
標題: 1st reject letter with broken heart! [打印本頁]

作者: milkonline2    時間: 10-10-6 15:26     標題: 1st reject letter with broken heart!

I received the 1st reject letter from st paul boys, burst into tears and my heart is broken and getting hurt.  As my son is the top one adn presentable in the class.  He is extremely polite and good boy. Everyone around him said he is so smart and excellent so that's why I believe that's the truth.  And the main point is he loves St Paul Boys so much.  As he passed the school near everyday and he said he wants to study here in his primary school life.  Really depressed and can't stop my tears coming out........   I think I won't tell this cruel truth to him

I hope my lovely son can find a good school finally......
作者: Charlotte_mom    時間: 10-10-6 15:31

唔好灰住, 如果真係咁鐘意, 又住得近, 俾我會"心口掛個勇字" 日日帶埋個仔去學校門口交叩門信, 你個仔咁謙謙有禮, 門口老師見多幾次都有好印象啦!
記住, 你係佢阿媽, 唔好覺得尷尬, 為左個仔, 幾尷尬既野都唔怕, 我果時個女考小一, 最後WAITLIST, 又係顛左, 之後狂寫信, 叩門, SEND EMAIL俾校長, 由十月叩到7月, 得左


原帖由 milkonline2 於 10-10-6 03:26 PM 發表
I received the 1st reject letter from st paul boys, burst into tears and my heart is broken and getting hurt.  As my son is the top one adn presentable in the class.  He is extremely polite and good b ...

作者: goo_littlebb    時間: 10-10-6 15:37

完全明白你感受, 我都係同你類似既情況, 本來坐定粒六果間只係waiting, 真係好難接受, 我都喊左好多晚.

想做既就去做, 博下囉, 再留意下其他學校, 實會搵到間o岩佢既!

不過恕我多口, 如果你係收到reject, 而唔係waiting, 可能機會都幾微~
作者: milkonline2    時間: 10-10-6 15:48

THe letter  mentioned "your application form will be kept until september 2011 for possible re-consideration. However, I think it's no hope and it's a kind of fate.  My son has already worked hard and he is proud of his performance on that day.
原帖由 goo_littlebb 於 10-10-6 03:37 PM 發表
完全明白你感受, 我都係同你類似既情況, 本來坐定粒六果間只係waiting, 真係好難接受, 我都喊左好多晚.

想做既就去做, 博下囉, 再留意下其他學校, 實會搵到間o岩佢既!

不過恕我多口, 如果你係收到reject, 而唔係wa ...

作者: panbaby    時間: 10-10-6 15:56

咁即是話個心還不需要碎至.. 是有希望的, 但你就會辛苦些, 我想BK 的媽咪會好樂意教你怎樣做.  細佬可唔可以唔講至?, 佢問就話仲未知 (沒有講大話, 因真的未到最後日子, 奇蹟往往好後才發生)

面試好講LUCK, 父母的愛及堅持才是勝利之道.  

原帖由 milkonline2 於 10-10-6 15:48 發表
THe letter  mentioned "your application form will be kept until september 2011 for possible re-consideration. However, I think it's no hope and it's a kind of fate.  My son has already worked hard and ...

作者: mscmit    時間: 10-10-6 16:17

原帖由 milkonline2 於 10-10-6 15:48 發表
THe letter  mentioned "your application form will be kept until september 2011 for possible re-consideration. However, I think it's no hope and it's a kind of fate.  My son has already worked hard and ...

個人覺得,你個仔可能未見過其他更好嘅學校啫,不如努力睇吓考埋餘下嘅學校先,讀一年小一,比心機考個好成績,如果真係仲好想好想入Paul Boys,到小二搏吓插班仲好啦。
作者: littlemelody    時間: 10-10-6 16:37

原帖由 mscmit 於 10-10-6 16:17 發表

個人覺得,你個仔可能未見過其他更好嘅學校啫,不如努力睇吓考埋餘下嘅學校先,讀一年小一,比心機考個好成績,如果真係仲好想好想入Paul Boys,到小二搏吓插班仲好啦。 ...

