
標題: 青衣學之園普英班 [打印本頁]

作者: 榛子    時間: 07-8-21 13:24     標題: 青衣學之園普英班

大家入嚟 chat 一chat !
作者: dickie    時間: 07-8-22 12:41     標題: K1C

Hi Cannis,

Tks for creating this chat room.  What about if we could
narrow it down to K1C ( 07-08 ) TY ?

Cheers !
作者: PVC    時間: 07-8-22 13:22

原文章由 榛子 於 07-8-21 13:24 發表
大家入嚟 chat 一chat !

報到!我個女都係讀K1C, 你地好!日後多多交流!
作者: pmlui    時間: 07-8-22 22:25

My son also study in K1C.
作者: 榛子    時間: 07-8-23 12:33

我的犬兒叫旨竣, 英文名字叫WILLIS。他愛笑, 也愛做大哥哥。昨晚, 阿竣告訴我他只與舊PNB班同學仔玩, 還未認識到新同學。他好像不知道其他同學的名字??

他近日喜歡唱歌, 唱"拍拍手,踏踏腳"。不過, 當他唱到最後二句, 我就唔知他在唱什麼? 你們可否告訴我?
作者: fonnie226    時間: 07-8-23 23:03

hi, 我係 K1C Nicholas mami, 各位好 !!
作者: christycheng    時間: 07-8-23 23:45

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作者: kcPooh    時間: 07-8-24 01:03

Now my turn. My daughter Hazel is studying in K1C as well. Just she had just started the school this Tuesday after coming back from US. Heard that she is still in jet lag and felt so sleepy during the class.

Good to know you all and hope we can communicate more.
作者: fonnie226    時間: 07-8-24 17:26

hi good afternoon....
作者: fonnie226    時間: 07-8-25 09:51

good morning .......
作者: PVC    時間: 07-8-25 23:09

Hello everyone

My daughter is also in K1C. Her name is Charmaine. Let's keep it touch.
作者: christycheng    時間: 07-8-26 01:36

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作者: fonnie226    時間: 07-8-27 09:59

Nicholas 會同我唱 ...... "我是男孩子, 你是女孩子, 我們都是好孩子....."

好得意, 我好開心呢 !
作者: SKy-m    時間: 07-8-28 10:24

學之園冬夏校裙各一, 如有興趣請pm.
作者: christycheng    時間: 07-8-28 21:14

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作者: fonnie226    時間: 07-8-29 10:52

hi, good morning,

請問各位mami 有無幫小朋友報 "童創路" ? 我考慮緊幫唔幫 Nicholas 報名....
作者: dickie    時間: 07-8-29 12:16

Hi Fonnie,
I am also interested on the LH course but may not enroll now .. perhaps later ! Just want Twins to settle in the new environment K1C 1st and then think about extra-curriculum activities later.

Hi Samuel Ma,
My daughter < Shum Hei Tung > is sitting next to Samuel in the strawberry group. I saw them shake hand before. I think they are in the same school bus ( No.1 ) too. Chk Samuel if he can say something about Shum Hei Tung Samuel is so cute, he smile with me and gave me FIVE per my request.

Cheers !
Twins Ma ( Suzanne )
作者: dickie    時間: 07-8-29 14:28


My Twins is also study in K1C (TY). Shum Hei Tung in Group Strawberry and Shum Hei Chai in Group Pineapple. May I know what's your son's name, in which group ?

Cheers !
Twins Ma Suzanne
作者: fonnie226    時間: 07-8-29 20:56

nicholas is watermelon group, but he can't tell me his new classmates' name, he only told me pnb classmates' name
作者: pmlui    時間: 07-8-29 21:13

Hi Twins Ma Suzanne,

My son 's name is <Chin Long Hang> who is a naughty child. He said that he is under the Strawberry Group. Keep in touch. : : : :
作者: christycheng    時間: 07-8-30 00:29

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作者: fonnie226    時間: 07-8-30 13:02

Hello Samuel mami : thank you for your information.
作者: 榛子    時間: 07-8-30 13:38

上了課有兩個星期, 阿仔已經看醫生了兩次。首次是大傷風, 其後是喉嚨敏感。 阿仔的抵抗力很弱, 怎麼辦?
作者: 榛子    時間: 07-8-30 13:46

翠怡花園剛開了一間學習中心, 它以LETTERLAND為教學主題,以小組(4人)教授, 收費十分相宜。阿竣已經報了名,你哋D小朋友會否一同來參與?

