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教育王國 討論區 特殊教育 有沒有地方(政府醫院)驗到小兒的身體含重金屬是否超標? ...
樓主: CNCW

有沒有地方(政府醫院)驗到小兒的身體含重金屬是否超標? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 05-3-31 16:02 |只看該作者

Re: 有沒有地方(政府醫院)驗到小兒的身體含重金屬是否超標?

Dear HayBMum,

Thanks for your prompt reply.  Twice a week is acceptable but my son is really hate and scare of injection.  I'll check with his Dr. for more details.  

Rank: 4

發表於 05-3-31 16:09 |只看該作者

Re: 有沒有地方(政府醫院)驗到小兒的身體含重金屬是否超標?


Yes, my son got more hyper after taking B12, especially on the day when it is taken.   On the other hand, he becomes more attentive.  So it is a trade-off game and depends on which one you prefer.

Rank: 4

發表於 05-3-31 20:13 |只看該作者

Re: 有沒有地方(政府醫院)驗到小兒的身體含重金屬是否超標?

Dear sjmama & HayBMum,

My child does not get hyperactive after B12 injection.  Maybe, it has different effect on different people.  

He is more talkative than before and more active to communicate to his classmates in this month.  However, I am not so sure these are due to B12 as he has remarkable improvement after taking DHA.  I always guess that his improvement is due to DHA (he has got for almost 1 1/2 months) but he has just got B12 injection for four times.   

My husband is not working in the medical field, but he has got [size=large]super will power from Jesus Christ to help my child recover from his developmental disease.  In addition, my child is co-operative in times of injection which makes the work very easy.  I do believe that this is the blessing of God.

I am very anxious about B-12 injection.  I strongly agree that "it may have psychological effect if a child take injection for a long time."  If the cost is greater than the benefit, we have to seek for another win win solution.

My child has tried the vitamin B12 cream before.  It seems that the effect is not so significant.  

I am very happy to know both of you here as you also visit Dr. Trodd.  When I explain the biological treatment to other mums or professionals in Hong Kong, I often encounter negative replies.  Traditional medical doctors strongly reject this approach as they comment that this method has no scientific proof.  Any way, this approach is widely popular in USA, Canada and Australia.  I don't understand why H.K. parents are so conservative about this method.  I won't miss any possible method to help my child......  

Rank: 4

發表於 05-3-31 20:18 |只看該作者

Re: 有沒有地方(政府醫院)驗到小兒的身體含重金屬是否超標?

Dear all,

I have some questions for the heavy metal stuff.  As a speech therapist, I heard about this kind of testing long ago.  Most (if not all) of my colleages (paediatricians, psychologists, etc) don't believe in that.  I am not challenging anybody here but really want to learn more.  

I understand that there should be pretty much researches showing the effectiveness of this kind of treatment.  That's why I can't understand why most doctors don't like it (or even against it).  In fact, checking up the heavy metal level and providing vitamins is far more cheaper than employing all kinds of therapists to do the training.  I wonder, if it is as effective as it claims, why don't the Hospital Authority introduces this treatment?

Another question is, have you done the heavy metal test yourself?  According to one of the paediatrians I know, it is not uncommon to have relatively high heavy metal found in our hair or urine, etc, because of the polluted environment and our diet in HK.  The problem is, even the heavy metal level is high, does it "automatically" means that the children are going to present all the problems they have (inattentiveness, language delay...).  If the high heavy metal level is found in most people (which mean "normal"), how can we judge that the children's problems come from the heavy metal?

Once again, I claim hereby that I am not aiming at challenging anybody, but really want to learn more about this.  Please accept my apologies if you feel offended.

稚言治語 = 一個很喜歡治療小朋友語言問題的言語治療師﹗ ;-) 不要怕,只要信﹗希望在人間吖嘛﹗ 你今日微笑了嗎?

Rank: 4

發表於 05-3-31 22:36 |只看該作者

Re: 有沒有地方(政府醫院)驗到小兒的身體含重金屬是否超標?

Dear 稚言治語,

Heavy metal problems may not be accepted by certain parents,psychologists and therapists but indeed has been confirmed by a number of tests by top researchers in the field.  They have much higher academic and research backgrounds than we can meet in the practice.

There is also no harm to perfom the test and get the treatment.  "Heavy metal" is usually found in today human being but  someone will be immuned but some are affected.  It also affects to childs more seriously than to adults.

The Hospital Authority not putting effort in this kind of treatment is understandable because of the limited resources.  As this method is relatively new, the traditional methods are being used currently and has occuped the budget and hence it makes the new method of treatments not easily be reached.

As a mother of an A-feature's child,  I fully understand that it's probably a life time battle if we can't help him out of his problems as soon as he gets older.  I think most of the parents here in BK have the same goal and wish their special kids would return to the real and normal life.   

