標題: 在國際學校讀書是否按自己的能力分組? [打印本頁]
作者: sks 時間: 07-8-15 13:04 標題: 在國際學校讀書是否按自己的能力分組?
作者: sks 時間: 07-8-16 09:20
我以前幫過一個ESF學生補習數學, 我記得佢同我講佢雖然讀緊11班, 但係數學係讀10班, 英文則讀12班, 所以我一直覺得國際學校是按孩子的能力分組, 此亦是我覺得它比本地學校好的安排.
但我打電話問了一間ESF小學, 答覆是沒有這樣的安排. 故此我想弄清楚.
作者: joyfung 時間: 07-8-22 15:53
In CWBS (ESF), reading, writing and mathematics will have groups in each class. The children will know especially those children are in the top set. Ask your children.
In KGV, there are different sets for Chinese (4 sets)(from Yr7), Mathematics (10 sets) (from Yr8), English and Science (from Yr9).
原文章由 sks 於 07-8-16 09:20 發表
我以前幫過一個ESF學生補習數學, 我記得佢同我講佢雖然讀緊11班, 但係數學係讀10班, 英文則讀12班, 所以我一直覺得國際學校是按孩子的能力分組, 此亦 ...
[ 本文章最後由 joyfung 於 07-9-1 13:33 編輯 ]
作者: Cayenne 時間: 07-8-22 16:49
原文章由 sks 於 07-8-15 13:04 發表
以 HKIS High School ( 中學部 ) 為例, 學生根本不是在一個固定的班房上課, 和 Local School 的 情况不同.
Local Schools 每一 班, eg: Form One A 有自己 F1A 的班房, 同學們只要安坐課室, 各科老師就會依時間表輪流出現來授課.
HKIS 行美國制, 每一科都有不同程度深淺 module 課程. eg : Calculus 微積分, 最深可以揀 AP ( Advanced Placement ) 課程, 若莫相等於美國大學一年級程度, 日後入到大學後 是可當大學學分計 的 . 想舒服點的, 便揀個淺些的課程, ,, etc.
每個學生可依據自己的能力, 和教師的建議, 去挑選不同的課程. 如 : 數理科特佳的同學, 可能全部數理科都揀 AP courses, 但 History 就揀 普通課程. 完成每個課程都有學分, 無論 是甚麼 module, 總之揍夠足夠學分就可畢業.
上課 時, 同班同學就分道揚鑣, take 同一 course 的學生, 會走去該科老師自己的教室進行的, 同一堂入面, 可能有高你一級的學兄, 又或者是低你一級的學弟, 一齊上 同一課程, 如 AP Physics.
作者: sks 時間: 07-8-22 18:39
Is the arrangement you mentioned of CWBS started from year 1?
Is all the arrangement for ESF primary are similar?
My child will start her K1 in Sept, so I would like to gather more information before making the final decision between local & IS primary.
妳所提及有關HKIS在這方的安排, 正是我覺得可以發揮到孩子能力的做法.
作者: eemsfok 時間: 07-8-23 01:33
呢個安排好好, 其實每個學生都有唔同強弱既地方, 分班上可以配合返學生唔同既能力.........好
原文章由 Cayenne 於 07-8-22 16:49 發表
以 HKIS High School ( 中學部 ) 為例, 學生根本不是在一個固定的班房上課, 和 Local School 的 情况不同.
Local Schools 每一 班, eg: Form One A 有自己 F1A 的班房, 同學們只要安坐課室, 各科老 ...
作者: YOSASHTO 時間: 07-8-23 08:26
My son is in HKIS Primary, so maybe I can comment about this a little bit.
Once the teacher is acquainted to the children and has a good feel for their ability in reading, writing, mathematics, etc., he/she will regroup the desks. Actually, the desks are moved around once a month, depending on many factors. If the month's focus is in reading specific books, and the kids need to discuss and work in groups, the desks will be arranged according to reading level. If the month's focus is mathematics related, the desks will be grouped in another way. Sometimes they make a u-shaped classroom because there is a need for intensive teacher-led discussions. I know sometimes the teacher may put kids that do not get along very well in the same group, just so they can learn conflict resolution.
