
標題: 08-09----K2N ---sharing [打印本頁]

作者: MaggieHuang    時間: 08-9-2 08:29     標題: 08-09----K2N ---sharing


我仔仔 讀K2N 呀.  有時間入黎交流吓

今天返學啦!  我仲緊張過佢.

之前幾日同佢講9月2日返學啦.  佢只係話ok.   唔知係咪咁ok 呢?
作者: chingchingb.ma    時間: 08-9-2 14:48


原帖由 MaggieHuang 於 08-9-2 08:29 發表

我仔仔 讀K2N 呀.  有時間入黎交流吓

今天返學啦!  我仲緊張過佢.

之前幾日同佢講9月2日返學啦.  佢只係話ok.   唔知係咪咁ok 呢?

作者: dtwy    時間: 08-9-2 23:26

作者: MaggieHuang    時間: 08-9-3 08:48

原帖由 chingchingb.ma 於 08-9-2 14:48 發表

Hehe,  係啦又話新topic 要在這遑起.


無K2N 媽咪 上BK share ??
作者: MaggieHuang    時間: 08-9-3 08:52

原帖由 dtwy 於 08-9-2 23:26 發表

你好呀!   剛剛話無K2N 媽媽時後オ見你的message.  
Nice to meet you ah...

你仔仔相好精神.smart 喎
作者: chingchingb.ma    時間: 08-9-3 09:53

係呀!我都將我哋07-08 K1C (Kent Rd)搬咗嚟呢邊開Part II。

原帖由 MaggieHuang 於 08-9-3 08:48 發表

Hehe,  係啦又話新topic 要在這遑起.


無K2N 媽咪 上BK share ??

作者: dtwy    時間: 08-9-4 23:00

原帖由 MaggieHuang 於 08-9-3 08:52 發表

你好呀!   剛剛話無K2N 媽媽時後オ見你的message.  
Nice to meet you ah...

你仔仔相好精神.smart 喎

作者: yellowyan    時間: 08-9-6 00:16

作者: MaggieHuang    時間: 08-9-8 00:07

原帖由 chingchingb.ma 於 08-9-3 09:53 發表
係呀!我都將我哋07-08 K1C (Kent Rd)搬咗嚟呢邊開Part II。

thanks chingchingbma.  等我快D 去睇吓先.
作者: MaggieHuang    時間: 08-9-8 00:11

原帖由 dtwy 於 08-9-4 23:00 發表


亞仔話上星歎溫左A, B.  又寫中國數字一, ニ, 三喎
作者: MaggieHuang    時間: 08-9-8 00:16

原帖由 yellowyan 於 08-9-6 00:16 發表

歡迎你yellowyan,  以後多D交流吓, 我都好想知多D亞仔學校生活

上星期無功課.   Friday Ms Leung 有D 事call 我, 我亦問左小小K2N 的事, 原來未分組.
作者: dtwy    時間: 08-9-8 23:33

作者: MaggieHuang    時間: 08-9-8 23:49

原帖由 dtwy 於 08-9-8 23:33 發表

我放エ已趕唔切去過膠,  唯有明天去.

作者: MaggieHuang    時間: 08-9-9 23:47

Today has the writing of "A"
作者: dtwy    時間: 08-9-11 22:51

作者: MaggieHuang    時間: 08-9-12 08:08

原帖由 dtwy 於 08-9-11 22:51 發表


let me ask my son if his class no. change.  

do you know how many children in K2N?
作者: dtwy    時間: 08-9-15 07:57

about 31 kids in the class.
作者: MaggieHuang    時間: 08-9-17 00:53

原帖由 MaggieHuang 於 08-9-12 08:08 發表


let me ask my son if his class no. change.  

do you know how many children in K2N?

My son's class no. is now #10.    Previous is #11.   

Do you know why teacher didn't take the Chinese (1) and English B1 today ?   These are the weekend homework and already done.
作者: MaggieHuang    時間: 08-9-18 00:25

dtwy, yellowyan

你哋仔女有冇話要帶BB物件回校做show & tell ?
作者: dtwy    時間: 08-9-18 22:47

作者: yellowyan    時間: 08-9-18 23:20

唔好意事,咁遲先覆你哋,因亞女哩幾日唔舒服,無返幾日學,問過亞女佢又話老師無講話要帶BB物件返學校做show & tell 。
作者: MaggieHuang    時間: 08-9-18 23:57

原帖由 yellowyan 於 08-9-18 23:20 發表
唔好意事,咁遲先覆你哋,因亞女哩幾日唔舒服,無返幾日學,問過亞女佢又話老師無講話要帶BB物件返學校做show & tell 。

hope your girl recover soonest.

tonight i questioned my son : it seems that you will have show & tell and bring some BB photo, right?