[ 本文章最後由 榛子 於 07-8-30 13:47 編輯 ]
作者: SuzanneW    時間: 07-8-30 14:16

Hi Pmlui ( Long Hang Ma ),
My Girl ( Shum Hei Tung ) is also in Strawberry group

Hi Samuel Ma,
I saw the school bus list ( in the class room ) and knew there are totally 5 students in school bus No.1 from K1C.  Just remembered they should be my Twins, Chelsea ( the Indian Girl ) , Samuel and Megan.

Hi Willis Ma,
Wish Willis get well soon ! I saw Willis on Monday.. he looked very good and talked with me  too.

Twins Ma Suzanne
作者: christycheng    時間: 07-8-30 23:18

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作者: rclamlam    時間: 07-8-31 14:08

Hello all,

好囉, 可以有個青衣學之園有人回應啦, 之前我post出來無人添.
作者: kp061078    時間: 07-8-31 23:56

作者: PVC    時間: 07-9-3 00:10

原文章由 fonnie226 於 07-8-29 20:56 硐表
nicholas is watermelon group, but he can't tell me his new classmates' name, he only told me pnb classmates' name

My daughter Charmaine (Poon Yuk Hei) is also in Watermelon group. Once she mentioned your son's English name.
My daughter is very interested in Mandarin and her improvement is significant.
作者: PVC    時間: 07-9-3 00:12

原文章由 kp061078 於 07-8-31 23:56 硐表

My daughter is attending Yip's 音樂啟蒙班. However I'm also interested in this class since it is close and cheap. Do you know if the teacher is good?
作者: kp061078    時間: 07-9-3 00:16

唔好意思..我就係教的 teacher.

原文章由 PVC 於 07-9-3 00:12 硐表

My daughter is attending Yip's 音樂啟蒙班. However I'm also interested in this class since it is close and cheap. Do you know if the teacher is good?

作者: SuzanneW    時間: 07-9-5 13:33

Hi K1C ma,

Did your kids bring anything to school for today 's ( every Wed  ) Show & Tell activity ?

My Twins - Tung Tung brought a pair of Sunglasses and Chai Chai brought a Mickey mouse toy. Wonder if they can really talk something in front of the class.   

Hi Fonnie ,

Tung Tung told me Nicholas was helping her to pick up a hair clip last Friday. Tks for yr good boy's help

Cheers !
Twins Ma Suzanne
作者: PVC    時間: 07-9-5 22:35

原文章由 SuzanneW 於 07-9-5 13:33 硐表
Hi K1C ma,

Did your kids bring anything to school for today 's ( every Wed  ) Show & Tell activity ?

My Twins - Tung Tung brought a pair of Sunglasses and Chai Chai brought a Mickey mouse toy. Wond ...

My daughter, Charmaine in Watermelon group has brought Monchichi toy today. When I asked her how she introduced this afternoon, she didn't tell me so much. Really wanted to know how they went thru that. Suzanne W, are your twins boys or girls? Charmaine always mentioned someone's name in Mandarin "Chi Chi". She said "Chi Chi" is her good friend. I wonder "Chi Chi" is your kid "Chai Chai". Do your twins enjoy the class?

[ 本文章最後由 PVC 於 07-9-5 22:37 編輯 ]
作者: christycheng    時間: 07-9-5 22:48

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作者: Niko~    時間: 07-9-6 00:52

hi 各位媽媽
作者: MrsLaw    時間: 07-9-6 18:36

hi, nice to meet all of u here
my son is kenneth
作者: rclamlam    時間: 07-9-7 09:20


幼稚園係邊區同升小學無關係, 因為升小學係以屋企地址來選小學.

學之園係雙語教學幼稚園, 雙班主任, 一位外籍老師, 另一位中國人, 由k1開始分粵英班及普英班, 我覺得老師每位都好好, 好有愛心, 小朋友讀得開心, 又學到野, 我覺得無揀錯學校.

原文章由 Niko~ 於 07-9-6 00:52 硐表
hi 各位媽媽
thx~~ ...

