
標題: Anyone will apply PLK - Choi Kai Yau ? [打印本頁]

作者: siubchumama    時間: 07-10-2 22:33     標題: Anyone will apply PLK - Choi Kai Yau ?

Just want to do a research
作者: xiaong    時間: 07-10-3 12:07

I will

原文章由 siubchumama 於 07-10-2 22:33 硐表
Just want to do a research

作者: puncos    時間: 07-10-3 13:23

So do I !!!
作者: DarrenKennice    時間: 07-10-3 15:02

me too. !

原文章由 siubchumama 於 07-10-2 22:33 硐表
Just want to do a research

作者: siubchumama    時間: 07-10-3 16:30

Dear Parents,

If you like to apply Choi Kai Yau, below is some information I found it on web, they contains some of the site that also related to choi kai yau. Hope it will be useful to you guys la..


Hope all our kids will be accept by CKY

作者: rdc888    時間: 07-10-3 22:28

原文章由 siubchumama 於 07-10-3 16:30 硐表
Dear Parents,

If you like to apply Choi Kai Yau, below is some information I found it on web, they contains some of the site that also related to choi kai yau. Hope it will be useful to you guys la.. ...

作者: DarrenKennice    時間: 07-10-4 09:09

Thanks a lot.

原文章由 siubchumama 於 07-10-3 16:30 硐表
Dear Parents,

If you like to apply Choi Kai Yau, below is some information I found it on web, they contains some of the site that also related to choi kai yau. Hope it will be useful to you guys la.. ...

作者: Frances.h    時間: 07-10-4 12:01

and me too!
作者: xiaong    時間: 07-10-4 15:19

Thanks a lot

原文章由 siubchumama 於 07-10-3 16:30 硐表
Dear Parents,

If you like to apply Choi Kai Yau, below is some information I found it on web, they contains some of the site that also related to choi kai yau. Hope it will be useful to you guys la.. ...

作者: sosog    時間: 07-10-4 17:37

I plan to apply and they will accept application form starting from Oct 8 onwards.  Good luck.
作者: FFMaMa    時間: 07-10-5 22:37

I also plan to apply this school for my kid.  Is the competition keen?

Anybody can share about their past interview condition for our reference?  Thanks.
作者: Knight    時間: 07-10-6 21:28

Just for information

Based on un-official data, there were about 1200 applicants last year. (applying for 2007-2008 P1).
About 380 applicants were invited to attend the second round interview.
CKY eventally operates 6 classes of P1this year i.e. 1 class more than usual.
作者: Knight    時間: 07-10-8 10:34

Is there any one who has attended the school information day recently?

I am interested to know whether the Principal has mentioned that CKY will continue to operate 6 classes of P1 for 2008-2009.
作者: heiheibbchu    時間: 07-10-8 10:45

Hi, I also consider this school for my daugther.  But I have some questions and want to look for other parents

1. the school fee is high, why not choose International
school.  They are also IB curriculum.(like ESF).
2. it is a new school, no tracked record.
3. if the students found not suitable for this school after
few years studied, is it difficult to change to other local
school since the teaching approach is different.
4. the school's web site provide little information about
the curriculum.

Hope to share.:

Thank you.
作者: siubchumama    時間: 07-10-8 11:01

I have handed in the form already and they will give you a card for the interview date..

Mine is 3 Nov 9:00a.m.

The ladies there told me interview will be held on either 3 Nov and 10 Nov...

Share the info to you all later la.

作者: puncos    時間: 07-10-8 11:05

點解我 interview 時間成4點咁後?我都準時九時交表!
作者: siubchumama    時間: 07-10-8 11:08


the reason for the 6th class was the relocation of P1, the school original think some parents will be rejected the offer for 07/08 P1 due to the school for P1 moved to Tin Hou, but some one mentioned to me that finally seems no-one rejected the offer (or only a few), therefore, they need to open 1 more class for it.

This year, I don't think they will still offer 6 classes la, someone even mention to me that they will only offer 4 classes (to balance the total no. of class), **but it is not confirmed info from the school**, I think need to find a time to ask the principle.


