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樓主: gigi2

A good book for training the autistic child at home [複製鏈接]

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發表於 04-4-26 11:40 |只看該作者

Re: A good book for training the autistic child at home

I finished reading Louis Program in a day and really admired the hardwork put in by Mrs. Wong.  Although my girl got only speech delay without other autistic features, I find the exercises recommended in the book also suitable for other kids, especially ones with weak communication skills.

Gigi2 really thank you so much for your recommendation on this book.  I've got plans on how to prepare the materials for the exercises already and will try it out on my girl.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-4-26 11:48 |只看該作者

Re: A good book for training the autistic child at home


Not at all and it's my pleasure to do it.  Wish you success in your girl's training and share with us for her achievements!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-4-26 12:21 |只看該作者

Re: A good book for training the autistic child at home

Hi gigi2,

I've posted a little achievement of hers under  "LOOK FOR A RELIABLE PRIVATE SPEECH THERAPIST, ANY RECOMMENDATIONS? URGENT NEED!".  She could finally combine Bye Bye and Papa to say Bye bye Papa.  I hope this is not one-off and she would continue to improve.

It is so good that our kids got some progress.   Let's keep it up.  Our hard work will pay off eventually.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-4-26 13:07 |只看該作者

Re: A good book for training the autistic child at home

Oh yes! I've missed this topic.  Very glad to see your girl improvement on verbal expression as the ST also advised me to speak more verbs in front of my girl.

Let's continue to work hard for our sweeties!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-4-26 15:39 |只看該作者

Re: A good book for training the autistic child at home




Rank: 4

發表於 04-4-28 08:54 |只看該作者

Re: A good book for training the autistic child at home

thank you for bringing Mdm Yim to us.  I will take the course in May.  Hope that I can gain better technique to train my son at home.  Every night I will spend 20-30 mins with my son on table tasks.  But I am not creative enough to bring new tasks for my son.  This course may be just in time for storming my brain.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-4-28 09:21 |只看該作者

Re: A good book for training the autistic child at home

Hello HayBmum,

Not at all and it's my pleasure to do it.  

Madam Yim is a great mother in my eyes after reading her book.  Hope more people can be benefited from her training course or from the Book no matter the children are autistic or only delay in some areas of their development.

Let us support and encourage with each other and try harder for our lovely children!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-5-5 21:51 |只看該作者

Re: A good book for training the autistic child at home

I'm very very glad to see my girl recent improvement after 1 month of intensive training though I have lost my weight (I count it is a bonus to myself, he..he..) and feel a bit of tired.

My girl is willing to express herself more and more both by physically and verbally.  Yesterday she requested me to switch on VCD and said 'Switch on TV' and used finger to point to the TV at the same time.  Then I gave her 2 favourite VCDs for selection, she named the one that she chosen and handed the VCD to me then  said, 'Thank you!'   She tried to use more verbs ever than before.  Her cognitive and emotional got very good improvement which enable her to understand a lot of happenings then she is willing to express herself more.  Now she find that speaking is a good tool to communicate with us and she has shown interests to learn words from people.

More surprisingly is her fine motor, she grasped the skills in a quick manner.  Without any help from us she can perform well with buttoning herself, stand alone to brush her teeth, drawing straight lines, sewing card and screwing bottles etc. which totally over my expectation.

Look at the mirror which reflects myself as a panda but it is still worth to keep on hard working for my girl.

Never give up!


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-5-8 00:39 |只看該作者

Re: A good book for training the autistic child at home


I haven't visited this website for quite sometime but I am deeply impressed by your efforts towards your girl.  Are you using the trainings programmes suggested by Madam Yim in her book?  I just bought it but I haven't started reading it yet.  To me, the greatest difficulties I face now is how to make my son stay for a longer time to play the games.  This is really a headache to me.

So you think ST also works?  Did your girl need to have quite sometime before buidling a relationship with her?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-5-8 10:18 |只看該作者

Re: A good book for training the autistic child at home

The OT works will require the child's attentive to perform the table tasks so it should be useful to improve the kids in the area of attention span.  Actually, both ST and OT also will have attentive training through structured playing activities.

To train the kid sit properly and longer for table tasks that will depend on the current degree of the kid's behavioral problem.  The worser of their problems, the lesser time they are willing to cooperate with OT and ST.  We should have patience to wait and see their change.

Since the attentive of my girl is not too bad, she already sat properly for 1 hour with the ST and OT for the assessment and subsequent training lessons.  If your son is very active, you need to take more time and patience to see and wait for his improvement.  Don't worry!  Try your best and keep on hard working then you must see the improvement on your boy.

Not all the skills from the Book written by Madam Yim but it has given me a very good guidelines, spiritual support and ideas at the beginning to train my girl at home before starting any therapy training from ST and OT.  It is because I don't want to waste the time before the confirmation from ST and OT to provide training for my girl.  Therefore, I started to do it myself without delay.

If you are working mom your babysitter must train in the same way as you, otherwise the improvement will not be significant.

May God bless you and your son!

Rank: 2

發表於 04-5-9 13:02 |只看該作者

Re: A good book for training the autistic child at home


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-5-10 16:14 |只看該作者

Re: A good book for training the autistic child at home

Dear all,

Last Sat I used the method of Mdm Yim to teach my girl different colours, red, blue, green and yellow.  And she got them all.  I was so happy.  I never imagine that it was this easy.

She remembers Blue best because it is easier to pronounce.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-5-11 11:40 |只看該作者

Re: A good book for training the autistic child at home



Let's us keep on!