作者: rclamlam    時間: 07-9-7 09:21


上次比個e-mail你, 但係我到宜家都收唔到你既e-mail呀, 可唔可以send多次比我呀?
作者: rclamlam    時間: 07-9-7 09:25

由13/8開學到宜家, 我覺得k1c班主任羅老師真係好好, 她已經打左3次電話比我, 當中一次係因為囡囡病左, 打來了解下, 另下兩次就係詢問囡囡係屋企情況, 又告訴我小朋友係學校情況, 好等家長多o的知道, 真係覺得呢位老師好好, 羅老師有無打電話比你地呀?

你地都知我囡囡平日都好少出聲, 羅老師都話佢講野好細聲, 比較靜, 但係返左學兩個星期之後, 我已經覺得有明顯唔同, 返到屋企會講學校學到咩生字(普通話), 又會唱歌仔, 不過, 問囡囡鐘意邊位老師, 次次都話係Ms Kerry, 可能普通話未必明晒, 反而聽英文已經聽左一年, 較容易適應.
作者: SuzanneW    時間: 07-9-7 11:29

Hi Rachael Ma,
Sorry for my delay !
It's sent now.. kindly let me know if not rec'd.
Twins Ma ( Suzanne )
作者: SuzanneW    時間: 07-9-7 11:46

原文章由 PVC 於 07-9-5 22:35 硐表

My daughter, Charmaine in Watermelon group has brought Monchichi toy today. When I asked her how she introduced this afternoon, she didn't tell me so much. Really wanted to know how they went thru ...

Yes, I think what Charmine mentioned .. that's my son Chai Chai ( Qi Qi is Putonghua ). Charmine is so smart to call my son's name in Putonghua that means

Twins Ma ( Suzanne )
作者: SuzanneW    時間: 07-9-7 11:55

Hi Mrs Law,
Welcome to join the K1C chat ! I will say Hi to Kenneth if meet.
Cheers !
Twins Ma ( Suzanne )

原文章由 MrsLaw 於 07-9-6 18:36 硐表
hi, nice to meet all of u here
my son is kenneth

作者: jazzcnl    時間: 07-9-7 21:45

作者: PVC    時間: 07-9-8 22:18

原文章由 christycheng 於 07-9-5 22:48 硐表
hi, my son brought a book today but he didn't tell anything to me, and he said his classmates didn't bring anything back to school. I was quite disapointed:cry:.
And everytime when i asked him what di ...

Same as my daughter Charmaine. Every time I ask her what Ms Kerry has taught, she doesn't tell me anything. However, she learns so much from Ms. Law and her improvement in Mandarin is very significant. Any one knows the teaching style of Ms. Kerry? I really want to know.
作者: PVC    時間: 07-9-8 22:20

原文章由 SuzanneW 於 07-9-7 11:46 硐表

Yes, I think what Charmine mentioned .. that's my son Chai Chai ( Qi Qi is Putonghua ). Charmine is so smart to call my son's name in Putonghua that means

Twins Ma ( Suzanne  ...

My daughter can tell me some of the classmates' name in Mandarin and some in English. However, she is very interested in Mandarin. She told me that "Qi Qi" is her good friend wow. Where do you live, Suzanne? Tsing Yi?
作者: PVC    時間: 07-9-8 22:24

原文章由 rclamlam 於 07-9-7 09:25 硐表
由13/8開學到宜家, 我覺得k1c班主任羅老師真係好好, 她已經打左3次電話比我, 當中一次係因為囡囡病左, 打來了解下, 另下兩次就係詢問囡囡係屋企情況, 又告訴我小朋友係學校情況, 好等家長多o的知道, 真係覺得呢位老 ...

Yes, Ms. Law is so good. But both Ms. Law & Ms. Kerry are class teachers, right? Why only Ms. Law called? I also want to hear from Ms. Kerry. Indeed is Ms. Law their main class teacher?
作者: kp061078    時間: 07-9-9 22:54

如果係,just to say hi..... 我係 kitt....
原文章由 SuzanneW 於 07-9-7 11:55 硐表
Hi Mrs Law,
Welcome to join the K1C chat ! I will say Hi to Kenneth if meet.
Cheers !
Twins Ma ( Suzanne )

作者: SuzanneW    時間: 07-9-10 10:55

原文章由 PVC 於 07-9-8 22:20 硐表

My daughter can tell me some of the classmates' name in Mandarin and some in English. However, she is very interested in Mandarin. She told me that "Qi Qi" is her good friend wow. Where do you live, ...