Agree.- 如果真係仲好想好想入Paul Boys,到小二搏吓插班仲好啦。

Just say something to comfort the small little boy. Hope he will forget about this school.
作者: milkonline2    時間: 10-10-6 17:01

好多謝你地嘅安慰,囝囝從K1開始,每次經過佢都話好想讀st Paul boys,每次我都同佢講:你努力就得架喇! 我依家諗起依d片刻就想喊。而佢依兩年都好努力好乖,我有咁好嘅囝囝都好安慰。我只報多咗三間但對依三間完全無期望,惟有隨緣吧!
作者: jeremyphlam    時間: 10-10-6 17:01

原帖由 milkonline2 於 10-10-6 15:26 發表
I received the 1st reject letter from st paul boys, burst into tears and my heart is broken and getting hurt.  As my son is the top one adn presentable in the class.  He is extremely polite and good b ...

作者: goo_littlebb    時間: 10-10-6 17:06

你應該好慶幸有個咁乖既仔, 佢去到邊度讀都會咁優秀.
係間學校唔識欣賞姐, 唔駛咁唔開心!

原帖由 milkonline2 於 10-10-6 17:01 發表
好多謝你地嘅安慰,囝囝從K1開始,每次經過佢都話好想讀st Paul boys,每次我都同佢講:你努力就得架喇! 我依家諗起依d片刻就想喊。而佢依兩年都好努力好乖,我有咁好嘅囝囝都好安慰。我只報多咗三間但對依三間完全無期望,惟有 ...

作者: mcheung1    時間: 10-10-6 17:06

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作者: bobee    時間: 10-10-6 17:30     標題: 回覆 1# milkonline2 的文章

yes, St. Paul Boy's was my son's 1st rejection letter last year. I know how you feel. But actually think of it this way, their 1st priority is siblings and those with relationships, what's left for outsiders are less than 2 classes.  So, very tough to get in...  I was even worst, rejection letters one after another...but at the end, got accepted by a DSS school - but just couple of months before P1 starts.
作者: hellojl    時間: 10-10-6 17:38

原帖由 milkonline2 於 10-10-6 15:26 發表
I received the 1st reject letter from st paul boys, burst into tears and my heart is broken and getting hurt.  As my son is the top one adn presentable in the class.  He is extremely polite and good b ...

add oil la! 睇完你个post, 我都喊出黎, 喊係因為我个仔唔叻,但做父母的心中總會盼望奇績出現, 所以好明白你个仔咁smart而被reject的感受!

努力ar, 希望在明天!
作者: cmchang0927    時間: 10-10-6 17:43

Don't be upset.  I had the same feeling as yrs last yr.  My girl entered the second interview of DGJS and was turned down for the final...... She was the top student in class, got awards from athletics, maths, putonghua story telling, etc..... Study is life long, since yr boy is good, he ll do well in any school.  So the teachers and classmates ll also love him, dont worry too much!
作者: andrewpapa    時間: 10-10-6 17:49

To Milkonline 2,

don't give up, if you like paul boys, Keep writing headmistress letter, you never know what will come next.

If you write, there's still a chance, if you give up, no more.  

also, keep your son be possitive on any result, it is a learning process.

Add oil...
作者: Furbabies    時間: 10-10-6 18:00

There might be more rejection letters to come in the months ahead.  Don't be discouraged and don't show it to your son.  Your son needs only one acceptance letter from the school meant for him.  And it's yet to come.
作者: huba    時間: 10-10-6 18:22

Sorry to know your situation. Please do address your emotions first. Release it by talking with your husband or good friends or it may overflow and affects your son too.

1. Be persistent - Not to give up. Keep contacting the school principal regularly by letter.

2. Be practical - Trust your son. His future will not be limited by this school's rejection. With your son's good attributes and family support, he can develop well in many schools. Be open and do try others.

原帖由 milkonline2 於 6/10/2010 15:48 發表
THe letter  mentioned "your application form will be kept until september 2011 for possible re-consideration. However, I think it's no hope and it's a kind of fate.  My son has already worked hard and ...