He said the teacher didn't tell them.  My son's class no. is 10 so i wounder maybe it is for clas no. 1-5 first.
作者: yellowyan    時間: 08-9-19 23:02

It may be right as the class number for Cheuk Yan is bigger number.

Have a nice weekend!
作者: 大飛    時間: 08-9-24 07:27

hi.... 我仔仔亦是K2N 架.... 大家好!

又打風....又停學...但自己又要返工.... 仔仔係屋企好悶呀
作者: 大飛    時間: 08-9-24 07:29


嘻嘻...可以係呢到再傾.... 真有緣..... 你仔仔的相確實好正.....


原帖由 dtwy 於 08-9-4 23:00 發表


作者: MaggieHuang    時間: 08-9-26 00:24

原帖由 大飛 於 08-9-24 07:27 發表
hi.... 我仔仔亦是K2N 架.... 大家好!

又打風....又停學...但自己又要返工.... 仔仔係屋企好悶呀

Hello 大飛
好開心認識你呀.   以後多D交流吓.
作者: MaggieHuang    時間: 08-9-26 00:32

亞仔做功課不專心,  寫中文最多藉口, 又話寫唔晒, 又話好倦.....   攪到我話專心寫可以有糖, 有sticker.... 真係
作者: 大飛    時間: 08-9-28 22:29

HI ..MaggieHaung....nice to meet u....

仔仔講上星期有個普通話老師, 同佢地玩「跳跳虎」(pooh pooh 個friend),老師拉隻老虎, 成班一齊大笑....

另外, 問佢音樂堂老師是什麼老師, 佢講又係叫miss leung 喎....
作者: yellowyan    時間: 08-9-29 00:46

作者: dtwy    時間: 08-9-29 02:41

原帖由 MaggieHuang 於 08-9-26 00:32 發表
亞仔做功課不專心,  寫中文最多藉口, 又話寫唔晒, 又話好倦.....   攪到我話專心寫可以有糖, 有sticker.... 真係

作者: yellowyan    時間: 08-10-1 00:55

知唔知邊個喺Justyn Mak,因為佢比咗一張邀請回條我個女,話十月十一日下午攪咗個Party。你哋會唔會去?
作者: 大飛    時間: 08-10-1 23:19

My son is very excited even though I haven't seen Justyn before.  He really wants to go.  But I need to work that day morning.  I am afraid I can't reach there on time. So I still think about that....
作者: MaggieHuang    時間: 08-10-2 13:56

Dear all

I will go with my son to Justyn's B day party ah.

Will you go ?
作者: MaggieHuang    時間: 08-10-2 13:58

原帖由 大飛 於 08-9-28 22:29 發表
HI ..MaggieHaung....nice to meet u....

仔仔講上星期有個普通話老師, 同佢地玩「跳跳虎」(pooh pooh 個friend),老師拉隻老虎, 成班一齊大笑....

另外, 問佢音樂堂老師是什麼老師, 佢講又係叫miss  ...

My son said Ms Au teach them music (i am not sure if correct).

Do we need to submit back the kite to school ?
作者: 大飛    時間: 08-10-2 22:41

我個仔講要交.....佢自己係背面寫名及班, 放入籃色手工袋入面....

11/10 的生日會, 我會到啦.... 所以明天會打比justyn ma..... 到時見啦...
作者: MaggieHuang    時間: 08-10-2 23:49

原帖由 大飛 於 08-10-2 22:41 發表
我個仔講要交.....佢自己係背面寫名及班, 放入籃色手工袋入面....

11/10 的生日會, 我會到啦.... 所以明天會打比justyn ma..... 到時見啦...

