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教育王國 討論區 特殊教育 剛收到通知, 兼收有位, 唔知讀唔讀 (急急) ...
樓主: wksin

剛收到通知, 兼收有位, 唔知讀唔讀 (急急) [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-7-30 16:31 |只看該作者

Re: 剛收到通知, 兼收有位, 唔知讀唔讀 (急急)


Please check PM

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-7-30 16:50 |只看該作者

Re: 剛收到通知, 兼收有位, 唔知讀唔讀 (急急)


覆左你, check pm.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-7-30 17:26 |只看該作者

Re: 剛收到通知, 兼收有位, 唔知讀唔讀 (急急)


家居學習記錄表=上完堂, 俾張功課紙你, 等你可以有個目標返屋企訓練小朋友.

我覺得一日上晒ot & st, 對小朋友來講太辛苦喇. 上完ot跟住上st既話, 我自己一定接受唔到. 如果話分開上下午做, 咁不如分開兩日做.
[做訓練]~我地大人來看, 可能覺得都係玩玩具. 但係用心地去玩50分鐘其實都幾辛苦. 你考慮下.

我都覺得仔仔以前睇得太多電視, 我個人又小說話, 又無好好同仔仔出去見多世面/見多啲人/見多啲事, 加加埋埋可能有咁既結果啩.

你仔仔返學未, 返左學真係會有進步.

請check pm.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-7-30 17:42 |只看該作者

Re: 剛收到通知, 兼收有位, 唔知讀唔讀 (急急)

mamee 寫道:

家居學習記錄表=上完堂, 俾張功課紙你, 等你可以有個目標返屋企訓練小朋友.

我覺得一日上晒ot & st, 對小朋友來講太辛苦喇. 上完ot跟住上st既話, 我自己一定接受唔到. 如果話分開上下午做, 咁不如分開兩日做.
[做訓練]~我地大人來看, 可能覺得都係玩玩具. 但係用心地去玩50分鐘其實都幾辛苦. 你考慮下.

我都覺得仔仔以前睇得太多電視, 我個人又小說話, 又無好好同仔仔出去見多世面/見多啲人/見多啲事, 加加埋埋可能有咁既結果啩.

你仔仔返學未, 返左學真係會有進步.

請check pm.


收到啦, thank you, 我個仔9月會讀pre nursery.

你同我一樣, 又無好好同仔仔出去見多世面/見多啲人/見多啲事, 加加埋埋可能有咁既結果啩.

後悔太遲了, 所以依家成日同佢出街, 反而留底家姐比99.

Rank: 4

發表於 04-7-31 09:01 |只看該作者

Re: 剛收到通知, 兼收有位, 唔知讀唔讀 (急急)

can you also PM me your ST's info. I am sick of finding a suitable ST for my son.  I have changed 3 ST already who I think is not that professional.  But those very professional ST are usually fully occupied.  thanks

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-7-31 09:07 |只看該作者

Re: 剛收到通知, 兼收有位, 唔知讀唔讀 (急急)

做言語治療時, 小朋友係不係坐係度, 比張半圓形的檯

我老公話好不鍾意依家step center的做法, 因為阿仔好反感.


你依家呢個st, 可不可以每次半個鐘? 因為阿仔不肯坐甘耐

Rank: 4

發表於 04-7-31 09:13 |只看該作者

Re: 剛收到通知, 兼收有位, 唔知讀唔讀 (急急)

Dear hinhinmummy,
from my own experience, I agree with your Dr Lau rather than Step Centre.
Before my boy starts his language 2 months ago (single words only), he had a lot of improvements on recognizing objects, daily routines, social interaction as well as play skills.  Therefore I found that he should have enough "input" before he can "output" the language.  
Before my boy started language, same advices from his OT & ST were given to me.

from hinhinmummy
係因為劉醫生同我講過, 軒軒因為認知力差, 未識與人溝通, 如果依家夾硬要佢學講野, 佢只會'應無'式甘講野.

而step center就答我話, 佢地會主張用言語治療先, 因為如果識講野, 就會識得點樣去同人溝通. 還話可能不係甘公平, 因為佢地center無ot.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-7-31 09:16 |只看該作者

Re: 剛收到通知, 兼收有位, 唔知讀唔讀 (急急)


好多謝你的information, 我都係甘諗, 但你有無用開好的ot? 我老公尋晚一聽到你們話有st介紹, 即刻同我講不好再去step center, 因為佢覺得佢地好似不係幾professional.