Rank: 4

發表於 04-5-11 14:34 |只看該作者

Re: A good book for training the autistic child at home

Did you teach her English or Cantonese?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-5-11 15:29 |只看該作者

Re: A good book for training the autistic child at home


Thanks.  Let's keep up.


I teach her in English.  English is now the only "allowed" language at home to reduce language confusion.  But we still plan to introduce other languages to her later, hopefully in a few years' time.

Rank: 4

發表於 04-5-12 23:42 |只看該作者

Re: A good book for training the autistic child at home

I think English is better as I find it is difficult to teach my son writing Chinese at later stage (now he is too early to start).  At present, I have no problem to train him the recognition of Chinese words, like colour, vehicles, daily necessities, etc. But I still have no idea how to teach him to write Chinese.  I am a bit regret to use Chinese as starter for him.  It's too late to switch the channel again for him as he can speak some single word in Chinese now.  May be I need to seek Mdm Yim's advice at next lesson.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-5-13 16:16 |只看該作者

Re: A good book for training the autistic child at home


I agree that it is more difficult to teach Chinese at home than English.  In fact, when the social worker and government nurse recommended us to focus on one language, they recommended Chinese/Cantonese because it is much easier for the child to pick up English at a later stage.  Besides, there are numerous private English tutors or English courses available.  On the other hand, Chinese is not so structured and it is better for the child to learn it from a Chinese school rather than from home.  There are also not many Chinese tutors.

But for us we had no choice.  My husband doesn't speak much Cantonese.  He can't read Chinese characters.  Our maid's Cantonese is also limited.  So we had to use English as our common and official language at home, although nobody's mother tongue is English.  I can already foresee that our girl's Cantonese/Chinese would not be as good as children of her age.  She would need to learn it as her second language.  In fact, I may even skip Cantonese and let her learn Mandarin directly.  It is a painful decision that my daughter can't speak my mother tongue, or can't speak it well.  But considering her overall development and the future usefulness of the different languages, I am willing to swallow my pride.

If you have started teaching your son in Chinese, just continue doing so.  I think it is more important to solidify the child's foundation, get him communicating well before introducing another language.  (I wish I knew this before!) Don't regret on your decision.  As I said, I think it is much easier to catch up one's English than one's Chinese.

You mentioned It's too late to switch the channel again for him as he can speak some single word in Chinese now.  This also happened to us.  Our girl spoke mostly Cantonese before we switched to English.  Now (6 or 7 weeks later) she speaks mostly English, apart from the words that I taught her from long time ago.  When I say "wash hands", she would go and wash hands.  When she wants to wash hands, she would say it in Cantonese.  Or when I say "feet", she would point to her feet.  When she says feet, she would say it in Cantonese.  Probably our children don't say it, but they know a lot more than we think they do.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-5-13 17:31 |只看該作者

Re: A good book for training the autistic child at home

Hi, HayBmum & justjust,

Some children will have no problem in learning 2 languages when they are very small i.e. my elder daughter, but some of them do have the problems in absorbing bilingual languages at the same time i.e. my younger daughter.

To my case, I decide to select the Cantonese as principle mode of communication to my small girl as I will not plan to enroll her into International school.  But the hidden problem is my maid who is only able to speak English and also I have stopped her to speak the terrible Cantonese in front of my girl.  So far, my girl will answer the questions sometimes in Chinese or in English and fortunately she has been studying in the Chinese Playschool for 5 months and everyday the exact hours spent between my girl and maid will be around 3 hours (she will sleep 2 hours in the afternoon), however when the summer holidays are approaching ahead then I will feel headache again about her practice on Cantonese speaking as she will have full day to spend with my Filippino maid at home!

Sometimes I wonder why she has recognized lots of Chinese characters but why does not make them into simple sentence?  Anyway, I still strive for this goal!


Rank: 4

發表於 04-5-13 19:12 |只看該作者

Re: A good book for training the autistic child at home

justjust & gigi2,

Before I found the problem of my son (he is an autistic child), we spoke mostly English at home so that he will not be confused with the Philippino maid.  Thereafter, the doctor advised us to use one single  language at home.  After discussing with all the family members, we chose Cantonese but the Philippino maid will continue to speak English (her Cantonese is horrible).  It takes at least 3 months for my son to learn the basic words again like animal, fruit etc.  He still refuses to pronounce some words in Cantonese such as 狗, 貓, 蘋果 etc since he was too familiar with the English name of these things.  But when will say 狗, 貓, 蘋果, he actually understands them.  So I am afraid to switch the channel again.
When I attend the lessons of the Louis Progarm that isconducted by Mdm Yim since last week, she talks about her way of teaching Louis to write his name.  At that point of time, I realize that it is very difficult to teach my son to write his own name (his name has many 筆畫).  
Last night, I brought the training book for training small kids to write simply Chinese. It starts with the lines like 直線、橫線、斜線 etc.  May be it's still too early to teach him but I want to try to let him practice to draw the line first.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-5-14 00:30 |只看該作者

Re: A good book for training the autistic child at home


Some children will have no problem in learning 2 languages when they are very small ..., but some of them do have the problems in absorbing bilingual languages at the same time ...

Totally agree with you.  Ouoting from our STs, if the child can take it, 2 or even 3 languages are okay to start with.  If the child can't take it, even 2 will be too many causing language confusion.  It all boils down to the individual kid.


You are teaching your son writing already!  We have not even thought about that. I must say it is a far far goal for us.  At present we just let our girl draw freely. She can draw straight lines and circles.

About switching channels, I think I will teach/talk in other languages to my girl when she can already communicate well in one language.  At least she should be able to express her feelings, needs & requests on a daily life basis.  This is just my thought though.
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