[ 本帖最後由 huba 於 10-10-7 23:33 編輯 ]
作者: IWAT    時間: 10-10-6 18:26

加油! 唔好灰心· 小朋友就最怕對自己無左信心·  您係媽咪要教及show比仔仔睇,您點應對唔如意的事情
作者: cpcog    時間: 10-10-6 18:36

I hope your son would get good news in other schools! I agree that you can try again for P2! :) if he is that smart and polite, many other schools would welcome him!! Maybe he would enjoy the school life in another school and doesn't want to leave anymore! :)
作者: brian61950    時間: 10-10-6 18:37



求而求不得,煩惱自生. 隨緣吧!
作者: hch    時間: 10-10-6 22:17

原帖由 Charlotte_mom 於 10-10-6 15:31 發表
唔好灰住, 如果真係咁鐘意, 又住得近, 俾我會"心口掛個勇字" 日日帶埋個仔去學校門口交叩門信, 你個仔咁謙謙有禮, 門口老師見多幾次都有好印象啦!
記住, 你係佢阿媽, 唔好覺得尷尬, 為左個仔, 幾尷尬既野都唔怕, 我 ...

Dear Charlotte_mom,

請問叩門信是否親手寫呢? 如果,要交頻密的叩門信,內容會寫什麼呢?真的沒有頭緒......

作者: ahtan    時間: 10-10-6 22:29

原帖由 milkonline2 於 10-10-6 17:01 發表
好多謝你地嘅安慰,囝囝從K1開始,每次經過佢都話好想讀st Paul boys,每次我都同佢講:你努力就得架喇! 我依家諗起依d片刻就想喊。而佢依兩年都好努力好乖,我有咁好嘅囝囝都好安慰。我只報多咗三間但對依三間完全無期望,惟有 ...

Don't give up. From past experiences, St. Paul's Boys accepted quite a lot of candidates originally on waiting list.
Sorry to ask, but does this letter mean that your son is not chosen for second interview?
I think you should write a letter to the Principal, stating how sincere you are for your son to study there and ask for a chance for second interview. I don't think it's appropriate to physically go to the school to 叩門 yet as there will still be a second round of interview going on.
作者: puzzledmama    時間: 10-10-6 22:51

dont feel disappointed as this is just a small part of the whole battle. Similar to you, my son was also rejected by St Paul Boys in the 1st round 3 years ago. I was also quite confident coz my son was also doing very well in school. I remember I was too upset and angry after reading the reject letter and I torn the letter into pieces and threw on ground hard (how childish and emotional  I was!)
Luckily, thank God for His kindness that another even better school accepted him two months after.
Never  mind, dont give up and do encourage your kid all the time!! Better results will be received soon!! Add oil!!!

原帖由 milkonline2 於 10-10-6 15:26 發表
I received the 1st reject letter from st paul boys, burst into tears and my heart is broken and getting hurt.  As my son is the top one adn presentable in the class.  He is extremely polite and good b ...

[ 本帖最後由 puzzledmama 於 10-10-6 22:53 編輯 ]
作者: ahtan    時間: 10-10-6 22:54

原帖由 puzzledmama 於 10-10-6 22:51 發表
dont feel disappointed as this is just a small part of the whole battle. Similar to you, my son was also rejected by St Paul Boys in the 1st round 3 years ago. I was also quite confident coz my son wa ...

Add Oil! Don't give up!
作者: appleng    時間: 10-10-6 23:00

只係好擔心千多人報名的學校都入唔到2nd in, 咁係唔係2千幾人個D會更冇可能?
仔仔話比我知佢interview的情況, 我覺得已經係非常之好, 都入唔到2nd in, 真係好擔心我地一直錯誤評估咗佢既能力or 學校的要求.. .. ...
作者: milkonline2    時間: 10-10-6 23:28

The content of the letter : "I regret to inform you that we are unable to offer your son a place at St Paul's college primary school.  However, your application form will be kept until September, 2011, for possible re-consideration!"    I am quite angry about the term of "re-consideration" as I don't think my son will be put on waiting list either. That blurred term make me even more angry now!
原帖由 ahtan 於 10-10-6 10:29 PM 發表

Don't give up. From past experiences, St. Paul's Boys accepted quite a lot of candidates originally on waiting list.
Sorry to ask, but does this letter mean that your son is not chosen for second i ...