原文章由 Knight 於 07-10-8 10:34 硐表
Is there any one who has attended the school information day recently?

I am interested to know whether the Principal has mentioned that CKY will continue to operate 6 classes of P1 for 2008-2009.

作者: jjd    時間: 07-10-8 11:51

Since they only allow 2 additional pages of information, did you simply attach them to the application form or you still hand in a separate file/folder with just 2 sheets of paper?
作者: siubchumama    時間: 07-10-8 12:12


They really only accept 2 pages.. I think no need to hand in a seperate file/folder, may be they will return back to you caused they will check all the stuff in front of you... and from my experience up to now (all school won't collect the file/folder)..


原文章由 jjd 於 07-10-8 11:51 硐表
Since they only allow 2 additional pages of information, did you simply attach them to the application form or you still hand in a separate file/folder with just 2 sheets of paper?

作者: owenmami    時間: 07-10-8 18:31

<1. the school fee is high, why not choose International
school.  They are also IB curriculum.(like ESF).>

1. As compared to other billingual teaching through-train schools with IB curriculum(e.g. Victoria and ISF Academy), the school fee of CKY is the lowest. As compared to IS(e.g. ESF and RC), CKY has a much stronger Chinese curriculum.

<2. it is a new school, no tracked record.>

2. True. But CKY is not so new as compared to many other DSS.
原文章由 heiheibbchu 於 07-10-8 10:45 硐表
Hi, I also consider this school for my daugther.  But I have some questions and want to look for other parents

1. the school fee is high, why not choose International
school.  They are als ...

作者: kyliema2006    時間: 07-10-8 19:24

2. it is a new school, no tracked record.

對於一間新學校來說,它的Tracked record就是正在就讀的學生了。小兒今年是二年級,他喜歡閱讀,他喜歡追求學問。一直以來,他對英語的掌握都尚算不錯,但對中文就非常抗拒。記得一年級時,他仍很害怕中文,亦很擔心二年級以普通話授中文課。現在開學剛過了兩個月,他不時在家裡說普通話,亦可聽懂老師的教授。問他為何有這樣的進步,當然他都不知道。再問問,原來他按學校的規定,逢星期二,四說普通話(逢一,三,五說英語),練習多了,就會有進步啦。

若將所有一,二年級學生的成績比併,如比較依賴背誦的知識,好像英語文法;乘數表等等,說不定蔡繼有初小生的成績會比傳統學生的差;但若比較創意及通識,如free writing及對動物/昆蟲的認知,蔡繼有的學生,可能又會勝一籌。唯有觀察孩子學習的軌跡,是否滿意呢。

3. if the students found not suitable for this school after
few years studied, is it difficult to change to other local
school since the teaching approach is different.


4. the school's web site provide little information about
the curriculum.


[ 本文章最後由 kyliema2006 於 07-10-9 09:47 編輯 ]
作者: siubchumama    時間: 07-10-8 20:00


So mysterious, I was there at 8:55a.m., but only 1 or 2 parents go for registration. It seems they have different pack of pre-printed cards.  what is your no. then ?


原文章由 puncos 於 07-10-8 11:05 硐表
點解我 interview 時間成4點咁後?我都準時九時交表!

作者: kae    時間: 07-10-8 20:52

請問應該去天后或廣利道交有無分別呢?? 學校會在那間校舍進行面試呢??

原文章由 siubchumama 於 07-10-8 20:00 硐表

So mysterious, I was there at 8:55a.m., but only 1 or 2 parents go for registration. It seems they have different pack of pre-printed cards.  what is your no. then ?


作者: FFMaMa    時間: 07-10-8 22:55

I also submitted application on 8.10.2007, and my son's interview is scheduled on 3.11.2007 at 9a.m.
I saw some applications (for applicants who have brother or sister now studying in CKY) was submitted via teachers for convenience sake, but I think this arrangement is reasonable.
According to the information shared by KNIGHT, the competition is keen!!
KYLIEMA 2006, can you share about the past interview condition with us? Thanks.

