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教育王國 討論區 特殊教育 "稚言治語"信箱...
樓主: Dr.T

"稚言治語"信箱... [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-29 09:46 |只看該作者

Re: "稚言治語"信箱...

Dr. Chan,

May I know which clinic or hospital are you working at?  You seem 'so professiona' in saying such professional terms but 'extremely non-professional' in giving such subjective opinions!!!!

I feel ashamed of reading your advice saying that you are a DOCTOR!!!  May I have your full name or you can pm me if you are afraid of disclosing your information!  You just pop out to this column now???  May I ask you if you have read all our BK moms's postings before sending out this ridiculous message?  I doubt if you are a qualified doctor to speak so rude to others, no matter it's therapists, or parents!

Please behave yourself in your wordings towards Ms. Sung.  We parents here in BK are not blind!  We have the right to ask any questions here!  If you do not agree, please go away and do not step in!  You are NOT welcome!!!!

If you can provide better services than your other so-called professions, please let us know your contact!!!

Don't stir up any trouble any more, save your time to serve your (unlucky) patients!  I hope none of our moms here have visited you before or after!!!!


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-9-29 10:23 |只看該作者

Re: "稚言治語"信箱...


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-9-29 10:31 |只看該作者

Re: "稚言治語"信箱...

1. kawai
2. 思佳媽咪
3. Mickeyma
4. Gigi2 (我呢輪忙到'屎'但點都要簽名以示支持!)
5. Monkeymama
6. Mrs Cheung
7 mimiip
8 梓麒媽媽
9. ffmami
10. chinghimma (在此再多謝稚言冶語的幫助)
11. cy101
12. kmwun
14. sjmama
15. Justin2002
16. cheungmanwai (我每日入o黎為左睇佢)
17. BBHim
18. Rabbitpiggy (之前囝囝還未開口講野時, 稚言治語答過我好多問題, 又email 我那份在家訓練小朋友的方法, 真係要向佢講聲多謝)
19. Babytweety
20. loklokc (我都要多謝佢那份在家訓練小朋友的方法!)
21. chungchungma (we miss you very much)
22. coolpig (我"mike"佢個topic"mike"左好奈, 個度有很多不同case和重要資料值得家長參考, 我亦多謝佢那份在家訓練小朋友的方法, 如果因為咁而唔見左個topic, 真係十二萬分可惜)
23. BB頭maimimi (大臣,裏面真係有好多有用的資料架,開番比稚言治語啦,如果唔係,好快連Dr. T的都冇埋,就冇人會唔收錢解答我

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-9-29 10:55 |只看該作者

Re: "稚言治語"信箱...

Please may I say a few words....

I seldom write here but I love to read those wrote by Dr T and 稚言治語.  For those who claimed to be professional and ethical, have you ever feel how upset, painful and down when our kids are diagnosed as "special kids"?  Do you really have a good heart and really want to help others out?  There's no use if someone just quotes themselves as professional and competent, if their advice was to ask us to seek professional help.  This is an open forum, and people are free to exchange ideas and talk.  We as parents, are not as FOOLISH or BLIND, we are adults and know what we are doing.  We won't go and visit Dr T  and 稚言治語 simply because they talk and response our queries here, also their services are really not cheap at all!!!!!        

Whereas we received a lot of FREE but USEFUL advice here.  In my case, my kid does not speak too much before but after I employed the method by 稚言治語 learnt from here, I began to learn the essence of communication with our special kids and also my kid does improve a lot.  I've never paid anything for their FREE but PRECIOUS services!!!  Rather I really thank God that we could have two good hearts professionals here to give us a helping hand!!!!

I know there must be rules in BK, but I strongly hope
ALONE you could think of a "win-win" solution so that this forum can still helping many parents of special kids !!!!!     

Rank: 1

發表於 05-9-29 13:55 |只看該作者

Re: "稚言治語"信箱...

