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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 VSA 定位
樓主: bettyc123

[小學] VSA 定位 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 23-4-11 22:28 |只看該作者
Does anyone know how many spots VSA has for P1?

I know that the 9 VEO campuses and CWB Victoria enjoys "priority admission" subject to interview performance..... However I am not sure how many spots everyone will be fighting for?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 23-4-12 13:05 |只看該作者
7jai 發表於 23-4-11 22:28
Does anyone know how many spots VSA has for P1?

I know that the 9 VEO campuses and CWB Victoria enj ...

I guess around 200

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 23-4-12 14:06 |只看該作者
ddjjbaby posted on 23-4-12 13:05
I guess around 200
Thanks for your reply! I found that it was around 210 spots.
So basically 10 campuses have "priority admission".  Each campus has around 6-8 classes of 25 kids.

Just rough math thats up to a max of 2,000 VEO & CWB Victoria students fighting for 210 spots.

If i assume a 25% deviation allowance because some will leave, some dont want VSA, or whatever reasons....  That is 1,500 students.  Around a ~14% chance.

This also doesn't include how they now open up applications from all different schools as well.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 23-4-12 14:13 |只看該作者
當然, 用"定位"去思考係一個層面, 但無論定位係點, 其實一間學校入面都係有diverse的人/家庭/組合, 並不是一種stereotype.

沒錯, 有好幾個學沒有vsa offer的, 在k2離校去了esf, 沒有再繼續等waiting, 因為waiting機會真的不大. 也有其他比了好幾萬deposit去其他學校﹐好似cais (earlier in k2出offer) 然後vsa 有offer時, 就放棄其他學校。

也有少量waiting小朋友會留低, 一邊等waiting, 一邊k3考esf/kcis/nais, 呢幾年大家都明..is插班生係多左位...試係有機會的..

再者, 近件要year 2-5插返入vsa 也是一個option~

而且veo 其中一個特點, 就係diverse, 有d係target vsa, 有d係target直資, 有d私立, 有d都係會想入名官津....所以人各有志﹐家長同同學之間相處融洽, 唔會下下都覺得大家係競爭對手﹐好樂意分享同sharing~

但如果你話, 我要cdnis先得! (咁不如你早幾年就去考receiption), isf 也是. 唔使等到k2

Rank: 4

發表於 23-4-12 14:54 |只看該作者
Bilingual   IB   70% local就係VSA定位,有啲家庭就係想要呢種學制和教學環境,而且同類型唔多


Rank: 4

發表於 23-4-12 15:03 |只看該作者
7jai 發表於 23-4-12 14:06
Thanks for your reply! I found that it was around 210 spots.
So basically 10 campuses have "priority ...

What I know is around 600-800 CWB & VEO students applying VSA every year.

About 60% CWB students obtain offers. VSA prefers to intake more better students from other kindergartens or mainland now, so less VEO students will gain offers.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 23-4-12 17:03 |只看該作者
回覆 7jai 的帖子

I think the numbers are much less:
- there are less and less classes as you get to k2 and some campuses are very small so maybe only just 2-3 classes max

- I think a lot of the students in veo kindergartens in kowloon would not be targeting VSA giving location of VSA vs where they live so you can almost just focus on the kindergartens in hk island only

But then I don’t know how many apply from non vic kindergartens

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 23-4-12 20:03 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 bettyc123 於 23-4-12 20:15 編輯

回覆 boojiji 的帖子

Yes, so I think those who have offers from the likes of hkis, gsis, cis, cdnis and isf would all leave before k2. And maybe even those with offers from other through train schools that might not be as good as VSA will also leave before k2 even if they really want VSA, it’s not worth the gamble - a bird in hand is worth two in the bush. The turnover at the vic kindergartens seems really high as a result of this (and others opting for the ‘better’ local kindergartens).
You are right, sounds like if you can’t get into VSA p1, your options are then the other less popular international schools or keep trying for VSA for latter years.

So those who stay at vic kindergartens in the latter years and apply for vsa are those who didn’t get other offers, haven’t made up their minds yet on where to go or really really fixed on VSA and what it has to offer ie bilingual IB school with a large local population and happy to take their chances (although I think by end of k1, you’d know whether you get offered a spot in the step up class in k2 and if you didn’t, chances of vsa would be slim and can start thinking about plan b).

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 23-4-12 21:08 |只看該作者
I think from both a reputation perspective and business perspective, it is great for VEO anyways.
From reputation, VEO can showcase their students getting a lot of offers from the like of CIS/HKIS/GSIS/CDNIS/ISF etc., in fact they published the stat on their website, making VEO a popular choice for parents looking for foundational education to these "good" IS.

And even if a lot of students leave after K1, they offer stepping-up classes to those remaining (and advertised as more likely to VSA) and charging them twice the tuition fee. So to VEO, the revenue per stepping-up student doubles at K2, and the total revenue may be more or less the same even if the number of students drops. It makes perfect business sense to continue this way.

As for VSA, I don't think they need to worry about the number of applicants. Even if a lot left, the demand is still huge relative to supply anyways. For the "quality" of students, honestly it is hard to judge if someone is "good" or not if they can go to certain IS. There are so many factors, such as passport, debenture, their performance at the moment of interview etc. There are still many years away from the point of entry to IS/VSA to their IB/A-level/AP exams more than 10 years later...

I understand that it is a hassle for parents who want to go to VSA but fear that their kid may not get into it at K2, while a lot of the mass intake from IS happens around PN/K1 already. But I think as parents, it is also our responsibilities to plan ahead. If looking for strong Chinese and IB/non-local curriculum (i.e. CIS/CDNIS/VSA/ISF), one should aim for Vic CWB for their kid rather than VEO. If one aims for IS/strong local school anyways, then it probably does not make a big difference between VEO and Vic CWB.  