作者: milkonline2    時間: 10-10-6 23:29

You make me smile.  Million thanks with kiss!
原帖由 puzzledmama 於 10-10-6 10:51 PM 發表
dont feel disappointed as this is just a small part of the whole battle. Similar to you, my son was also rejected by St Paul Boys in the 1st round 3 years ago. I was also quite confident coz my son wa ...

作者: nicolemummy    時間: 10-10-6 23:32

直資+私小有成60間, 若每間招100人, 就有成6000個位. 來來去去只得個最多2400*2=4800個人去報.

只是若果一心要讀某間, 不能得的心情好明白.

原帖由 appleng 於 10-10-6 23:00 發表
只係好擔心千多人報名的學校都入唔到2nd in, 咁係唔係2千幾人個D會更冇可能?
仔仔話比我知佢interview的情況, 我覺得已經係非常之好, 都入唔到2nd in, 真係好擔心我地一直錯誤評估咗佢既能力or 學校的要求.. .. ... ...

作者: Gogojuly    時間: 10-10-6 23:36

原帖由 appleng 於 10-10-6 23:00 發表
只係好擔心千多人報名的學校都入唔到2nd in, 咁係唔係2千幾人個D會更冇可能?
仔仔話比我知佢interview的情況, 我覺得已經係非常之好, 都入唔到2nd in, 真係好擔心我地一直錯誤評估咗佢既能力or 學校的要求.. .. ... ...

st paul's boy 收約96個學生,約1,388個申請.
作者: steve666    時間: 10-10-6 23:40

I have this feeling too.
Anyway, we need to do our best on coming interview.

原帖由 appleng 於 10-10-6 23:00 發表
只係好擔心千多人報名的學校都入唔到2nd in, 咁係唔係2千幾人個D會更冇可能?
仔仔話比我知佢interview的情況, 我覺得已經係非常之好, 都入唔到2nd in, 真係好擔心我地一直錯誤評估咗佢既能力or 學校的要求.. .. ... ...

作者: steve666    時間: 10-10-6 23:46

I already threw this letter into my rubblish bin, don't want see it again.

原帖由 milkonline2 於 10-10-6 23:28 發表
The content of the letter : "I regret to inform you that we are unable to offer your son a place at St Paul's college primary school.  However, your application form will be kept until September, 2011 ...

作者: milkonline2    時間: 10-10-6 23:50

wow............. although I am angry, it is still on my desk now..
原帖由 steve666 於 10-10-6 11:46 PM 發表
I already threw this letter into my rubblish bin, don't want see it again.

[ 本帖最後由 milkonline2 於 10-10-6 23:51 編輯 ]
作者: appleng    時間: 10-10-6 23:56

咁大部份學校都係選300-350人入2nd in, 所以千幾人同2千幾人中去選2nd in 的話,個比例就唔關真正收幾多人事... ...

原帖由 Gogojuly 於 10-10-6 23:36 發表

st paul's boy 收約96個學生,約1,388個申請.

作者: steve666    時間: 10-10-6 23:59

Because, I don't want to see it again.
Actually, I think the chance is very small,
so letter.

原帖由 milkonline2 於 10-10-6 23:50 發表
wow............. although I am angry, it is still on my desk now..  

作者: appleng    時間: 10-10-7 00:03

可能感情上冇法釋放(我又唔係好嬲又唔係好失望, 都唔知點形容) , 點知從計算上分析仲驚....最慘係唔知係邊part有問題, 都唔知點改善...

原帖由 steve666 於 10-10-6 23:40 發表
I have this feeling too.
Anyway, we need to do our best on coming interview.