由 leungchai 於 2005-09-29 10:31:05

1. kawai
2. 思佳媽咪
3. Mickeyma
4. Gigi2 (我呢輪忙到'屎'但點都要簽名以示支持!)
5. Monkeymama
6. Mrs Cheung
7 mimiip
8 梓麒媽媽
9. ffmami
10. chinghimma (在此再多謝稚言冶語的幫助)
11. cy101
12. kmwun
14. sjmama
15. Justin2002
16. cheungmanwai (我每日入o黎為左睇佢)
17. BBHim
18. Rabbitpiggy (之前囝囝還未開口講野時, 稚言治語答過我好多問題, 又email 我那份在家訓練小朋友的方法, 真係要向佢講聲多謝)
19. Babytweety
20. loklokc (我都要多謝佢那份在家訓練小朋友的方法!)
21. chungchungma (we miss you very much)
22. coolpig (我"mike"佢個topic"mike"左好奈, 個度有很多不同case和重要資料值得家長參考, 我亦多謝佢那份在家訓練小朋友的方法, 如果因為咁而唔見左個topic, 真係十二萬分可惜)
23. BB頭maimimi (大臣,裏面真係有好多有用的資料架,開番比稚言治語啦,如果唔係,好快連Dr. T的都冇埋,就冇人會唔收錢解答我

Rank: 4

發表於 05-9-29 14:11 |只看該作者

Re: "稚言治語"信箱...

Dr Chan,




1. Do you still remember that you have replied the following enquires that:
a. doctors are not expert in child language, ST should be the expert.
b. HA speech therapist deal with adults in ward and thus not so good as ST in special schools

a. 言語治療師在本港的訓練為四年全日制學士課程,四年內涉及語言發展的課程時間及內容等相信會比醫學生為多。醫科課程的範圍廣,專注某一方面的時間相對較少,相信你也同意。單以語言發展來說,我認為言語治療師真的比一般醫生專業。當然,專門負責診治兒童發展的醫生會在他們的專科上繼續進修。或許你沒有聽過,但我的確曾經從不少家長口中得知,當他們帶兩歲多還未開口說話的小朋友往見醫生,有些醫生會告訴他們沒有問題,可以等到三歲再看。誠然,有些小朋友日後會跟到進度,但為免延誤發展,我會建議家長找言語治療師做評估。這也是我一向的答法,請問誤導何來?

b. 在我的記憶中,我從沒有說過這樣的話,可能是言詞間有所誤會。我曾在特殊學校工作,也曾在醫管局工作,怎麼會不知道在醫院中工作的部分ST同事同時兼顧成人與兒童服務?至於在處理幼兒語言發展上,專注於兒童服務的同工(即在EETC,ICCC,SCCC及特殊學校工作的同事)通常會比較有經驗,也是事實吧?如果家長問的是有關中風後吞嚥問題的處理,我也會請他們請教在醫院工作的同事,而不是在特殊學校工作的ST。我相信你也同意,家庭醫生能較全面地照顧病人身體各方面的毛病,但若發現病人有心臟病,這位醫生會轉介病人找心臟科醫生跟進,為什麼呢?

2. How do you justify your wordings?  From a paediatrician perspective, doctors do have their expertise in child development, not just language, but also motor, cognitive, emotion......


3. Doctors can also do the Reynell Developmental Language Skills assessment!!!!!!

閣下所指的,是雷妮氏語言發展量表吧?這份評估工具的英文名稱為:Reynell Developmental Language Scales,而不是Reynell Developmental Language Skills assessment。我也知道醫生合資格做這份評估工具,也從沒有否定。跟據這評估工具的手冊,"曾受測試及訓練幼兒培訓的測試員"也可以執行,並不限於醫生及言語治療師。


4. If you are not self promoting, why do you need to disclose your backgroud, information, interview on newspaper, identity....


5. Do you know why doctors won't answer in details for the enquires in internet? I can only see your reply and your argument is misleading BK parents. Well, I am quite doubt.....

稚言治語 = 一個很喜歡治療小朋友語言問題的言語治療師﹗ ;-) 不要怕,只要信﹗希望在人間吖嘛﹗ 你今日微笑了嗎?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-29 14:59 |只看該作者

Re: "稚言治語"信箱...



耶穌在路上看見一個生下來就瞎眼的人。他的門徒問他說:「老師,這個人生來就瞎眼,是誰的罪造成的?是他自己的罪,還是他父母的罪呢?」 耶穌回答說:「他瞎眼和他自己或他父母的罪都沒有關係,而是要在他身上彰顯天主的能力。」(若/ 約9:1-3) 你應該在上主面前安心依靠,不要因萬事順當的人而煩惱 (詠/詩 37:7) "If you really love one another, you will not be able to avoid making sacrifices." ~ Mother Teresa

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-29 15:46 |只看該作者

Re: "稚言治語"信箱...

