
標題: 究竟St Cat有咩好? [打印本頁]

作者: wccm    時間: 10-10-7 11:24     標題: 究竟St Cat有咩好?

見大家對St Cat趨之若騖,今年更誇張到話有8000人申請,其實間學校有咩過人之處呢?可以分享吓嗎?
作者: EFJ3    時間: 10-10-7 12:07

1. Excellent School Admin.
2. All-rounded curriculum.
3. NET for each class.


原帖由 wccm 於 10-10-7 11:24 發表
見大家對St Cat趨之若騖,今年更誇張到話有8000人申請,其實間學校有咩過人之處呢?可以分享吓嗎?

作者: brrbaby2007    時間: 10-10-7 12:15

原帖由 EFJ3 於 10-10-7 12:07 發表
1. Excellent School Admin.
2. All-rounded curriculum.
3. NET for each class.


作者: fion_yinyin    時間: 10-10-7 21:48

我同事個細仔係st cat到讀,個bb病左三日無返學,個班主任都無打電話黎問下咩事。係bb媽咪主動打電話有無功課拎,班主任才順個便問候一番。

[ 本帖最後由 fion_yinyin 於 10-10-7 21:57 編輯 ]
作者: pandabonita    時間: 10-10-7 22:46

作者: swimmyshe    時間: 10-10-8 01:31

my son in K1 now and he loves the school very much and look forward to go there even on sunday :)
teachers are caring
super organized, everything is well planned
we get a monthly planning  beginngin of every month and we can help children to prepare
i think the cirruculum is not easy compare to other using gov't coupon school... ( i read few other school text book before and compare with St Cat .. and i like not too simple cirruculum so my son can catch up with P1 later)
environment is clean ( my son didn't go Pre Nursery and thank God until now has been 1 month he still haven't need to visit the doctor) ( touch wood :)
school bus are super punntual, even it is a long ride my son enjoy the ride very much
so far i am a very happy parent with happy kid studying in St Catherines :)
作者: BOBO128    時間: 10-10-8 02:49

agreed .

我細囡讀 k2, 一直都好滿意.
而大囡就在另一間同區有少少名氣英文幼稚園畢業. 相比之下 ...... ( 因細囡考到 st cat & kv , 所以放棄姐姐讀過幼稚園)
st cat 真係較完善. 唯一是學費吾算平, 而 net teacher 每日都有 1.5 hrs

原帖由 swimmyshe 於 10-10-8 01:31 發表
my son in K1 now and he loves the school very much and look forward to go there even on sunday :)
teachers are caring
super organized, everything is well planned
we get a monthly planning  beginngin o ...

[ 本帖最後由 BOBO128 於 10-10-8 02:52 編輯 ]
作者: swimmyshe    時間: 10-10-8 03:42

school fee  is not cheap  gar, so i eat less lor :)

but when i look at school presentation couple weeks ago, things , toys or teaching material they use in school are mostly branded good stuff and i am sure those are quite costly too..
many people tell me kindergarten not important, but i really don't want to waste 3 years of my son's life in a school that is too easy and end up having trouble catching up with primary cirriculums
learning can be a fun and so far my son really love the school and enjoy learning there
knowing what the kid's ability are and use right way to teach and stimulate them is very important

even school bus i think is a good thing, at first i thought gee sitting 45 mins on the bus for a 3 years old is tough and wanted to deliver him myself...  but after few days i understand to me 45 mins is long, but to my son that is 45 mins of fun and bonding with other kids.. :)  

your daughter in K2, how 's the phonic thing working so far? i am slowing teaching my boy the sound of alphabet hopefully he can read by himself soon :)
作者: mimi218    時間: 10-10-8 07:22

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作者: cwyoyo    時間: 10-10-9 15:38     標題: 回覆 2# EFJ3 的文章

請問NET係咩? Special English Course?
作者: ho_yan2406    時間: 10-10-10 02:15

原帖由 BOBO128 於 10-10-8 02:49 發表
agreed .

我細囡讀 k2, 一直都好滿意.
而大囡就在另一間同區有少少名氣英文幼稚園畢業. 相比之下 ...... ( 因細囡考到 st cat & kv , 所以放棄姐姐讀過幼稚園)
st cat 真係較完善. 唯一是學費吾算平, 而 net teach ...

作者: ho_yan2406    時間: 10-10-10 02:15

原帖由 cwyoyo 於 10-10-9 15:38 發表
請問NET係咩? Special English Course?

native english teacher
作者: 仔仔錫錫你    時間: 10-10-10 17:52

原帖由 fion_yinyin 於 10-10-7 21:48 發表
我同事個細仔係st cat到讀,個bb病左三日無返學,個班主任都無打電話黎問下咩事。係bb媽咪主動打電話有無功課拎,班主任才順個便問候一番。

每間學校都有呢d 老師, 唔需要太驚訝!  況且老師亦無責任打電話去問你點解唔返學.  我比較好彩, 上年一無返學, 個miss 下午就call 我問係米病左, 的確係好窩心, 不過就算唔打來, 我亦唔會怪佢, 始終唔係佢份內的.
作者: brima    時間: 10-10-11 10:26

