
標題: 讀卡機好, 定教英文既智慧筆好呢? [打印本頁]

作者: daydaytse    時間: 07-7-13 11:47     標題: 讀卡機好, 定教英文既智慧筆好呢?

我囝囝兩歲幾, 今日收到個電話sale支智慧筆http://www.mybooks.com.hk, 大家覺得有無用呢? 定買讀卡機有用D呢?
作者: brjhome    時間: 07-7-14 00:21

I want to know that !
作者: CatherineLam    時間: 07-7-14 23:05

原文章由 daydaytse 於 07-7-13 11:47 發表
我囝囝兩歲幾, 今日收到個電話sale支智慧筆http://www.mybooks.com.hk, 大家覺得有無用呢? 定買讀卡機有用D呢?

hi 各位,我買左我小朋友得歲半,我自己like筆多d,因為坐長途車可以用又可以插耳筒,多變化,讀卡机屋企用多d,又貴d,而家$1xxx多d唔貴多用途幾好。
作者: mycy    時間: 07-7-15 09:25

it seems good, can i know how much is it and where to buy?  thanks.
作者: CatherineLam    時間: 07-7-15 20:22

原文章由 mycy 於 07-7-15 09:25 發表
it seems good, can i know how much is it and where to buy?  thanks.

hi,mycy ,pls check pm.
作者: WinkyLee    時間: 07-7-17 14:09


我想問下你所指的reader pen係唔係=呢個topic所講的由"卡廸以"所出的apple tree 智慧筆呢?

作者: daydaytse    時間: 07-7-17 15:35

我原本都覺得智慧筆會靈活D, 但上網睇完之後, 又覺得佢D書既公仔唔多吸引, 所以都擔心囝囝書本書無興趣呀!
作者: jarvis    時間: 07-7-17 17:39

Yes. i'm talking about apple tree.

原文章由 WinkyLee 於 07-7-17 14:09 發表

我想問下你所指的reader pen係唔係=呢個topic所講的由"卡廸以"所出的apple tree 智慧筆呢?


作者: jarvis    時間: 07-7-17 17:48

If you baby is under 2 and you are working mother, you better let them listen to the story and tell your maid play the reader pen together with them.  When they start to go to school, you should ask your maid accompany with them and add some imagination and explaination to the story.  If you baby not yet build up the reading habit, you should give him the book to read only everytime during eating, even he is months old. After he love books, you should consider reader pen teaching.

原文章由 daydaytse 於 07-7-17 15:35 發表
我原本都覺得智慧筆會靈活D, 但上網睇完之後, 又覺得佢D書既公仔唔多吸引, 所以都擔心囝囝書本書無興趣呀!

作者: libby    時間: 07-7-17 18:11     標題: 英文教材

我都為仔仔留意好多教 材, 最後都係揀左Disney World of English 。我的考慮點係....
Apple Tree我都有...但係係我自己睇多, 我想學日文, 但係冇時間出去學, 坊間的日文自學書主要係電腦+書, 但我連開電腦的時間都...1星期有時都開唔到一次....所以先買apple tree黎試下。但支筆都幾機器聲、幾刺耳, 有時聽得唔係幾清楚, cd同支筆的發音又有d唔同。再講, d品德教育書, 我竟然係深圳的書城見到、一模一樣, 當然係冇cd啦, 不過都.....。我仔仔有時見我睇apple tree佢都會話睇, 我多數會比佢邊聽cd邊睇, 因為支筆只可入一本書, 成日要換data都幾煩;又係機器聲、刺耳又唔清晰;睇到亂晒頁數, 因掀頁冇提示;而仔仔能夠聽cd而又明白內容, 我覺得都係DWE幫佢打穏左機礎。
以上都係睇到仔仔的反應而寫。一句啦, DWE係唔平, 但真係專家設計比幼兒的學習教材, 而且成效有保証。我雖然買左佢、個戶口就快乾塘, 但係諗到, 仔仔而家打穏基礎又鍾意睇書, 我同佢又可以好開心咁一齊玩DWE, 培養到的親子關係真係有錢都買唔到呀﹗總好過時下的細路, 唔鍾意睇書、只愛打機, 要補習時, 家長又要比$$$、又破壞同子女的關係, 呢個係我最唔想囉﹗
作者: 君瑤媽    時間: 07-7-17 21:37

可唔可以簡單d話比我知幾多錢一套?, 一套又包d乜東東? 兩個小朋友 5歲(升K3) 及9歲 (升小四) 要買2套嗎??, 買左又駛唔駛去上堂學點樣用? eg. setting, download ,...?
作者: jonecshrist    時間: 07-7-18 14:10     標題: RE : seeking for your advice

原文章由 jarvis 於 07-7-17 17:48 發表
If you baby is under 2 and you are working mother, you better let them listen to the story and tell your maid play the reader pen together with them.  When they start to go to school, you should  ...


   Can you tell me what i can do for my baby girl aged 4 months ? should i buy the reader pen ? if yes, whare can i buy it ?

Thanks a lot .

作者: NICOLE123    時間: 07-7-18 16:52

原文章由 jonecshrist 於 07-7-18 14:10 發表


   Can you tell me what i can do for my baby girl aged 4 months ? should i buy the reader pen ? if yes, whare can i buy it ?

