
標題: 德貞小學要殺校!!! [打印本頁]

作者: funnycat    時間: 09-11-14 22:05     標題: 德貞小學要殺校!!!

2010小一會是最後一屆, 大家點睇呢?
作者: kcPooh    時間: 09-11-14 22:33

Oh why? where is the news coming from? I had studied there during my primary school. Recently I also took my daughter to have interview. Lots of memories there.
作者: 軒蕎媽媽    時間: 09-11-14 22:38

原帖由 funnycat 於 09-11-14 22:05 發表
2010小一會是最後一屆, 大家點睇呢?

作者: norakyng    時間: 09-11-14 22:53

原帖由 funnycat 於 09-11-14 22:05 發表
2010小一會是最後一屆, 大家點睇呢?

Really ?
作者: funnycat    時間: 09-11-15 00:41

We attended a briefing by the school management yesterday.

原帖由 kcPooh 於 09-11-14 22:33 發表
Oh why? where is the news coming from? I had studied there during my primary school. Recently I also took my daughter to have interview. Lots of memories there.

作者: EDEL    時間: 09-11-15 00:43

too bad.... I am an alumni..... :(

原帖由 funnycat 於 09-11-15 00:41 發表
We attended a briefing by the school management yesterday.

作者: funnycat    時間: 09-11-15 01:03

我都好想喊! 德貞收咗阿女明年讀小一, 已交留位費, 因見此校雖然甚少家長談論, 但有談論的都比較少負面評價, 而各方面都又符合我們的要求, 大安旨意諗住比阿女入讀, 崇真學費太貴負擔不起, 陳守仁衰咗, St. Margaret又冇咩嘢好感連interview都放棄了, 仲有培僑又未有消息! 依家校方話因近年太多競爭對手, 無奈要作此決定! 若各家長在明年大抽獎揭曉後, 選擇放棄, 仍會退會留位費! 講真真的很喜歡德貞, 但又怕殺校會影響質素, 點算好呢?

[ 本帖最後由 funnycat 於 09-11-16 09:52 編輯 ]
作者: 尚宮大人    時間: 09-11-15 11:10

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: ziyi    時間: 09-11-15 16:06


原帖由 尚宮大人 於 09-11-15 11:10 發表

:) 我個人都十分鍾意「德貞小學」及其辦學團體「天主教耶穌寶血女修會」。但「德貞小學」以私校模式去營運,一年學費約 2.5 萬,除了學生的學費外,學校根本就無額外的收入來源,資源缺 ...

作者: vitasoy    時間: 09-11-15 20:04

當初揀得佢,都係鍾意佢,雖然LAST一年,我多數(more than 90%)都會繼續讀。我欣賞佢地好有責任,一早通知家長,等我地有得選擇。呢間學校最大賣點係用英文,教師有愛心同德育方面做得出色,我諗左一晚暫時都諗唔到其他選擇。最後一兩年可能會冷清D,但可能好似讀村校咁,師生關係更親蜜。既然有校董會保證,我覺得無問題。萬一到五六年級真係好少人,可能會安排小朋友去其他屬會學校呢!


[ 本帖最後由 vitasoy 於 09-11-15 20:06 編輯 ]
作者: 尚宮大人    時間: 09-11-15 20:43

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: anitawong21    時間: 09-11-15 21:28

原帖由 vitasoy 於 09-11-15 20:04 發表
當初揀得佢,都係鍾意佢,雖然LAST一年,我多數(more than 90%)都會繼續讀。我欣賞佢地好有責任,一早通知家長,等我地有得選擇。呢間學校最大賣點係用英文,教師有愛心同德育方面做得出色,我諗左一晚暫時都諗唔到其他選擇。最後 ...

作者: funnycat    時間: 09-11-16 10:05

一代名校, 就此沒落, 真的很可惜!
作者: AAmother    時間: 09-11-16 11:32


我地學校每日都有 morning prayers,有開學彌撒、瞻禮日、聖灰禮儀、每星期都有宗教堂。而彌撒、瞻禮日都要出外去教堂的!每年都會為天主教"安貧小姊妹"安老院籌募,中學部R.S還要考試。


原帖由 vitasoy 於 09-11-15 20:04 發表
當初揀得佢,都係鍾意佢,雖然LAST一年,我多數(more than 90%)都會繼續讀。我欣賞佢地好有責任,一早通知家長,等我地有得選擇。呢間學校最大賣點係用英文,教師有愛心同德育方面做得出色,我諗左一晚暫時都諗唔到其他選擇。最後 ...