Dr. Chan,

I believe most if not all parents here have brought their children for proper assessment , we are not FOOLISH and BLIND(quoted from leungchai), we don't just ask questions here and do nothing to help our children.

When I first found out my son is Asperger, I felt very helpless and worried. I came to this forum and got lots of support and useful advice from other parents and professionals. This is a forum to share experiences and informations, sometimes to get a second opinions too, but definitely not a place to point fingers and insult other people.

If you have to  accuse Ms. Sung, show us some evidence that she has made personal gain or at least show us your identity.......we want to know how ethical you are!


Rank: 4

發表於 05-9-29 16:30 |只看該作者

Re: "稚言治語"信箱...

你說得簡潔而清淅, 溫婉而有力, 而且對事不對人, 道行+德行都非一般人可比.
稚言治語 寫道:
Dr Chan,




1. Do you still remember that you have replied the following enquires that:
a. doctors are not expert in child language, ST should be the expert.
b. HA speech therapist deal with adults in ward and thus not so good as ST in special schools

a. 言語治療師在本港的訓練為四年全日制學士課程,四年內涉及語言發展的課程時間及內容等相信會比醫學生為多。醫科課程的範圍廣,專注某一方面的時間相對較少,相信你也同意。單以語言發展來說,我認為言語治療師真的比一般醫生專業。當然,專門負責診治兒童發展的醫生會在他們的專科上繼續進修。或許你沒有聽過,但我的確曾經從不少家長口中得知,當他們帶兩歲多還未開口說話的小朋友往見醫生,有些醫生會告訴他們沒有問題,可以等到三歲再看。誠然,有些小朋友日後會跟到進度,但為免延誤發展,我會建議家長找言語治療師做評估。這也是我一向的答法,請問誤導何來?

b. 在我的記憶中,我從沒有說過這樣的話,可能是言詞間有所誤會。我曾在特殊學校工作,也曾在醫管局工作,怎麼會不知道在醫院中工作的部分ST同事同時兼顧成人與兒童服務?至於在處理幼兒語言發展上,專注於兒童服務的同工(即在EETC,ICCC,SCCC及特殊學校工作的同事)通常會比較有經驗,也是事實吧?如果家長問的是有關中風後吞嚥問題的處理,我也會請他們請教在醫院工作的同事,而不是在特殊學校工作的ST。我相信你也同意,家庭醫生能較全面地照顧病人身體各方面的毛病,但若發現病人有心臟病,這位醫生會轉介病人找心臟科醫生跟進,為什麼呢?

2. How do you justify your wordings?  From a paediatrician perspective, doctors do have their expertise in child development, not just language, but also motor, cognitive, emotion......


3. Doctors can also do the Reynell Developmental Language Skills assessment!!!!!!

閣下所指的,是雷妮氏語言發展量表吧?這份評估工具的英文名稱為:Reynell Developmental Language Scales,而不是Reynell Developmental Language Skills assessment。我也知道醫生合資格做這份評估工具,也從沒有否定。跟據這評估工具的手冊,"曾受測試及訓練幼兒培訓的測試員"也可以執行,並不限於醫生及言語治療師。


4. If you are not self promoting, why do you need to disclose your backgroud, information, interview on newspaper, identity....


5. Do you know why doctors won't answer in details for the enquires in internet? I can only see your reply and your argument is misleading BK parents. Well, I am quite doubt.....


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-9-29 16:46 |只看該作者

Re: "稚言治語"信箱...

Dear Dr. Chan Chan,

Oh no! Should be Dr. Chan as Dr. Chan Chan is one of the puppet characters in my little girl’s dental VCD.  HemHemm..let me clear my throat…

Dear Dr. Chan,

I don’t know whether you are a paediatrician or psychologist or other professional.  Have you ever handled any case regarding special children?  What do the parents or children (your clients) look when they come to consult you?  Do you focus on curing the sickness or curing people or both or none?  If you focus on diagnosing the symptoms, it is quite logical to present a range of medical terms, assessment methods and referral centers in HK etc and no wonder why you are totally out of reality.

Please rest assure that we as parents who definitely will:

1)        consult paediatricians for assessment and ask for referral;
2)        send referrals to assessment centers for queuing;
3)        receive assessment by private or government assessment centers;
4)        being assessed and arranged any necessary training in future ie.st/ot/gross motor etc.