In terms of actual "learning" in groups, I know that there are reading groups. The kids in the same group are assigned similar reading materials, and they read to and write to each other. They also comment on each other's written work (constructive comments, of course). As for math, the teacher has special challenges for kids who excel in the basic curriculum. These kids are not really in a group, but gets individual attention.
The grouping for Chinese is not as good. I know the school is working very hard to correct this problem, but currently, it is either too easy or too difficult for most kids (with Chinese origin) because there are only 2 streams - Near Native Speakers and Second Language. Only a small percentage that I know are satisfied with the current arrangements. But the main thing is, the school is actively trying to improve on this, and parents opinions are constantly being sought. Right now, children in the Near Native Speakers stream gets 90 minutes to240 minutes of Chinese lessons per week, depending on the grade level. R1 & R2 gets 90 minutes, G1-G2 gets 150 minutes, G3-G5 gets 200 minutes. Starting Gr 6, they would get 240 minutes.
原文章由 sks 於 07-8-22 18:39 發表
Is the arrangement you mentioned of CWBS started from year 1?
Is all the arrangement for ESF primary are similar?
My child will start her K1 in Sept, so I would like to gather more ...
[ 本文章最後由 YOSASHTO 於 07-8-23 08:32 編輯 ]
作者: Cayenne 時間: 07-8-23 11:13
Many thanks to Yasashto for sharing an up to date information on the HKIS Primary. :)
Rest assured that the education HKIS and most other ISs provide is a far cry from the examination-orientated, scores-driven diet dished out by many of our traditional schools.
作者: joyfung 時間: 07-8-23 18:18
YES, CWBS starts this arrangement from year 1 but they won't tell you which table your child is in because they don't want to label them. My friends son's school (BHS) has similar arrangement.
However, the teacher will let you know your child is in what level at the end of the year.
For example, level 1a in reading, level 2c in writing, level 2b in mathematics.
Chinese groups arrangement is similar to HKIS.
原文章由 sks 於 07-8-22 18:39 發表
Is the arrangement you mentioned of CWBS started from year 1?
Is all the arrangement for ESF primary are similar?
My child will start her K1 in Sept, so I would like to gather more ...
[ 本文章最後由 joyfung 於 07-8-23 18:25 編輯 ]
作者: LunMeiWah 時間: 07-8-23 18:41
原文章由 sks 於 07-8-15 13:04 發表
1, 英文先作評估.將你用顏色分組,然後同一組為一個Level,
Level 有很多級.我女兒in P1 時,就Level 2-12,學期尾
就Level 6-22.老師會告訴你,你的孩子在which line.
2.中文(即國語).同上, 但Level可能只有4組,但如個有能力
3.Math 老師只注重method of thinging,不斷做Step, 及
P1-P3全部在自己班內進行,不用跟其他班cross over.
作者: sks 時間: 07-8-23 21:13
請問妳女女是讀那所ESF Primary?
1) 英文: 分組好像很多, 由Level 2-12 to Level 6-22, 感覺上好像跳了很多級, 但實際上是代表了甚麼?有哪方面的進步?
2) 數學: 是否比較著重邏輯思維?
作者: LunMeiWah 時間: 07-8-24 22:02
Eng level--開學幾天後,老師會評估學生Level,然後分4大組,一組group幾個level, that why have many level on it.2-4 5-7
7-9 10-12,然後分派每組reading book,回家每天閱讀,讀完可
以再換,老師會在堂上叫小朋友讀出你看過的reading book,從讀
音,由同學發問問題,老師便知你的水準了.另外重有spelling level,
,錯3個便加7個新的,如此類推.到每年的家長日,(3 times per
year).就會同你講,全班英文分2-12,你個細佬係邊處.10 0r
6 .
