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Sharing of IB vs NSS   [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-7-2 01:19 |顯示全部帖子

I’m so impressed with your article.  Your analysis and inspiring thoughts can really help me to plan for my sons’ future studies.

After reading your article, some questions regarding “JUPAS vs Non-JUPAS” came up to my mind.  I believe you should have good understanding to them.  

Is the 75-25 rule applied to every school year?  Do the universities review it every year?  Do they make adjustment according to the quality and quantity of the Non-JUPAS applicants?

What is the student ratio going for JUPAS and Non-JUPAS in the past?  Was it also 75-25?

Do you think the average standard of Non-JUPAS students is higher than the JUPAS counterparts or vice versa?

Maybe make it simple and straight-forward.  Do the local universities publish the “mean score” and “minimum score” carried by the JUPAS and Non-JUPAS applicants who entered the popular faculty?

Sorry for so many questions raised.  I’m just an ordinary and “calculated” parent.  I’m puzzled and really want to verify whether it is less advantageous for a local student to go for Non-JUPAS.  

Many thanks.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-7-3 14:18 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 ANChan59 於 10-7-2 21:09 發表

Thanks for your questions and after further review year by year comparison, I need to withdraw the 75-25 ratio and amend it with a range from 10-20% as general bold part figure.

I also assume my s ...

Many thanks for your reply and the useful information.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-3-13 00:19 |顯示全部帖子


Go to page 8.

http://paper.smp.singtao.com/?hr ... 1&view=document

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-10-10 00:28 |顯示全部帖子

回復 414# ANChan59 的帖子


Many thanks for your contribution to this topic.

It seems that DBS and SPCC do not offer Business and Management for their IBD students while LPCUWC offer only SL to this subject.

Why don’t the elite schools offer this subject as elective?  Is it less valued by Professors from the renowned universities?  Is it considered too laid back to take this subject?  How do you compare the choices of this subject and Economics if someone who wants to be enrolled in a hot professional subject?

Many thanks.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-10-10 23:58 |顯示全部帖子

回復 416# ANChan59 的帖子


Many thanks for your detailed explanation and comments.  I’ve got two key messages.  The students should target to achieve maximum scores by stretcing their limits and pick the compulsory subjects required by the targeted programme.  So, if the targeted programme has yet to be confirmed, picking traditional subjects seems to be more safe.

I didn’t review the syllabus of B&M either.  I agree it is easier to study B&M than Economics but I think it is not easy to get high scores in B&M.  Very often, business and management is sort of Arts.  It is not well structured and well defined by theoretical model.  Business results are always unpredictble and driven by implementation rather than just by planning.  So, a young student can hardly persuade an assessor admit his work is great business solutions.  

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