
標題: N1 interview [打印本頁]

作者: ruiruibama    時間: 07-11-23 17:27     標題: N1 interview

請問 n1 interview 是怎樣的? 可否指教一吓
作者: tanoshi127    時間: 07-11-23 22:13




加油 不要擔心
作者: BH_2    時間: 07-11-23 22:50

我個b只去過1個 interview, 有分個人及集體 interview, 個人是老師同家長傾下, 又叫小朋友玩下玩具, 問下BB好簡單的問題 (我個b而家 17個月, 未識講咩野.. 玩玩具都ok)  集體的就是叫小朋友一起玩大型車仔等, 睇下小朋友一起有冇爭野玩.  而家來信說因太多人, 所以只收左下午班, 不過是比較遠, 我都未決定是否去, 另外的又下年先有得 in...不過哩間唔係名牌個d, 唔知名牌個d有否不同. 不過我估幼兒園都係差不多, 反正再問野佢地都唔識答, 反而真係要 in K1 就真係多d野要問..
作者: pekklekc    時間: 07-11-27 13:00     標題: 回覆 #1 BH_2 的文章

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作者: virgobb    時間: 07-11-27 13:13

你果間學校個老師都好攪笑.但係咁你 bb 既反應係點 ? ... 其實佢地係咪個個都照問,撞下手神睇下會唔會無意中發現小天才 ?

我都有朋友試過 in N1 個老師攞住隻叮噹公仔問個 bb 知唔知係 d 咩. 超攪野.
作者: stella727ng    時間: 07-11-27 13:39

原文章由 pekklekc 於 07-11-27 13:00 硐表
我個 BB attended an interview for PN last Sat, sooooo harsh!!  分個人及集體 interview : 個老師叫BB玩下玩具, then she showed him a picture and asked him "what are they doing?"  How to imagine my bb can ...

The teacher so crazy! Just N1(nusery).俾咁大壓力個小朋友做乜. 小朋友成長最重要係開心. 想找資優生等間學校出名. 都唔係陪訓小朋友. n1係學野.啲老師有冇愛心架.....This is a main point face to me to choose the school.
作者: spiga    時間: 07-11-27 13:48

原文章由 pekklekc 於 07-11-27 13:00 硐表
我個 BB attended an interview for PN last Sat, sooooo harsh!!  分個人及集體 interview : 個老師叫BB玩下玩具, then she showed him a picture and asked him "what are they doing?"  How to imagine my bb can ...

wow.... how can they expect so much!!! My bb even cannot call me "mama"!!!
作者: jwong888    時間: 07-11-27 14:27

Yes, all of them are super crazy...  

原文章由 spiga 於 07-11-27 13:48 硐表

wow.... how can they expect so much!!! My bb even cannot call me "mama"!!!

作者: Nov    時間: 07-11-27 15:26

n1 面試 -- 我囡囡出年1月要interview, 到時只有14個月大. 我對佢有信心, 只要佢做回自己便可以, 不需要什麼基本答案, 因為每個小朋友都有其特別之處嘛!
作者: gie_angie    時間: 07-11-27 15:50

原文章由 ruiruibama 於 07-11-23 17:27 硐表
請問 n1 interview 是怎樣的? 可否指教一吓



[ 本文章最後由 gie_angie 於 07-11-27 16:04 編輯 ]
作者: pekklekc    時間: 07-11-27 17:44     標題: 回覆 #6 virgobb 的文章

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作者: Ewongmum    時間: 07-12-4 11:56

原文章由 pekklekc 於 07-11-27 13:00 發表
我個 BB attended an interview for PN last Sat, sooooo harsh!!  分個人及集體 interview : 個老師叫BB玩下玩具, then she showed him a picture and asked him "what are they doing?"  How to imagine my bb can ...

which school did you go for interview ??? so hard ?
作者: jeanreno    時間: 07-12-17 15:03

作者: HoiYauBB    時間: 07-12-17 17:00

我同bb 都 in 了一間好騎呢的kowloon tong PN interview, 一坐低,老師就爆發連珠的問我個女問題, 我個女 18m , 有以下精彩問題比佢:

1. 你叫什麼名 ?
2. 有邊個在這裡 ?
3. 玩積木, 要bb 砌高 4 個積木
4. 穿珠
5. puzzle , 問這3個是什麼動物 ( turle , tiger, elephant ) then 玩puzzle 放正確位置
6. drawing 比 crayon bb 問 支crayon 是什麼 顏色 ( green)
7. 看 card, 問個男仔在做什麼 ? taking a bath
8. 看 card , 一個大黃色圓形加小小雲, 問bb 是什麼 ? moon
9. 看 card 3 張找2張相同
10. 看 card 問是什麼 ? 輪船

我當時個心都在想, 吓 仲有.... 結果10 個問題/test 是要個
18m 的 bb 在 within 5 minutes 完成, (可想而知老師問問題的speed) 全程老師沒笑容.....  
雖然 luckily, bb 當日除了話個男子在游水( taking a bath) 答錯外, 都全部對, 學校收了, 但其實當時老師一開聲,我們都覺得好怪, 不打算會讀, 因為個間是國際學校, 我們是報 全英class 的, 老師竟然用中交問問題, 十分不 make sense....
作者: Ewongmum    時間: 07-12-17 17:10

原文章由 HoiYauBB 於 07-12-17 17:00 發表
我同bb 都 in 了一間好騎呢的kowloon tong PN interview, 一坐低,老師就爆發連珠的問我個女問題, 我個女 18m , 有以下精彩問題比佢:

1. 你叫什麼名 ?
2. 有邊個在這裡 ?
3. 玩積木, 要bb 砌高 4 個積木
4. 穿珠
5 ...

Your baby is very clever. which school is it ?? 18 mths,  she is very clever.
作者: silingling    時間: 07-12-17 22:16

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作者: HoiYauBB    時間: 07-12-18 02:12

Thanks, 我個女都不是特別聰明, 只是當日睡夠吧. 想知邊間噤激, check pm la....  

[ 本文章最後由 HoiYauBB 於 07-12-18 02:15 編輯 ]
作者: janiceyuen    時間: 07-12-18 11:59

Dear HoiYauBB,

I am interested to know 邊間噤激 as well!! can you pls PM me ? thanks!!

原文章由 HoiYauBB 於 07-12-18 02:12 發表
Thanks, 我個女都不是特別聰明, 只是當日睡夠吧. 想知邊間噤激, check pm la....  

作者: HoiYauBB    時間: 07-12-18 15:18

janiceyuen, check pm la...
作者: bbjan    時間: 07-12-18 15:24

pls also pm me, thx.
作者: pigpig0323    時間: 07-12-18 15:41

Pls. also PM me.
作者: HoiYauBB    時間: 07-12-18 15:47

pigpig0323 and bbjan, check pm la...
作者: ruiruibama    時間: 07-12-18 20:47

so far BB has taken 3 interviews...

For the first one, the teacher gave BB a toy to play and then ask me and my husband questions, such as "Does BB has any allergy?", "What type of toys does he love to play?"... BB was attracted by the toy and stay there sitted throughout the interview session.

For the second one, the teacher also gave BB a toy to play.  She observed us playing with BB for a while and then ask us some more advanced questions like "What do you think can lead to BB's happy childhood?"... Unluckily, the toys were not attractive for my BB and so he hanged around in the interview room.

For the third one, the teacher played with BB.  She gave some toys to BB and taught him how to play.  BB followed her way to play the toys and also made his own ways to play afterwards.  While BB was playing, she also asked us questions relating to allergy, BB's interest... etc.  This time, BB played very happily during the interview session.

By now, the 1st one has made an offer to BB and the 2nd one has rejected BB.  We're now looking forward to a favourable reply from the 3rd one.
作者: gloriahung    時間: 07-12-18 23:30


Please PM me the name of the school
作者: Mqchris    時間: 07-12-19 00:54

would you let me know too.... thanks

原文章由 HoiYauBB 於 07-12-18 15:47 發表
pigpig0323 and bbjan, check pm la...

作者: amy仔    時間: 07-12-19 00:57

pls pm me.
作者: coco209    時間: 07-12-19 08:21     標題: 回覆 #15 Ewongmum 的文章

I want to know also.
please pm me.
作者: JoshuaN    時間: 07-12-19 13:47

Please PM me also, thanks
作者: HoiYauBB    時間: 07-12-19 15:53

ok check pm la..

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