Thanks a lot .


其實佢地講既筆即係APPLE TREE入面既.你地可以係呢度見到成SET野 http://www.mybooks.com.hk/appletree/home.html
作者: Babysiu    時間: 07-7-18 21:56

我最近都買咗Apple Tree,不過仔仔興趣不大,唔想嘥咗佢,如邊位有興趣的話,可pm我!
作者: jarvis    時間: 07-7-18 21:58

Remember even teaching tools is good, its not a magic, your arrangement and control of baby learning is also the important issue...
if you baby is 4 months old, it's the time to build up the reading habit and interest.  You should select some of the baby book or interesting pop-up book for him to read, even he is not really know how to read.  Build up a close relationship with book by daily activities (playing, eating or bathing).  Don't mind baby will eat the book or tear the book.  When this happen, its time to teach him the correct way to treat the books, even they are not really understand.  If you are working mother, make sure your maid follow the arrangement.  I request my maid to give any books to my son during every meals, sometimes she will read for him.
secondly, no Television in my house until my son 2 years 5 months, is it crazy for HK people.  I don't want my son become a TV slave too earlier.  I will only sometime give him baby cd or DVD to watch in my labtop computer only.
So, no need to urge to buy, build up the habit first.

原文章由 jonecshrist 於 07-7-18 14:10 發表


   Can you tell me what i can do for my baby girl aged 4 months ? should i buy the reader pen ? if yes, whare can i buy it ?

Thanks a lot .


[ 本文章最後由 jarvis 於 07-7-18 22:01 編輯 ]
作者: jmoc    時間: 07-7-20 20:35     標題: 1.5歲適合用 reader pen/讀卡機嗎?

1.5歲適合用 reader pen or 讀卡機? 邊款較為適合?
大家會見議我買那部, 因實在太多牌子和款式了.
作者: libby    時間: 07-7-26 03:42     標題: reader pen or 讀卡機

原文章由 jmoc 於 07-7-20 20:35 發表
1.5歲適合用 reader pen or 讀卡機? 邊款較為適合?
大家會見議我買那部, 因實在太多牌子和款式了.

如果你囡囡咁細, 唔好用reader pen 喇, 音質同發音都唔好, 學壞音就弊喇
我有apple tree同dwe, dwe真係好好, 唔好淨係睇個價錢, 佢係哈佛大學語言系教授設計的, 發音同文法都係最好的, 唔係其他的教材, 都唔知邊個設計, 又或者個sales自己設計 就講到天花龍鳯。
Apple Tree我主要係比自己玩日文, 因我實在騰不出時間去上堂及同cd-rom學習, 我都有比過apple tree的英文書仔仔睇, 佢睇左一本一次就唔再睇, 反而dwe的書睇極都唔厭, 晚晚瞓覺都要聽住dwe的cd瞓。有效果的4萬都唔貴, 品質差的就$1都唔想浪費
作者: CANDYMOMM    時間: 07-7-27 00:54

你會唔會hard sell佐呀!我就覺得apple tree好好啦!我對仔女不知玩得幾開心,發音我覺得完全無問題,因為我就識日文.其實百貨撞百客,你似乎過份踩人播,你就算係sale都唔洗咁出位,dwe好唔好係人都知我都知,我都有二手貨,貴唔貴係人都識計,你係邊到的代表,你識幾國語言呀?你都要學,竟然話人發音唔好,你真係好好笑.

原文章由 libby 於 07-7-26 03:42 發表

如果你囡囡咁細, 唔好用reader pen 喇, 音質同發音都唔好, 學壞音就弊喇
我有apple tree同dwe, dwe真係好好, 唔好淨係睇個價錢, 佢係哈佛大學語言系教授設計的, 發音同文法都係最好的, 唔係其他的教材 ...

[ 本文章最後由 CANDYMOMM 於 07-7-27 01:46 編輯 ]
作者: jarvis    時間: 07-8-4 00:18

For sharing,  besides, apple tree,  longman's talk to beeno is quite good.  The reader pen connect with the cutie beeno and have record function, the book have song teaching, daily life scene in HK and exercise.  If the baby not used to hear English or not really interested, you should change to Cantonese channel to learn cantonese words and expression.  It's quite interesting, I found that the prononounciation in english and cantonese is very good and with very good expression.  I have visited the book exihition last month, some of the reader pen quality is really bad.

Away from individual kids preference in reader pen, in my opinion,  quality of apple tree and longman's "talk to beeno" are the best among similar products.  By the way, dwe is a different teaching material,  this is not the product of disney. It's only a taiwanese gain the franchise of the disney charactors only for products development.  I ask the counter sales about the major charactor of dwe, she said major mickey mouse & friends.  I 'm afraid too many mickey mouse always if I intend to use this material for coming serveral years.  Besides, I can't afford it.  one dwe = 40 sets beeno.  If my child don't like beeno, I will not "MUSCLE PAIN".

原文章由 jmoc 於 07-7-20 20:35 發表
1.5歲適合用 reader pen or 讀卡機? 邊款較為適合?
大家會見議我買那部, 因實在太多牌子和款式了.

作者: macymom    時間: 07-8-4 10:53

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