Rank: 4

發表於 04-7-31 09:30 |只看該作者

Re: 剛收到通知, 兼收有位, 唔知讀唔讀 (急急)

由 hinhinmummy

我早排見到有新聞話, music係可以剌激小朋友的腦部發展, 我亦錯經見過bk有個廣告話有d playgroup 可以for 有自閉症的小朋友, 但依家搵不返

I think you are referring to this website:

In the website, there is a course "突破學習能力成長坊(1歲以上的兒童) "

Similar to gigi2 & justjust, I am also looking for the course for music play as my son has great interest in songs & dancing. But those courses available in the market usually use English to teach.  I hope I can find one in Cantonese.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-7-31 09:30 |只看該作者

Re: 剛收到通知, 兼收有位, 唔知讀唔讀 (急急)


I think most of the ST are professional, it depends on whether the teaching method of that ST can "match" with your son or not.  I agreed that if the child cannot concentrate, how can he learn language?  Not only language, but also all other things!  My son's OT told me that my son's delay in many areas is due to his poor attention.  I found that is true, because when he now has improvement in attention, he is now learning faster (of course still delay ).  The OT suggest us to reduce training from once per week to once per 2 weeks, but I need to work harder on playing with him everyday on the activity suggested by the OT.  It is really hard for a working mum to do so, and my hubby cannot help because he does not know how to play with children!!! :-|
[img align=left]http://www.snoopy.com/comics/peanuts/meet_the_gang/images/gang_all.gif[/img]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-7-31 09:37 |只看該作者

Re: 剛收到通知, 兼收有位, 唔知讀唔讀 (急急)


我知st係professional, 但係如果因為佢地的center無ot, 而話我個仔而不需要ot的話, 我就覺得佢地太不professional.

因為我都覺得近排我陪個仔玩多左, 拿多左佢的attention之後, 佢開始講多左單字.

有時見到工人, 會叫姐姐.

好似尋晚, 我去隔離屋的奶奶屋企食飯, 食完飯返屋企, 諗住等個工人過去食飯, 但個仔就要出門口, 我話入房, 媽媽陪你玩, 佢就係到要出門口, 還講'姑....姑'(我們甘樣稱呼姑奶).



我們呢d working mum係好幸苦, 放工不定時, 還要看老闆面色而請假同佢去呢度, 果度驗呢樣果樣.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-7-31 09:38 |只看該作者

Re: 剛收到通知, 兼收有位, 唔知讀唔讀 (急急)


如果你搵到一個music playgroup係中文的, 麻煩你都通知我一聲, 因為我都係想搵個中文的playgroup.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-7-31 09:48 |只看該作者

Re: 剛收到通知, 兼收有位, 唔知讀唔讀 (急急)

Hello, Hinhinmummy & HayBmum,

The medium of music classes from Yips and Bear are conducted in Cantonese.

I think the Yips is more suitable for age around 2  to 3 whilst Bears requires the minimum age of K1 = 3 yrs old at least.

By the way, why don't you consider the music class in Heep Hong ?  I am sure that they also hold this kind of music playgroup for children.


Rank: 4

發表於 04-7-31 09:52 |只看該作者

Re: 剛收到通知, 兼收有位, 唔知讀唔讀 (急急)

I don't know whether my OT is good or not since I have not changed the OT.  But my experience in ST is quite a lot  

my experience can be concluded as below:
ST1 is very professional but never be able to give consistent time to me.
ST2 is very beautiful and good manner.  Unfortunately her voice & motion is not "big" enough to catch the attention of a small boy with autism.
ST3 is very time conscious and doesn't want to answer extra question to parents
ST4 (heep hong ST) is good but a little bit "cool" to my son.  Nevertheless, she can only offer 20 sessions which will be completed by Sep
ST5 always play the same toys with my son that reduce his interests to the class (but the ST said this is the way to reenforce his memory in using the words which I am hesitate to agree with)

I will PM you my OT.  But I know some are using Heep Hong's OT and their comments are quite good.  It also seems that the charge by Heep Hong is cheaper than those from my OT.

Rank: 4

發表於 04-7-31 09:59 |只看該作者

Re: 剛收到通知, 兼收有位, 唔知讀唔讀 (急急)


The music playgroup from Heep Hong is usually for bigger children.  Also, the play time is usually arranged during office hour which cannot suit my need.