Rank: 4

發表於 05-4-1 01:00 |只看該作者

Re: 有沒有地方(政府醫院)驗到小兒的身體含重金屬是否超標?

Hi 稚言治語,

Believe it or not, my friend who is the doctor of HA and has an autistic kid also tries the biological treatment.  I have to say that many medical professionals are not open enough to accept the alternative treatment, including my family doctor.  I still remember that he strongly disagree with me when he knew my son was taking the supplements and warned me that I might be cheated.  However, he could not point out what's wrong with those many references that support the logic behind for the biological treatment on autistic kids.  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-4-1 12:30 |只看該作者

Re: 有沒有地方(政府醫院)驗到小兒的身體含重金屬是否超標?

I have not use biological treatment (do give DHA and mutli-vitamin) for my son, who is delayed, but I did ask mums who visited Ko Yang Yang.

1. Her son under treatment for several mths. Apparent effect in the beginning, but no visible effect afterward. The mum has consulted doctor specialised in 遺傳學 in government. His comment is same as Ms. Sung " even the heavy metal level is high, does it "automatically" means that the children are going to present all the problems they have (inattentiveness, language delay...).

2. A mum whose son also consulting Ko Yang Yang. The mum took the supplement from Ko to a nutrionist, who comment that the supplement is not very effective to supplement the vitamin loss due to the process to remove lead. She gave her son additional supplement from this nutrionist. Her son done AIT, and under treatment of Ko, and take supplement from nutrionist at the same time. She was not able to identify the effect of individual treatment.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-4-1 12:55 |只看該作者

Re: 有沒有地方(政府醫院)驗到小兒的身體含重金屬是否超標?

mrs cheung,

why your son is tested with result of normal lead level lately, isn't it. Why he has heavy metal problem?

Rank: 4

發表於 05-4-1 20:22 |只看該作者

Re: 有沒有地方(政府醫院)驗到小兒的身體含重金屬是否超標?

Dear Kawai,

Thank you very much for the details.

I used to disagree with these so-called alternative treatment.  Perhaps due to the fact that they are quite different from what I have learnt in school (trained up as a speech therapist).   But after learning some alternative treatments myself (even more strange ones!), I am more open to that and would like to investigate more.  In my opinion, provided that the treatment is not very invasive, and as far as it is affordable, why not give it a trial.  The only concern is that since we are providing everything to our kids, so we can't tell where do the improvements come from.  Traditional methods (say, behavioural approach, TEEACH, etc) are proved to be successful and have been used for quite a long time.  For some treatments (e.g. AIT, tongue accupunture), their effects are still controversial.  And, as you said, we can't afford to waste time (and money, sometimes), maybe that's why most practitioner won't suggest these kind of method (in which the effectiveness is not proven).

I can't agree more on what you said about the feeling of having a special child.  I have beening working with these kids for more than 10 years and I do really share your feelings.  Well, I sometimes cry with parents when they share their feelings.  Let's work together in this no-return battle.

How's Jaden?  Miss him much.  Please give him a big hug for me.

稚言治語 = 一個很喜歡治療小朋友語言問題的言語治療師﹗ ;-) 不要怕,只要信﹗希望在人間吖嘛﹗ 你今日微笑了嗎?

Rank: 4

發表於 05-4-1 20:26 |只看該作者

Re: 有沒有地方(政府醫院)驗到小兒的身體含重金屬是否超標?

Dear HayBMum,

Yes, when the situation happens to your own child, you would try everything.  It is not 旁觀者講風涼話but really 針唔拮到肉唔知痛。I always tell parents that I wonder whether I can handle it if it happens to my child.  

Let me embrace all the brave and tough parents here and may God be with you all.
稚言治語 = 一個很喜歡治療小朋友語言問題的言語治療師﹗ ;-) 不要怕,只要信﹗希望在人間吖嘛﹗ 你今日微笑了嗎?

Rank: 4

發表於 05-4-1 20:45 |只看該作者

Re: 有沒有地方(政府醫院)驗到小兒的身體含重金屬是否超標?

Dear ALAL,

The following is a brief list of the hair report,
Lead:~70th percentile
Mercury:~85th percentile
Aluminum:~90th percentile
Antimony:~85th percentile

My doctor did not recommend any medicine to remove the heavy metal.  My husband just guessed that the heavy metal found in hair was due to environmental pollution.  In fact, there is no sign of heavy metal in the previous two urine tests.

Believe it or not.  My child has improved a lot in March.  My child's classmate's mum, goes to school every day and knows my child quite well, tells me that my child has changed a lot.  She says that [size=large]many children have BREAKTHROUGH (開竅) when they are five years old.  Do you have similar experience?  I don't know whether this change is natural development, result of various therapies or biological treatment.  Anyway, I am pleased with this even though his situation is still not up to standard.

