
標題: 請問學琴收費 [打印本頁]

作者: bbAvalon    時間: 10-6-2 10:15     標題: 請問學琴收費

我個仔今年5歲,,佢3個月前開始學琴, 學beginner level, 但個Miss 同我講, 話佢係時候要轉學Grade 1 , 所以學費要由HK$180/45 mins 加到HK$200/45mins, 個Miss 本身係8級+演奏級+樂理4級, 而且佢都有5年教琴經驗,請問這個價錢合理嗎?  一般教Grade 1琴的市價大約是多少?

其實係咪通常每次要升級都會加學費? 定係只係個別Miss 會咁做?  如唔係每次升級都要加, 咁通常係升到邊級先開始要加學費?

請問各位可唔可以講吓, 你地囝囝囡囡學琴係俾緊幾多錢學費, 同埋係學緊咩grade 架?  我 想做一個參考....thx.......

[ 本帖最後由 bbAvalon 於 10-6-2 11:27 編輯 ]
作者: yokilo    時間: 10-6-2 12:58

原帖由 bbAvalon 於 10-6-2 10:15 發表
我個仔今年5歲,,佢3個月前開始學琴, 學beginner level, 但個Miss 同我講, 話佢係時候要轉學Grade 1 , 所以學費要由HK$180/45 mins 加到HK$200/45mins, 個Miss 本身係8級+演奏級+樂理4級, 而且佢都有5年教琴經驗,請問這個價錢 ...

hello~ 老師冇理由得4級樂理0架WO 要5級以上0既樂理先可以考六級以上我琴WO

學BEGINNER 學3個月 個人覺得太快了!!因為只得5歲...我的學生一般6-9個月(6歲以下初級) 比佢地學多D歌仔...練好D手拍力度 等佢地掌握0左個技巧先...除非是家長本身好想小朋友快D考試啦...2年級GE SUMMER HOLIDAY 考2級都未遲 到時手指大D 有力D 英文都好D啦!

一級咁GE 價錢真係貴左D 我本身G8 +演奏級 +8級樂理 教左6年左右 我都冇收咁貴WO
作者: fcbttkw    時間: 10-6-2 14:04

原帖由 yokilo 於 10-6-2 12:58 發表

hello~ 老師冇理由得4級樂理0架WO 要5級以上0既樂理先可以考六級以上我琴WO

學BEGINNER 學3個月 個人覺得太快了!!因為只得5歲...我的學生一般6-9個月(6歲以下初級) 比佢地學多D歌仔...練好D手拍力度 等佢地掌握0 ...

學3個月Beginner升Grade 1 唔係正常速度嗎?不過睇吓彈咗幾多歌仔啦!
作者: Schoolbus26    時間: 10-6-2 14:30

有無人知Grade 2大約價是多小45分鐘呢??
作者: 粉紅虎    時間: 10-6-2 14:55

我囡囡學beginner 差不多9-10月先升1級, 今年6years 之前問老師佢進度現在係一級尾(時間又係9-10月), 半個鍾$120, 如果9個字係$145.
作者: yokilo    時間: 10-6-2 16:22

原帖由 fcbttkw 於 10-6-2 14:04 發表

學3個月Beginner升Grade 1 唔係正常速度嗎?不過睇吓彈咗幾多歌仔啦!

6歲以下 太細了!!! 講真,,,30mins 冇可能明晒老師講乜,寧願比佢地彈多幾本書,教岩佢地d手指擺法&技巧.
作者: bbAvalon    時間: 10-6-2 16:48     標題: 回覆 2# yokilo 的文章

Typing error. should be 5級樂理
作者: pianomusicroom    時間: 10-6-2 17:06

原帖由 bbAvalon 於 10-6-2 10:15 發表
我個仔今年5歲,,佢3個月前開始學琴, 學beginner level, 但個Miss 同我講, 話佢係時候要轉學Grade 1 , 所以學費要由HK$180/45 mins 加到HK$200/45mins, 個Miss 本身係8級+演奏級+樂理4級, 而且佢都有5年教琴經驗,請問這個價錢 ...








初級$400(30min) $520(45min)

一級$540(30 min) $570(45min)


作者: pianomusicroom    時間: 10-6-2 17:11

原帖由 yokilo 於 10-6-2 16:22 發表

6歲以下 太細了!!! 講真,,,30mins 冇可能明晒老師講乜,寧願比佢地彈多幾本書,教岩佢地d手指擺法&技巧.