Yes , we live in Tsing Yi , Tierra Verde.. let's hv some gathering sometime later.   Where do u live ? Do u take school bus to LH ?

Qi Qi ( chai chai ) also mentioned Charmine @ home and the other one is " Megan Wong " ( hope spell correctly )

Twins Ma , Suzanne
作者: christycheng    時間: 07-9-11 00:12

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作者: maymay32    時間: 07-9-11 08:32

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作者: SuzanneW    時間: 07-9-11 17:28

原文章由 christycheng 於 07-9-11 00:12 硐表
Hi, that's what I concern, my son had a significant improvement in Mandarin especially of vocabulary, but not in English  Although he can sing a lots

Today, Samuel told me "Tung Tung & Ch ...

Yes ! Samuel got it right

The lantern deadline is this Friday.. but i did not kick off any ..  What about other mums ??

Twins Ma Suzanne..9/11
作者: fonnie226    時間: 07-9-11 17:59

羅老師在這兩個星期都揾過我3次la, 因為佢响學校分別發生咗3次小小的意外 :-

在圖書角被同學仔用書刮花了臉, 但沒有什麼大礙, 只是臉上紅咗少少

在playground 玩耍時被同學仔的車撞倒了, 亦只是臉上紅咗少少

在排隊時給同學仔的頭撞傷了下唇, 紅腫了,

但羅老師告訴我立昀是給同學仔弄傷的, 但他沒有哭亦沒有發脾氣呢, 我很開心呢 !!
作者: fonnie226    時間: 07-9-11 18:02

原文章由 SuzanneW 於 07-9-11 17:28 硐表

Yes ! Samuel got it right

The lantern deadline is this Friday.. but i did not kick off any ..  What about other mums ??

Twins Ma Suzanne..9/11

Hi Suzanne,

我都未同nicholas整花燈, 真係諗到我頭都大.......你都好辛苦, 要整兩個花燈喎

Nicholas Ma (立昀媽)
作者: PVC    時間: 07-9-11 23:54

原文章由 SuzanneW 於 07-9-10 10:55 硐表


Yes , we live in Tsing Yi , Tierra Verde.. let's hv some gathering sometime later.   Where do u live ? Do u take school bus to LH ?

Qi Qi ( chai chai ) also mentioned Charmine @ home  ...

Hi Suzanne

We live in Villa Esplanada. Yes, Megan is in also in Watermelon group whom I met on the first day to school. It's a very good idea that we can gather some time. I picked up Charmaine today but didn't see your twins. Anyway, wish to see you later. Charmaine used to be picked up by her grandparents. Take care.
作者: PVC    時間: 07-9-11 23:56

原文章由 SuzanneW 於 07-9-11 17:28 硐表

Yes ! Samuel got it right

The lantern deadline is this Friday.. but i did not kick off any ..  What about other mums ??

Twins Ma Suzanne..9/11

Charmaine submitted the lantern on this Monday. Her dad helped to make it during the last weekend. A tough task!
作者: PVC    時間: 07-9-12 00:01

原文章由 fonnie226 於 07-9-11 17:59 硐表
羅老師在這兩個星期都揾過我3次la, 因為佢响學校分別發生咗3次小小的意外 :-

在圖書角被同學仔用書刮花了臉, 但沒有什麼大礙, 只是臉上紅咗少少

在playground 玩耍時被同學仔的車撞倒了, 亦只是臉 ...

Charmaine always tells me that Nicolas is a very good boy. I talked to Nicolas today why his lip is a bit swollen. He said he was hurt by classmate in queue. He behaves so well.

[ 本文章最後由 PVC 於 07-9-12 19:39 編輯 ]
作者: PVC    時間: 07-9-12 19:37

原文章由 SuzanneW 於 07-9-10 10:55 硐表


Yes , we live in Tsing Yi , Tierra Verde.. let's hv some gathering sometime later.   Where do u live ? Do u take school bus to LH ?

Qi Qi ( chai chai ) also mentioned Charmine @ home  ...

Today I am sick and couldn't go to work. I sent Charmaine to school and finally she pointed Chai Chai & Tung Tung to me. They are so cute.
作者: fonnie226    時間: 07-9-13 23:36

各位媽咪, 你地有無同小朋友訂冬季校服 ?

我個仔條運動褲好短, 但件衫就啱, 如果訂就要訂一套    都唔知點算好.......