作者: thomasha    時間: 10-10-7 00:04

I have already filed it somewhere not directly visible.  No point in prolonging the disappointment and/or anger.

原帖由 milkonline2 於 10-10-6 23:28 發表
The content of the letter : "I regret to inform you that we are unable to offer your son a place at St Paul's college primary school.  However, your application form will be kept until September, 2011 ...

作者: milkonline2    時間: 10-10-7 00:04

You make me laugh.  Thanks for making me smile again!
原帖由 steve666 於 10-10-6 11:59 PM 發表
Because, I don't want to see it again.
Actually, I think the chance is very small,
so letter.

作者: milkonline2    時間: 10-10-7 01:00

最慘係唔知係邊part有問題 X 2 here~
惟有收拾心情, 努力向前......
原帖由 appleng 於 10-10-7 12:03 AM 發表
可能感情上冇法釋放(我又唔係好嬲又唔係好失望, 都唔知點形容) , 點知從計算上分析仲驚....最慘係唔知係邊part有問題, 都唔知點改善...


作者: milkonline2    時間: 10-10-7 01:05

Thanks! Absolutely correct! Add oil!  I really haven't that kind of silly interviews continuously in the past even when I found a job! Poor kids nowadays!
原帖由 thomasha 於 10-10-7 12:04 AM 發表
I have already filed it somewhere not directly visible.  No point in prolonging the disappointment and/or anger.


作者: diversity    時間: 10-10-7 08:24

原帖由 steve666 於 10-10-6 23:59 發表
Because, I don't want to see it again.
Actually, I think the chance is very small,
so letter.

you are funny and lovely, do add oil!!
作者: cat_house    時間: 10-10-7 09:34

Think positive and move forward. Don't just stuck on this letter.  Your kid will not feel negative if you don't feel negative.
作者: easybring    時間: 10-10-7 10:00

no offer 唔等於小朋友唔夠叻..只係太多校友仔仔, 弟弟, 教友....位又唔夠多...如果真係最心儀, 又近家, 叩門一定要做. 9/2011 前真係執好多次位架!  睇你好唔好彩"zip"到個位.
作者: Yau_Cheung    時間: 10-10-7 10:19


如果真係 dream school,快啲寫求位信啦!好多cases都係waitlist 但被求位信的誠意打動架!

不過都要作最壞打算 - finally rejected,唔好太傷心,因為會好影響小朋友架。盡人事而聽天命啦!

PS : 3年前我小朋友都比我既 dream school rejected 咗,我仲要係CNY 前一日收到 rejected letter,收到信嗰一刻忍唔住係公司喊咗出黎,整個 CNY holiday 無笑過,想呢埋唔見人,當時真係非常傷心&徬徨,特別係2個有 apply 此校既同班同學均順利入讀,及interview 前每個朋友&老師都話佢一定 ok 無問題。雖然係咁 interview 前我都唔敢掉以輕心,事前所有嘢均事事做足,但最後仍事與願違,雖然寫咗求位信但石沈大海。

後來我既 2nd dream school 收咗囝囝,囝囝讀得好好,間學校又好 arm 佢,except school campus,各方面比較 dream school 有過之而無不及 (especially 中文),我自己好滿意,囝囝入讀後我才知道這間學校才是我的真正dream school 呢!



[ 本帖最後由 Yau_Cheung 於 10-10-7 10:21 編輯 ]
作者: thomasha    時間: 10-10-7 10:45

x 1000
原帖由 Yau_Cheung 於 10-10-7 10:19 發表

如果真係 dream school,快啲寫求位信啦!好多cases都係waitlist 但被求位信的誠意打動架!

不過都要作最壞打算 - finally rejected,唔好太傷心,因為會好影響小朋友 ...