吓,  亞仔又話唔交

when will your son has "show & tell" ?
we received the notice and the subject is " Autumn"

see you on 11/10 Justyn Party.
作者: MaggieHuang    時間: 08-10-3 00:18

昨日睇電視聽到国歌,  亞仔話佢地學校都有唱喎.  (真係?)
作者: dtwy    時間: 08-10-4 17:19

原帖由 yellowyan 於 08-10-1 00:55 發表
知唔知邊個喺Justyn Mak,因為佢比咗一張邀請回條我個女,話十月十一日下午攪咗個Party。你哋會唔會去?

作者: MaggieHuang    時間: 08-10-4 23:15

dear all

did your children tell you to do the homework of p.27, 30, 32 & last page cover of "奇妙的我 "?
作者: 大飛    時間: 08-10-6 23:12

冇噃.... 等我明天問下先....

我成日問他是否需要係家同佢貼stricker, 仔仔說唔洗!

原帖由 MaggieHuang 於 08-10-4 23:15 發表
dear all

did your children tell you to do the homework of p.27, 30, 32 & last page cover of "奇妙的我 "?

作者: MaggieHuang    時間: 08-10-7 00:48

原帖由 大飛 於 08-10-6 23:12 發表
冇噃.... 等我明天問下先....

我成日問他是否需要係家同佢貼stricker, 仔仔說唔洗!

I ask my son today again and he take sometime to think but still told me "don't have to do those pages"  I don't know if true.  From other K2  parents, children told them to do those pages, so....
作者: MaggieHuang    時間: 08-10-7 00:50

as my son's "show & tell" topic is AUTUMN, tomorrow we are going to have a day trip to the country park.  
作者: 大飛    時間: 08-10-8 23:15

今天仔仔說要做p30, 32及尾頁..... (今天才講)

另外發現p27 今天在學校印好了

原帖由 MaggieHuang 於 08-10-4 23:15 發表
dear all

did your children tell you to do the homework of p.27, 30, 32 & last page cover of "奇妙的我 "?

作者: MaggieHuang    時間: 08-10-10 00:55

原帖由 大飛 於 08-10-8 23:15 發表
今天仔仔說要做p30, 32及尾頁..... (今天才講)

另外發現p27 今天在學校印好了

we done p30, 32 but p27 still don't have put the finger print
i have to ask my son again
作者: MaggieHuang    時間: 08-10-10 00:56

dear all

when is your time of parent day ?

Mine is :

18 Oct
作者: dtwy    時間: 08-10-10 22:32

原帖由 MaggieHuang 於 08-10-10 00:56 發表
dear all

when is your time of parent day ?

18 Oct
ohymn ................... 12:00pm

[ 本帖最後由 dtwy 於 08-10-10 22:33 編輯 ]
作者: dtwy    時間: 08-10-10 22:35

原帖由 MaggieHuang 於 08-10-10 00:55 發表

we done p30, 32 but p27 still don't have put the finger print
i have to ask my son again

finger print done and the last page had been pass to Ms Leung.
作者: vileung    時間: 08-10-11 20:24

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: 大飛    時間: 08-10-11 22:49

Justyn's mom,  Thanks for your invitation and gifts.  My son played happily in party.  He slept with your sticker book tonight and put under his pillow! ha..ha.....

Interview with Ms Leung

18 Oct
ohymn ................... 12:00pm

26 Oct

原帖由 vileung 於 08-10-11 20:24 發表
Hi all,

Glad to find this thread (thanks Maggie)!

And thank you for coming to the party!
"照"呼不到.  Wish could chat more at the party :)

Vileung (Justyn's mom)

作者: yellowyan    時間: 08-10-13 14:14

cheuk yan's mom will meet Miss Leung  on Oct25 10:30am.

Hello Vleung, nice to meet you via this channel. I would like to thanks for your invitation again. My little girl cheuk yan enjoyed Justyn's birthday's party very much, though she does not know well about Justyn.

I find dictation has been started.
作者: MaggieHuang    時間: 08-10-14 00:13

原帖由 vileung 於 08-10-11 20:24 發表
Hi all,

Glad to find this thread (thanks Maggie)!

And thank you for coming to the party!
"照"呼不到.  Wish could chat more at the party :)

Vileung (Justyn's mom)

Hi Vileung

thanks for your invitation and hope to chat more here.

when is your time on parent's day?
作者: MaggieHuang    時間: 08-10-14 00:15

原帖由 yellowyan 於 08-10-13 14:14 發表
cheuk yan's mom will meet Miss Leung  on Oct25 10:30am.

