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樓主: 123onebaby

馬鞍山合一堂vis 大圍聖母無玷聖心 [複製鏈接]

發表於 12-11-16 10:39 |只看該作者

我媽天天帶兩個孫女返學, 佢覺得學校o既校長主任老師都要親切, 就算唔係教孫女的主任都叫得出孩子的名字, 亦唔覺得有很多新移民, 因為家長們都很有禮貌秩序, 起碼湊放學唔會打尖。我朋友話佢係st-cat湊放學, d 本地家長日日都借d 意打尖....我覺得作為家長唔應該咁樣標籤。

至於上小一適應,大部份學券幼稚園都係咁上下課程, 小朋友大部份都會適應到, 當中一定有過程...但又唔需要太擔心。以前合一堂真係淺d, 我女d 同學家長都話哥哥姐姐上小一好辛苦, 因為唔慣寫字, 所以佢地現在k2已開始寫字, 以前係k2下學期先寫實體字。

我自己覺得, 揀得呢間學校, 你要重視學校train佢地o既品德, 自理同埋宗教, 否則, 呢個唔係適合你o既地方...尤其係著重兩文三語o既家長, 咁係搵錯地方。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-11-16 10:44 |只看該作者



Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-11-16 14:07 |只看該作者
回復 michelle2307 的帖子

hello michelle,

good to know you become a new member of "MOS", 'MOS" is a very good living area, hope you and your family will enjoy to live here.

Think / Wellbone / Boxhill / Fo Tan Preschool/ Greenfield-
mostly the spoken lanuage is English, and those are 無學卷

Hip Yat Tong / Saint Sum - is mostly spoken in Cantonese and those are 有學卷

You may conside which lanuage you prefer for your baby.

Hey, Saint Sum is not in MOS, it is placed at Tai Wai - Shatin.

My son born in mid of July, Middle B :)

Wish your baby will get offer from the BEST one.

發表於 12-11-16 15:39 |只看該作者

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-11-19 09:54 |只看該作者
cyym 發表於 12-11-16 14:07
回復 michelle2307 的帖子

hello michelle,

hi, cyym,

Thanks for your introduction, i think i will pay the deposit for Saint Sum as this is the only AM offer for me, but i do target at some K which can provide my son a better training in academic.

My son was born in Oct, small B, so it's difficult to get an AM offer actually.  Luckily he is good at speaking (in English), so i think i will choose him a Cantonese school.

Yes, i know Saint Sum is in Tai Wai, so, it may take half an hour for him to travel if we move to MOS.

I paid the deposit to wellborn PM class, and hope they can give me an AM offer at last as i have written the letter for requesting to change to AM.

May i ask if you were me, which one would you choose, wellborn AM and Saint Sum AM?  Suppose no offer from Hop Yat Tong.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-11-19 09:58 |只看該作者
titanlow 發表於 12-11-16 10:39

我媽天天帶兩個孫女返學, 佢覺得學校o既校長主任老師都要親切, 就算唔係教孫女的 ...

hi, titanlow,

you mentioned : 尤其係著重兩文三語o既家長, 咁係搵錯地方。

so, if i live in MOS, which school is suitable for parents' who are 著重兩文三語?

Coz i think i am that kind of parent, and after your comment, i think Hop Yat Tong is not suitable for my son.

I only have Saint Sum AM offer and Wellborn PM offer now and i do apply Munsang, Pui Ching, HKPS (KLT and Fo Tan), KLT Alliance.  

But i think the chance for the school in KLT should have very low chance as my son is small B, born in Oct.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-11-19 11:59 |只看該作者
回復 michelle2307 的帖子

hello michelle,

if i were u, I may consider "greenfield" at mos center, my son is studying here and he enjoys the school life,
for greenfield, there are 20 mins for putonghua / 20 mins for cantonese / rest of time will be speaking english daily,
the teacher here is quite good, "i loving it" :)

so now, i still considering should I change to another school for coming K1

or the KLT those all you listed + Fo Tan Preschool is also very well. Good luck for BB.

Dun care about the small B la, I did saw some small B is quite smart during interview, believe your son is one of
smart BB, add oil!

Carmen ^^

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-11-19 12:45 |只看該作者
cyym 發表於 12-11-19 11:59
回復 michelle2307 的帖子

hello michelle,
Hi, Carmen,

Thank you, i know greenfield is good, but i missed the deadline for the application of K1 2013-14, so no chance for that.

My son can speak complete sentence in english, can ask questions using English, but definitely he cannot understand cantonese.  So, i would prefer him to learn more cantonese in Kindergarten, and i would prefer local stream than the international stream.

If i were you, i may stay in Greenfield if no other better offer from KLT school, but i know it's quite expensive, so, if KLT school's offer, better send your kid out, is this your plan?