作者: pianomusicroom    時間: 10-6-2 17:13

原帖由 bbAvalon 於 10-6-2 16:48 發表
Typing error. should be 5級樂理



作者: bbAvalon    時間: 10-6-2 17:17

我個仔學咗3 個月, Miss 經己教咗佢彈" 輕鬆學鋼琴 book 1"全本, "Step by Step book 1"全本, 同埋 "A Dozen A day book 1" 一部份...所以個Miss 話可以開始學grade 1 o既書 ("step by step book 2" and "Easiest Piano course Part 2 John Thompson")...個Miss 話我個仔學得比其他細路快, 所以雖然學咗3個月, 但經已可以轉彈grade 1 o既書....但我afraid 太快轉, 反而啲基本功會打得唔夠好....定還是grade 1都只係基本功, 快啲轉都唔會有影響呢?
作者: ming2    時間: 10-6-2 19:25

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作者: pianomusicroom    時間: 10-6-2 19:46

原帖由 bbAvalon 於 10-6-2 17:17 發表
我個仔學咗3 個月, Miss 經己教咗佢彈" 輕鬆學鋼琴 book 1"全本, "Step by Step book 1"全本, 同埋 "A Dozen A day book 1" 一部份...所以個Miss 話可以開始學grade 1 o既書 ("step by step book 2" and "Easiest Pi ...


作者: pianomusicroom    時間: 10-6-2 19:47

原帖由 ming2 於 10-6-2 19:25 發表

老實講....我學生彈到Step by Step bk 3我都未必開始計佢係一級...宜家你個老師只係用完本Bk就話要升佢做一級,未免對一級0既要求太低吧!?!?


作者: 小天使kiki    時間: 10-6-2 23:51

我個女由一開始$120/30mins(初級收費), 學咗1年2個月,剛剛老師話暑假開始可以轉45mins,
作者: ohmygosh    時間: 10-6-3 00:28



作者: miss321    時間: 10-6-3 00:35

作者: yvonne.wong    時間: 10-6-3 00:36

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作者: ohmygosh    時間: 10-6-3 00:49


原帖由 yvonne.wong 於 10-6-3 00:36 發表

作者: clarise_lau    時間: 10-6-3 03:11

每個老師收費都唔同.其實如果你覺得個老師真係ok既話 . 比幾多錢都會覺得值.

不過 . 小朋友學左甘短時間升一級 . 聽左都覺得快得 濟 .
再睇埋你小朋友所彈既書.. step by step 2 & easiest john thompson part 2 .. 我係for beginner用 . 我認為我d學生開始用 JohnThompson bk1 才有一級的程度 .
作者: ausiu1230    時間: 10-6-3 12:44


初級$520/30mins, $720/45mins
一級$560/30mins, $760/45mins

老師大學係讀音樂, 用三角琴上課
作者: manman05    時間: 10-6-3 14:45

吓! 咁亞女個老師 (初級) $700/30min 咪超勁貴 !

[ 本帖最後由 manman05 於 10-6-3 14:47 編輯 ]
作者: fcbttkw    時間: 10-6-3 15:05

原帖由 bbAvalon 於 10-6-2 17:17 發表
我個仔學咗3 個月, Miss 經己教咗佢彈" 輕鬆學鋼琴 book 1"全本, "Step by Step book 1"全本, 同埋 "A Dozen A day book 1" 一部份...所以個Miss 話可以開始學grade 1 o既書 ("step by step book 2" and "Easiest Pi ...

作者: Ling19    時間: 10-6-3 15:26

To make you feel better, my daughter's teacher is $550 per hour which means at least $2,200 per month.  
原帖由 manman05 於 10-6-3 14:45 發表
吓! 咁亞女個老師 (初級) $700/30min 咪超勁貴 !

作者: manman05    時間: 10-6-3 15:33

O, this is really expensive!  I think the teacher must be very famous and good at teaching.  Is your daughter a beginner as mine?  

原帖由 Ling19 於 10-6-3 15:26 發表
To make you feel better, my daughter's teacher is $550 per hour which means at least $2,200 per month.   