[ 本帖最後由 AAmother 於 09-11-16 11:33 編輯 ]
作者: EDEL    時間: 09-11-16 11:32

Totally agree.....  

原帖由 funnycat 於 09-11-16 10:05 發表
一代名校, 就此沒落, 真的很可惜!

作者: vivianmammy    時間: 09-11-16 11:48

作者: 羊咩囝    時間: 09-11-16 12:49

學校前年先作裝修, 那麼快就.....
作者: catcatmom    時間: 09-11-16 13:08

香港天主教學校, 大部分兩種: 一,修士/院辦的; 二, 天主教區管轄.
而smc 兩者都不是, 係比較特別, 最初係由幾位熱心教育的天主教徒辦的.   

原帖由 vitasoy 於 09-11-15 20:04 發表
當初揀得佢,都係鍾意佢,雖然LAST一年,我多數(more than 90%)都會繼續讀。我欣賞佢地好有責任,一早通知家長,等我地有得選擇。呢間學校最大賣點係用英文,教師有愛心同德育方面做得出色,我諗左一晚暫時都諗唔到其他選擇。最後 ...

[ 本帖最後由 catcatmom 於 09-11-16 13:10 編輯 ]
作者: 尚宮大人    時間: 09-11-16 13:15

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: funnycat    時間: 09-11-16 13:33

聖方濟各英文小學咁'客似雲來', 點會殺校!

原帖由 尚宮大人 於 09-11-16 13:15 發表

:) 「德貞小學」同「聖方濟各英文小學」同為私校,會否同一命運呢?

作者: funnycat    時間: 09-11-16 13:35

Totally agree!

原帖由 尚宮大人 於 09-11-15 20:43 發表
:) 真係好想「德貞小學」可以繼續以「津助」或「直資」的形式繼續營運啦!

作者: funnycat    時間: 09-11-16 13:40


原帖由 羊咩囝 於 09-11-16 12:49 發表
學校前年先作裝修, 那麼快就.....

作者: 羊咩囝    時間: 09-11-16 14:12

原帖由 funnycat 於 09-11-16 13:40 發表

作者: funnycat    時間: 09-11-16 14:22


原帖由 羊咩囝 於 09-11-16 14:12 發表

真的有點可惜! ...

作者: kcPooh    時間: 09-11-16 14:31

聖方濟各英文小學 now turns into a top tier school, comparable to DGJS, DBS. I wonder why Tak Ching has to be closed down. I am so sad as being one of the alumni.

原帖由 funnycat 於 09-11-16 13:33 發表
聖方濟各英文小學咁'客似雲來', 點會殺校!

作者: f0569    時間: 09-11-16 15:09

本人乃德貞小學舊生. 德貞是一所非常有heart的學校. 尤其它們的sisters.

誠言, 當我在德貞小學念書時, 我並不覺得它的好. 但當我升中後, 以至現在出來工作. 我真的很感謝在德貞的所學. 它們著重中國文化, 德育培養. 因此在我以後的學習和社群中,比同輩認知為多, 升初中亦輕易名列前茅.

德貞名人輩出,只是學校不以此作宣傳.一直保持低調作風,只專心做教育. 而本人認為,許多家長是覺得自己的子女在深水土步上學,很不專貴.

本人衷心希望此消息並不真確. 可以令一所這樣好的學校得以保留.   
作者: vitasoy    時間: 09-11-16 19:39

作者: childrenfirst    時間: 09-11-16 22:33

Frankly, SFA still has a long road to compare with DBS, DGJS. If you look into the data of their students on Form 1 admission, you will found that only a small proportion of graduates have admitted to those really top secondary schools. They have posted the result at their web and you can have a look. Of course it is a good school but said it can be compared with DBS & DGJS, it seems too much.