Hello Vleung, nice to meet you via this channel. I would like to thanks for your invitation again. My little girl cheuk yan enjoyed Justyn's bi ...

Hello Cheuk Yan mom.  浩朗 was happy to take photo with her on Justyn B day party.

i will print and ask 浩 朗 to give to Cheuk Yan
作者: MaggieHuang    時間: 08-10-14 00:17

浩朗 told me they need to do p.5 of new book "天氣涼了" but i don't have time to pick the dry leave for him yet.
作者: 大飛    時間: 08-10-14 22:49

唔係下話... 禁夜好難拾樹葉噃...我諗明天我都冇貨交了...

作者: yellowyan    時間: 08-10-15 09:39

I'm surprised too when cheuk yan told me Miss Leung asked her doing leaf homework. How can we gather leaves at night. I told cheuk yan we'll do the leaf homework at Sat and cheuk yan will submit it next Mon

原帖由 大飛 於 08-10-14 22:49 發表
唔係下話... 禁夜好難拾樹葉噃...我諗明天我都冇貨交了...mouth:" />


作者: MaggieHuang    時間: 08-10-16 00:21

原帖由 yellowyan 於 08-10-15 09:39 發表
I'm surprised too when cheuk yan told me Miss Leung asked her doing leaf homework. How can we gather leaves at night. I told cheuk yan we'll do the leaf homework at Sat and cheuk yan will submit it ne ...

亞仔只話要做, 但無話幾時交.  我想週末才做
作者: MaggieHuang    時間: 08-10-16 00:24

亞仔做完show & tell

大家知唔知Ms O (亞仔話係教普話),    是嗎?
作者: 大飛    時間: 08-10-17 23:44

浩朗媽, 請問你小朋友幾多號? 因為我仔仔(odo)29號, 他昨天告訴我要帶相因為要show & tell, 但我又未收到ms leung 通知....???  真的輪到29號嗎?

odo 說普通話老師叫余("於")老師... 他說上一堂玩puzzle..... 不知是否真???

原帖由 MaggieHuang 於 08-10-16 00:24 發表
亞仔做完show & tell

大家知唔知Ms O (亞仔話係教普話),    是嗎?

作者: yellowyan    時間: 08-10-18 00:20

綽恩的學號是24,但佢無話要做show & tell噃‧
作者: dtwy    時間: 08-10-18 23:39

我個仔都未講要做 show & tell.
作者: 大飛    時間: 08-10-20 22:44


唔知miss leung 會唔會另有通知呢? eg 寫手冊....

聞說kv十一月初做1st assessment 了.....

原帖由 dtwy 於 08-10-18 23:39 發表
我個仔都未講要做 show & tell.

作者: MaggieHuang    時間: 08-10-21 00:13

原帖由 大飛 於 08-10-17 23:44 發表
浩朗媽, 請問你小朋友幾多號? 因為我仔仔(odo)29號, 他昨天告訴我要帶相因為要show & tell, 但我又未收到ms leung 通知....???  真的輪到29號嗎?

odo 說普通話老師叫余("於")老師... 他說上一堂玩puzzle. ...

my son's class no is 10 and he did the show & tell on 16 Oct.   so, if Odo is 29, then maybe is not this week.  Should have noted from Ms Leung.

what topic Odo told you ?
作者: dtwy    時間: 08-10-21 23:06

原帖由 大飛 於 08-10-20 22:44 發表

唔知miss leung 會唔會另有通知呢? eg 寫手冊....

聞說kv十一月初做1st assessment 了.....

唔駛斬 odo 咁嚴重呀 .我記得 K1 show & tell 有通告,唔知 K2 有沒有呢?
作者: 大飛    時間: 08-10-22 22:14

Odo同我講帶bb相law...... 如果有通告我就放心d....(等我放低把刀先)..... 不過, 我都快比個仔激死架la......

odo今天告訴我要做p10(天氣涼了), 幫豆豆著衫喎.....
作者: dtwy    時間: 08-10-24 01:01

亞仔都幫豆豆著了衫 ,而葉拼畫也被 Ms Leung 收了。
作者: vileung    時間: 08-10-25 23:47

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: 大飛    時間: 08-10-27 22:40

Thanks so much..... I am not so worried now according to Show and Tell matter.

I had short discussion with Miss Leung (app. 7-8 mins)  Overall comment was unsatisfactory.  Odo was so inattentive in class .