Math就教步驟 thinking step ,一步一步的推算,因為step明白
答案就一定對.老師同我講過,這好像同local school相對比較慢
原文章由 sks 於 07-8-23 21:13 硐表
請問妳女女是讀那所ESF Primary?
1) 英文: 分組好像很多, 由Level 2-12 to Level 6-22, 感覺上好像跳了很多級, 但實際上是代表了甚麼?有哪方面的進步?
2) 數學: 是否比較著重邏輯思維? ...
作者: sks 時間: 07-8-24 23:48
另我在別的討論見妳提及妳女兒的ESF學校是分開兩個校舍, ESF小學只有一間是這樣安排, 我亦是在這個catchment
我前一段時間在她的website看到她安排year 3學生去Rose Street高年班校舍,及安排year 6畢業生去KGV, SC 參觀, 雖然是小小的安排,但我卻感到此校對學生的關懷.
joyfung, Cayeene, LunMeiWah, YOSASHTO,
Really thanks for your information, they are very useful to me and help me much on finalising my selection. I will mainly focus on IS primary.
On the other hand, I don't want my child to be 教改下的白老鼠. They change too much and too frequent.
作者: LunMeiWah 時間: 07-8-25 07:53
老師,very sweet .
原文章由 sks 於 07-8-24 23:48 硐表
另我在別的討論見妳提及妳女兒的ESF學校是分開兩個校舍, ESF小學只有一間是這樣安排, 我亦是在這個catchment
我前一段時間在她的website看到她安排year 3學生去Rose Street高 ...
作者: Yau_Cheung 時間: 07-8-25 12:29
原文章由 LunMeiWah 於 07-8-25 07:53 硐表
但係就近地鐵站,因為 ...
hi LunMeiWah,
Thanks for your sharing. Your information are very useful.:
作者: Kareese 時間: 07-8-25 21:53
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作者: sks 時間: 07-8-26 01:34
以我所知, 她有計劃擴大巴富行的校舍, 令P1-P6學生可以在同一校舍. 2008年的校舍重修是否即是擴建工程?
作者: LunMeiWah 時間: 07-8-26 13:06
建.是不是將P1-P6 Group 在一起就不得而知.其實
已落實全部開始. 有無其他家長知道呢
原文章由 sks 於 07-8-26 01:34 硐表
以我所知, 她有計劃擴大巴富行的校舍, 令P1-P6學生可以在同一校舍. 2008年的校舍重修是否即是擴建工程?
作者: LunMeiWah 時間: 07-8-26 13:07
原文章由 Kareese 於 07-8-25 21:53 硐表
Please check pm !
作者: eemsfok 時間: 07-8-26 17:04
LunMeiWah, 我想請問下你, ESP既中文係用廣東話教定係普通話教呢, 另中文水平OK嗎?????
原文章由 LunMeiWah 於 07-8-26 13:06 硐表
建.是不是將P1-P6 Group 在一起就不得而知.其實
已落實全部開始. 有無其他家長知道呢
作者: LunMeiWah 時間: 07-8-26 18:06
P1,P2and P3 one/Per week,係國語不是廣東話,教寫
減筆字,到P4就 three times per week,升上P4時在
對於本士中國人太淺 ,外國人子太深 ,所以到了P4,
要分流,但係 in P3 已經教晒國語大部份拼音,因為上堂時
頭字 2.頭字的"拼音"tou. 3.頭字的英文解擇.
原文章由 eemsfok 於 07-8-26 17:04 硐表
LunMeiWah, 我想請問下你, ESP既中文係用廣東話教定係普通話教呢, 另中文水平OK嗎?????
作者: Kareese 時間: 07-8-26 19:12
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作者: LunMeiWah 時間: 07-8-26 23:29
我個女剛上8月21日開課(P4),佢抄個time table是一星期3次,
唔...... 我要查下.....可能佢抄漏佢上年抄個time table
的課題,我都唔知點解 .見過佢地上writeing,math, 國語,
anyway, thahks for information.
