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教育王國 討論區 特殊教育 言語治療服務資料
樓主: 承承媽媽

[聽/語障] 言語治療服務資料 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 06-1-10 01:17 |只看該作者

Re: 言語治療服務資料


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發表於 06-1-25 15:18 |只看該作者

Re: 言語治療服務資料

各位媽媽妳地好,我係一位準媽媽,亦係一位ST,見到這個topic,不得不到來看看,發現承承媽媽的意見十分準確呢!以我在早期訓練中心及兼收位的經驗,投入參與的家長往往就是孩子進步神速的原因之一,就算我幾努力,家長不參與,老師不理會,孩子的進步也不會很快,所以緊張的家長比懶懶閒的家長更好,我做的NGO就是主張家長參與的。若妳們對ST工作有疑難,just leave a message, let's see if I can help!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-1-25 23:24 |只看該作者

Re: 言語治療服務資料


My Lovest Group-- Il Divo

Rank: 1

發表於 06-1-26 14:02 |只看該作者

Re: 言語治療服務資料

dear YRaymond,

my boy is now 2.5 years old, he has very similar characteristics to your kid. He speaks very few single word now, like ma ma, pa pa, he is reluctant to follow our teaching.  He yells when he saw some logo like HSBC, 7-Eleven.  He also likes to play hide and seek game.  He has great temper when we are not doing the things he wants.  But I don't know if he is autism.
Actually we didn't find he's different from others except his delay on language development.  He is now in nursery and there is no complaint from teachers bout his behavior.  We can see he is very happy when seeing other kids, he understand and follow the instructions from the adult, and he will approach us to get the things he want.

So, would like to ask how your kid is proved to be autism ??  Knowing that you enroll some activities for you kid, is it helpful ? Pls give us some comment.
My husband and I worry so much, and I even cry a lot these few days cos' I don't know what to do to help my boy....

Thanks a lot

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-1-27 16:37 |只看該作者

Re: 言語治療服務資料

Hi 擔心的媽媽,

You had better to ask for the advice from "Mother & Baby Health Centre". Maybe they will transfer your kids to do evaluation.

Don't worry too much. Your kids may not get autism. As your mentioned, he smiles when he sees the another kids. He wants to approach people. At least, he will not be so serious at least.

For my son, he is classified as he has little eyes-contacted with people except his mom and me. He wants to play with kids at his age level but doesn't know how to approach them.

So, we keep playing with him on some eyes-contacted games or put something he likes at the front of our faces. We also get his hand to touch us and show him how little the force should be.

Of course, we enrol some courses for him and learn the technique how to do training by games. Games or training can also help him to catch up speaking faster. He speaks lots of single words to compound words in 2 months from yelling

Anyway, don't do any guess and send him to do evaluation first. Get the answer first and do what you should do in the next stage.

God bless your kid and your family.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-1-27 16:56 |只看該作者

Re: 言語治療服務資料

Hi 擔心的媽媽, pls make a phone call for private testing at the same time if the queue is too long at the government center.

ccy4921 寫道:
Take a assessment in a private centre. The wedsite is www.step-hk.com and the telephone no. 28992993.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-2-9 01:49 |只看該作者

Re: 言語治療服務資料

hello all,
My daughter is now 23 months... and no single meaningful word. so by December, we were referred by our pediatrician to seen a specialist dr. at 養和醫院. Turned out, she is considered to be mild autistic and possible ADD. It was really depressing... because the real reason for us to go see the specialist is to find out why she is so delay in speaking....
my girl has great eye contact, smiles a lot, isn't  afriad of stranger, follow instructions... went to playgroup since she 's 10 months old... even the teachers at school didn't think she's autistic ...
now we are referred to Hip Hong Society for language therapy and occupational therapy...
the theraphy will start this Friday.. and we'll see how it goes...
and you know, the worst thing is i'm expecting a 2nd child next month!!!

this whole thing has cost us time. stress... and $$$. the assessment was 800/hr.. come out to be $5000.... and the training at Hip hong is $600/hr... so it's $1800/hr/week...
but ... what are you gonna do???

