
標題: 馬鞍山雨川小學好唔好呀? 升中派位好唔好呀? [打印本頁]

作者: ada_pmlo    時間: 08-6-7 13:36     標題: 馬鞍山雨川小學好唔好呀? 升中派位好唔好呀?


升中派位好唔好呀? 有幾多個%派到去英中, 或者佢升中結果係點呀?

作者: jasonpoon    時間: 08-6-7 15:29

基本上Ma On Shan所有中學都不好, 我為了仔仔都搬去九龍城住
作者: ada_pmlo    時間: 08-6-7 16:00

原文章由 jasonpoon 於 08-6-7 15:29 發表
基本上Ma On Shan所有中學都不好, 我為了仔仔都搬去九龍城住

但係喺馬鞍山讀小學, 都可以選擇沙田讀中學, 而沙田都有好多好嘅中學喎
作者: 琋琋BB    時間: 08-6-7 21:55

作者: ada_pmlo    時間: 08-6-7 23:30

咁你估如果我第一志願係選主風, 但係派唔到, 如果去主風叩門有冇機會呢?

原文章由 琋琋BB 於 08-6-7 21:55 發表

作者: mayleewong    時間: 08-6-9 00:59

原文章由 ada_pmlo 於 08-6-7 23:30 發表
咁你估如果我第一志願係選主風, 但係派唔到, 如果去主風叩門有冇機會呢?

of course you have choice la.
last year my son interview,
he haven't any cert. & I haven't make a profile,
but my son also can go to this school,
due to 我兩次第一志願都填主風,
校長feel that I have many many 誠意,
so you should be try la
good luck
作者: goodgoodluck    時間: 08-6-9 10:06

Po Leung Kuk Riverain Primary School is good school in Ma On Shan. Academic, school facilities, school activities and parents support, they have highly performance in an academic. Even two of england's girl is learned from this school, they are very happy and smart.  Some Teacher maybe serious but that's good for teaching some naughty students. This school had many awards at many of school events. Don't be give up and you can search for their website.
Ask for other parents who the childrens learning in this school.  

原文章由 ada_pmlo 於 08-6-7 13:36 發表

升中派位好唔好呀? 有幾多個%派到去英中, 或者佢升中結果係點呀?


作者: ada_pmlo    時間: 08-6-9 17:18

問題就係呀, 我在乙部第一志願係主風, 但係在甲部我只排了第三, 咁樣叩門機會會唔會比較細呢?

原文章由 mayleewong 於 08-6-9 00:59 發表

of course you have choice la.
last year my son interview,
he haven't any cert. & I haven't make a profile,
but my son also can go to this school,
due to 我兩次第一志願都填主風,
校長feel that I have m ...

作者: mayleewong    時間: 08-6-11 00:19

原文章由 ada_pmlo 於 08-6-9 17:18 發表
問題就係呀, 我在乙部第一志願係主風, 但係在甲部我只排了第三, 咁樣叩門機會會唔會比較細呢?

It's ok,
I think you should be try.
作者: mayleewong    時間: 08-6-11 00:21

原文章由 ada_pmlo 於 08-6-7 13:36 發表

升中派位好唔好呀? 有幾多個%派到去英中, 或者佢升中結果係點呀?


作者: ada_pmlo    時間: 08-6-11 09:57

多謝你的資料呀, 不過睇完之後, 我好驚呀, 我真的不知如何是好

原文章由 mayleewong 於 08-6-11 00:21 發表


作者: ada_pmlo    時間: 08-6-11 12:18

另外都好想知如果有機會去主風面試的話, 係會問D咩呢? 同埋要唔要筆試呢?

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