
標題: English preparation for p1 [打印本頁]

作者: snow05    時間: 11-1-10 15:17     標題: English preparation for p1

Dear Parents

My daughter is getting in an English primary school coming September and I am rather worried about her English standard. She is from a very relaxed KG, unlike those in KLN Tong, the one she used to study has very easy English , so worried about how she can catch up in K1, any parents have the same concerns and any advice please?
作者: Planet    時間: 11-1-10 15:24

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作者: snow05    時間: 11-1-10 15:39

I am worried becaues my daughter luckily gets an offer from one of the elite schools, and I want to give her a try, I wonder if all KLN tong KG students, like St Catherine, all speak English fluently? anyone know pls?
作者: Bilobi    時間: 11-1-10 15:40

100% Agree. Don't worry too much. Children have amazingly good learning ability. Now that she' s placed to an EMI school, she (as a child aged 5-6) will learn like a "sponge". You will see big improvement in her English profiiency after a year or two.
Nowadays, parents tend to be "over reacted" esp when facing P1 admission. Many go for tutorial class when the children are still in kindergarten. How come?! Perhaps your case is better as your girl has been assigned to a EMI school (many ppl think that EMIs are better). So, please be relaxed and let your girl have a happy learning environment.

Congratulations and all the best!

原帖由 Planet 於 11-1-10 15:24 發表
小一唔洗太緊張, 不過一定要養成閱讀習慣, 又可以上英文拼音班, 幫助小朋友自行reading books及記生字.

作者: snow05    時間: 11-1-11 10:19

Thanks very much for the advice and encouragement!
作者: hkspiderman    時間: 11-1-11 15:35

you have time to concern the english standard of others why don't spend the time to think how to improve the English of your daughter
作者: ac917    時間: 11-1-12 12:09     標題: 回復 3# snow05 的帖子

Hi Snow05,

請問可以分享你小朋友入了那一間小學?是多少分入到的?現正就讀那間KG?請問可否把過程PM給我知?希望你不要介意,因為我小朋友都將要參加這個遊戲,而家仍然全無ideas... Thank you so much!
作者: chuppy    時間: 11-1-14 09:57

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作者: siulili    時間: 11-1-14 10:07

唉, 我仔咪又係,叫佢串字, 佢居然答我,我仲細,唔使串字,唔使學咁深啦MAMI!

因阿仔個中文名都幾難寫, 叫佢學, 佢答我, 我係BB,唔使學住啦, 小一先要自已寫名之嘛。 佢懶到呢! (其實係搏咀搏舌,佢唔算係懶,學嘢都算快的!)

我都擔心佢小一會辛苦,但又覺得樓上講得都啱架,小朋友的適應力係好強加, 我相信個衰豬仔返小一後, 好快會適應到, 因為佢講英文係無問題,係串字呢下佢都未肯去做,但返左小一後, 係老師要求的, 到時就唔到佢唔做啦,係咪?


唔知我地小朋友會唔會係未來的同學仔呢? 唔介意可以PM我嗎?
作者: cpcog    時間: 11-1-14 10:20

reading more English books would help!
作者: MonMumMum    時間: 11-1-14 15:59

Yes, agree to let the kid spend more time in reading.  Maybe some dictation in English and Chinese as well.
作者: overview    時間: 11-1-14 16:10

上到小一有好多嘢要適應, 又要寫手冊, 又要做功課, 默書....如果小朋友係讀傳統小學, 真係唔好等到時才算, 因為到時可能會嘔血不止 (亞媽), 應趁有空逐小逐小默d生字, 寫多d中文生字.

原帖由 siulili 於 11-1-14 10:07 發表
唉, 我仔咪又係,叫佢串字, 佢居然答我,我仲細,唔使串字,唔使學咁深啦MAMI!

因阿仔個中文名都幾難寫, 叫佢學, 佢答我, 我係BB,唔使學住啦, 小一先要自已寫名之嘛。 佢懶到呢! (其實係搏咀搏舌,佢唔算係懶,學嘢都算快的!)

我都擔心佢小 ...

作者: siulili    時間: 11-1-14 16:40

我都知, 但二少咁答我,我都迫唔嚟, 好彩我都有幫佢在外補下習, 佢都肯做果D功課,係唔做佢阿媽我比佢果D啫。

幸好有個大的在校睇住,又係英小, 寫中文的機會少D,唯有叫家姐PLAYTIME/LUNCH TIME去佢度幫佢睇下手冊。

原帖由 overview 於 11-1-14 16:10 發表
上到小一有好多嘢要適應, 又要寫手冊, 又要做功課, 默書....如果小朋友係讀傳統小學, 真係唔好等到時才算, 因為到時可能會嘔血不止 (亞媽), 應趁有空逐小逐小默d生字, 寫多d中文生字.


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