作者: siubchumama    時間: 07-10-8 23:26

Kae,Still remember me ? you shared a lot for HKBU Kinder ar..
For the application, I handed it in 廣利道, I don't know whether they  have staff to collect the form in 天后.... It seems that they will conduct the interviews in 天后


原文章由 kae 於 07-10-8 20:52 硐表 請問應該去天后或廣利道交有無分別呢?? 學校會在那間校舍進行面試呢??

作者: prettywife    時間: 07-10-9 06:44

anyone have any idea about the additional two A4 pages of your choosing?

[ 本文章最後由 prettywife 於 07-10-9 06:46 編輯 ]
作者: prettywife    時間: 07-10-9 06:45

yes, i will.
any idea about the reommendation letter?
作者: CheCheMan    時間: 07-10-9 08:48

Hi Hi,

I've just submitted the application form for this school for my little boy la~   The teacher also gave me a card in which stating the 1st interview date and time.  So efficient!

Just share some interview experience here if your boy/girl has attended the 1st round.

Good luck to all  

作者: puncos    時間: 07-10-9 09:05



作者: kyliema2006    時間: 07-10-9 09:57

原文章由 FFMaMa 於 07-10-8 22:55 硐表
I also submitted application on 8.10.2007, and my son's interview is scheduled on 3.11.2007 at 9a.m.
I saw some applications (for applicants who have brother or sister now studying in CKY) was submitt ...


作者: siubchumama    時間: 07-10-9 10:41


My friend told me that she handed in the form this morning, and the interview time is 3 Nov 10:30/45a.m., so I guess may be the pre-printed card in Tin Hau is a later time..

But actually all the time slot is the same.. .. We both need to "Add Oil" ar...


原文章由 puncos 於 07-10-9 09:05 硐表



作者: 塞曼莎    時間: 07-10-9 10:49




其實1st interview schedule不是好critical,記得好似係按收條上預印的時間,所以有人說早交表但遲interview,但2nd interview早或遲就好似有些玄機,到時再擔心.

Good Luck
作者: puncos    時間: 07-10-9 11:03


您估是否去天后交表個時間都會較遲?個 no. 好似是1542 (not really sure)。

唔知 interview time 遲會唔會有影響?但我心理上總覺得有 d 嘢咁!

作者: siubchumama    時間: 07-10-9 11:25


Don't worry la, I think it is just a sequence no. it won't affect anything.... they will provide the same test to all kids...

I don't know their practise, but normally, the school will get back all the result in the first test, review and prioritize them after the interview ended, therefore the no. really don't mean anything.....

don't scare your self la... "Add Oil... Add Oil"


原文章由 puncos 於 07-10-9 11:03 硐表

您估是否去天后交表個時間都會較遲?個 no. 好似是1542 (not really sure)。

唔知 interview time 遲會唔會有影響?但我心理上總覺得有 d 嘢咁!

好擔心ops:" /> ...

[ 本文章最後由 siubchumama 於 07-10-9 11:31 編輯 ]
作者: heiheibbchu    時間: 07-10-9 12:09

hi kyliema & owenmami,

可否分享您們選擇cky的原因, 現在入讀幾年後, 有否符合您的期望或有意想不到的東西?
我相信在語文能力(英文和普通話), 一定會比較強些.  至於學校能否培育出學生自學的學習態度, 怎樣鼓勵學生學習, 而且如何幫助"成績"較弱的學生.

我想cky受歡迎的另一個原因, 是有一些樂意幫助/解答我呢d"問題"媽媽的家長.
作者: puncos    時間: 07-10-9 12:29

thank you.
you "add oil" too

原文章由 siubchumama 於 07-10-9 11:25 硐表

Don't worry la, I think it is just a sequence no. it won't affect anything.... they will provide the same test to all kids...

I don't know their practise, but normally, the school will get b ...