Rank: 1

發表於 06-2-9 13:32 |只看該作者

Re: 言語治療服務資料

hi YRaymond,

special thanks for your advice.
actually, i have token my boy to 母嬰健康院 2 months ago, the nurse and the doctor checked his response thru some games during two interview, and the doctor said my boy should not be autism but most likely to be language development delay, she suggested us to try hard to stimulate him and go back for review after 1/2 years, but she also gave us a reference letter to the gov't hospital for further checkings.
For these two months, my boy start to say more single words than before after he is changed to be taking care by my mother (in the past, my boy's grandma took care of him)
After reading your topic, I found my boy also has some similar characteristics.  We worry a lot, thus  we brought our boy to the gov't hospital 2 days ago, the nurse also checked the boy with similar games, I told her my concern, but she also said my boy doesn't seems to be autism.  Due to the long waiting list, we can have the result around 1/2 years later.  So, my husband said we will take our boy to private  言語治療服務 centre for further evaluation.
Really thanks for your feedback, it's useful.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-2-12 01:25 |只看該作者

Re: 言語治療服務資料


另外你有沒有要求養和的醫生寫一封轉介信給你去體能智能評估中心?可能你會覺得排政府要很久,但未來還有很多方面的訓練/轉介,是必須要由中央轉介的,就如 i 位/早期訓練/ s位.所以如果你未轉介去政府的評估中心,你務必要儘快轉介.
My Lovest Group-- Il Divo

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-2-14 01:20 |只看該作者

Re: 言語治療服務資料

承承媽媽 ,
Thank you soooo much for your respond.
I live in Kowloon Tong... so this may help... I will give them a call tomorrow...
Also the Dr. at 養和 have referred me to EETC... but the nurse there said the waiting will be about 1 year so we didn't want to wait.
yes, for i-and S- I have already on the waiting list... and once again, the nurse said the waiting is about 1 year.
My girl is now at Yew Chung play group.... the teacher said she will have no problem staying there becuase they truely don't believe she is autisim.
My plan is.. .since she is now in school and might as well let her stay there... and if condition improve... she will not need the i- or S- place.... but if she does need .. I 'm already on the waiting list.
It's really frustrated.... to me, she doesn't really have autisim feature... just that she doesn't know how to speak yet....
oh... we went to heep hong last week and the therapist said my girl may have mouth muscle problem... since she cannot prononce the " Woo" sound. ...
anyway, we are trying hard and staying optimistic as much as possible.

we are expecting a new baby on March 8, good or bad... who knows.... I hope this will give her positive simulation....
once again, thanks for your advice.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-2-14 20:59 |只看該作者

Re: 言語治療服務資料


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-2-14 21:04 |只看該作者

Re: 言語治療服務資料


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-2-15 00:33 |只看該作者

Re: 言語治療服務資料

Thank you for your respond.
Yes, we've been playing bubbles and other " blowing" games.. hopefully, she will improve with time.
I found that my girl has improve somewhat this week.
we've only went to the 1st session ( therapy)... so I know there's still room for improvement. As to her " Autistic feature" .. she now voluntarily say " papa", my maid's name, ball ball, and 泡泡.... without following my lead.
yesterday,.. she saw a pic in a magazine of a ball... she brought the magazine to me and point to the ball and said ball ball....after showing it to me.. she showed to my maid and her dad.....
I think it's a good sign.. that she is willing to communicate ... what do you think??

