
標題: St. Paul Convent Vs 聖士提反書院附屬小學 [打印本頁]

作者: Cindy_66    時間: 08-11-19 18:45     標題: St. Paul Convent Vs 聖士提反書院附屬小學

what is your choice between these schools.  they are 2 totally different style and cirriculum.  traditional school Vs happy school.
作者: Wing(婷婷媽咪)    時間: 08-11-22 13:07

我當年都係同一情況, 我當時可以直升spc, 考左港大同學會, 蘇浙 & st.stephen, 4間都係好學校, 但係我既考慮就係小朋友既性格, spc係比較谷同嚴既學校, 我囡係比較active既小朋友, 不過最後我係比佢自己揀, 佢自己揀左st.stephen, 咁就讀左啦, so far, 讀左年半, 我冇後悔比佢讀呢間學校, 相反, 仲有d覺得好彩揀左呢間學校, 因為佢真係讀得好開心
作者: Cindy_66    時間: 08-11-22 16:50

Thank you so much for your sharing.  you are the only one to support my thought.  All my friends and family members are pro-SPC mostly because it is a elite school in town.  My girl is a very active girl.  She likes interactive learning rather than spoon-feeding.  All girls in SPC go to tuition class, that I think is too much for a primary student.  Is it popular among St Stephen's student to attend tuition class?  Is there a competition atmospere among children?  Please kindly tell me more about St Stephen so that I can have more point to fight for it.  Many thanks.
作者: Wing(婷婷媽咪)    時間: 08-11-24 15:19

Pls check PM!
作者: Cindy_66    時間: 08-11-26 09:03     標題: 回覆 # 的文章

Thank you so much for your sharing.
作者: pipimom    時間: 09-8-28 22:39

can u also pm me pls?
作者: im_cyt    時間: 09-9-28 23:06


Can you please post in this topic and share with us (instead of PM to certain ppl)?  I believe that a lot of parents, including me, are keen to know more about St Stephen's.

作者: grDaddy    時間: 09-11-1 22:50

原帖由 Cindy_66 於 08-11-22 16:50 發表
Thank you so much for your sharing.  you are the only one to support my thought.  All my friends and family members are pro-SPC mostly because it is a elite school in town.  My girl is a very active g ...

Can you share with me too?
If you like, you could pm me.
作者: grDaddy    時間: 09-11-1 22:51


Could you share with me?
If you want to pm me, you could.
作者: good-boy    時間: 09-11-10 17:26

How to pm?   Can you share here ?  

Thanks a lot.
作者: littlemak    時間: 09-11-22 10:01     標題: 回覆 4# Wing(婷婷媽咪) 的文章

Can you also kindly PM me?
Thanks a lot!
作者: Wing(婷婷媽咪)    時間: 09-11-24 14:12

唔好意思, 一排冇走入黎,原來咁多人想知道多d資訊
好, 講返正題先, 我唔係唔想係到share d意見比大家, 但係始終都要評論第二間學校, 所以一直都冇喺呢到講太多, 希望你地明白, 當年我囡囡係放棄st.paul轉入st.stephen, 亦有好多朋友話我咁蠢放棄一間top 10既學校入st.stephen, 但係我覺得, 如果我入一間名氣好大, 而8成以上既小朋友都要補習先有好成績 (我囡囡當時有好多同學仔既家姐都喺spc讀) 仲有我聽到唔少負面既野, 我個人覺得小朋友讀書要讀好多年, 唔想由6歲就開始不斷谷, 我希望佢有個開心既快樂讀書生涯, 咁岩我公司老闆個仔由小一至中學都喺sscps讀, 老師好好, 校長老師用心教學, 淨係呢點我就決定比個囡入讀sscps, 我覺得去決定讀邊間學校都真係好睇小朋友性格, sscps係比較活既一間學校, 如果小朋友好正經, 好怕嘈, 其實呢間學校都未必適合.
到我囡囡讀到今年3年級, 我仍然覺得選擇係正確(聽到好多舊同學仔上左spc既comment後更加肯定) 至於乜野comment, 真係唔好意思, 我諗真係唔方便講太多, 總結係我覺得spc都係一間好學校, 囡囡如果讀上去都唔係問題, 但係唔會好似而家咁鍾意返學, 只係我覺得spc唔適合囡囡讀, 我個人覺得冇一間學校fit到所有性格小朋友, 真係要清楚小朋友性格從而去搵合適既學校先係最緊要, 希望以上資訊可以幫到你地啦.
作者: sigmund    時間: 09-11-24 22:29

原帖由 Wing(婷婷媽咪) 於 09-11-24 14:12 發表
唔好意思, 一排冇走入黎,原來咁多人想知道多d資訊
好, 講返正題先, 我唔係唔想係到share d意見比大家, 但係始終都要評論第二間學校, 所以一直都冇喺呢到講太多, 希望你地明白, 當年我囡囡係放棄st.paul轉入st.stephe ...


作者: littlemak    時間: 09-11-24 23:22     標題: 回覆 12# Wing(婷婷媽咪) 的文章

wing mom,
thank you very much for your kind sharing.
we can understand.
i share the same viewpoint, so i am still waiting for sscps reply. (no acceptance letter on hand yet).
作者: 高齡媽媽    時間: 09-12-19 22:33

我都係一樣, 選擇了sscps 而放棄了spc, 我小朋友是spc 的kindergarten 上的, 但我都沒有讓她繼續升上小一,因為她是一個較活的小朋友, 一上到sscps 的草地、沙灘, 她已經喜歡得不得了,嚷著要在這裡讀書, 再加上經過了三年幼稚園咁有「規範」的生活, it"s really too much......