See?  It is very standard and formal which is a mechanism to follow the steps.  However, do all your clients know the above well before coming to see you?  Before we go to visit the doctors (before we’re paying the money to them), someone who can advise us the appropriate ways to apply for or queue and more valuable is, someone who are not the normal parents but with professional qualifications in the field.  

One more thing! We are not only seeking for moral support specifically from Miss Sung.  Parents here are looking for supports from everyone in BK provided that he/she is wholly-hearted and dedicated.  Disregard of personal identity, we will be longing for support and valuable advice from anybody here!  In addition, we will also observe, think and analyse the friends from web world!  We will protect ourselves as well!

Any evidence from you regarding the self promotion from Miss Sung which generates her good attractive profits for her business?  You may be the one if you tell us who you are but please – please show us your sincerity, patience, harmonious, dedication to this forum and PLEASE prove us who you are with detailed special training background.  

I am not the client from Miss Sung but I would appreciate with her fair comments on my problems.  Frankly, I will judge what I have been told.  Please tell me who gained such a big power and is able to control and manipulate the professional views here?  Parents here, no matter using Chinese or English, are high qualified ones who will not be fooled around by a piece of advice in the forum.

Dr. gigi2


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-9-29 17:13 |只看該作者

Re: "稚言治語"信箱...


gigi2 寫道:
Parents here are looking for supports from everyone in BK provided that he/she is wholly-hearted and dedicated.  Disregard of personal identity, we will be longing for support and valuable advice from anybody here

Rank: 2

發表於 05-9-29 22:15 |只看該作者

Re: "稚言治語"信箱...

I hope that you can give more information to me about the free sessions after you can talk in this forum again.  or pm me.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-9-29 22:51 |只看該作者

Re: "稚言治語"信箱...

1. kawai
2. 思佳媽咪
3. Mickeyma
4. Gigi2 (我呢輪忙到'屎'但點都要簽名以示支持!)
5. Monkeymama
6. Mrs Cheung
7 mimiip
8 梓麒媽媽
9. ffmami
10. chinghimma (在此再多謝稚言冶語的幫助)
11. cy101
12. kmwun
14. sjmama
15. Justin2002
16. cheungmanwai (我每日入o黎為左睇佢)
17. BBHim
18. Rabbitpiggy (之前囝囝還未開口講野時, 稚言治語答過我好多問題, 又email 我那份在家訓練小朋友的方法, 真係要向佢講聲多謝)
19. Babytweety
20. loklokc (我都要多謝佢那份在家訓練小朋友的方法!)
21. chungchungma (we miss you very much)
22. coolpig (我"mike"佢個topic"mike"左好奈, 個度有很多不同case和重要資料值得家長參考, 我亦多謝佢那份在家訓練小朋友的方法, 如果因為咁而唔見左個topic, 真係十二萬分可惜)
23. BB頭maimimi (大臣,裏面真係有好多有用的資料架,開番比稚言治語啦,如果唔係,好快連Dr. T的都冇埋,就冇人會唔收錢解答我

發表於 05-9-29 23:05 |只看該作者

Re: "稚言治語"信箱...

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-30 00:10 |只看該作者

Re: "稚言治語"信箱...

1. kawai
2. 思佳媽咪
3. Mickeyma
4. Gigi2 (我呢輪忙到'屎'但點都要簽名以示支持!)
5. Monkeymama
6. Mrs Cheung
7 mimiip
8 梓麒媽媽
9. ffmami
10. chinghimma (在此再多謝稚言冶語的幫助)
11. cy101
12. kmwun
14. sjmama
15. Justin2002
16. cheungmanwai (我每日入o黎為左睇佢)
17. BBHim
18. Rabbitpiggy (之前囝囝還未開口講野時, 稚言治語答過我好多問題, 又email 我那份在家訓練小朋友的方法, 真係要向佢講聲多謝)
19. Babytweety
20. loklokc (我都要多謝佢那份在家訓練小朋友的方法!)
21. chungchungma (we miss you very much)
22. coolpig (我"mike"佢個topic"mike"左好奈, 個度有很多不同case和重要資料值得家長參考, 我亦多謝佢那份在家訓練小朋友的方法, 如果因為咁而唔見左個topic, 真係十二萬分可惜)
23. BB頭maimimi (大臣,裏面真係有好多有用的資料架,開番比稚言治語啦,如果唔係,好快連Dr. T的都冇埋,就冇人會唔收錢解答我

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-30 09:43 |只看該作者

Re: "稚言治語"信箱...