原文章由 Kareese 於 07-8-26 19:12 硐表
據我所知KJS P1-P3 Mandarin class是一星期兩堂,P4-P6則今年開始加強至一星期五堂,即每天都有。
作者: LunMeiWah 時間: 07-8-27 07:47
今年開學第一天抄的time table 未抄完 too busy,第二天
才把time table完成,無錯 5 times per Week,WOO,真好!
你個小朋友是否讀KJS? which location? P幾?
原文章由 LunMeiWah 於 07-8-26 23:29 硐表
我個女剛上8月21日開課(P4),佢抄個time table是一星期3次,
唔...... 我要查下.....可能佢抄漏佢上年抄個time table
佢地D時間表很多時會改,很多時做He ...
作者: sks 時間: 07-8-28 13:21
我係佢既網站既school curriculum內,見佢提了這方面的資料.
By the way, do you know when is the open day of KJS?
嗶, 真好, KJS增加了普通話時間.
我之前打電話去問, 說P1只有每星期1堂, 聽電話的姐姐亦提醒我他們的中文課很少,課程亦較淺易,不同本地學校.
作者: LunMeiWah 時間: 07-8-28 16:06
原文章由 sks 於 07-8-28 13:21 硐表
我係佢既網站既school curriculum內,見佢提了這方面的資料.
By the way, do you know when is the open day of KJS?
嗶, 真好, KJS增加了普通話時間. ...
去年我個女班上的助教(某Miss Hong Kong的媽媽)
同我講,in P3 只有我們這班試行IB,其他P3沒有,因為
樣的,起初都有點擔心, 但係到學期尾,又唔覺有什麼
open day????好似唔覺,有無其他人知呢
作者: WYmom 時間: 07-8-28 18:16
原文章由 joyfung 於 07-8-22 15:53 硐表
In CWBS (ESF), reading, writing and mathematics will have groups in each class. The children will know especially those children are in the top set. Ask your children.
In KGV, there are different sets ...
My kid studying in ESF Y7 said that they are alloted to 4 different levels in Chinese. To my surprise, she has to study the Singaporean Form 1 Chinese textbooks, of which standard is equivalent to Form 1 level in local schools, so it's quite good.
作者: bawt 時間: 07-8-28 18:35
原文章由 WYmom 於 07-8-28 18:16 硐表
My kid studying in ESF Y7 said that they are alloted to 4 different levels in Chinese. To my surprise, she has to study the Singaporean Form 1 Chinese textbooks, of which standard is equivalent to ...
Do you mind telling me which ESF school your child is in?
Are all ESF schools using the same set of Chinese textbooks?
作者: WYmom 時間: 07-8-28 19:16
原文章由 bawt 於 07-8-28 18:35 硐表
Do you mind telling me which ESF school your child is in?
Are all ESF schools using the same set of Chinese textbooks?
My kid is in SC. I don't know what textbooks other ESF schools are using, but as I know, all ESF schools are using the same cirriculum/ system (except RC and DC which use through train IB) . Students can study in different subject groups every year according to their standard assessed. Some gifted children are allowed to jump grades as well.
作者: Kareese 時間: 07-8-29 02:43
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作者: GG9190 時間: 07-8-29 14:15
Hi WYmom,
If SC already impose MYP program? As from their website
they said SC was already authorised as a IBO school?
原文章由 WYmom 於 07-8-28 19:16 硐表
My kid is in SC. I don't know what textbooks other ESF schools are using, but as I know, all ESF schools are using the same cirriculum/ system (except RC and DC which use through train IB) . ...
作者: WYmom 時間: 07-8-29 15:07
原文章由 GG9190 於 07-8-29 14:15 硐表
Hi WYmom,
If SC already impose MYP program? As from their website
they said SC was already authorised as a IBO school?
It is implementing IBD (IB Diploma) and PYP (in SJS). It won't implement MYP yet, students still will take IGCSE. All other ESF secondary schools are also authorised IB schools already as they all implement IBD now.