作者: loklik451    時間: 10-10-7 11:10

last year,我有個朋友的小朋友,出自名幼稚園,攞佐好多獎狀,友人以為apply6間學校一定會有一間中,但好境不常,全部唔收,我友人哭了無數個晩上,最後個小朋友竟然係2nd round 大抽獎時(跨區)入了一間家長夢寐以求的好學校.所以奇蹟往往係你唔為意的時候給你驚喜,平常心la,希望在明天,努力!加油...
作者: wanmum    時間: 10-10-7 11:14

作者: thomasha    時間: 10-10-7 11:18

I have also done so too, but these 2-tier schools seem to attract keen competition this year because of more applicants in general.
原帖由 wanmum 於 10-10-7 11:14 發表

作者: steve666    時間: 10-10-7 11:22

唉....我報9間,fail 1間,撞左兩間.....即係仲有7間,但都好冇信心...因大女試過全軍覆沒,好彩大抽獎中左。但大女已中學,小兒只得20分,都好擔心唔知派去邊。:(
作者: thomasha    時間: 10-10-7 11:26

Having 20 marks is already quite advantageous, even though securing a place is still not certain - just like me.

Good luck and add oil la!
原帖由 steve666 於 10-10-7 11:22 發表
唉....我報9間,fail 1間,撞左兩間.....即係仲有7間,但都好冇信心...因大女試過全軍覆沒,好彩大抽獎中左。但大女已中學,小兒只得20分,都好擔心唔知派去邊。:( ...

作者: loklik451    時間: 10-10-7 11:26

you got 20 marks in hand is better than more and more people, i just got 15 marks, what should i do?
作者: thomasha    時間: 10-10-7 11:31

原帖由 loklik451 於 10-10-7 11:26 發表
you got 20 marks in hand is better than more and more people, i just got 15 marks, what should i do?

作者: wanmum    時間: 10-10-7 11:32

I got 10 marks only!!! If fail in lucky draw, I think I'll be crazy.
作者: thomasha    時間: 10-10-7 11:35

Did you apply for DSS/private schools?  It may be prudent to do so if you only have 10 marks.
原帖由 wanmum 於 10-10-7 11:32 發表
I got 10 marks only!!! If fail in lucky draw, I think I'll be crazy.

作者: ZeroM    時間: 10-10-7 11:42

但是一日遊戲未完, 仍然有希望!

唔好影響到你哋嘅小朋友, 佢哋已經好叻.小小年紀已經要自己面對面試.
快d埋位喇, 努力做好嚟近嘅面試.
作者: cmchang0927    時間: 10-10-7 11:47

題外話, 其實我自己覺得1st in rejected is better than rejected after 2nd in...... last yr, 3XXX applications for TSL and my girl got into 2nd in but failed at last.  DGJS 1900 applications and she also managed to get into the 2nd in but finally failed........ heart broken from Oct to Feb........  so I preferred to get rejection for 1st in rather than getting rejection after 2nd in......
作者: wanmum    時間: 10-10-7 11:50

原帖由 thomasha 於 10-10-7 11:35 發表
Did you apply for DSS/private schools?  It may be prudent to do so if you only have 10 marks.

I already applied for 9 DSS/private schools.  Since my son is a small boy (born in Nov.), I do not have much confidence in getting a place in these schools.

Two years ago, my daughter got only 1 school (2-tier) accepted and two on waiting list but the two schools never offered a place to my girl even after September.  So don't put too much hope on those schools which put your son/daughter on waiting list.

Just wish my son will have good luck!
作者: debbieip    時間: 10-10-7 11:55

唔好意思, 借樓主小小位...


請問可否PM我你所說的 1ST dream school(3年前) 是那一間? 我在其他留言知道你囝囝讀那一間...


另外, 樓主亦不要太傷心了, 既然仔仔已努力, 多多誇獎他, 學位只有那麼一點點....如果真係好喜歡呢間學校, 或者真係好似其他媽咪講, 多D寫信, 叫小朋友畫下畫送比校長, 用誠意去打動學校!

原帖由 Yau_Cheung 於 10-10-7 10:19 發表

如果真係 dream school,快啲寫求位信啦!好多cases都係waitlist 但被求位信的誠意打動架!

不過都要作最壞打算 - finally rejected,唔好太傷心,因為會好影響小朋友 ...