由 MayFair 於 2005-09-30 00:10:18

1. kawai
2. 思佳媽咪
3. Mickeyma
4. Gigi2 (我呢輪忙到'屎'但點都要簽名以示支持!)
5. Monkeymama
6. Mrs Cheung
7 mimiip
8 梓麒媽媽
9. ffmami
10. chinghimma (在此再多謝稚言冶語的幫助)
11. cy101
12. kmwun
14. sjmama
15. Justin2002
16. cheungmanwai (我每日入o黎為左睇佢)
17. BBHim
18. Rabbitpiggy (之前囝囝還未開口講野時, 稚言治語答過我好多問題, 又email 我那份在家訓練小朋友的方法, 真係要向佢講聲多謝)
19. Babytweety
20. loklokc (我都要多謝佢那份在家訓練小朋友的方法!)
21. chungchungma (we miss you very much)
22. coolpig (我"mike"佢個topic"mike"左好奈, 個度有很多不同case和重要資料值得家長參考, 我亦多謝佢那份在家訓練小朋友的方法, 如果因為咁而唔見左個topic, 真係十二萬分可惜)
23. BB頭maimimi (大臣,裏面真係有好多有用的資料架,開番比稚言治語啦,如果唔係,好快連Dr. T的都冇埋,就冇人會唔收錢解答我

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-9-30 11:08 |只看該作者

Re: "稚言治語"信箱...

無左DR.T同稚姑娘, BK都無咁多人上啦, 廣告費收入自然下降, 應該比返顧問費DR.T同稚姑娘呀!   

Rank: 21Rank: 21Rank: 21Rank: 21Rank: 21Rank: 21

冬日勳章 熱血金章

發表於 05-9-30 13:48 |只看該作者

Re: "稚言治語"信箱...


其實我們亦十分關注各位的意見, 幾天前我PM稚言自語, 希望商討解決方法, 但至今仍未有回覆!!!

BK設立這個特殊教育這個討論區, 也是希望為這群父母爭取到更多的空間, 讓孩子有更好的發展, 根本不是商業的項目. 但網站內的管理要一貫, 每個討論區也要平等, 這樣才能令BK穩定及成長.

稚小姐與Dr.T在這裡設立信箱, 我們事先不知情, 直到有會員投訴我們處理廣告的問題, 我們才有行動.

你問我如何定位, 我覺得商業機構或私人執業的朋友, 很難知道是義工還是自我宣傳, 除非是退休了或純義工, 不然只好統一處理, 這個是沒辦法中的辦法.

其實這幾天我聯絡了合適的專家, 稍後會為大家服務, 那大家就不用擔心啦.

如仍有什麼問題, 歡迎直接PM我討論


Rank: 4

發表於 05-9-30 14:04 |只看該作者

Re: "稚言治語"信箱...

如此說來, 大臣是打算連Dr. T的信箱也刪掉了?
大臣 寫道:

稚小姐與Dr.T在這裡設立信箱, 我們事先不知情, 直到有會員投訴我們處理廣告的問題, 我們才有行動.

你問我如何定位, 我覺得商業機構或私人執業的朋友, 很難知道是義工還是自我宣傳, 除非是退休了或純義工, 不然只好統一處理, 這個是沒辦法中的辦法.

其實這幾天我聯絡了合適的專家, 稍後會為大家服務, 那大家就不用擔心啦.

如仍有什麼問題, 歡迎直接PM我討論

但願媽媽的眼淚能灌溉寶寶, 讓寶寶茁壯地成長

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-9-30 14:23 |只看該作者

Re: "稚言治語"信箱...



1. 具體的投訴內容及指控;
2. 涉及的版規的具體明文規定;
3. 王國管理層認為違規的地方及理由;
4. 可供王國管理層選擇的處理方案;
5. 王國管理層的將會採取的方案及其理由.


耶穌在路上看見一個生下來就瞎眼的人。他的門徒問他說:「老師,這個人生來就瞎眼,是誰的罪造成的?是他自己的罪,還是他父母的罪呢?」 耶穌回答說:「他瞎眼和他自己或他父母的罪都沒有關係,而是要在他身上彰顯天主的能力。」(若/ 約9:1-3) 你應該在上主面前安心依靠,不要因萬事順當的人而煩惱 (詠/詩 37:7) "If you really love one another, you will not be able to avoid making sacrifices." ~ Mother Teresa
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