原帖由 kcPooh 於 09-11-16 14:31 發表
聖方濟各英文小學 now turns into a top tier school, comparable to DGJS, DBS. I wonder why Tak Ching has to be closed down. I am so sad as being one of the alumni.

作者: 穎穎媽咪    時間: 09-11-16 22:50

作者: nicolemummy    時間: 09-11-16 23:15

我囡也是在另一所殺校的幼稚園唸最後一屆, 跟德貞是非常類似的學校.

最後一屆的幼稚園生, 竟然一個都沒走, 除了一個早了一年入國際學校小一外, 其餘都整整齊齊在畢業禮中看見學校結束. 老師校長都哭了, 我都哭了. 但能見證著一所名校莊嚴的結束, 曾是當中的學生, 都與有榮矣.

但要知道, 最後一兩年, 校長的能力有限, 有很多事家長想改變都不是可以改變. 校巴也因為學生漸少而最後一兩年不接送. 這些事要留意的. 唸小學的, 也看到學生相繼離開. 由兩班變一班等等. 老師多會退休, 但看見一年少些同事一年少些同事, 難免擔心憂心..

不過, 因為天主教是很有家的觀念, 其他學校知道是教區學校, 而且是最後一屆, 很多都希望幫忙...

原帖由 穎穎媽咪 於 09-11-16 22:50 發表

[ 本帖最後由 nicolemummy 於 09-11-16 23:21 編輯 ]
作者: Kittymummy    時間: 09-11-16 23:52

只可講一句 ~ 真可惜 !
作者: funnycat    時間: 09-11-16 23:58

但小學畢竟有別於幼稚園! 對幼稚園, 是滿足家長的要求, 孩子們只要回到學校有書讀, 有得玩便可! 但小學階段, 孩子逐漸成長, 對很多事物有知感的! 正如我C6的同事說, 低年級影響不大, 但到了五六年班時, 他們開始長大, 但下面沒有師弟師妹, 會失去一些經歷! 所以現在心裡仍很忐忑, 因如沒有殺校之事, 此校一定是首選!

原帖由 nicolemummy 於 09-11-16 23:15 發表
我囡也是在另一所殺校的幼稚園唸最後一屆, 跟德貞是非常類似的學校.

最後一屆的幼稚園生, 竟然一個都沒走, 除了一個早了一年入國際學校小一外, 其餘都整整齊齊在畢業禮中看見學校結束. 老師校長都哭了, 我都哭了.  ...

作者: bbone    時間: 09-11-17 00:14

原帖由 穎穎媽咪 於 09-11-16 22:50 發表

I am also an alumni. Is there anything we can do, like make some donations, to stop the school from being closed down? I spent my best years there, and so as my sisters. It really is a shame to see it close.
作者: learningtse    時間: 09-11-17 00:16

作者: bbone    時間: 09-11-17 00:33     標題: 回覆 1# learningtse 的文章

kcpooh, f0569,  穎穎媽咪,

I am a 1979 graduate. What about you?
作者: f0569    時間: 09-11-17 01:16

bbone, kcpooh, 穎穎媽咪,

I graduated in 1984. 當年還是中文小學, 後期由中轉英. 我還記得中文默書是用毛筆呢. 這是最庝苦又最難能可貴的學習經驗.

我和哥哥都是在德貞唸k, 現在他的女兒也在德貞唸k, 打算一路上小至中. 現在............實在太可惜了

原帖由 bbone 於 09-11-17 00:33 發表
kcpooh, f0569,  穎穎媽咪,

I am a 1979 graduate. What about you?

作者: kcPooh    時間: 09-11-17 01:30

I am graduated at year 1986. I had been to the english PM section form P4.

This year, I took my daughter to have the interview and told the teacher that i was on the class for the first year of PM section. That teacher asked me if i had remember her...... However, with my poor memory... i really had nothing... But a very memorable moment by taking my daughters to the school after over 20 years.

原帖由 f0569 於 09-11-17 01:16 發表
bbone, kcpooh, 穎穎媽咪,

I graduated in 1984. 當年還是中文小學, 後期由中轉英. 我還記得中文默書是用毛筆呢. 這是最庝苦又最難能可貴的學習經驗.

我和哥哥都是在德貞唸k, 現在他的女兒也在 ...