作者: steve666    時間: 10-10-7 11:59

4年前我同事個仔同我case 一樣,同一間小學同樣得20分,最後fail....所以我都好擔心。最慘係真的會全軍覆沒的。如果唔係有d咁既經歷都唔會報9間啦
作者: thomasha    時間: 10-10-7 12:05

原帖由 steve666 於 10-10-7 11:59 發表
4年前我同事個仔同我case 一樣,同一間小學同樣得20分,最後fail....所以我都好擔心。最慘係真的會全軍覆沒的。如果唔係有d咁既經歷都唔會報9間啦 ...

作者: cornelius    時間: 10-10-7 12:08

Passing a school interview does not mean our kids are superior to others, and failing so does not imply we or our kids have great problems.  It is a kind of matching games and depends on many many factors beyond our control.  So instead of being stuck in question marks and unnecessary worries, let's be calm and prepared for something good to come.  Hope is always there when one is ready for it.  And most importantly, let's not pass our worries and unhappy feelings on to our little ones.

Dream school is one thing, but it may not be suitable to our kids.  Again it's kinda matching game and may I wish that we will find a suitable school for our kids.  God bless.
作者: steve666    時間: 10-10-7 12:08

我鄰居佢個仔就係咁。個大女去左女校,個仔得10分,lucky draw衰左。但希望在明天,入到好學校,固然係好,入唔到唔代表佢以後升唔到大學。

原帖由 wanmum 於 10-10-7 11:32 發表
I got 10 marks only!!! If fail in lucky draw, I think I'll be crazy.

作者: Annngan    時間: 10-10-7 12:10     標題: 回覆 1# debbieip 的文章

Hi, Poor Mama, I want to know about the 1st reject letter from St. Pauls Boys. Would you mine to share that with me (a Worry Mommy). When did U get the letter ? Because, I heard some kids still have the 1st round intervew.    Thanks a lot............
作者: thomasha    時間: 10-10-7 12:12

St Paul Boys' interview dates are 24 and 25 Sept only.  You might have confused it with St Paul's Co-ed.
原帖由 Annngan 於 10-10-7 12:10 發表
Hi, Poor Mama, I want to know about the 1st reject letter from St. Pauls Boys. Would you mine to share that with me (a Worry Mommy). When did U get the letter ? Because, I heard some kids still have t ...

作者: steve666    時間: 10-10-7 12:13

我諗你攪錯左 St. Paul boy & St. Paul Co-ed....
St. Paul already finished thei 1 st interview.

原帖由 Annngan 於 10-10-7 12:10 發表
Hi, Poor Mama, I want to know about the 1st reject letter from St. Pauls Boys. Would you mine to share that with me (a Worry Mommy). When did U get the letter ? Because, I heard some kids still have t ...

作者: steve666    時間: 10-10-7 12:14

係 St. Paul boy finished their 1st interview.

原帖由 steve666 於 10-10-7 12:13 發表
我諗你攪錯左 St. Paul boy & St. Paul Co-ed....
St. Paul already finished thei 1 st interview.

作者: tiksilong    時間: 10-10-7 12:19

原帖由 milkonline2 於 10-10-6 15:26 發表
I received the 1st reject letter from st paul boys, burst into tears and my heart is broken and getting hurt.  As my son is the top one adn presentable in the class.  He is extremely polite and good b ...

Don't be upset. SPC was also the 1st rejection letter that I have received last year. I felt very sad and heart was broken, not only that my son told me that he performed well during the interview and he did help other kids in building blocks, but also I am old boys from St. Paul's. Be frank, although the quality of teaching and reputation of SPC has been dropping in the past couple of years, I still want my next generation to continue my heritage at SPC.

There are still a lot good primary schools out there. Think in this way, it is their miss by not accepting your son. Cheer up, relax for other interviews otherwise your son will be nervous too.
作者: karen55407    時間: 10-10-7 12:29

作者: invitation    時間: 10-10-7 12:42

樓主個仔咁叻, 一定有知音, 放心啦! 好快會有更好的消息! 有d學校真係會考慮表現, 有d就會考慮多方面....至於係邊方面.. u never know!