Miss Leung mentioned that homework in K2 was EASY and SIMPLE but in K3 would be more difficult.......  SO SCARED.....
作者: MaggieHuang    時間: 08-10-28 00:02

原帖由 vileung 於 08-10-25 23:47 發表

Hi moms,

Maggie - I met with Ms. Leung today 930am, quick 10 min discussion....

Justyn's class # is 16 and he received a note about 2 weeks ago for 'Show and Tell' starting next week.  The topic  ...

Hi Vileung

Edwin had his show & tell done and i received Ms Leung's comments.  Voice too soft.     Edwin's topic is autumn and we spend a day with him to the country part to play kite.

I meet Ms Leung and Edwin is not active in the class.  Anyway, he is quiet & listen to teacher.
作者: MaggieHuang    時間: 08-10-28 00:04

原帖由 大飛 於 08-10-27 22:40 發表
Thanks so much..... I am not so worried now according to Show and Tell matter.

I had short discussion with Miss Leung (app. 7-8 mins)  Overall comment was unsatisfactory.  Odo was so inattentive in c ...

K3 should be more difficult.  

For the moment, i think i don't spend too much time with my son for his homework.    I need to change
作者: dtwy    時間: 08-10-28 00:46

作者: MaggieHuang    時間: 08-10-29 00:22

原帖由 dtwy 於 08-10-28 00:46 發表

Let's try our best la......

anyone know when they will have assessment ?
作者: yellowyan    時間: 08-10-29 18:05

For my job nature, I go home late and seldom have revision with cheuk yan. I think I should have do something change.

原帖由 MaggieHuang 於 08-10-29 00:22 發表

Let's try our best la......

anyone know when they will have assessment ?

作者: dtwy    時間: 08-10-30 00:45

小心 都嚟埋。
作者: vileung    時間: 08-10-30 22:27

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: MaggieHuang    時間: 08-10-30 23:12

原帖由 vileung 於 08-10-30 22:27 發表
大飛 - not too worried lah!  I also had short discussion with Ms. Leung and Justyn is not attentive enough - always want to play!

I think it's normal for boyz lah.  

Maggie - We still haven't brough ...


they don't have the story books today, right ?
Edwin don't have

by the way, anyone of you will make any make up / costume for tomorrow birthday party ?

Cheuk Yan mama, i also think that i don't spend enough time with Edwin for the school homework.      Aiya, i also have OT most of the time.  Now they are in PM class and when i back home+have dinner, it is late and Edwin will say hie is tired and don't want to do revision with me.:(
作者: yellowyan    時間: 08-10-31 14:04

Cheuk yan does not have any makeup today. She just wears jeans for the party. She called me by noon and happily told me that she put on clothes and jeans by herself.

Cheuk yan is different from last year. She dislikes wearing dress.

She did not bring back readers yesterday.

Cheuk yan asked me to sign on the dictation worksheet. Is that true? Shall we return the dictation worksheet with parent signature. Shall cheuk yan do any correction on it?

原帖由 MaggieHuang 於 08-10-30 23:12 發表


they don't have the story books today, right ?
Edwin don't have

by the way, anyone of you will make any make up / costume for tomorrow birthday party ?

Cheuk Yan mama, i also think that i don ...

作者: 大飛    時間: 08-10-31 22:42

YES.....Odo always said tried and slept at 9pm.  He was unmotivated to do homework at night.

Odo told me to sign dictation sheets.  I signed them last week and returned to Miss Leung.  But Miss Leung gave me back on the following day.  I was also not sure whether it was necessary to hand in to Miss Leung.
作者: dtwy    時間: 08-10-31 22:46

Ohymn said that Ms Leung will collect the dication sheets on Monday.

The dication sheets need to sign and correction if any.
作者: vileung    時間: 08-10-31 23:31

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: MaggieHuang    時間: 08-11-4 00:20

原帖由 vileung 於 08-10-31 23:31 發表
yea for Chinese and English characters, Ms. Leung or Ms. Chan would have already marked the space where the corrections are needed.  Usually 4 repeated characters for every Chinese character (that was ...

My sons don't have any dress up last Friday.
Next time party will be near Xmas and really i will take 1/2 day off to go school with them.  

kindly pls check PM
作者: MaggieHuang    時間: 08-11-4 00:33

Hi all

today received Lhymn's b. day party invitation.  Anyone will join ?