立昀媽 (Nicholas)
作者: SuzanneW    時間: 07-9-14 12:55

原文章由 fonnie226 於 07-9-13 23:36 硐表
各位媽咪, 你地有無同小朋友訂冬季校服 ?

我個仔條運動褲好短, 但件衫就啱, 如果訂就要訂一套    都唔知點算好.......

立昀媽 (Nicholas)

Hi Fonnie,
Chk with LH if she can sell seperate. Else chk the supplier and u can buy direct from there in Prince Edward I think.

Hope I can identify Charmine soon in K1C. Twins always mention yr girl to me ..they call her " Pan Yu Xi " .. I think its Putonghua for Poon Yuk Hei .  Yes, obviously they are good friends.

To all, FYI.. Twins will be on leave from 9/24-25. we will hv a short PRC trip to celebrate Mid-autume festival. As a result.. too bad that Twins will miss the School Lantern show on these 2 days.

Wishing all to hv a good weekend
Twins Ma Suzanne...9/14
作者: PVC    時間: 07-9-14 13:46

原文章由 SuzanneW 於 07-9-14 12:55 硐表

Hi Fonnie,
Chk with LH if she can sell seperate. Else chk the supplier and u can buy direct from there in Prince Edward I think.

Hope I can identify Charmine soon in K1C. Twins always ...

Yes, "an Yu Xi" is my daughter's name in Putunghua. Yes, they are really good friends. Charmaine always says "Qi Qi" & "Tung Tung" are her good playmates. Wish you a nice trip to PRC!
作者: 榛子    時間: 07-9-14 20:25


前日下午, 竣仔玩滑梯時, 不慎跌倒, 頭部起了一個小山丘。幸好他是一個頑皮的小孩, 很快便站起來, 繼續與其他小朋友一起玩。

學校安全問題是十分重要的, 不是老師回報了, 事情便可解決; 而是學校應要明白問題所在, 作出有效的措施, 減少意外發生。
作者: PVC    時間: 07-9-16 22:17

原文章由 fonnie226 於 07-9-13 23:36 硐表
各位媽咪, 你地有無同小朋友訂冬季校服 ?

我個仔條運動褲好短, 但件衫就啱, 如果訂就要訂一套    都唔知點算好.......

立昀媽 (Nicholas)

What size do you order for Nicolas?
作者: christycheng    時間: 07-9-18 00:40

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作者: kcPooh    時間: 07-9-18 11:16

Dear all moms,

It seems that Hazel is not very happy in school now.

There has been a case the she was pushed by the classmate because she has sit down at his seat when her seat was occupied by the others. Then the classmate came back and then push her to the floor. She was crying and whenever we opened the school book and she saw the boy there, she remembered the case and said she hates boy........ quite worry and I am not sure if the teacher has properly dealt with the case.
作者: christycheng    時間: 07-9-18 21:54

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作者: 芝娃娃9768    時間: 07-9-18 22:15

Dear all,

May I ask which block does the Kindergarten located in     Villa Esplanada?

作者: 榛子    時間: 07-9-19 14:35

Level 1, commercial building, Villa Esplanada.

原文章由 芝娃娃9768 於 07-9-18 22:15 硐表
Dear all,

May I ask which block does the Kindergarten located in     Villa Esplanada?


作者: PVC    時間: 07-9-19 15:07

原文章由 kcPooh 於 07-9-18 11:16 硐表
Dear all moms,

It seems that Hazel is not very happy in school now.

There has been a case the she was pushed by the classmate because she has sit down at his seat when her seat was occupied by the ...

Hi kcPooh

You should talk to the teachers. I think the problem can be resolved.
作者: PVC    時間: 07-9-19 15:11

原文章由 christycheng 於 07-9-18 00:40 硐表
hi, my son always say these name of his classmates:
tung tung & chai chai, nicolas, chelsea,gordon, megan, hazel, charmaine....

and he said tung & chai are very good girl & boy

Samuel mama

Charmaine also always says that Chai Chai and Tung Tung are very good kids. She also mentioned Samuel is a good boy and so as Nicolas.