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 23-4-12 22:07 |只看該作者
bettyc123 發表於 23-4-8 13:27
I’ve been thinking about this for a while but cannot figure it out. What is VSA’s positioning? Lik ...


感覺佢地揀學生都唔係一定要最叻最乖最醒目,反而好在意家長在學校的參與度、投入度,同有幾認同學校理念。有咁多叻嘅小朋友,走左d去其他IS仲有好多呀,更何況CIS, GSIS, HKIS, ISF, CDNIS全部都咁難入。

至於入VSA的機會,除左CWB vic step-up class機會十分高之外,VEO一般平均都係25%到,當然每年同每間分校都有fluctuation

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 23-4-12 22:08 |只看該作者
simonchan1986 發表於 23-4-12 21:08
I think from both a reputation perspective and business perspective, it is great for VEO anyways.
Fr ...

I like your analysis from reputation and business perspectives!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 23-5-19 10:15 |只看該作者
Let me share some of my observations and experience:
VEO very commercial:
Yes, at least from impression stand point. My kid went to their PN and they got a lot extra optional learning material which you could purchase.  Some are good stuff and my kid loves and no one bothers if you dont go for it, but you just got a feeling this is not only a school but also a shop.

IS/LS/VSA target:
those in Kowloon should mostly aim for schools of their choice instead of VSA due to location.  I do know many ending up at CIS but live in Kowloon who go to VEO HMT as they just need somewhere that offers a somewhat IS environment but also with decent Chinese learning, but VEO isn’t the main attribution to their CIS admission.

My kid went to HH campus and and after PN, at least a quarter in our class went to ISF.  Some went to SKH and other famous local K.  Those who stayed for K1 were mostly aiming at CIS/GSIS/HKIS/SIS, so another batch would be gone after K1.  Some even quitted immediately after receiving offer, but there were always new kids taking up the space.  We don’t hear much among parents that they are aiming VSA as they would rather prefer ISF due to less uncertainty once you are in pre-school.  

How you play around your sibling arrangement is also tricky.  If your first child went to CWB Vic and you ditched them after PN or K1, your second one might not receive offer and many ended up in VEO.

Bilingual school:
For parents who prefer to have more local peers and the opportunity to learn more Chinese in an IS setup, VSA is a great choice.  CDNIS could be similar going forward but it is has   passport preference. SIS is  ISF is like an advanced version of VSA, where kids could comfortably speak Mandarin after a year in K1 despite English being their playground language.

Rank: 4

發表於 23-5-19 13:48 |只看該作者


本帖最後由 Adiezz 於 23-5-19 20:21 編輯

本帖最後由 Adiezz 於 23-5-19 13:49 編輯

In my experience, VEO does not sell or recommend products to parents, except a reading pen.

Regarding to CIS reception admission, being in the priority group is necessary to receive an offer, so VEO can’t provide significant assistance. Similar situation also apply to other popular IS such as GSIS, HKIS, CDNIS, and SIS, unless you have a foreign passport.

Parents choose VEO for different reasons. Some thinks VEO provides advantages when applying to K1 at other top local kindergartens. Some parents consider VSA as a backup plan of top local, top IS and ISF. Some do appreciate VSA's bilingual and IB learning environment.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 23-5-19 20:11 |只看該作者
Adiezz 發表於 23-5-19 13:48
In my experience, VEO does not sell or recommend products to parents, except for a reading pen.

Reg ...
Agree. I’ve not experienced any selling of extra learning materials except for the ting pen, which u don’t have to buy.
It’s a commercial school but no more so than other chain popular KG groups imo.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 23-5-22 18:31 |只看該作者
咁多年都冇optional materials / sell 任何野, except for the ting pen which you can use for all years. Worth is very worth the money coz homework books are also "ting-able"

當然會有人係 rather target ISF, 但有一批人係好唔鐘意ISF 個氛圍 (我都係), 所以係唔會考慮ISF (唔可以當入唔到ISF 先留係VEO)

ISF 係龍, 梗係吸引~

有D人又好想學繁體字, 所以唔prefer其他國際學校~

只要知道學校特色係咩野, 然後match下自己想要d咩, 人地點諗唔重要.

另外大集團有大集團既好, 我覺得係有系統同埋不斷improving themselves. 即係好似你返工每年要寫objective setting, 年尾睇下你meet唔meet到咁~

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 23-5-24 14:05 |只看該作者
The topic is about VSA but somehow the conversation seen so far appears to be geared towards VEO. I don’t think VSA is “commercial”, there is hardly anything else to pay for apart from school fees to the school. Teachers are caring and my kids love going to school. As for its positioning, I can only comment that for the kindergarten side of things, it is indeed left to be desired; the current situation where students / parents have no “thorough train” from kindy to primary is not satisfactory. Its kindy’s academic training is not as vigorous as those kindergartens which aim for top tier local schools, while its PN and K1 serve as ideal pre-IS education programmes, this means a lot of kids leave after k1 to go those IS with thorough train from reception (aka k2). From what I observe, those kids who get into VSA mostly have parents who are well educated and do care about education for their kids, they are not so-called second tier students. They have prepared for interviews with local schools in k2 but also shoot for VSA, if VSA takes them, they stay with VSA. Presumably this has to do with its relatively truly bilingual program, and decent IB scores (albeit admittedly not the most top), with a academic program that encourages creativity, self-agency and lots of reading. Generally (to the extent I am aware) it seems that parents of VSA students do know what they are in for, and are not treating VSA as a “school of last resort”. P.s. there has been significant demand for VSA places, so much so that they added one more p1 class last year or the year before (and managed to fill them all).
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