作者: Kareese    時間: 10-6-3 16:46

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作者: manman05    時間: 10-6-3 17:13     標題: 回覆 1# Kareese 的文章

我寫得唔清楚,係$175/30min. 如某月份要上5堂,就要$875.
作者: 洛婷    時間: 10-6-3 17:30

原帖由 Kareese 於 10-6-3 16:46 發表
我見妳地講學費係每個月計?例如妳寫$700/30min,即是$700 per month,而每堂30min,亦即是$175一堂。如果一個月上4堂或有時上5堂都照收$700? 咁咪蝕左一堂錢?

因我的老師是每堂計的! 如果上左5堂我月尾就比佢5 X $175 = $875


作者: Ling19    時間: 10-6-3 17:48

Yes, she is at the beginner level and it will get more expensive as she gets to a higher level (probably grade 5 or above).  Not sure if she is famous but she is always fully booked, even in the morning.  My daughter tried CanaXX before but she did not like the teacher there.  I guess the chemistry between the teacher and student is very important too.
原帖由 manman05 於 10-6-3 15:33 發表
O, this is really expensive!  I think the teacher must be very famous and good at teaching.  Is your daughter a beginner as mine?  

作者: wootaitai    時間: 10-6-3 18:08

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作者: fcbttkw    時間: 10-6-4 10:08


作者: bbAvalon    時間: 10-6-4 11:36

Those new books just for beginner level?
i don't know the standard.  Is there any souce can verify the grade level of the books?

原帖由 clarise_lau 於 10-6-3 03:11 發表
每個老師收費都唔同.其實如果你覺得個老師真係ok既話 . 比幾多錢都會覺得值.

不過 . 小朋友學左甘短時間升一級 . 聽左都覺得快得 濟 .
再睇埋你小朋友所彈既書.. step by step 2 & easiest john thompson part 2 . ...

[ 本帖最後由 bbAvalon 於 10-6-4 12:13 編輯 ]
作者: bbAvalon    時間: 10-6-4 11:38

Do you mean already to grade 3 books after learning 8 months?

原帖由 fcbttkw 於 10-6-4 10:08 發表

作者: fcbttkw    時間: 10-6-4 19:13

原帖由 bbAvalon 於 10-6-4 11:38 發表
Do you mean already to grade 3 books after learning 8 months?

學緊grade 4 books,3,4,5級學費係一樣嘅!
作者: 恐龍仔mama    時間: 10-6-4 21:46

原帖由 fcbttkw 於 10-6-4 19:13 發表

學緊grade 4 books,3,4,5級學費係一樣嘅!


作者: fcbttkw    時間: 10-6-4 22:02

原帖由 恐龍仔mama 於 10-6-4 21:46 發表



Check PM,please
作者: 洛婷    時間: 10-6-4 22:55

原帖由 fcbttkw 於 10-6-4 22:02 發表

Check PM,please


我八掛 , 可以 pm 埋比我

你仔仔聽日大日子 , 緊張嗎 ???

收到比賽証未 ???
作者: fcbttkw    時間: 10-6-5 20:50

原帖由 洛婷 於 10-6-4 22:55 發表


我八掛 , 可以 pm 埋比我

你仔仔聽日大日子 , 緊張嗎 ???

收到比賽証未 ???

作者: 洛婷    時間: 10-6-5 20:54

原帖由 fcbttkw 於 10-6-5 20:50 發表

你八卦我個PM,我原封PM俾你! ...


係呀 , 我女 28 號:loveliness:
你揀天水圍 ???

好呀 , 等你 pm
作者: fcbttkw    時間: 10-6-5 20:59

原帖由 洛婷 於 10-6-5 20:54 發表


係呀 , 我女 28 號:loveliness:
你揀天水圍 ???

好呀 , 等你 pm

作者: 洛婷    時間: 10-6-5 21:05

原帖由 fcbttkw 於 10-6-5 20:59 發表


係呀 , 仲要下午

好彩....因為考完試 ,
已經開始放早 , 所以冇影響 , 唔洗請假  
作者: fcbttkw    時間: 10-6-5 21:15

原帖由 洛婷 於 10-6-5 21:05 發表

係呀 , 仲要下午

好彩....因為考完試 ,
已經開始放早 , 所以冇影響 , 唔洗請假  

作者: 洛婷    時間: 10-6-5 22:00

原帖由 fcbttkw 於 10-6-5 21:15 發表



頭先部機 short short 地 !!!
作者: HeiHeiBoy    時間: 10-6-7 18:56

I am looking for a piano teacher who is able to teach in prince edward as my son's existing teacher is very rude to him.  He's now learning in the very elementary level.  Pls pm me if you have good teacher that can refer to. Tks !
作者: katmama825    時間: 10-6-8 00:37

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作者: Adrianmom    時間: 10-6-8 11:22

My teacher is also good.  Her home is next to Mong Kok Police station.  You need to go to her home to have the lesson.  She graduated from CU Music department and is studying master now.  The tuition fee is reasonable.   I am an adult learner.  Of course, she teaches a lot of kids as well.  Pm me if interested.