作者: dtwy    時間: 08-11-4 00:56

原帖由 MaggieHuang 於 08-11-4 00:33 發表
Hi all

today received Lhymn's b. day party invitation.  Anyone will join ?


I will join. Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!

作者: yellowyan    時間: 08-11-4 13:36

cheuk yan and her mom will join too. See you there.
原帖由 dtwy 於 08-11-4 00:56 發表

I will join. Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!

作者: vileung    時間: 08-11-5 21:00

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: dtwy    時間: 08-11-5 22:37

到時會有傲謙K1F的同學。而會所的function room比較細,時請多多包容。
作者: MaggieHuang    時間: 08-11-5 23:08

原帖由 dtwy 於 08-11-5 22:37 發表
到時會有傲謙K1F的同學。而會所的function room比較細,時請多多包容。

Ohhhh, you are 傲謙 mama.     Hah, i should take a look on 傲謙's photo in bb kingdom and the one in the invitation card then i can sort out dtwy is 傲謙 mama........

we will join.
作者: vileung    時間: 08-11-7 00:20

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: dtwy    時間: 08-11-8 07:30

原帖由 vileung 於 08-11-7 00:20 發表

It'll be great to see 傲謙 and you again!  Justyn always say his name at home, I guess he likes 傲謙 much.

How's your party preparation going?

作者: dtwy    時間: 08-11-8 07:37

原帖由 MaggieHuang 於 08-11-5 23:08 發表

Ohhhh, you are 傲謙 mama.     Hah, i should take a look on 傲謙's photo in bb kingdom and the one in the invitation card then i can sort out dtwy is 傲謙 mama........

we will join. ...

作者: MaggieHuang    時間: 08-11-8 15:52

原帖由 dtwy 於 08-11-8 07:37 發表


作者: dtwy    時間: 08-11-8 23:16

原帖由 MaggieHuang 於 08-11-8 15:52 發表


作者: dtwy    時間: 08-11-14 22:31

作者: MaggieHuang    時間: 08-11-14 23:40

原帖由 dtwy 於 08-11-14 22:31 發表

My son also told me that he is in RED group.  Same group as 傲謙.  Let me ask him if he know 傲謙 or not.
作者: MaggieHuang    時間: 08-11-14 23:42

原帖由 dtwy 於 08-11-14 22:31 發表

from the forum, they have the assessment on Tue, Wed & Thur.  So, today all the classes have the group changing
作者: MaggieHuang    時間: 08-11-14 23:45

原帖由 dtwy 於 08-11-14 22:31 發表

ah, from the forum they have the assessment on Tue, Wed, Thur.  And today after the assessment, all the classes have the group changing.

Today we returned last week story books  but there are no new one.     My younger son has the new story books today.

do you have story books ?
作者: dtwy    時間: 08-11-18 23:07

原帖由 MaggieHuang 於 08-11-14 23:40 發表

My son also told me that he is in RED group.  Same group as 傲謙.  Let me ask him if he know 傲謙 or not.

作者: dtwy    時間: 08-11-18 23:08

作者: MaggieHuang    時間: 08-11-19 00:28

原帖由 dtwy 於 08-11-18 23:08 發表


補祝謙謙 "生日怏樂"
作者: yellowyan    時間: 08-11-19 14:03

I'm back. My computer at home has been down for more than 2 weeks while I'm cracy for my job in these 2 weeks too. I went home at 10:30pm last night...... Oh! I'm not a good mother. How about your job. Do you work OT?

Cheuk Yan will conduct "show & tell" in the early of December with the title of "Winter".

Regarding assessment, I didn't know when she had. How frequent it is? Is it 2 times or 4 times for a year. When will be the next assessment?
作者: MaggieHuang    時間: 08-11-19 23:08

原帖由 yellowyan 於 08-11-19 14:03 發表
I'm back. My computer at home has been down for more than 2 weeks while I'm cracy for my job in these 2 weeks too. I went home at 10:30pm last night...... Oh! I'm not a good mother. How about your job ...

It is too bad to have such  OT and too late.  
Last year in K1, I remember they have 4 assessments.    (below time is rough)
1st in end Oct
2nd before xmas
3rd April
4th June

However, this year, the 1st  was from 11-13 Nov.   KV changed to 3 assessment a year ??

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