥會;)

Dear Gigi2,

Every child's character is different!
Some children need more time to warm up,
same as my son. I think you girl is doing fine
in the new school. Otherwise, teacher will complain
to you already.

Don't worry, she will be more talktive and participate more activities later in the class, as at home. Give her some time.

Mickey ma

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-9-16 11:42 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 我們的聚腳地∼∼∼士啤酥會;)

Dear All,

Sometimes really feel very tired. Share with you the following message sisters in church e mailed to me:
這是一篇很好的文章,不論你是否基督徒,都值得看一看!我們認為是 負面的事,神 卻有正面的回應。 你會說:「這是不可能的。」神卻說:「凡事都能。」(路 18:27)你說:「我太累了。」神說:「我給你安息。」(太 11:28)你說:「沒有人真正關心我。」神說:「我愛你。」(約 3:16; 約13:34)你說:「我支持不住了。」神說:「我的恩典夠你用。」(林後12:9; 詩91:15)你說:「有很多事情,我不能解決。」神說:「我必指引你的路。」(箴3:5-6)你說:「我不能作這事。」神說:「你凡事都能作。」(腓 4:13)你說:「我不能。」神說:「我能夠。」(林後 9:8)你說:「我不能原諒自己。」神說:「我寬恕你。」(約壹1:9;羅8:1)你說:「我應付不來。」神說:「我會供應你的所需。」(腓4:9)你說:「我很害怕。」神說:「我賜給你的,不是一個膽怯的心。」(提後1:7)你說:「我經常憂慮和沮喪。」神說:「將一切的憂慮卸給我。」(彼前5:7)你說:「我的信心不夠。」神說:「我所分給各人的信心,是我量度過的。」(羅12:3)你說:「我不夠聰明。」神說:「我給你智慧。」(林前1:30)你說:「我覺得很孤單。」神說:「我總不撇下你,也不丟棄你。」(來13:5)請
傳閱,或許今天正有人需要它!這是一篇很好的文章,不論你是否基督徒,都值得看一看!我們認為是 負面的事,神 卻有正面的回應

Pls count me in the gathering:
2 x adult.
2 x kids  (7 years old and 2.5 years old)

Mickey ma

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-9-21 13:18 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 我們的聚腳地∼∼∼士啤酥會;)

10月3日 gathering updated list

1. kakab105 1大1小
2. JOANNA722 二大一小(2歲4個月).
3. mamee 2大1小~3歲半
4. 陸美媽2大1小
5. hinhinmummy 2大+2小 (1個六歲, 1個2歲10個月)
6. Mickey ma 2 x adult. 2 x kids (7 years old and 2.5 years old)
7. kmwun (1大1小~5歲)
8. Hei媽 2大1小 - 2歲小男孩
9. 678 1大1小
10. Agnes (浩賢媽咪)兩大+1細(5歲男仔)

Helen, will you join?

Mickey ma

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-9-28 14:24 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 我們的聚腳地∼∼∼士啤酥會;)


"我又另一個諗法, 但要問一問老公, 看下可不可行先, 再返黎update你們."




Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-9-28 15:19 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 我們的聚腳地∼∼∼士啤酥會;)


I totally agree with you as I also discuss my son's problem with my friends, relatives and colleagues.

From them, I got support and advise.

You should not blame your husband, it takes time to face this difficult change. And our children can be better and can catch up while growing older. Maybe he or she will not be as smart as some of other children, but they could be normal. If we tried and devote our time and even life to them. I talked to my private doctor last week, he thought kids with global delay could catch up if intensive training is given. And he thought my son's A-feature is not obvious at all...
Now I tried to forget about A-feature, I only devote my time to improve his eye contact, playing skill, language skill, attention and so on.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-10-5 11:16 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 我們的聚腳地∼∼∼士啤酥會;)


Congee is very good in this case. Don't give too many other oily food to him these days. You can
put many water while cooking congee and let him
drink the congee water then.

Don't worry, he will recover and get weight back very quickly after diarrhoea is stopped.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-11-5 17:49 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 我們的聚腳地∼∼∼士啤酥會;)

Gigi2, hinhinmummy,
very happy to hear your children's progress.
My son is improving all the time in language as well.
more and more sentence. But still do not reach the stage of "explosion" as Gigi2's daughter.  And his intention to ask a question is not yet started.
I will work hard and relax myself while teaching him.

However, I was not happy as I lost temper on my elder daughter again last night. She studied in one famous traditional Catholic school. After old principle left, new one set a regulation reg. missing submitting the homework. If it happens 10 times in one term, they will give student a 缺點 at the end of term. Since I have put many effort and time on my son since July, I let herself do homework and check her school bag every day. but she can not do it well without my pushing.. and only half months, she has two record of missing submitting homework now.
I am really disappointing. She is doing very fine in academic score, clever, but just ... She is more and more rebelling in my opinion and shows no respect to her father. She can only follow my instruction,not any others in the family. I am really feeling very tired, exhausted as so many things on my shoulder and seems she can not understand and considerate.
Am I asking too many from a 7-year-old ? I could not control my temper and burst out finally and I was so so regret...
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