作者: nicolemummy    時間: 09-11-17 07:04

其實, 小女的幼稚園是一所小學附屬幼稚園--聖德肋撒英文學校. 所以也看到小學部的哥姐們最後幾年的事情.
但你所說的也是, 沒有了師弟妹, 是好像少了一些東西. 但畢竟小女學校面積小, 即使沒殺校, 學生人數也不多.
幼稚園部和小學部的反應不同. 幼稚園部一個也沒有走. 但小學部就一個一個的走了. 因為如果附近的有直屬中學部天主教學校收了, 如聖羅撒,喇沙,瑪利諾等, 看見有中學部, 難道不走嗎?所以最後幾年會小朋友會走得很快.

原帖由 funnycat 於 09-11-16 23:58 發表
但小學畢竟有別於幼稚園! 對幼稚園, 是滿足家長的要求, 孩子們只要回到學校有書讀, 有得玩便可! 但小學階段, 孩子逐漸成長, 對很多事物有知感的! 正如我C6的同事說, 低年級影響不大, 但到了五六年班時, 他們開始長大 ...

作者: funnycat    時間: 09-11-17 09:49

St. Teresa也是我心儀的學校, 當年曾在明愛讀商科, 很喜愛教堂周邊的清幽環境, 令人有脫離塵囂的感覺! 3年前想同阿女apply幼稚園, 打去問, 個職員話將會停辦, 聽到都幾hurt幾down, 想不到3年後的今天apply小學又遇到同樣情況, 我心目中與世無爭的好學校, 間間都遭同一命運, 真的很可惜! 我真的和她們無緣!

係呢, 妳囡囡現在就讀那間小學呀?

原帖由 nicolemummy 於 09-11-17 07:04 發表
其實, 小女的幼稚園是一所小學附屬幼稚園--聖德肋撒英文學校. 所以也看到小學部的哥姐們最後幾年的事情.
但你所說的也是, 沒有了師弟妹, 是好像少了一些東西. 但畢竟小女學校面積小, 即使沒殺校, 學生人數也不多.

作者: vivianmammy    時間: 09-11-17 10:26

有一些私校的收生情況也很類似, 真感慨現在辦教育也要順應社會的需求, 才能得以繼續生存
作者: EDEL    時間: 09-11-17 11:21

Hello bbone,

I was a 1979 graduate too (i.e. I started my secondary school life in Sep 1979).... I still remember that was the first year we got MTR in Hong Kong & I could take it to school....

Maybe we can have a reunion for the alumni here....

原帖由 bbone 於 09-11-17 00:33 發表
kcpooh, f0569,  穎穎媽咪,

I am a 1979 graduate. What about you?

作者: rabbitnpig    時間: 09-11-17 18:08

我個仔現在讀緊小一,佢係德貞讀得很開心,老師對他們都很關心。昨日由阿仔說給我聽他讀完小六後一年便會停校,我真係有些失望,現在都唔知點。繼續讀 -- 肯定會越來越少人,再轉校 -- 又要再經歷一次找學校。很矛盾!
作者: nicolemummy    時間: 09-11-17 19:18

原帖由 funnycat 於 09-11-17 09:49 發表
St. Teresa也是我心儀的學校, 當年曾在明愛讀商科, 很喜愛教堂周邊的清幽環境, 令人有脫離塵囂的感覺! 3年前想同阿女apply幼稚園, 打去問, 個職員話將會停辦, 聽到都幾hurt幾down, 想不到3年後的今天apply小學又遇到 ...

[ 本帖最後由 nicolemummy 於 09-11-17 20:24 編輯 ]
作者: funnycat    時間: 09-11-17 21:37

妳囡囡就好啦, 入到一間名校, 真的很羨慕! 我阿女讀崇真的!

原帖由 nicolemummy 於 09-11-17 19:18 發表

作者: bbone    時間: 09-11-17 22:59     標題: 回覆 4# EDEL 的文章


So glad to meet you here. I was in class 6C, my class teacher was Miss Lam. Were you in the same class?
作者: EDEL    時間: 09-11-18 17:03

Haha - you have a good memory. I totally forgot which class I was in (6B??)... maybe let me check my old report card (I may still keep them in my old files.....)

