
標題: 想請問聖保羅堂 interview 時會問咩問題呢? [打印本頁]

作者: penguinmui    時間: 09-7-31 11:46     標題: 想請問聖保羅堂 interview 時會問咩問題呢?

好想比囝囝讀呢間學校, 所以想請問聖保羅堂 interview 時會問咩問題呢? 程序係點0架呢? 係咪一入到去就即係做 interview? 我囝囝都好怕醜, 一見到陌生人就會唔出聲, 好擔心.. interview 時有咩地方要注意呢? 請各高人指點. Thanks a lot!!
作者: scmnhh    時間: 09-8-1 09:05

hi, below was my experience last Nov...

-interviewed by one teacher (candidate accompanied by parents)

-questions to candidate:
  -kid's name/age
  -asked to indicate the eyes/nose/mouth on the doll
  -name the colour
  -name the fruit

-questions to parents:
  -who's looking after the kid?
  -full time or working mom?
  -where to take kid to play in weekends?

my son answered all of above and he was on waitlisted and finally get no feedback by end of July, and thiis means he's not accepted. hope it helps and good luck.


原帖由 penguinmui 於 09-7-31 11:46 發表
好想比囝囝讀呢間學校, 所以想請問聖保羅堂 interview 時會問咩問題呢? 程序係點0架呢? 係咪一入到去就即係做 interview? 我囝囝都好怕醜, 一見到陌生人就會唔出聲, 好擔心.. interview 時有咩地方要注意呢? 請各高 ...

作者: Good-Luck    時間: 09-8-1 12:18

最重要是合當天面試老師的眼緣 及小朋友跟學校的緣份,
盡可能令小朋友面試時 精神些 及 心情開朗,平時教導小朋友要有禮貌,這樣已經足夠。

原帖由 penguinmui 於 31/7/2009 11:46 發表
好想比囝囝讀呢間學校, 所以想請問聖保羅堂 interview 時會問咩問題呢? 程序係點0架呢? 係咪一入到去就即係做 interview? 我囝囝都好怕醜, 一見到陌生人就會唔出聲, 好擔心.. interview 時有咩地方要注意呢? 請各高 ...

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