Has any mom talked to Ms. Kerry on phone? Ms. Law called me last week. I feedback that it would be better if we can also have regular communication with Ms. Kerry so that we know how the kids learn in English. Ms. Law said that she will ask Ms. Kerry to call me the next day. But now, one week is over .... still receive no call from Ms. Kerry.
作者: kcPooh    時間: 07-9-19 17:24

Dear all,

Last night, I received a call from Ms Law at 9:45pm..... maybe she cannot contact me at most of the day time. We have chatted for a while and I have told her the current situation and incident to Ms Law, though my putonghua is quite limited.

Hope the situation can improve later.
作者: christycheng    時間: 07-9-19 23:10

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作者: SuzanneW    時間: 07-9-21 09:41

原文章由 christycheng 於 07-9-19 23:10 硐表
then she knew the situation and what did she said?

Hi Samuel Ma ,
Twins told me that Samuel was absent yesterday on 9/20. Hope Samuel  is okay lah

Hi all Mas,
Twins are very interested on the Arrow Sign in these 2 days.. they said Ms Kerry taught about it. Check with your prince / princess .. see if they are too  :

Wishing U all hv a happy autume holiday
Suzanne Twins Ma..9/21
作者: christycheng    時間: 07-9-22 21:24

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作者: PVC    時間: 07-9-23 23:17

原文章由 christycheng 於 07-9-22 21:24 硐表
Hi Twins Ma,
Yes, Samuel got a stomach-ache that day, but now he is fine.   And he didn't tell me about arrow, i think he cannot catch up very much with Ms Kerry
anyway, his pu tong hua is  ...

Charmaine also didn't tell me anything about the arrow. Twins Ma, could you please let us know how it is like? It seems every kids in K1C can learn Mandarin very well. Ms. Law is a teacher. Has L.H. given any mom the login account & password for the website so that we can see their school life? I'm longing for it.

Twins Ma, wish you a nice trip during the next few days. Charmaine keeps saying these two days that she always misses Tung Tung & Chai Chai.
作者: christycheng    時間: 07-9-24 23:32

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作者: SuzanneW    時間: 07-9-25 12:24

原文章由 PVC 於 07-9-23 23:17 硐表

Charmaine also didn't tell me anything about the arrow. Twins Ma, could you please let us know how it is like? It seems every kids in K1C can learn Mandarin very well. Ms. Law is a teacher. Has L.H. ...

Hi Charmaine Ma,

Ms. Law told me Twins always hold hand with Charmaine esp playing the slide.  I am so glad to know Twins can start developing friendship with others by their own effort. :

Suzanne ,Twins Ma
作者: PVC    時間: 07-9-25 14:14

原文章由 christycheng 於 07-9-24 23:32 硐表
hi PVC,
we have been informed the login name and password at the beginning by the notice, you could check it again

Hi Christy

I have never received any notice. However, Ms. Chan called me yesterday and I have the login info finally. I & Charmaine looked at the photo gallery together last night. She told me many classmates' names. She laughed when seeing the funny photos.
作者: PVC    時間: 07-9-25 14:20

原文章由 SuzanneW 於 07-9-25 12:24 硐表

Hi Charmaine Ma,

Ms. Law told me Twins always hold hand with Charmaine esp playing the slide.  I am so glad to know Twins can start developing friendship with others by their own effort. :

S ...

Hi Twins Ma

To my feelings, Charmaine treats Tung Tung & Chai Chai like her brothers & sister. She also tells me that she always hold hands with them. Last night, we saw the photos at the photo gallery on LH web together. She laughed every time when seeing twins especially Chai Chai. There was a photo in which the twins dressed up like prince & princess. Charmaine said they are so pretty. Charmaine also tells me that Chai Chai sometimes pretends Monster which is funny. When you have time, we can let them play together at the club house.
作者: christycheng    時間: 07-9-26 00:07

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作者: 榛子    時間: 07-9-26 21:13

剛剛看了他們在學校的活動照片,發現他們已經長大了不少, 十分可愛!!!:

今天我們帶竣仔去玩具倉, 一心想買點新玩具給他,但看見那條人龍,最後折返了。:cry:
作者: PVC    時間: 07-9-29 15:33

原文章由 榛子 於 07-9-26 21:13 硐表
剛剛看了他們在學校的活動照片,發現他們已經長大了不少, 十分可愛!!!:

今天我們帶竣仔去玩具倉, 一心想買點新玩具給他,但看見那條人龍,最後折返了。:cry: ...

