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教育王國 討論區 特殊教育 快崩溃的妈妈,BB右边脸有几大块酒色血管痣! ...
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[唐氏] 快崩溃的妈妈,BB右边脸有几大块酒色血管痣! [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 07-12-3 23:50 |顯示全部帖子
hi rosetti_wu
i can feel what u feel. because my son has a very large 血管瘤 on his face too.
it's just under the right eye, and down besides the month, covered 2/3 of his left face. looked so bloody.
at the first 9 months i was also very very very worry,
some doctors said it may affected his eye sight,
or if have interal 血管瘤 may affected other function of his body. so i kept bringing him to see doctors.  many diff. kinds of specialists. he had MRI when 6 months to ensure it didn't grow in the brain, ulter-sound for the heard, etc.

I'm not sure was my son's 血管瘤 type is the same as your baby. but there was a doctor in united hospital (kwun tong) had recommend him to intake steriod when he's 6-month old. but then i didn't do so because I'm afraid the heavy dose of steriod will have alot of side effect to a baby.

when he reached 1 year old, i found that the 血管瘤 starting to become smaller and smaller.

He is 2 years old now, still got that mark on face. i'll take him to do laser when he grows older. as long as is a healthy baby, so don't worry.

hope this help.

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