再者, 從過往的同學仔身上更加知道多些spc,令我更加無悔....更加喜歡現在這間學校 
作者: 2so    時間: 10-2-24 14:39     標題: 回覆 15# 高齡媽媽 的文章

Dear 高齡媽媽 & Wing(婷婷媽咪),

can you pls tell us more about the schoollife of sscps?  Are there a lot of homework, tests, exams?? Is it necessary for kids to attend tuition classes?? thanks !
作者: Wing(婷婷媽咪)    時間: 10-7-4 00:42

我囡囡岩岩完成3年級, 今年確係比1,2年級多功課, 不過我囡囡仍能1hr內完成, 佢地d同學仔會幾個個別喺學校做咁d, 默書100分就乜都唔洗改, 不過就算5樣功課都好啦, 都係within 1hr就完成, 每個term都會有1個test & exam, 另外maths就每教完一課都會有個quiz, make sure所有小朋友個進度跟得上, so far比起好多傳統名校都來得舒服, 另外如果學校發現某科全級d成績都唔係咁好, 就會整d課外活動幫學生, 例如中文唔係咁好, 就會有個語文加油站既課外活動, 藉住輕鬆既每星期1hr教識學生點運用中文, 所以大部份學生都唔洗補習架

原帖由 2so 於 10-2-24 14:39 發表
Dear 高齡媽媽 & Wing(婷婷媽咪),

can you pls tell us more about the schoollife of sscps?  Are there a lot of homework, tests, exams?? Is it necessary for kids to attend tuition classes?? thanks ! ...

作者: daisy17772    時間: 10-7-5 13:34

原帖由 Wing(婷婷媽咪) 於 10-7-4 00:42 發表
我囡囡岩岩完成3年級, 今年確係比1,2年級多功課, 不過我囡囡仍能1hr內完成, 佢地d同學仔會幾個個別喺學校做咁d, 默書100分就乜都唔洗改, 不過就算5樣功課都好啦, 都係within 1hr就完成, 每個term都會有1個test & exa ...

Thanks for your sharing.  It sounds good that after school tutoring is not a "norm" for the school.

May I ask you a question.  Do you have plan for your daughter to stay with St. stephen's colleage for the secondary school?  It's secondary section seemed not so good before it had changed to DSS, therefore many primary graduates applied for and switched to other schools.  Just wanna have an idea what's the view from parents of this school?

作者: Wing(婷婷媽咪)    時間: 10-7-7 21:21

Hi daisy,

中學問題我都一直考慮中, 都真係要睇埋出年囡囡究竟點先, 不過中學係讚多過彈, 所以暫時答唔到你, 我自己咁諗啦, 喺st.stephen's讀左6年既小學, 相信出去考學校都唔會太差既........

原帖由 daisy17772 於 10-7-5 13:34 發表

Thanks for your sharing.  It sounds good that after school tutoring is not a "norm" for the school.

May I ask you a question.  Do you have plan for your daughter to stay with St. stephen's colleage ...

作者: runme    時間: 10-7-9 10:05

Hi Wing(婷婷媽咪),

Do you know and can you share:
(1) do many students study aboard before Grade 6 or after Grade 6?  
(2) do many students go to St. Stephen College for secondary school?

Thanks a lot.
作者: Astoria    時間: 10-8-1 07:00

Sorry 我只是路過,沒有敵意,我只想替SPC平反, 小女巳是六年級的學生, 她每天非常喜歡上學, 從也沒有補習. 其實如果多看書和能理解課堂的話, 考試只須花數小時複習便可以, 學校從沒有給予壓力, 功課直至六年級每天都不多於三份, 沒有排名次, 只須合格便可升班及升中學.  相比其他傳統學校, SPC 算是輕鬆, 但就不及愉快學習的輕鬆, 我相信SPC 在這兩種extreme的中間.  我不否認, 有學生到補習社, 分別只是家長要求合格還是高分, 但有很多成績好的同學是沒有補習的, 純萃有感而發, 不喜勿插.
作者: BigMac16    時間: 10-8-1 08:02

Totally agreed to Astoria. St' Pauls's is a very good school.... in fact, not too much pressure wor..... I think those extra 補習and learning courses are parent's own decision...
作者: knightly    時間: 11-5-6 15:32


我女兒考上了SPK聖保錄幼稚園 & Victoria (Eng/Phu)幼稚園, 目標小學係100% SSCP, 不知怎樣選擇?

Victoria的活學教育與SSCP相近, 著重培養小孩對學習的主動性, 但考不上SSCP, 小學中學的路便不容易走.

SPK是否真的很傳統? 學校怎樣培養學生的學習主動性/閱讀能力/表達能力/分析能力? 老師與學生的關係密切嗎? 希望女兒放學後可與課外書/音樂為伴, 而不是與補習班為伴, 知道你女兒是從SPK考上SSCP, 請多多分享的你的教育方向/方法?

作者: SaSaMummy    時間: 11-6-13 16:11     標題: 回覆 21# Astoria 的文章

My girl is in P4. 從也沒有補習.
But she' s not the top staudent and the performance is average.
The homework is very reasonable.
作者: Cindy_66    時間: 11-7-2 11:52

It's a bit different in my girl's class in SPC.  Most of the girls in her class go to tuitition class.  some of them may have private tuitor for individual subjects.  Working mom, as me, may find it difficult to deal with the exam.  Their homework and daily classes are easy but my girl may fail the exam if I don't have time to revise really hardwith her, include forcing her to do a big pile of extra exercises.  The parents I know all agree with that the exam papers are of difficult side; despite what they have learnt at school.  The student have to take extra exercises to cope with it.  On the other hand, they have only one subject in Chinese, the Chinese level at school is really "ma ma".  The school is not really care about their students.  All they want is to keep the academic results good.  The headmistress have little interaction with students.

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