作者: siubchumama    時間: 07-10-9 12:53

kyliema & owenmami,

Thanks for your sharing..
作者: kae    時間: 07-10-9 13:06

HI siubchumama
你好嗎?? 我當然記得你啦,由幼稚園到現在找小學都係同路同行 你小朋友有無考HKBUA-WKF ok嗎??


另想提提各位,唔駛諗住帶咁多資料去,佢講明只收申請表、出世紙、低班成積表、3個回郵信封、支票及2張A4 size的profile(可底面印制),其餘有多出的資料都唔收,因我見隔離同時交表個位先生帶左好多野去,學校都唔收,叫佢帶番走~~

原文章由 siubchumama 於 07-10-8 23:26 硐表
Kae,Still remember me ? you shared a lot for HKBU Kinder ar..
For the application, I handed it in 廣利道, I don't know whether they  have staff to collect the form in 天后.... It seems that they will ...

作者: siubchumama    時間: 07-10-9 14:24


You know HKBUK do not have a 1 page school report, therefore, they are a little bit hesitate that the study report provide by the school is like a profile... And they only accept the 2nd semester and asked me to take out the 1st semester...

I have also handed in 2 pages (1 side)... don't know they accept 2 sides....:cry: :cry:

We been to the 2nd interview for HKBUA-WKF a few weeks before... but frankly speaking, my hubby and me like CKY very much...


原文章由 kae 於 07-10-9 13:06 硐表
HI siubchumama
你好嗎?? 我當然記得你啦,由幼稚園到現在找小學都係同路同行 你小朋友有無考HKBUA-WKF ok嗎??


另想提提各 ...

作者: alanchoi    時間: 07-10-9 14:52

Hi All,

作者: makfr    時間: 07-10-9 14:55

I am planning to submit applicaton tomorrow, however, I don't know how to be there, should i submit the form to 深水埗廣利道5號 or 郝德傑道6號, does anyone can teach me how to go there?  If go by taxi, is it possible to ask the taxi wait there?

Million thanks.

[ 本文章最後由 makfr 於 07-10-9 15:00 編輯 ]
作者: siubchumama    時間: 07-10-9 15:21


you should submit your form to 深水埗廣利道5號, don't go to  郝德傑道6號, I guess it is a construction site ar .. The school is near "Lee Cheng Uk" estate or next to 112 bus terminus.. I go there by taxi, but I found that it is not far away (5-10 minutes) from the Cheung Sai Wan MTR station... I think you can ask the taxi driver to wait outside (I did the same too ... caused I rush to go back to office) but I think it depend on how many people on the queue. Since the traffic outside is not busy, the taxi can wait there without any problem..


原文章由 makfr 於 07-10-9 14:55 硐表
I am planning to submit applicaton tomorrow, however, I don't know how to be there, should i submit the form to 深水埗廣利道5號 or 郝德傑道6號, does anyone can teach me how to go there?  If go by taxi ...

作者: makfr    時間: 07-10-9 15:34


Thank you so much for your advise.

原文章由 siubchumama 於 07-10-9 15:21 硐表

you should submit your form to 深水埗廣利道5號, don't go to  郝德傑道6號, I guess it is a construction site ar .. The school is near "Lee Cheng Uk" estate or next to 112 bus terminus.. ...

作者: kyliema2006    時間: 07-10-9 16:05

原文章由 heiheibbchu 於 07-10-9 12:09 硐表


現在入讀幾年後, 有否符合您的期望或有意想不到的東西?

小兒今年二年班,他會告訴我cheetah, puma, jaguar的分別;overcast指天氣時晴時陰;baboon即是甚麼東東;又會問我typhoon與 hurricane的分別是甚麼呢?他從一個普通話白痴,到今天,得閒說一兩句普通話。這些,就是我意想不到的。以上種種,有些不是小二課程,但學校的環境,加上同學間的互相刺激,就激起了他的求知慾。

我相信在語文能力(英文和普通話), 一定會比較強些.  至於學校能否培育出學生自學的學習態度, 怎樣鼓勵學生學習, 而且如何幫助"成績"較弱的學生.