Thank you for sharing Yip's cantonese class.  I will check it up.  Many thanks

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-7-31 10:06 |只看該作者

Re: 剛收到通知, 兼收有位, 唔知讀唔讀 (急急)

Not at all.  My elder joined Yips music & multi-intelligence playgroup every Saturday 2 years ago.  The course seems OK and also with evaluation report of children for every 3 months.

Good luck!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-8-1 01:21 |只看該作者

Re: 剛收到通知, 兼收有位, 唔知讀唔讀 (急急)

Dear just just

Can u give me your ST's name so that I can ask 基督教服務處 to arrange the same ST for me.

Many thanks.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-8-2 09:59 |只看該作者

Re: 剛收到通知, 兼收有位, 唔知讀唔讀 (急急)


我尋日去左另一個bk 媽咪介紹的新開center, 其實佢尋日先開張, 但我本來諗住上去裝下, 點知個st係度, 還同我傾左好耐.

其間佢都有用食物引軒軒講野, 不知點解, 佢可以引到軒軒講野bor, 好似'要', 'bye-bye'甘.

同埋佢都有解釋比我聽, 第一步係要佢識得request.

當時工人都在場, 我返屋企同老公商量過之後, 再問個工人, 佢都話尋日果個好過step center的st.

佢話step center果個一定要軒軒講野, 好似比粒糖佢, 就要佢講'糖', 但呢個只要佢個咀郁, 或者有個音就ok, 不會迫佢講野.

而老公就話, 聽我講, 起碼呢個st會解釋比佢聽, 依家第一步係要點做.  同埋step center的st不識轉彎, 好似見到軒軒不肯講野, 扭計喊, 不會'乙水'返佢, 有得佢喊, 甘就喊左半堂的時間. 同埋佢無mug笑容.

我老公星期五會帶佢去做初次評估, 等老公有comparison, 然之後決定轉不轉.  最緊要係呢個center好近我屋企, 行5分鐘都不駛就到.  但時間暫時佢得隔個星期六的9點鐘.  我諗住'把'左先.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-8-2 10:21 |只看該作者

Re: 剛收到通知, 兼收有位, 唔知讀唔讀 (急急)


做言語治療時, 小朋友係不係坐係度, 比張半圓形的檯

Personally I also don't like this arrangement.  I will also feel 反感 if I were the child.  I see that usually the ST and the child will sit at the two adjacent sides of a rectangular/square table, or at the opposite sides with the guardian next to the child.

但呢個只要佢個咀郁, 或者有個音就ok, 不會迫佢講野. ....... 起碼呢個st會解釋比佢聽, 依家第一步係要點做.     
Probably your son needs more time to warm up and has to take things slowly, and this ST can adjust the pace to him.  If the ST can ask the parent/maid to participate through demonstration, the child will feel even better as he can have a better idea of what's going on.

同埋step center的st不識轉彎, 好似見到軒軒不肯講野, 扭計喊, 不會'乙水'返佢, 有得佢喊, 甘就喊左半堂的時間. 同埋佢無mug笑容.

When our girl wants something and does not say it, only "eh eh" or grab the thing, we will not give it to her and she will also cry.  We will not '乙水' our girl either.  May sound cruel but we will let her calm down and explain to her that we won't understand her wants if she doesn't make the gesture/speak.  Then we will give her examples with ourselves making requests and getting what we want afterwards.  This is when we find the picture cards useful because with them she can organize her thoughts much easier and can speak with fewer difficulties.

In any case, it will take several sessions for a child and the ST to adjust to each other.  Why not be frank and tell the ST your concern?  If the ST can explain to you his/her approach well and are willing to listen/adjust, you may invest some time to observe more. Looking for ST is just like looking for doctor, apart from picking a good one, it is also a matching game.

我們呢d working mum係好幸苦, 放工不定時, 還要看老闆面色而請假同佢去呢度, 果度驗呢樣果樣.

Couldn't agree more.  I just got words from the boss thru' his secretary.  I have to ask my hubby to attend the sessions more often and change the timing of the sessions, which is extremely difficult because the STs are always fully booked.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-8-2 10:24 |只看該作者

Re: 剛收到通知, 兼收有位, 唔知讀唔讀 (急急)


yes, 我老公係非常之反感&軒軒一樣, 成日想爬出黎走人, 所以一堂當中, 半堂係扭計喊, mug都學不到.
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