Hi everyone

Will you go to the parent/teacher meeting on Oct 8? I think I will arrive at around 7pm. See you there?
作者: MrsLaw    時間: 07-9-30 10:27

原文章由 PVC 於 07-9-29 15:33 硐表

Hi everyone

Will you go to the parent/teacher meeting on Oct 8? I think I will arrive at around 7pm. See you there?

作者: fonnie226    時間: 07-9-30 22:07

Hi, i will go to the parent meeting on 8 Oct too, see you later.

原文章由 PVC 於 07-9-29 15:33 硐表

Hi everyone

Will you go to the parent/teacher meeting on Oct 8? I think I will arrive at around 7pm. See you there?

作者: PVC    時間: 07-9-30 22:27

原文章由 fonnie226 於 07-9-30 22:07 硐表
Hi, i will go to the parent meeting on 8 Oct too, see you later.

Hi everyone

Will you bring your kids there? Or just go by yourselves? However, I think our kids need to sleep and eat during that period.
作者: christycheng    時間: 07-9-30 23:30

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作者: SuzanneW    時間: 07-10-2 11:52

Hi all Ma (s) ,
Look forward to seeing U all on Oct 8th   
Suzanne Twins Ma
作者: SuzanneW    時間: 07-10-2 12:03

原文章由 PVC 於 07-9-30 22:27 硐表

Hi everyone

Will you bring your kids there? Or just go by yourselves? However, I think our kids need to sleep and eat during that period.

Hi Charmaine Ma,

As per my last year experience , no kid is supposed to go ga. ( just 2-3 kids were there I saw).. though I really want to see your lovely Charmaine in person : . Chai Chai told me Charmaine 's Birthday month is in Summer May / June ( I forgot which one ) . .. is it true ?

Suzanne Twins Ma
作者: fonnie226    時間: 07-10-2 21:31

hi, 我唔會帶小朋友去, 因為我想專心聽講座, 去年都好似無小朋友去呢.

原文章由 PVC 於 07-9-30 22:27 硐表

Hi everyone

Will you bring your kids there? Or just go by yourselves? However, I think our kids need to sleep and eat during that period.

作者: PVC    時間: 07-10-2 22:51

原文章由 SuzanneW 於 07-10-2 12:03 硐表

Hi Charmaine Ma,

As per my last year experience , no kid is supposed to go ga. ( just 2-3 kids were there I saw).. though I really want to see your lovely Charmaine in person : . Chai Chai tol ...

Hi Suzanne

Okay then. I won't bring Charmaine there. Yes, Charmaine's birthday is on June 4th. I'm surprised how Chai Chai knows. You know what? I hear the names of Chai Chai and Tung Tung from Charmaine's mouth everyday. See you on Oct 8th.
作者: PVC    時間: 07-10-2 22:53

原文章由 fonnie226 於 07-10-2 21:31 硐表
hi, 我唔會帶小朋友去, 因為我想專心聽講座, 去年都好似無小朋友去呢.

Hi Fonnie226

Thank you for your information. I won't bring Charmaine there then. See you soon.
作者: MrsLaw    時間: 07-10-3 21:00

作者: SuzanneW    時間: 07-10-5 11:21

原文章由 MrsLaw 於 07-10-3 21:00 硐表

Hi Kenneth Ma ,
As per my last year experience , it's a group discussion with all parents and teacher for K1C. Just free talk and teacher will response per individual parent's question. Not 1 to 1 meeting.  U may also call up LH to chk if any changes this year . I think  not much parents can arrive @ 6 pm .. too early and too rush. I think I can only be there earliest @ around 6:30 pm.
作者: fonnylee    時間: 07-10-8 10:55

Dear all,

Welcome to see this chatting page. My daughter also studied at LH K1C. Her name is Cheung Hoi Yiu (張愷瑤). She mentioned that her best friend in class is "Yiu Chun Yee". I'm not sure if her parents joined this group or not.

Thanks for Charmine's ma for introducing me to join this group. Let's meet and share more tonight.

作者: SuzanneW    時間: 07-10-8 16:18

原文章由 fonnylee 於 07-10-8 10:55 硐表
Dear all,

Welcome to see this chatting page. My daughter also studied at LH K1C. Her name is Cheung Hoi Yiu (張愷瑤). She mentioned that her best friend in class is "Yiu Chun Yee". I'm not sure if he ...

Welcome Fonny ,

I am Suzanne (Twins ma ).