[ 本文章最後由 kyliema2006 於 07-10-9 22:24 編輯 ]
作者: heiheibbchu    時間: 07-10-9 17:17

原文章由 kyliema2006 於 07-10-9 16:05 硐表

想當年入表的時候,我並不太認識蔡繼有。祇是曾聽幼稚園老師稱讚過蔡繼有,所以才試一試。及後,經過第一次的面試,發覺它會比較全面性評估學生,面試過後,孩子大多面帶笑容地回來。再經過第二次面試,聽過校長的詳細解釋後,再更 ...



作者: kae    時間: 07-10-9 17:52



作者: FFMaMa    時間: 07-10-9 19:54

Thanks for Kyliema's sharing.

作者: samueltse    時間: 07-10-9 23:34

CKY 係好,不過今年要去天后上堂, 有些時間要在巴士上課,還要比4千多元學費,有點不值!!!而且因為行IB關係, 就讀本地大學的學額較少, 要有心理準備到外地升學, 要儲多些錢, 要三思!!!
作者: kyliema2006    時間: 07-10-10 10:06

原文章由 samueltse 於 07-10-9 23:34 硐表
CKY 係好,不過今年要去天后上堂, 有些時間要在巴士上課,還要比4千多元學費,有點不值!!!而且因為行IB關係, 就讀本地大學的學額較少, 要有心理準備到外地升學, 要儲多些錢, 要三思!!! ...




至於進入本地大學的問題我又不太擔心,現今香港咁多大學,祇要成績好,那怕無書讀。其實大學都是一商業機構,努力羅致出類拔萃的學生,那怕你是大陸留學生、外國留學生、本地學生、又或是IB學生,無考過A-Level的、英語不合格的都招收啦!所以,最緊要成績省鏡。況且,現在部份直資亦增設IB班,過多幾年,大學學額的分配可能因應市場需要而大執位呢?God knows。


[ 本文章最後由 kyliema2006 於 07-10-10 11:49 編輯 ]
作者: owenmami    時間: 07-10-10 11:48

May I answer you in English since I can only input Chinese with handwriting pad.ops:" />

My child is in Y1 so we've joined CKY for 5 weeks only.ops:" />

We believe CKY (in collaboration with parents) can better prepare our child for survival in the next few decades.

So far so good. CKY is really a happy learning haven.

Yes, my child's handwriting has improved and he checks up a dictionary to complete some homework by himself!

All children are born with self-learning ability. CKY strives to foster this ability.
原文章由 heiheibbchu 於 07-10-9 12:09 硐表
hi kyliema & owenmami,

謝謝您們的回應.::" />
可否分享您們選擇cky的原因, 現在入讀幾年後, 有否符合您的期望或有意想不到的東西?
我相信在語文能力(英文和普通話), 一定會比較強些.  至於學校能否培育出學生自學 ...

作者: heiheibbchu    時間: 07-10-10 13:46

多謝您的回應及分享您的心德 owenmami!:

雖則知道每間學校都不可能符合自己的期望, 但希望儘可能了解清楚每間"后選"學校的優/缺點.
此外我覺得學校的包容性也很重要, 要認同每位小孩的能力.

作者: siubchumama    時間: 07-10-11 18:07

Anyone have handedin the application form today ar ? caused I want to "eight" the seq no....

作者: BOBO128    時間: 07-10-15 14:11

我朋友 LAST MIN 先去報名, 仲有5 MINS 就CLOSE.
佢號碼係10XX , 11月10號下午INTERVIEW

原文章由 siubchumama 於 07-10-11 18:07 硐表
Anyone have handedin the application form today ar ? caused I want to "eight" the seq no....


