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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 劍鳴幼稚園-Nursery
樓主: 樂樂豬

劍鳴幼稚園-Nursery [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 06-6-6 18:09 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 劍鳴幼稚園-Nursery

1班有幾多個小朋友架 ? about 2X students

1對10, 但係每班有1個assistant, 咁係咪即係2對20呀 ? no, there are two teachers and 1 assistant (3 people altogether)

同埋係咪無校車,只係保姆車? no, it is 校車 (Mr Lee)

Rank: 4

發表於 06-6-7 22:10 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 劍鳴幼稚園-Nursery

don't worry too much! Last year my son started studying in N1 and he goes to school by school bus. He enjoys travelling by school bus a lot. He likes 校車姨姨 so much. Also, there are many other N1 students taking school bus. The service of Mr Lee is really good.

Rank: 4

發表於 06-6-8 13:45 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 劍鳴幼稚園-Nursery

you seem to have misunderstood what I have written. I mean that my son is not the only N1 student taking school bus. My son is in N1AA. There are 2 more N1 classes in the morning. SO I see that there are some other N1 students (from N1BA, N1CA) taking the school bus. There are definitely no students from other schools taking our KM school bus. The school bus my son takes is a small one . There are only about 1X students in my son's school bus.   

Rank: 4

發表於 06-6-8 13:49 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 劍鳴幼稚園-Nursery

Parents have lessons with their children together for 1 hour only every day. For example, on the first day (9-10am), second day (10-11am), third day (11-12am). Last year, my son started his school in Oct. I could also accompany him to school for 1 hour for the first 3 days. For the last two days, children need to stay in school for 2 hours by themselves without parents' company. I hope I have rememberd everything clearly.

Rank: 4

發表於 06-7-16 15:29 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 劍鳴幼稚園-Nursery

yes, you can buy in the general office, $60 each.
shirleyshek 寫道:
因為註冊個日只有一條校服圍裙, 一條一定唔夠著...。
想請問有冇mummy知道,開學後, 仲有冇校服圍裙賣?我想買多2件?

Rank: 4

發表於 06-10-18 14:55 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 劍鳴幼稚園-Nursery

My son is now studying in K1 in KM. He was also a N1 student last year in KM.  Let me share my views about KM with u.

My son studied in am class. He has changed only one NET teache.  Last year, my son's NET was pregnant and left KM. I think the school has no control over the teachers (esp. the net). They have different reasons for resignation. If you want to resign, your boss cannot make u change your decision too.

For hygiene, I think it is okay.  The teachers always take them to the toilet. Of course somtimes my son's nappy was full when he returned home. It is quite normal. For the case of having poo poo in the nappy, is it because the kid poo poo after the assistant took him to the toilet?

For insufficient communication between teachers and parent, I think parents can also take initiative to contact the teachers. I sometimes call the teachers asking about my son's performance in school.  Sometimes, I just write down something in the handbook and then the teachers will phone me or simply write down their feedback in the handbook too.

All in all, I am very satisfied with KM. My son really has learnt a lot in Chinese, English, Maths, discipline...


Rank: 4

發表於 06-11-12 13:09 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 劍鳴幼稚園-Nursery

My son is now a K1 student of KM. Last year in N1, my son had been sick almost for 1-2 months after he started  N1.. I asked our doctor what I could do to make him stronger and healthier. The doctor told me it is very normal for N1 to get sick in the first few months of schooling.  After they have adapted to different kinds of virus, they will not be easily infected. Don't worry! After a few months later, they will get sick less frequently.  

The hygiene of KM is not bad as their classrooms and campus are quite clean actually. When my son shows any symptoms in school, the teacheers will phone me and ask me to take him to see a doctor.
listenken 寫道:
好唔開心呀, 個女返自返學以來都不停病, 令我束手冇冊, 群體生活真係.........., 還是學校的衛生及防預安排不佳

Rank: 4

發表於 06-11-23 00:10 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 劍鳴幼稚園-Nursery

Don't worry! In the second term, KM will send a parent's letter to all N1 students asking if you are going to stay in KM for K1 or not. All N1 students are guaranteed a school place in K1 if they plan to stay in KM.

I think the school does not ask the parents about 去留情況 at this early stage so as to avoid embarrassment ...
藍鞋子 寫道:

仲有另外一個問題係, 聽聞呢個星期尾學校會發信通知k1收錄結果, 咁點解我地原校n班冇任何通知/諮詢去留情況

Rank: 4

發表於 06-12-1 19:41 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 劍鳴幼稚園-Nursery

yes, the school campus of km is not very big but the teacher-student ratio is small.

LokLok95 寫道:
Dear all Ma Ma,

  I am now thinking to apply 劍鳴.  However, my friend have a site visit (school) recently and her comments is not very good.  The school fee is not cheap but the school site is just like a house and not too much space (etc playground) for the child.  How about your opinion ?

Kindly share with me.  Many thank!

Rank: 4

發表於 06-12-20 22:46 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 劍鳴幼稚園-Nursery

you need not prepare any food. If you want to give presents to other kids, you can bring them back to school. holiday (22/12 - 1/1)
cable360 寫道:
明天是聖誕聯歡會, 我地是否要準備食物呀, 要否帶禮物呀, 因在手冊又無提過, 老師又無講過, 又想問下聖誕節假期是幾時放到幾時呀?  請指教.

Rank: 4

發表於 06-12-29 01:25 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 劍鳴幼稚園-Nursery

The turnover rate of NETs is high in general in many KG. Even in secondary schools, many NETs resign from time to time. It is not especially high in KM. I don't think 內部有咩問題 because many teachers of KM have been teaching for many years.  My son has been studying in KM for 2 years but NONE of his teachers resign. (touchwood)

listenken 寫道:
九月時走了黎老師, 而家又話走Ms. Nicola......唉! 係咪內部有咩問題?

Isaac_Ma 寫道:
meowmeow 寫道:
           走啦??  咁快??[quote]
pluie 寫道:
係呀, ms nicola 走啦...      

我都有同justin 講, 但佢冇反應!  

想問問大家劍鳴既老師流失率高嗎?[/quote] [/quote]

Rank: 4

發表於 07-7-12 16:47 |顯示全部帖子
Tweety 112,
Don't worry! There are about 4-5 NET teachers in KM but in N1 am classes, there is only one NET teacher. She teaches 3 classes at different times. for PM classes, there should be two NETs if there are 2 classes.

I am also very curious to know how u asked Maryknoll about KM and HK Pre-school. Pls share, thanks!:loveliness:

[ 本文章最後由 Woodymom 於 07-7-12 16:50 編輯 ]

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