<小一入學>這種遊戲真係好難玩, 我真係好擔心心心心... 你有個叻仔都要擔心,  我個衰仔出年考小一都唔知點算, 第一輛只有10分.....最慘係佢..無禮貌(我不在場時), 唔專心, 企唔定, 坐唔定, 大小肌肉能力都不足, 常常被老師投訢, 什麼都唔肯學, 想催谷佢都唔得, 我已經預了出年會全軍覆沒, 所以會報多幾間, 博9月開學前大執位時可以執到死雞!
作者: Yau_Cheung    時間: 10-10-7 13:39

hi debbieip,

Welcome to your pm and please check pm.  Have a nice day!

原帖由 debbieip 於 10-10-7 11:55 發表
唔好意思, 借樓主小小位...


請問可否PM我你所說的 1ST dream school(3年前) 是那一間? 我在其他留言知道你囝囝讀那一間...

DE ...

作者: YongXin    時間: 10-10-7 15:33

Dream school 唔一定等於係一間真正適合你小朋友既學校。
作者: shsm    時間: 10-10-7 16:03

Don't give up, I know a kid who was rejected by this school last yr but at last accepted in Jun/Jul time because the parents had kept on writing to the principal.  If u and yr boy really love the school, why not sending letters (keep on sending...) to the principal.

When my son attended the 2nd interview in the principal room in this school last yr, we were sitting right outside the room.  We watched the whole interview and the principal kept probing and asking my son's question though my son was silent and still there (Ha Ha!!!).  I was upset w/ my son's response (not he interview result !!) for a few days, but now, those was the valuable and funny experience and memory...

Relax and release the pressure.
作者: milkonline2    時間: 10-10-7 23:05

Really thanks for your encouragement! So touching! Although, I still felt a little upset when I passed St Paul's today, my son hugged me, gave me a big kiss, made me so pleased! What a good and lovely boy! I think that's the most important thing that I would like to have!
作者: steve666    時間: 10-10-8 00:02

Right! support!:loveliness:

原帖由 milkonline2 於 10-10-7 23:05 發表
Really thanks for your encouragement! So touching! Although, I still felt a little upset when I passed St Paul's today, my son hugged me, gave me a big kiss, made me so pleased! What a good and lovely ...

作者: louiskkchan    時間: 10-10-8 01:04

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作者: angelhair    時間: 10-10-8 01:13

好像是有點想哭又哭不出的感覺... 唉...
作者: snoopy888    時間: 10-10-8 09:38

睇完樓主的post, 好身同感受, 記得2年前我都經歷這種心情, 我幫個仔報了5間, 不幸地收到幾封reject, 幾封waiting, 而spc亦是waiting, 不過是1st round, 當時spc係寄埋一張回條,叫你可以係6月寄番去學校, 唔知今年係咪同往年一樣, 如果樓主係冇收到回條, 我相信係reject letter 多.  

但唔好灰心亦唔好失望, 讀唔讀到真係同學校有冇緣份, 我識得有人讀spc, 佢地d parents都話間學校係好谷, 每日做功課都超過個半鐘以上, 仲有作文都係要寫好多字.  我自已本身唔想小朋友咁辛苦, 所以入唔到呢間我冇失望, 不過係接踵而來的reject letter會攪到個人好down, 所以我會pray同神講只要俾一間學校收我個仔已經好感恩, 最後真係有2間收做正取生, 所以話唔好令到自己咁辛苦, 希望在明天.
作者: YongXin    時間: 10-10-8 11:12

Trust me, you will eventually land on a school which suits your boy best, which is not necessarily SP Boys.

原帖由 milkonline2 於 10-10-7 23:05 發表
Really thanks for your encouragement! So touching! Although, I still felt a little upset when I passed St Paul's today, my son hugged me, gave me a big kiss, made me so pleased! What a good and lovely ...

作者: PoorParent    時間: 10-11-22 11:00

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