ALAL 寫道:
mrs cheung,

why your son is tested with result of normal lead level lately, isn't it. Why he has heavy metal problem?

Rank: 4

發表於 05-4-1 20:47 |只看該作者

Re: 有沒有地方(政府醫院)驗到小兒的身體含重金屬是否超標?

Dear HayBMum,
Are you interested in joining our dinner gathering on 15/4?  Just hope to meet you to share our experience.....

Rank: 4

發表於 05-4-2 11:16 |只看該作者

Re: 有沒有地方(政府醫院)驗到小兒的身體含重金屬是否超標?

hi mrsphcheung,

I am delighted to join.  Please check PM

Rank: 4

發表於 05-4-2 11:32 |只看該作者

Re: 有沒有地方(政府醫院)驗到小兒的身體含重金屬是否超標?

dear 稚言治語,

I am sure you are not the one who 旁觀者講風涼話.  Many parents here, including myself, are benefited from your valuable advices.  Scientific research to prove the effectiveness of a treatment is definitely important.  However, we have no time to wait and see.  All we can do is to try all possible way to help our kids.  In fact, trying the biological treatment is a try by error game.  Supplements fit other children do not necessary fit mine.  Every time when I find the supplement does not fit my son, I feel quite defeated.
Sometimes even though the treatment is proved to be effective, it is also not necessary to fit every kids.  Like the TEEACH.  I personally feel that the effectiveness of this method is very slow as compared with other treatment.  This is my own experience / observation on my son and hope other parents who believe this method would not mind.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-4-2 18:06 |只看該作者

Re: 有沒有地方(政府醫院)驗到小兒的身體含重金屬是否超標?

mrs cheung,
i don't find such dramatic change at 5. As long as I can remember, his language suddenly improve a lot two times, around 3 and later on. But for the other area, there is improvement, but not dramatic one.

Some mums said 土復零 can help remove heavy metal. Worthwhile to ask for more information.

Rank: 4

發表於 05-4-2 18:44 |只看該作者

Re: 有沒有地方(政府醫院)驗到小兒的身體含重金屬是否超標?

Dear ALAL,
My son's progress is quite fluctuating.  I have experienced several up and down waves.  His performance always affects my emotion.....

Is 土復零 for preparing soup?

Dear HayBMum,
I am delighted to meet you....     

Rank: 4

發表於 05-4-2 19:57 |只看該作者

Re: 有沒有地方(政府醫院)驗到小兒的身體含重金屬是否超標?

Dear  HayBMum,

You are right, even the most promising method can't serve all.  It is frustrating sometimes when the progress slow down.  And we have so much worries during the trial-and-error period.  However, we have no choice but work hard.

Let's do our best, and God will do the rest.

稚言治語 = 一個很喜歡治療小朋友語言問題的言語治療師﹗ ;-) 不要怕,只要信﹗希望在人間吖嘛﹗ 你今日微笑了嗎?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-4-3 00:05 |只看該作者

Re: 有沒有地方(政府醫院)驗到小兒的身體含重金屬是否超標?

Dear Mrs Cheung & ALAL

Have searched the following information for you:










Rank: 4

發表於 05-4-3 13:40 |只看該作者

Re: 有沒有地方(政府醫院)驗到小兒的身體含重金屬是否超標?

Dear 思佳媽咪,
Thanks a lot for your help.  I have seen fresh 土茯苓 available in the market of Jordan road (a long road full of stalls from Yaumatai to Jordan).  I may boil it with pork.  Just try my best.  

BTW, I have met some teenaged a-feature boys in Heep Hong and Caritas.  They can speak fluently.  However, the content of their conversation is highly inappropriate --- doesn't fit the situation.  It seems that even if my child can speak well and has normal IQ, it doesn't mean that he can communicate and behave appropriately.  There are so many things out of my control.  Just anxious about his future....  :cry:

Rank: 4

發表於 05-4-3 21:52 |只看該作者

Re: 有沒有地方(政府醫院)驗到小兒的身體含重金屬是否超標?

Dear 稚言治語,

My son is fine and has started to speak cantonese to comunicate with us gradually.  Honestly speaking, I don't see any dramatic improvement of my son yet but really want to see it in the near furture.  

We're still believing in  behavioural therapy and take it as the main method to help my son.  Besides, I'll try any methods which have shown benefit to other special kids.  We're just being aggresive and don't want to miss any chance to help him.  

The world is changing everyday.  That's why we need to learn new things even it's different from what we've been learnt in school and from our work experience.

Pehaps I may quote you an example:  During the SARS peirod, the Chinese medication has helped a great deal in the treatment with less side effect as compared with the traditional medication.  Since then many practitioners have been learning the Chinese medicine.

思佳媽咪 suggested 土茯苓 which can help and reduce 水銀中毒.  I think there's no harm to try.   

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