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[聽/語障] 言語治療服務資料 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 05-11-25 17:04 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 言語治療服務資料


我兒2歲3個月. He has classified to have Autism.
He has the same characterisitic as autism's kids. For example, he likes to see the icon, He will yell (not yet speak) the logo such as Manning, HSBC ... he likes to match the wood block or tape tidy.

At the another point of view, he has the same response as normal kids. He will cry (but not real, no tear) when his father goes to work every morning. He will run to his father feet and laugh when his father is back to home at night. They will play the hidden game. When his father stands behind the door or is hidden by something at the bed, he will run and look for him when he hears his father's call.

At his parent points of view, we think he is not so serious. However, we are not sure to be biased by ourselves.

Hope you can give us your valuable comment. we are not sure whether his autism characteristic will be more or less when growth up. Will he have more chance to overcome his autism characteristic after getting the treatment.

FYI, we enrol 3 course for him, language, Activities (polite and social skill) and Musical training (for training walking more correctly, how to use the hand to do writing. he can walk the stair up and down by himself. But, the professional said he walked not so correctly so he will tire if keep walking). Hope it can help him to overcome "autism" faster.

sorry for any typing mistakes. our office computer cannot type chinese.

Thanks for your advice in advance.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-1-27 16:37 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 言語治療服務資料

Hi 擔心的媽媽,

You had better to ask for the advice from "Mother & Baby Health Centre". Maybe they will transfer your kids to do evaluation.

Don't worry too much. Your kids may not get autism. As your mentioned, he smiles when he sees the another kids. He wants to approach people. At least, he will not be so serious at least.

For my son, he is classified as he has little eyes-contacted with people except his mom and me. He wants to play with kids at his age level but doesn't know how to approach them.

So, we keep playing with him on some eyes-contacted games or put something he likes at the front of our faces. We also get his hand to touch us and show him how little the force should be.

Of course, we enrol some courses for him and learn the technique how to do training by games. Games or training can also help him to catch up speaking faster. He speaks lots of single words to compound words in 2 months from yelling

Anyway, don't do any guess and send him to do evaluation first. Get the answer first and do what you should do in the next stage.

God bless your kid and your family.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-1-27 16:56 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 言語治療服務資料

Hi 擔心的媽媽, pls make a phone call for private testing at the same time if the queue is too long at the government center.

ccy4921 寫道:
Take a assessment in a private centre. The wedsite is www.step-hk.com and the telephone no. 28992993.
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