作者: jujuy    時間: 07-10-15 14:51

dear all,

作者: father_ho    時間: 07-10-15 15:02

原文章由 jujuy 於 07-10-15 14:51 硐表
dear all,


Dear jujuy,

As a CKY parent for several years, I never heard of it and I don't believe they will since the teachers are so heavily loaded. Anyway, if somone has the interest about this school, I think the school always welcome application.
作者: jujuy    時間: 07-10-15 16:41

thankyou fatherho!
作者: siubchumama    時間: 07-10-15 17:00

Dear Bobo128,

Thanks for your information ar.. Since some mama told that they hand in the form in "Tin Hou", they have seperate seq. no ar.. so I think there is 1xxx student register ar..

Let's prepare it... and good luck to all interview kids..


原文章由 BOBO128 於 07-10-15 14:11 硐表
我朋友 LAST MIN 先去報名, 仲有5 MINS 就CLOSE.
佢號碼係10XX , 11月10號下午INTERVIEW

作者: waltermama    時間: 07-10-17 12:57

Hi owenmami,

My son is also the Y1 student in 1B. I got the same comment and feeling as you fm my son.  

Hope all the new parents could choose the best for their kids!!


原文章由 owenmami 於 07-10-10 11:48 硐表
May I answer you in English since I can only input Chinese with handwriting pad.ops:" />

My child is in Y1 so we've joined CKY for 5 weeks only.ops:" />

We believe CKY (i ...

作者: CheCheMan    時間: 07-10-17 13:11

Hi there...

I just want to clarify that if there's 2nd interview or only 1st interview?  As I read thru' the messages here, I found some parents said that no 2nd interview.  Am I correct?  or just mis-understanding?

If there has 2nd interview, then what format it will like?  Just talk to parents?  or further test kids??  Pls clarify and share with me la~  Tkx

BTW, I just applied two schools -  DBSPD and CKY for my son.  If both schools reject my son, what can I do???  Oh...I start to regret...woooo  Can anyone tell me if there has school still accept application forms at that moment?  Plssss....

原文章由 waltermama 於 07-10-17 12:57 硐表
Hi owenmami,

My son is also the Y1 student in 1B. I got the same comment and feeling as you fm my son.  

Hope all the new parents could choose the best for their kids!!

作者: achow    時間: 07-10-17 14:19

Dear Che Che Man,

I just copy the below information from CKY website. There will be 2nd interview.
My son was in P2 now. 2 years before, I also have 2nd interview with 4 groupe of family (Kid and parent) in the same room. Having interview with the headmaster.
Just a casual talk, and asked kids if they like reading book and what is the favouite books and what the story talking about.

Interviews for 2006-2007 year 1 to year 6 are scheduled as follows:
First interview: 04th November '06
Second Interview: 25th November '06 onwards

作者: owenmami    時間: 07-10-17 17:00


Hi hi
原文章由 waltermama 於 07-10-17 12:57 硐表
Hi owenmami,

My son is also the Y1 student in 1B. I got the same comment and feeling as you fm my son.  

Hope all the new parents could choose the best for their kids!!


作者: owenmami    時間: 07-10-17 17:14


Well.....To prepare for the worst......I think you can try ISF Academy (i.e.弘立), or Yew Chung. I'm not sure Victoria Shanghai Academy is still open for application. Not much choice for bilingual schools......
f.y.i. PLK TSL (陳守仁) will have 2nd phase admission in June 2008.
Good luck!

原文章由 CheCheMan 於 07-10-17 13:11 硐表
Hi there...

I just want to clarify that if there's 2nd interview or only 1st interview?  As I read thru' the messages here, I found some parents said that no 2nd interview.  Am I correct?  or just mi ...

[ 本文章最後由 owenmami 於 07-10-29 16:30 編輯 ]
作者: CheCheMan    時間: 07-10-20 08:39

Just have time to walk thur BK.  TQ for yr advice.

However the school fee for Yiu Chung is rather expensive.  U're right that I need to think abt "contingency plan".  Actually, I have planned to apply KJS (Kowloon Junior School) if the two (DBS & CKY) are not accept my son.

Hey, how's yr plan?  Have u also applied DBS or St. Margaret or others????   Share w/ me if u have time and don't mind.