I would definitely send my son to the pri. sch. outside, not studing pri. sch. in MOS, so i need to plan for that.
WHat is your target pri. sch.?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-11-19 14:06 |只看該作者
回復 michelle2307 的帖子

Hi Michelle,

Your son is really a smart BB ah. In fact, you may check with GH later whether to see if they have spare quota, my son just interview at end of Aug and start to study at beg of Sep.

For K1, think my son will study in 沙田平安福音堂, as you mention, Greenfield maybe too expensive ($3XXX x 12m),
as I plan to have 2nd baby (not yet have it ga), so we need to cut cost, hehe^^

In fact, I have applied "KV", "KM", "宣道" ,"創價", "Pui Ching" and "Pui Toon", except "宣道", we didn't / won't go to interview all rest of it. Have discussed with my hushand, we preferred baby not study too far away...

For Primary, again, we need to cut cost ma, so we would not plan to study at KLN la, will consider MOS and shatin only, of coz. If we dun have luck to have 2nd baby, then we could spend more $$ to provide better study environment to my son la...

BTW, did you confirm which part will live in MOS is coming FEB? just 八掛 to see if we will be a neighbohood ^^

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-11-19 14:20 |只看該作者
回復 cyym 的帖子

Hi cyym,

我同你情況一樣,今年年尾會有另一個小朋友出世, 依家仲考慮緊究竟讀有學卷定無學卷, 如果得一個小朋友就肯定比佢讀最好,但依家有兩個, 使費會倍數計, 我仲諗緊呀.... 平安福音堂就有學卷但驚小一追得好辛苦...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-11-19 14:48 |只看該作者
回復 misscoco 的帖子

hello coco,

恭喜你第二個寶寶快出世 :)

或者咁諗, 如果小妹有幸有第二個寶寶, 而兩個都無學卷, 對我來講就比較吃力,
因此我....大局已訂了....舒服/輕鬆/快樂要緊....但綠茵真係幾好架, 我會唔捨得...

不過, 可能我4年話你知. 我既選擇係大錯特錯都唔定架.....

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-11-19 15:01 |只看該作者
回復 cyym 的帖子

Hi cyym,


不過我依家會可能咁諗, 就係比個大女讀無學卷既幼稚園, 等佢學多D野, 係學術基礎上行先, 三年後搵間好既小學, 鋪定條路比個細女, 當個細女要讀K1既時候, 如果經濟唔許可就搵有學卷既幼稚園, 然後希望可以比較大既機會讀番大女個間小學, 唔知咁諗啱唔啱!!!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-11-19 15:09 |只看該作者
回復 misscoco 的帖子

hello coco,

都啱架, 好好栽培下大女啦, 細妹妹條路都係睇家姐頭.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-11-19 15:19 |只看該作者
回復 cyym 的帖子



不過最主要都係諗英藝或者平安福音堂, 好難選擇啊....

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-11-19 15:23 |只看該作者
田家炳都ok ga, 點解唔考慮?
英藝應該學術會好d bor, 係咪呢?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-11-19 16:03 |只看該作者
回復 cyym 的帖子

田家炳都ok ga, 點解唔考慮?
但如果compare to沙平就好似沙平好D, 係咪?

英藝應該學術會好d bor, 係咪呢?
因為沙田英藝係新校,所以無reference, 但九龍塘分校幾好, 應該沙田分校都唔差掛, 但學費四千幾!!



Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-11-19 16:15 |只看該作者
回復 misscoco 的帖子

$4xxx 太貴啦, 讀足3年, 貴過讀大學啦...

我暫時決定會讀沙平, 除非到最後都係唔捨得綠茵啦...

我諗我地喺呢個post要完了, 因為我倆既對話好似同個topic有出入,
會阻住有心找馬鞍山合一堂vis 大圍聖母無玷聖心的父母..sorry

如果你想一齊分享, pm la, thx!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-11-20 12:22 |只看該作者
cyym 發表於 12-11-19 14:06
回復 michelle2307 的帖子

Hi Michelle,
Hi, Carmen,

I tried to call Green field in late Sept, but they said no vacancy.

I will move to Sunshine city, how about you?  So, Hop Yat Tong is very suitable for me, as it's very near, plus i am now pregnant for 6 months and i only have 1 helper to take care of my older son and the newborn bb.

I think you should go to Pui Ching also for interview, did you send the application form last week?  Coz it's dragon school, no need to apply for pri. sch. again, but Pui Ching Pri. Sch. need to pay school fee $3xxx per month, quite expensive.

宣道 also need to pay $2300/month wor, do you know that?

Anyway, i will pay the deposit to Saint Sum tomorrow coz i really not sure which offer i can get at last.

Rank: 4

發表於 12-11-26 01:09 |只看該作者

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發表於 12-11-26 09:17 |只看該作者

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