原帖由 bbone 於 09-11-17 22:59 發表

So glad to meet you here. I was in class 6C, my class teacher was Miss Lam. Were you in the same class?

作者: bbone    時間: 09-11-18 23:37     標題: 回覆 1# EDEL 的文章

Oh, you probably were not in 6C then.  We had the same class teacher and the same classmates for both 5C and 6C. The whole class was very united, and that included Miss Lam, our class teacher. I'm quite certain you would not forget it if you were in my class. It's sad that I have lost contacts with my old friends because I moved to overseas in the 80's. But anyway, I'm really happy to talk to someone who was in the same year as I was.

I'm gonna call the school tomorrow and see if they have contacted the aluminis for funding. A school with over 3/4 of a century certainly has a lot of old students. I'm sure a lot of us would not mind to give a helping hand. I will let you know the result.
作者: ShinTeresa    時間: 09-11-18 23:50

oh really too sad to heard that
原帖由 funnycat 於 09-11-14 22:05 發表
2010小一會是最後一屆, 大家點睇呢?

作者: skhparent    時間: 09-11-19 11:24     標題: 回覆 46# EDEL 的文章


I called the school today. The lady I talked to said the reason of closing the school was not about funding. It was due to lack of students. They have only 2 P.1 classes now and each class has only about 20 students. I feel really sad about not being able or willing to help as I have a child who will be going to primary school next year and I haven't even thought about applying TC for him.

I will take my family to the open day on 8/2. Hope I can see some old faces there. Will you go?
作者: EDEL    時間: 09-11-19 11:39

If you (or someone) can be a coordinator, I am willing to join the alumni group. In fact, my sisters are also the alumni....

I cannot recall my primary school life.... maybe I went to another secondary school (not going straight to Tack Ching Middle School as most of my classmates did). My best classmates also went to some other good school like BPS. That's why we lost contacts long time ago......

Let us (all the Tack Ching alumni) keep in touch & be informed about the latest status of this lovely school !

原帖由 bbone 於 09-11-18 23:37 發表
Oh, you probably were not in 6C then.  We had the same class teacher and the same classmates for both 5C and 6C. The whole class was very united, and that included Miss Lam, our class teacher. I'm qui ...

作者: EDEL    時間: 09-11-19 16:25

This is too bad to know the reason that is not funding.....

Since I returned from overseas & live on the HK side, I have not updated much about Tack Ching right now. They will have the open day on Feb 8 (Mon) (??) I believe I may go as well..... It is a happy memory in primary school life. Let us (the old girls from different years) contact later to have the reunion!

In fact, Shum Shui Po district has changed a lot in the last 20 years. When we were young, the area around Tack Ching (not going to the south) is still ok even it was a little bit old. Recently, when I drove to Kowloon & passed the school, I noticed the environmenet seems to be not good enough. As a parent, I understand that a low-profiled private school in SSP may not be attractive be chosen (if they do not know Tack Ching so much). As noted, even DGS moved to the old location of Tack Ching Middle School temporarily, some parents gave up & applied the other top schools. This is really too bad to know the others' thinking like this......

原帖由 skhparent 於 09-11-19 11:24 發表

I called the school today. The lady I talked to said the reason of closing the school was not about funding. It was due to lack of students. They have only 2 P.1 classes now and each class h ...

作者: bbone    時間: 09-11-20 10:43     標題: 回覆 2# EDEL 的文章

I'd like to make a correction here: the open day should be Sunday, 28/02. There's a piece of news about the school closing on Apple Daily today. If interested, please check it out. Now that this news has gone public, we'll probably see a lot of old friends, or even old teachers, on the open day. Can't wait!
作者: EDEL    時間: 09-11-21 10:54

Good - it will be held on Sunday. I will try my best to come for a visit.

I read the news on Apple Daily - it goes public now but the section shown on the newspaper is quite small. I am not sure if many old classmates noticed this. Hopefully they can see it.....

原帖由 bbone 於 09-11-20 10:43 發表
I'd like to make a correction here: the open day should be Sunday, 28/02. There's a piece of news about the school closing on Apple Daily today. If interested, please check it out. Now that this news  ...

作者: f0569    時間: 09-11-24 12:43


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