原文章由 owenmami 於 07-10-17 17:14 硐表

Well.....To prepare for the worst......I think you can try ISF Academy (i.e.弘立), or Yiu Chung. I'm not sure Victoria Shanghai Academy is still open for application. Not much choice for b ...

作者: owenmami    時間: 07-10-22 11:57


I'm over with the ordeal last year.
my child is in CKY Yr.1.

For KJS, their G.1 intake is at age 5 bor?
I heard that there is always long queue for transfer student application at ESF! Don't know if it's true.

原文章由 CheCheMan 於 07-10-20 08:39 硐表
Just have time to walk thur BK.  TQ for yr advice.

However the school fee for Yiu Chung is rather expensive.  U're right that I need to think abt "contingency plan".  Actually, I have planned to appl ...

作者: lawlinhy    時間: 07-10-22 18:57

Besides lower school fee and learning Chinese, is there any more "merits" that CKY have when comparing to ESF?
作者: kyliema2006    時間: 07-10-22 22:28

原文章由 lawlinhy 於 07-10-22 18:57 硐表
Besides lower school fee and learning Chinese, is there any more "merits" that CKY have when comparing to ESF?

One shouldn't compare CKY with ESF or other ISs.  It's like comparing apples and oranges.

Most would agree IF one is concerned about English standard, he should really go for ISs and the question then becomes which IS is better or more suitable to his kid.

I dare not say CKY has more merits than ESF especially there are even more fans of ESF than those of CKY.  I'm sure each camp will tell you their merits.  Simply spend some time reading the relevant threads and you would have a grip of their respective merits.  Then you'd decide which one suits your kid better.

By the way, I'm not really sure if CKY charges a lower tuition fee - in primary school?  On the other hand, ESF has also increased their Chinese lessons.  Both CKY and ESF teach Chinese in PTH.  In fact, due to their different weightings given to English and Chinese, students of the two schools are reasonably expected to have a  different level of command of the two languages.
作者: Norwegian    時間: 07-10-28 14:59     標題: 回覆 #7 achow 的文章

I thought there would be only 1 interview.  Feeling much pressure. :-| :-|
作者: rdc888    時間: 07-10-28 22:24

我想調4:00pm 或以後的時間,謝謝幫忙!
作者: minnieleung    時間: 07-10-28 22:56     標題: 回覆 #4 lawlinhy 的文章

作者: CheCheMan    時間: 07-10-29 13:24

Hi Owenmami,

Wa...your child should be smart so that he/she could get in CKY.

Hey, would you mind to share some interview experience with us?   I also want to prepare it for my son.  U know, I just come over the 1st in of DBS last week and now waiting for the 1st in of CKY this weekend.

What a headacde on arranging interview & selecting school for my son.

Wish this game with good result should be over soonest la~

原文章由 owenmami 於 07-10-22 11:57 硐表

I'm over with the ordeal last year.
my child is in CKY Yr.1.

For KJS, their G.1 intake is at age 5 bor?
I heard that there is always long queue for transfer student application at ...

作者: owenmami    時間: 07-10-29 16:29

I think no preparation for the child is necessary. The interview format last year was more like a fun fair and I believe all children found it enjoyable.
The child would participate in various games lead by teachers (both local & NET teachers). My child told me he sang a Chinese song and write some simple Chinese words. (He didn't tell me much ) The interview last for an hour.
The parent would be asked to fill in a questionnaire while waiting for the child. You would need to write a short essay to introduce your child/ your family.
原文章由 CheCheMan 於 07-10-29 13:24 硐表
Hi Owenmami,

Wa...your child should be smart so that he/she could get in CKY.

Hey, would you mind to share some interview experience with us?   I also want to prepare it for my son.  U know, I just  ...

作者: CheCheMan    時間: 07-10-29 17:06

Does your child enjoy school life in CKY for the past 1 year?

原文章由 owenmami 於 07-10-29 16:29 硐表
I think no preparation for the child is necessary. The interview format last year was more like a fun fair and I believe all children found it enjoyable.
The child would participate in various gam ...