St cat and NET 係好professional, K1 - 80 mins per day. K2-K3亦每天有.
冇雜費. 只有開學時的書薄費, 只有science一種activity参加.
我囝係度讀完已畢業, 英文底打得非常好, 唔只講, 從來冇比一亳只讀英, so far佢讀英小冇難度, 考cambridge flyers 15盾, St Cat英文真係好好. putonghua都好, 我囡而家讀K1, 只一個月, 回家都会講下PTH.
St Cat 係好全面, 語言能力, 表達能力, 獨立, 自信都教得好好. 環境設施都理想 好systematic, 管理又好.
讀過嘅家長大部份都有讚冇彈. $4K都物有所值.
作者: pandabonita    時間: 10-10-11 13:21

作者: ho_yan2406    時間: 10-10-11 18:53

作者: BH_2    時間: 10-10-13 19:01

我個仔都係K2, 我覺得語文能力是比較高, Phonic 學校有教, 在K1後期比較開始常用phonic concept 去自己睇英文書, 我個仔在家都可以讀到ORT level 5 D 短故事,  唔識的字都可以去估, 有動機睇英文書.   

但課程的深淺都是在中上, 不比KM, HKPS 深, 功課亦簡單.  

相比之前讀過的Nursery, 家長參與的部份不太多, 有好有不好, 因為我都冇時間常參與.
作者: joyce1024    時間: 10-10-13 22:44

我囡囡讀緊K1,佢好鍾意返學,日日返嚟都唱歌,英文、PTH、兒歌。我問返佢,鍾意N1的學校多d,定st。 catherine,佢話鍾意SC多d,又鍾意班主任。

作者: Pertra    時間: 10-10-14 10:45

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作者: eeceec    時間: 10-10-14 11:45     標題: 回覆 14# brima 的文章

請問你囝是否英普班? 如粵英班的英文和普通話都可以嗎?

作者: 317716    時間: 10-10-14 15:19

My son is studying K1.  The school encourages the children to do presentation in front of the whole class.  My son told me whenever the class teacher asks them to bring something back to school.  They have to go out and introduce what they have brought to the classmates.  It helps to develop their presentation skills and self-confidence.
作者: ho_yan2406    時間: 10-10-16 02:24

作者: k1723    時間: 10-11-3 23:12

SC 真係一間唔錯的學校, 開學已兩個月佢學到好多普通話兒歌, 全部都好熟, 成日自己識唱歌仔, EACH MONTH, 會有一份中文科和英文科的課程表, 等你地家長知道流程和進度, 好讓你幫子女溫習, 而且學校附有中, 英文生字咭, 等你和他一同學習, 活動教學, 總倨知我無選錯學校
作者: SCKnight    時間: 10-11-4 00:14

My kid is studying K2.  I really appreciated to the school cirriculum and the English language teaching methodology.  The school has given lots of opportunities to let my kid anticipate in presentation & story telling.  It also works with external institutions to provide science workshop and English drama workshops.  This hleps my kid to build self confidence and improve his communications skills.
Now he can read all ORT Lv 1-2 stories in front of my friends and families and with good English accent.

[ 本帖最後由 SCKnight 於 10-11-4 00:21 編輯 ]
作者: SCKnight    時間: 10-11-4 00:20

原帖由 ho_yan2406 於 10-10-16 02:24 發表

The school did encourage one parent focus using English to communicate with kids and the other parent use mother tongue for daily conversation.  I've found this suggestion really works on my kid, and he loves reading English books and watching English movies & cartoons.  My friends from UK and Australia also felt amaze to his English proficiency.
作者: YimhYimh    時間: 10-11-8 16:40

Wait until K3, then you will see another story. Especially in P1 application period, you can only marginally keep up the school homework.

原帖由 BH_2 於 10-10-13 19:01 發表
我個仔都係K2, 我覺得語文能力是比較高, Phonic 學校有教, 在K1後期比較開始常用phonic concept 去自己睇英文書, 我個仔在家都可以讀到ORT level 5 D 短故事,  唔識的字都可以去估, 有動機睇英文書.   

但課程的深 ...

作者: perfect32    時間: 10-11-18 02:01

作者: ac917    時間: 10-11-18 11:46

Hi Yimhyimh,

請問可否俾多d意見我地讀緊既小朋友,因我都識人SC剛剛畢業上了一間傳統名私小P1,對於十分傳統既私小,相信一般SC既小朋友喺最初一、兩年都真係可能會有適應上既問題及要追一段,亦曾有SC既老師說過,對於呢種情況,SC既學生一般會喺P3就會上返前列,SC著重既係思考唔係死讀書... 我喺小學果邊見到你俾意見,請都俾d意見我地!十分謝謝。

原帖由 YimhYimh 於 10-11-8 16:40 發表
Wait until K3, then you will see another story. Especially in P1 application period, you can only marginally keep up the school homework.

作者: ac917    時間: 10-11-18 11:59

Hi 317716,

請問你既小朋友是否讀EP Class架?我女讀EC Class,每個week都有帶野返去,但亞女就話唔洗present d咩野,淨係俾老師就得喇!究竟係老師教法唔同定係EP/EC class既問題?請指教。

原帖由 317716 於 10-10-14 15:19 發表
My son is studying K1.  The school encourages the children to do presentation in front of the whole class.  My son told me whenever the class teacher asks them to bring something back to school.  They ...

作者: Pertra    時間: 10-12-1 09:15

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