作者: Yau_Cheung 時間: 07-8-29 15:10
Dear all ESF parents,
ESF部份小學已開始行IB PYP,請問剛開始時,是否只是year 1行IB PYP?其他year (year 2 to year 6)仍然用舊制?那麼現時year 2 to 6的學生有冇得轉讀IB?最後會否year 1 to 6全用IB PYP?
另外,ESF又話無行IB MYP的timetable,到底ESF secondary會唔會行IB MYP?如果year 1 to year 6讀完IB PYP,year 7 to year 10讀番舊制,year 11 to year 13又轉番IB DP,唔知函接有冇問題呢?
Sorry maybe many silly questions.
[ 本文章最後由 Yau_Cheung 於 07-8-29 15:11 編輯 ]
作者: Kareese 時間: 07-8-29 17:07
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作者: WYmom 時間: 07-8-29 17:24
原文章由 Yau_Cheung 於 07-8-29 15:10 硐表
Dear all ESF parents,
ESF部份小學已開始行IB PYP,請問剛開始時,是否只是year 1行IB PYP?其他year (year 2 to year 6)仍然用舊制?那麼現時year 2 to 6的學生有冇得轉讀IB?最後會否year 1 to 6全用IB PYP?
另外,ESF又話 ...
Your question seems not related to the topic. Maybe you can ask the school concerned.
For SC, though they do not implement MYP, they have revised Y7 to 11 cirriculum to help students to prepare for IBD later. Students have to do some work to develop independent learning and critical thinking skills. So they won't have problems to study IBD. I believe other ESF schools will also do the same.
In fact, I personally prefer students taking IGCSE as they can use this public exam results to apply Us and get conditional offers. If take MYP exam, it is not a public exam.
Most IB IS implement PYP and IBD without MYP. If you like through train IB program, you should consider RC or DC.
[ 本文章最後由 WYmom 於 07-8-29 17:26 編輯 ]
作者: CherylMum 時間: 07-8-30 15:50
International schools
[ 本帖最後由 CherylMum 於 09-11-4 10:39 編輯 ]
作者: WYmom 時間: 07-8-30 20:15
原文章由 CherylMum 於 07-8-30 15:50 硐表
Hi WYmom,
You mentioned that some gifted children in SC can jump classes. How is the arrangement? Is it that the teacher will make the assessment and identify the children?
I also heard fr ...
Hi, CherylMum,
I do not mean jumping grades in SC, so far I have seen such cases in ESF primary. Experienced teachers can assess the kids. Of course not too many can jump grades. I also see underperformed kids need to repeat as well.
For Chinese, I guess you know more than me. As I know, they have grouped the students into 4 levels in Y7. So I think the kids can join the group which match their own standard. My kid don't feel it "difficult" so far, maybe it is still just the beginning. As I know, study in ESF secondary schools will be more vigorous and more demanding as compared to primary, which I believe that it should be.
[ 本文章最後由 WYmom 於 07-8-30 21:06 編輯 ]
作者: joyfung 時間: 07-9-1 13:41
ESF- CWBS has been selected to join the Chinese pilot program. Y3-Y6 students have daily Chinese lessons (45mins) and Y1-Y3 have 2-3 lessons per week.
In KGV, there are 4 sets of Chinese (Set 1, 2, 3 and Heritage). My son is in set 1 and he said the materials are very easy. He told me one of the sets (Heritage class)is especially for the students who are transferred from local school. Set 1 (Fast track) and heritage class take 3 years to prepare the GCSE exams, two years faster than Set 2 and Set 3. So, Set 1 and the heritage class will take GCSE exam in the end of Year 9.
原文章由 Kareese 於 07-8-26 19:12 硐表
據我所知KJS P1-P3 Mandarin class是一星期兩堂,P4-P6則今年開始加強至一星期五堂,即每天都有。
[ 本文章最後由 joyfung 於 07-9-1 13:52 編輯 ]
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