作者: owenmami    時間: 07-10-30 09:25


My child has been in CKY for 2 months only.
Yes. He enjoys his school life and he likes his teachers.

CKY is a happy learning haven.
原文章由 CheCheMan 於 07-10-29 17:06 硐表
Does your child enjoy school life in CKY for the past 1 year?

作者: CheCheMan    時間: 07-11-1 08:54

Thanks Owenmami.

Yup, I think it's better for us to take it easy for the 1st interview.   

原文章由 owenmami 於 07-10-30 09:25 硐表

My child has been in CKY for 2 months only.
Yes.  He enjoys his school life and he likes his teachers.

CKY is a happy learning haven.

作者: j3579    時間: 07-11-1 09:05

I also wish to change to afternoon for my girl.
Anyone can help?

原文章由 rdc888 於 07-10-28 22:24 硐表
我想調4:00pm 或以後的時間,謝謝幫忙!

作者: j3579    時間: 07-11-1 09:27

Forgot yo say that mine is 10 Nov morning.
Wish to swap to afternoon on 10 Nov

原文章由 j3579 於 07-11-1 09:05 硐表
I also wish to change to afternoon for my girl.
Anyone can help?

作者: j3579    時間: 07-11-1 09:31

Forgot to say that i wish to swap to the afternoon on 10.11.2007

原文章由 j3579 於 07-11-1 09:05 硐表
I also wish to change to afternoon for my girl.
Anyone can help?

作者: 維他    時間: 07-11-1 14:53

Owenmami ,

I want to know is it many homework or not ?
作者: kyliema2006    時間: 07-11-1 15:49

原文章由 維他 於 07-11-1 14:53 硐表
Owenmami ,

I want to know is it many homework or not ?

Dear 維他:

若要將蔡繼有的功課量與傳統學校比,相信是小毛見大毛,應該唔會以「多」來形容。應該以「廣」來形容,「廣」在於認知(common sense),學生本身的認知越多,功課就會越覺得容易。我遇過有些家長申訴孩子不懂得做功課,因為孩子根本不懂得該方面的知識,故特別覺得模不著頭腦。
作者: Norwegian    時間: 07-11-1 16:41

My son cannot attend the interview.  

I have called the school for changing the timeslot but they say we can't swap the timeslot by ourselves.  Really don't understand why.

I feel upset with the school's policy.

[ 本文章最後由 Norwegian 於 07-11-1 16:43 編輯 ]
作者: Tatama123    時間: 07-11-1 17:18

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: owenmami    時間: 07-11-2 09:10


My son started Y.1 in Sept 07. Now he's still staying in CKY.
原文章由 Tatama123 於 07-11-1 17:18 硐表
[quote]原文章由 owenmami 於 07-10-30 09:25 硐表

Why only stay two month, where are your son study now?

作者: owenmami    時間: 07-11-2 09:20


The amount of homework varies a lot among different classes.
For my son, there's around 3-5 items each day, including some reading schemes. I know that for some classes, all works can be completed at school, and therefore, they have no homework except the reading scheme.
Usually, my son can finish his homework before I come home. Occasionally, we need to search the internet together in order to complete the work.

原文章由 維他 於 07-11-1 14:53 硐表
Owenmami ,

I want to know is it many homework or not ?

作者: CheCheMan    時間: 07-11-2 13:04

I think what Owenmami said is her son started to study P.1 at CKY this Sept.  So up to now is around 2 months lor~  Wish I get a correct guess la..heee  

原文章由 Tatama123 於 07-11-1 17:18 硐表
[quote]原文章由 owenmami 於 07-10-30 09:25 硐表

Why only stay two month, where are your son study now?

作者: WD40    時間: 07-11-3 20:23

We've attended the interview of CKY early this morning.  The flow is arranged so smooth.  My son seems so enjoy such interview.  Many students come back have smile face.  Not bad

原文章由 CheCheMan 於 07-11-2 13:04 硐表
I think what Owenmami said is her son started to study P.1 at CKY this Sept.  So up to now is around 2 months lor~  Wish I get a correct guess la..heee  

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