My girl Shum Hei Tung is in group Strawberry and ..
my boy Shum Hei Chai is in group Pineapple.

愷瑤 is in which group ?  Same as Chun Yi in group apple ?

See u tonight
Suzanne ( Twins Ma ).
作者: fonnylee    時間: 07-10-9 10:52

Yes, Hoi-yiu is in Group Apple. I've browsed the previous chat pages and try to summarize kids in K1C as below:

Rachael, Samuel (Mother:Christy), Hei Chai & Hei Tong (Mother: Suzanne), Charmine (Mother: PVC), Nicholas, Hazel, Charles, Chelsea, Megan.

Group Apple: Hoi-yiu, Chun-yee, Willis (旨竣, mother: 榛子), Kenneth (竣賢).

Nice to meet you.....have I missed anyone and is there any amendment/update on the above?? Let's keep in touch! :
作者: PVC    時間: 07-10-9 21:19

原文章由 fonnylee 於 07-10-9 10:52 硐表
Yes, Hoi-yiu is in Group Apple. I've browsed the previous chat pages and try to summarize kids in K1C as below:

Rachael, Samuel (Mother:Christy), Hei Chai & Hei Tong (Mother: Suzanne), Charmine (Moth ...

Hi Fonny

Thank you so much for your summarization. I think there are also Nicolas (Mother:fonnie226), Kenneth (Mother: Mrs. Law). Nicolas is in Watermelon group with Charmaine. By the way, PVC is my nickname in Baby Kingdom taking my husband's surname Poon, my name Vicky and Charmaine's name. All mom, you can call me Vicky by the way.

Let's keep in touch! See you at ballet class on coming Sat. Thanks.

[ 本文章最後由 PVC 於 07-10-9 21:25 編輯 ]
作者: christycheng    時間: 07-10-10 00:48

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: SuzanneW    時間: 07-10-10 16:46

原文章由 christycheng 於 07-10-10 00:48 硐表

Hi fonny,
Nice to meet you! Thanks for your summarization and hope we could have more communication here.

Hi Samuel Ma,
Twins told me Samuel and Megan were absent in last 2 days. Wish Samuel is okay now   

Hi Charmaine Ma,
Would u advise if any free trial ballet class for Tung Tung ?

Hi all Mas,
Hv U ever heard about LCM ( english class for K1-K3 student ), any comment ? Is it worthwhile to join ?

Cheers !
Suzanne ( Twins Ma )
作者: PVC    時間: 07-10-10 22:44

原文章由 SuzanneW 於 07-10-10 16:46 硐表

Hi Samuel Ma,
Twins told me Samuel and Megan were absent in last 2 days. Wish Samuel is okay now   

Hi Charmaine Ma,
Would u advise if any free trial ballet class for Tung Tung ?

Hi al ...

Hi Suzanne

Charmaine and Hoi Yiu are taking ballet class at Villa Esplanada Club House. There are a few sessions but ours is 11:30 to 12:30 on Sat. The parents can sit inside during the class but of course don't make too much noise. I don't think that they can a trial class but I can ask this Sat. The teacher is good. However, you can come to see if you are interested. Besides, I have enquired 毛妹 at Kwai Tsing Theatre. That Mrs. Liu said they can offer a free trial class. The class time are 12:15 - 1:00 (Sat) and 10:45 - 11:30 (Sun). I will also consider to take 毛妹 in Jan next year. Please let me know if you need more information. Thanks.
作者: SuzanneW    時間: 07-10-11 10:57

原文章由 PVC 於 07-10-10 22:44 硐表

Hi Suzanne

Charmaine and Hoi Yiu are taking ballet class at Villa Esplanada Club House. There are a few sessions but ours is 11:30 to 12:30 on Sat. The parents can sit inside during the class but o ...

Hi Vicky,
Tks so much for your informations. Will get back to U if further help is needed :loveliness:  Glad to know Hoi Yiu is also living in Tsing Yi then we can play together easily sooner or later.:) in Tsing Yi area.

Hi Fonnie ( Nicholas Ma ) and Christy ( Samuel Ma ) ,
Chai Chai told me Nicholas brought the " Thomas ABC - oval " and Tung Tung told me Samuel brought " a ball - circle " for yesterday 's " show and tell " ,  would u kindly let me know if they got it right

Cheers !
Suzanne ( Twins Ma )

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