原帖由 HeiHeiBoy 於 10-6-7 18:56 發表
I am looking for a piano teacher who is able to teach in prince edward as my son's existing teacher is very rude to him.  He's now learning in the very elementary level.  Pls pm me if you have good te ...

作者: chu_lui    時間: 10-6-13 15:27

原帖由 katmama825 於 10-6-8 00:37 發表

I think my son's teacher is using a suitable attitude and of course my son improvement a lot

if you are interested in it, we can talk in PM.

Hi Katmama825,

Possible to check your piano tutor is interested to teach my daughter at 6 years at my home near Tai Hang?  Just email to [email protected] of the details of interested.

作者: Cheeriohero    時間: 10-6-14 01:40

Hi-I have two friends who are professional musicians and teach children and adults piano/cello/viola/violin.  If you are interested, can email me at [email protected] for further information.  Thanks.
作者: yipfei007    時間: 10-6-22 13:56     標題: 屯門私人鋼琴老師

本人覺得很有耐性及愛心, 非常成熟專業,

http://www.edu-kingdom.com/modul ... s.php?applyid=20239
作者: KloB    時間: 10-6-28 16:28

我剛剛問了一個鋼琴老師, 她是美國回流的音樂博士, 她說初級每堂收$500(45分鐘), 我還對她說非常貴。但看完您們的分享之後, 我想她的價錢都算合理。

原帖由 ausiu1230 於 10-6-3 12:44 發表

初級$520/30mins, $720/45mins
一級$560/30mins, $760/45mins

老師大學係讀音樂, 用三角琴上課 ...

作者: overview    時間: 10-6-28 17:08


原帖由 manman05 於 10-6-3 14:45 發表
吓! 咁亞女個老師 (初級) $700/30min 咪超勁貴 !

作者: KloB    時間: 10-6-28 17:25

嘩, 成$1050(45分鐘), 您個老師一定非常出名, 想知道您老師有什麼銜頭和經驗?

原帖由 overview 於 10-6-28 17:08 發表

作者: overview    時間: 10-6-28 17:35

呢個都唔係我老師, 我老師七級收$450/hr, 我都覺好貴.

原帖由 KloB 於 10-6-28 17:25 發表
嘩, 成$1050(45分鐘), 您個老師一定非常出名, 想知道您老師有什麼銜頭和經驗?

作者: sandy_sandy    時間: 10-6-28 20:18

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作者: cmchang0927    時間: 10-6-29 02:07

我女五歲半左右上私人, 200 per lesson 45 mins, 現在六歲三個月考完二級試, (五月考咗, passed with distinction), 學費850 per 4 lessons 45 mins
作者: ausiu1230    時間: 10-6-29 10:05

唔好意思, 我寫得唔清楚,

原帖由 KloB 於 10-6-28 16:28 發表
我剛剛問了一個鋼琴老師, 她是美國回流的音樂博士, 她說初級每堂收$500(45分鐘), 我還對她說非常貴。但看完您們的分享之後, 我想她的價錢都算合理。


作者: iiiilovemusic    時間: 10-6-29 13:07

easiest john thompson part 2 ....too easy !!絕對不算是一級....
我教琴都會參考一下其他琴書...如John Thompson Grade 1大致會要求學生彈合手, 加上簡單伴奏。
作者: Sherryko9    時間: 10-6-29 14:06

一級: 440 (30分鐘)/580(45分鐘)
二級: 480/630
三級: 680(45分鐘)/860(1小時)
四級: 740/940
五級: 800/1020
六級: 880/1100
七級: 960/1200
八級: 1080/1360
作者: 德德    時間: 10-6-29 22:32

原帖由 Sherryko9 於 10-6-29 14:06 發表
一級: 440 (30分鐘)/580(45分鐘)
二級: 480/630
三級: 680(45分鐘)/860(1小時)
四級: 740/940
五級: 800/1020
六級: 880/1100
七級: 960/1200
八級: 1080/1360
天水圍區. ...