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-2-15 20:27 |只看該作者

Re: 言語治療服務資料

what she did is very good to show communication intention le! sometimes, it may even take a long time for children with a-features to show any sign of that. for ur little girl, u can also practice more imitation of sound (like singing a song, and suddenly miss out one word, and see if she can say out that word or make any sound for the missing part), and imitation of action (like create actions for a song and see if she can follow the actions when u r singing).
and more importantly, u and ur relatives at home should use a more appropriate way to communicate with her, as she is only saying words, u should also respond her or talk to her in very very short length, like word or 2-word sentences, like she says "ball"
, u respond "玩波波" only, she says "papa", father can say "爸爸錫". and keep playing with her every night at least for 10-15 mins, and describe what she is doing with the toys, no matter in apporpriate or inappropriate way, like she use a comb to pretend brushing teeth, u dont need to sorrect her, but just say "刷牙", follow what she plays; if she doesnt play, then u play first and describe what u r doing instead.
these are skills a ST usully teach u and call parent-child interaction to increase child's communication intention and vocab size.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-2-15 20:31 |只看該作者

Re: 言語治療服務資料

we usually suggest some toys for u to play with her easily and can provide better chances for u and her to communicate, like 煮飲仔 with those cutting food,  toy house with characters (like BB, mum, father, dog)
cos these toys can teach her lots of vocab and more daily living experience.
so katy, just try these out, and be optimistic! she needs you and your baby needs you too. so stay strong and happy!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-2-16 00:53 |只看該作者

Re: 言語治療服務資料

thank you Soooooo much for your valuable comment.
I will keep those in mind... Yes, we've bought a lot of  煮飲仔,cutting food, toy house  for her to play.... and play at least once a day.....
As to the actions with songs... She had no problem in that,.. I found that she even has a good sense of rythem... like she can clap or dance according to the rythem.
But I really like your idea of missing out one word of the song ... so I'll try starting tomorrow.
Yes, she needs us.. and we have to stay strong..
the worst moment ( shock) for me has passed and I've learnt to face the reality........
it's so good to have generous people like you to share feelings and ideas with. I really appreciate it.
BTW, I went to my Ob/Gyn today and she is predicting I may give birth within this 2 weeks... kinda excited and worry at the same time... becuase I may not spend as much time as I would like with my girl for a while.
but, we'll see..... hope things will turn out okay...
once again, thanks a lot..and we'll keep in touch.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-2-17 18:20 |只看該作者

Re: 言語治療服務資料

u r welcome. Hope u will see a fat and white baby soon, and ur little girl will get better and better! wish u all the best!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-2-18 01:10 |只看該作者

Re: 言語治療服務資料

I took my girl to Heep Hong for re-assessment... since both the ST and OT thereapist are questioning the result of the report from 養和醫院 ( my girl has autistic feature).
Turned out... she absolutely is NOT autistic... Actually, socialization and interaction with people is one of her STRENGTH!!!
but yes, she still need ST .. since she is a late talker.. her muscle around the mouth is not well- developed so she hasn't been able to talk.
ANYWAY, it's good news for me...here's something I want to share with:
1. sometimes, it's important to stay optimistic.. becuase things may turn out okay...
2. make sure your child is at his/her tip-top condition when they go for an assessment. my gril didn't sleep for the whole day so she was very sleepy and cranky. plus, we had to wait outside the Dr.'s office for an hour before she sees us ( she was running behind schedule)
3. never just trust one Dr. study the topic well and talk to people , keep yourself well informed and be as objective as possible.
Anyway, just wanna share with you all!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-2-24 04:35 |只看該作者

Re: 言語治療服務資料


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-2-26 01:35 |只看該作者

Re: 言語治療服務資料

Hahah.... I knew it , I knew it.... you're either a teacher or in Education biz. For some reason, i could sense it.
thanks and I will go see if I can find something like that...
Once again, ... I'am stay home mom since she was born... ( but I still have a maid)...

One of the reason could be that we expose her to too many types of language.. I mostly speak Eng.. and My husband is Cantonese/ English...and my Mom is Mandarin...

we'll see how it goes.. She'll be re-evaluated in 3 months time.. A or not... doesn't matter, we still adore her.
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