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教育王國 討論區 特殊教育 我的ADHD (過度活躍症/多動症/專注力失調) 兒子停藥了! ...
樓主: leeamen

我的ADHD (過度活躍症/多動症/專注力失調) 兒子停藥了!   [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 09-4-11 01:39 |顯示全部帖子
Dear Leeamen and 當媽

Thanks for sharing.  Both of your views are practiable and valuable.    To the matter only with no personal, more discuss and information are better.

Leeamen, my kid's situation is similiar to yours.  Inattentive but no running around in class......

We take the similiar methods to tackle the problem.

(1) Food allergy test, my kid is allergic reaction against the milk product.....  ( generally adhd child with same result ).  But your child can eat chesses, any test before?

(2) Omega Fish oil ( EPA > DHA type)

(3) Daily exercise (what kind of exercise your kid does daily? )

(4) Chinese medication ( to reduce the heat in liver)

(5) International school vs local school, pls share your comment?

Finally, please pm 中醫及魚油資料, 謝謝!


(1) How can we know our kids to be 可能是瘀血多(血效稠,難以流動),可能是腦部某區域異常或腦體積比普通人細等, any test?

(2) 針對而言,epa是有薄血的功效,簡單而言,如adhd孩子屬血稠型而吃高劑量的epa是一定有幫助,而adha的孩子如屬腦體積效細者食高劑量的dha是較洽當,而我兒屬血瘀型,但我都是給他吃高劑量的dha,為何呢?一來他有恆常運動和盡量不開空調,血液循環應該沒問題,二來如吃高劑量的epa,我要不時留意他的血壓和擔心他有大的損傷(因epa會令血液流動得快且易),會大量失血.   
(i) many adhd childs are so clever, they seemed to have not deficiency in dha, epa make more fluency in nerve connection, it helps the child to receive the information and respond the surroundings better?
(ii) some omega fish oil advertisements said the ratio of EPA should > DHA.
(iii) Any information/report can help us more understandings?


Rank: 1

發表於 09-4-12 01:10 |顯示全部帖子
Dear Leeaman:

My kid has been eating the omega 3 oil for one month only, no major change was observed. As you know, at least 3 month to be effected.
His chinese medication is mainly treating his liver's heatness.  ( to reduce his grinding teeth, and sleep better).   The only adv. is the Chinese medication in powder, easy to intake, GMP with no heavy metal... etc.  But your doctor is seemed to be more experience in this field.

B.T.W.  What kind of breakfast, snack for your kids ?
I felt distressed to perpare breakfast, snack for my child, no diary product, no bread, no egg, no ham.. etc.  Any better suggestion?

How much for the Dore programme?  They seemed to be mainly targeted at the dysfunction in the cerebellum only.

I have not received your pm yet,  please pm 中醫及魚油資料, 謝謝!.

God bless your family and be worked together.
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