作者: Miffy-miffy    時間: 10-7-4 04:09

即係學左一年就考2級 ?

原帖由 cmchang0927 於 10-6-29 02:07 發表
我女五歲半左右上私人, 200 per lesson 45 mins, 現在六歲三個月考完二級試, (五月考咗, passed with distinction), 學費850 per 4 lessons 45 mins

作者: yorkiemama    時間: 10-7-5 08:47

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作者: cissy_0817    時間: 10-7-5 20:01

你哋好呀我係中5畢業生準備黎緊考8級! 正想搵暑假工教小朋友彈琴 唔知你哋有冇興趣呢我係女仔黎嫁就黎17 :)  收費唔貴主要教初級-2級. 住係港島區.好鍾意對住小朋友:loveliness:  港島同九龍區都可以上門
作者: hccw    時間: 10-7-8 23:59


原帖由 cissy_0817 於 10-7-5 20:01 發表
你哋好呀我係中5畢業生準備黎緊考8級! 正想搵暑假工教小朋友彈琴 唔知你哋有冇興趣呢我係女仔黎嫁就黎17 :)  收費唔貴主要教初級-2級. 住係港島區.好鍾意對住小朋友:loveliness:  港島同九龍區都可以上門 ...

作者: tigerjosh    時間: 10-7-9 04:56

Dear fellow teachers, parentals, and students,

I would like to share my views with all of you and hope this wouldn't offend anyone, I'd like to apologise if somehow you believe I have done so.

General facts with learning any musical instruments:

1. 5% talent 95% practice

2. Both teachers and parentals have equal responsibilities with bringing up your kid.  Teachers will put you in the right direction and parentals will have to practice with them, make sure they are doing the right thing. Practice makes all the difference.  10,000 hour rule (quoted by Malcom Gladwell's tipping point) the more they practice the faster they can move on, more oppotunities they get.

3. Get exposed! Go to concerts, enter competitions, watch other people play online on youtube, take on every opportunity to perform.

Advice for parentals:

Ask yourself why you want your child to learn music...  More qualification such as grade 8, ATCL LTCL FTCL which is bonus points for university entry?  To see if they have the material to be a concert pianest like lang lang?  Develop a hobby so they can play for fun, enjoy and understand music, hear a pop tune and be able to play it?

I think the most important thing with learning anything is they have to ENJOY.  Teachers play an important role to make your child love or hate it.  It's very true about the importance of a first teacher.  You don't want your kid to be demoralised.

A teacher with amazing qualification doesn't mean they are a good teacher.  A teacher who only has grade 8 doesn't mean they are not good enough.  Price certainly doen't matter!  General speaking Best teachers/coaches charge by hour.

If the teacher is good, they can make 3 years old concentrate for an hour.  Traditional teaching methods might not work too well on kids nowadays.   Teachers should use the right technology to make the lesson more interesting and fun for kids such as programs and powerpoint.  

Kids need to be motivated to practice.  Does the teacher put enough effort to do that?  

Finger technique, posture, theory, ear traning have to be taught at the same time.  Most teachers focus 90% time on playing the notes... A lot of piano players, even teachers who have diplomas are very poor with sight reading and can't play by ear.  (means they can't play a pop song when they listen to it)  They why they just focus on exam pieces.

Don't take exams every year, waste of time and money.  Money making scheme... Play lots of bach if you are a beginner, then some Sonatas and you will be around grade 5.   


Finding a teacher that suits your child is hard, don't give up! If you think they have chemistry then simply try out another teacher.  

Remember its all about the practice.

English speaking piano coach
Student of Eleanor Wong, Murray Perahia, Yonty Solomon, Noriko Ogawa.
Chetham's School of Music
Trinity College of Music
作者: yenwong965    時間: 10-7-11 13:20

hi   我個女想學琴,(7歲葵涌區)各位有冇好介紹呀!
作者: Singpiano    時間: 10-7-12 01:23

原帖由 yenwong965 於 10-7-11 13:20 發表
hi   我個女想學琴,(7歲葵涌區)各位有冇好介紹呀!

not the advertisement, may be u can try PPEA
in Tsuen Wan (Nan Fung Centre)

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