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教育王國 討論區 特殊教育 BB聽力測試
樓主: DaisyWong

BB聽力測試 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-4-27 11:40 |只看該作者

Re: BB聽力測試

HI Daisy & Shiba-Inu

My son failed the OAE in hospital again.  The 聽力學家 refer him to do the ARB test. However, we must wait for the appointment until august.  I want to ask how serious of my son's condition.  The OAE we done in hospital with 7 frequency.  The 聽力學家told me that he must passed 5 frequency but he only passed one in his right ear and failed all in left ear.  The 聽力學家 also told me he has response but not strong enough.  Of course, I 'm very sad but I don't want to increase the pressure of my husband.  I am very confuse because many times , my son can response to me.  So , I want to ask is he mild loss or severe loss his hearing?
Is there any case that  failed in OAE but pass in ARB test ?

Daisy, why 子喬can refer to EMB so fast ?
Thank you for answering my question.

Rank: 2

發表於 05-4-27 19:25 |只看該作者

Re: BB聽力測試

Hi mdoip,

我都係在東區覆診呀,子喬3個月時做ABR test唔合格,跟住就叫我地去睇兒科&耳鼻喉(詳情可睇番之前留言),子喬無做到OAE test喎.
或者你BB情況唔係咁差,所以唔急住transfer,否則既然有link up,都會refer你去EMB啦,寫幾隻字

Rank: 2

發表於 05-4-28 01:19 |只看該作者

Re: BB聽力測試

Yanyan's 肥豬腳 really look yummy!!!  

Daisy and mdoip,

Usually the sequence of testing newborn baby's hearing is as follow:

OAE (for univeral screening of all babies' hearing, first gatekeeper) -> ABR  (objective test, does not need any response from the babies, but need sedation) -> other behaviour test e.g. VRA  (subjective test, needs babies' response and needs to be age- & ability- appropriate)

As babies' hearing is so difficult to test, audiologists usually do all (we call "battery of test") to obtain more information. So there is nothing as one method being better than the other, the most important thing is how the audiologists intergrate all the information together to get a clearer picture of  babies' hearing.
;-) How is your baby's hearing? Ask an audiologist! ;-)

Rank: 2

發表於 05-4-28 01:40 |只看該作者

Re: BB聽力測試

mdoip 寫道:
So , I want to ask is he mild loss or severe loss his hearing?
Is there any case that  failed in OAE but pass in ARB test ?


OAE cannot tell the degree of hearing loss. It's just a test of pass or fail.

Yes, as I have explained in the other forums (please see the links in my previous message), OAE fail a small portion of normal hearing babies as well. So there's a possibility of failing OAE and then get normal results in ABR.

mdoip 寫道:
The 聽力學家 refer him to do the ARB test. However, we must wait for the appointment until august.

If u and your family want a peace of mind and get ABR results before Aug, there is just a few private hearing aid company/ hospital (?) out there that can do ABR on babies. I may email u the phone no. of these places, but mind u two things:
1. Your son needs to be sedated to do the test.
2. Price maybe around thousands.

On the other hand, if your son is 6 months or older, and have enough support for the nect to turn and trace subjects visually, u can self-refer yourself to EMB and try to see if he can do VRA (what test the audiologist can do depend on the condition of your son on that day though).
;-) How is your baby's hearing? Ask an audiologist! ;-)

Rank: 2

發表於 05-4-28 01:57 |只看該作者

Re: BB聽力測試

DaisyWong 寫道:
子喬剛做完VRA test,結果話有residual hearing,何故咁confuse,因為ABR test話hearing lost


ABR test is not frequency specific, and it tells the part of the story mainly on the high-frequencies part. So the report usually says somethings like "at least severe hearing loss in the high freq for both ears".
However, audiologist can try different freq on the babies when tested with VRA. It's quite common for hearing loss to be worse in the high freq than low and middle freq, and at diff freq they may have diff degree of loss. e.g. "moderate loss at low freq sloping to profound loss at high freq" - then the baby is described as having "residual hearing" at the low freq.
;-) How is your baby's hearing? Ask an audiologist! ;-)

Rank: 2

發表於 05-4-28 23:20 |只看該作者

Re: BB聽力測試

Hi Shiba-Inu,



Rank: 2

發表於 05-4-28 23:42 |只看該作者

Re: BB聽力測試

Hi mdoip,

你試吓打電話去下葵涌特殊教育聽覺服務組問吓(tel: 23075071) ,我唔清楚洗唔洗醫生轉介,你try吓啦,都無壞嘅。

--> www.suenmeicentre.com

你BB而家幾大呀?係邊度做listening test呀?


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-4-29 00:59 |只看該作者

Re: BB聽力測試

HI Shiba-Inu,

Thank you for answering my questions.  You're so kind to spend time to answer my questions.  I told my husband about your suggestions , and he wanted to have the detail about the private hearing aid company. So , pls email to me the phone no. of those company.  Thank you!
Pls forgive me because I have so many questions to ask.  Can the ABR test tells us the degree of hearing loss? If my son fail the ABR test , he need to do more test or not?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-4-29 11:08 |只看該作者

Re: BB聽力測試

hi daisy,

    多謝你熱心的回應 ! 也謝謝你提供的資料 !

    我bb現在六個月, 二個月時在健康院做OAE兩次不及格 ,本星期到屯門醫院做OAE仍是不合格,  聽力學家 再叫我們排期做ABR , 但要等到8月, 我現在不知有什麼可以做?所以我才問你為什麼子喬能這麼快refer 去EMB.  我想快些做 , 但我又對結果感到很恐懼 !!!!!其實 , 健康院的姑娘很好 , 因她知道我的情緒很波動 , 所以這個星期特地打電話給我 , 希望知道我BB的情況 , 可惜沒有好消息告訴她 , 自己好想多謝她 , 但我實在.......
      對不起 ! 我其實很明白你的感受 , 我會向你學習!
謝謝 , 聽我發盧蘇!

Rank: 2

發表於 05-4-29 11:09 |只看該作者

Re: BB聽力測試

請問我bb在健康院做的叫OAB test嗎? 遲些到醫院專科做的叫ABR test嗎? 到時在醫院會做些什麼測試bb的?

Thanks a lot!

yanyan mama
I love my little yanyan..... :-D 這是她的肥豬腳.......好好味呀...... :-o

Rank: 2

發表於 05-5-1 07:06 |只看該作者

Re: BB聽力測試

Hi mdoip,

I don't have your email address. I will pm you the list of institutes in HK which are experienced in testing children. If you don't receive it, try giving me your email address, OK?

For that list, try to phone those with an asterisk to check with them the price of doing ABR. Some of them may suggest "ASSR" instead of "ABR" which is used to test babies' hearing too. However, ASSR will tell you a little bit more information: it will give you the degree of hearing loss from low to high frequencies, while ABR tells you the degree mainly at the high frequencies region. For the time being, I will say that ABR is good enough.

Be sure to tell the institutes that you have done OAE already, so no need to repeat it again.

For any of the tests, if hearing loss is ever detected, further tests will be necessary to learn more about babies' hearing so as to figure out the most appropriate way to help them.

Good luck!  
;-) How is your baby's hearing? Ask an audiologist! ;-)

Rank: 2

發表於 05-5-1 07:24 |只看該作者

Re: BB聽力測試

Hi loveyanpig,

In MCH, if your baby was tested by an equipment and the nurse put an eartip into his/ her ears, that's the OAE (otoacoustic emissison) test.

If you are referred to see the audiologists in the ENT department of an hospital, most probably they will do the ABR in that appointment. However, doing which test subjected to the condition of your baby on that day and the decision of the audiologist.

If your baby is going to be tested with ABR, he/ she will firstly be given a very mild dose of sedation to put him/ her to sleep. Then the audiologist will put on the headphones and some electrodes on his/ her head in order to record the "brain waves"  when sound is presented.
;-) How is your baby's hearing? Ask an audiologist! ;-)

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-5-3 23:50 |只看該作者

Re: BB聽力測試

Hi Shiba-Inu,

I have received the list already.  Thank you very much.  I think that the list is very useful and I will keep it for my reference.  I find that many people just like you who are so kind and helpful.  The audiologist in Tuen Mun called us three days later (after doing the OAE test) , she told us she could arrange my son to do the ABR eariler in May in Kwun Chung.  So I will wait for the appointment.
多謝你提供了很多專業的意見給我 , 加添了我的勇氣! 也讓我感到人間有情!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-5-4 01:46 |只看該作者

Re: BB聽力測試

dear mdoip

我有一個囡19個月喇,嘩,時間真係好似倒水一樣,潑左出去都收唔返,她出世後才發現是唐氏bb,當時的情況..... 唉,太難形容..... ,但是對住一個天真無邪的bb,自己一定要勇敢去面對和找辦法幫忙,然而日子一日一日的過,孩子一日一日的長大,由從未想過囡囡會有幾多快樂給我們,到現在每一日都享受她為我們帶來的開心歡愉,自己都會感到恩慰!



Rank: 2

發表於 05-5-5 09:18 |只看該作者

Re: BB聽力測試

Hi mdoip,

u are so lucky to work with a caring audiologist in Tuen Mun Hospital! Keep your spirit up and we will wait for your good news!
;-) How is your baby's hearing? Ask an audiologist! ;-)

Rank: 1

發表於 05-5-6 10:26 |只看該作者

Re: BB聽力測試

HI,Shiba-Inu ,

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-5-7 01:09 |只看該作者

Re: BB聽力測試

Hi reginang,

   多謝你送給我的留言! 看到你的留言 , 我又哭了!只要我一提起這件事 , 我就會忍不住......所以只好選擇在網上留言!

   我知道我要堅強 , 有時又覺得自己好無用 ......多謝你送給我勇氣!!


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-5-7 01:12 |只看該作者

Re: BB聽力測試

Hi Shiba-Inu,

    Thank you very much!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-5-7 21:32 |只看該作者

Re: BB聽力測試

Hi reginang & Daisy,

   我敬佩的母親 , 祝母親節快樂 !

Hi Shiba-Inu,

    Happy mother's day

Rank: 2

發表於 05-5-8 00:06 |只看該作者

Re: BB聽力測試

Hi mdoip,

個幾星期無上嚟BK,見到你BB獲得轉介嘅消息,令人      ,起碼幫BB揾到方向,唔駛咁徬徨,已經係向前又邁進一大步。

睇到reginang嘅留言,100% agree。相信最難過嘅日子已經過去,時間過得好快,特別係BB嘅成長,我而家會好感恩同珍惜BB嘅moment。

明天係母親節,而家先知為人母者,原來真係好偉大,可以為兒女作出無限的付出,祝願各BK mums母親節快樂,特別係reginang,mdoip,nail,Shiba-Inu & 稚言治語。

PS. 子喬暫時仲等緊覆診,遲D先有進–步updates。

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