
標題: language policy at home [打印本頁]

作者: milne    時間: 11-7-16 15:47     標題: language policy at home

i'm now pregnant with a british-chinese baby. would like to know if we need to use "only" english at home if we'd like to apply for ESF schools later.

i'm afraid that if the baby knows chinese, she may not be classified as "cat 1". her father doesn't know any chinese so we hope that she can study in a ESF school & use ebglish as her first language.

please advise.
作者: medocb52    時間: 11-7-21 14:39

Don't worry and more, if you hold the foregner passport. I think it's not a problem!
And the baby's dad is foreigner
作者: Mighty    時間: 11-7-21 16:53

If you want your child becomes bilingual (be Mandarin or Cantonese / English), then you should speak your own language with him/her, and your husband speaks his.  It would be a waste that your child only speaks English while you have such a good environment to nurture a biligual child.  Early years are very very important in terms of language.  I am sure you will send him/her to an international kindi right?  So most of time when he/she is outside, he/she will get into the habit of using English and when he/she is with you then he/she wl use Chinese with you.  I guess your child will have a gweilo last name so it wont be difficult that he/she wi be regarded as Cat. 1.
作者: stagaza    時間: 11-7-28 19:54

Oh dear, really? It's easier to get into ESF if you have a non-Chinese last name? That's crazy and not to say racist! Hong Kong is a funny place..I thought it is no longer a Brit colony then why are people still discriminating their own kind....?
作者: Christi    時間: 11-7-28 20:27

不一定.我囡囡的友伴是混血兒,爸爸是外國人,媽媽中國人,但她in ESF(說的是小學)都肥佬咗.

原帖由 medocb52 於 11-7-21 14:39 發表
Don't worry and more, if you hold the foregner passport. I think it's not a problem!
And the baby's dad is foreigner

作者: elsiewky    時間: 11-7-29 14:21

我朋友的女兒也入了ESF, 家長是中國人,英文也不是第一語言, 小朋友是懂英語溝通而已,面試時不只面試小朋友,其實也是面試家長,要早D排,才早點安排面試,看臨場表現吧!

作者: lottieclee    時間: 11-7-30 10:11

原帖由 elsiewky 於 11-7-29 14:21 發表
我朋友的女兒也入了ESF, 家長是中國人,英文也不是第一語言, 小朋友是懂英語溝通而已,面試時不只面試小朋友,其實也是面試家長,要早D排,才早點安排面試,看臨場表現吧!

你而家安排先入FORM排隊吧! ...

There is no queing policy for kindergarten and Gr 1 children for ESF.  It's all central application during the designated application period.  Early application is not accepted.

They do not really interview parents.  They interview the children during the central application interviews.  My son is in ESF kindergarten going on to K2 now and he is a definite Cat 1.  They assess children's english proficiency more than anything.
作者: newmama0724    時間: 11-8-15 21:09

原帖由 lottieclee 於 11-7-30 10:11 發表

There is no queing policy for kindergarten and Gr 1 children for ESF.  It's all central application during the designated application period.  Early application is not accepted.

They do not really  ...

The same topic I opened about three years ago!

Where do u live? Hk side or Kowloon ? Read from bk that most of the esf kids in hk side are Cat 1 while many of them are cat2 in Kowloon side. I guess this is because most of the foreigner are living on the hk side. The competition on hk island is very keen.

As you target is international sch, your kids's English have to be very good. I suggest you to speak to your child in English for the first two years, then u can talk to he /she in Chinese after that. I did the same! My girl's English is very good now. Now she is three and start to say Cantonese in a "gwei lo " way. Kids are super learner, they can speak well later.

My friends kids or some classmates of my girl are brought up in a bilingual way(English n Cantonese),they are all accepted by international sch.

Moreover, if your husband is not at home all the time then you need to talk to you kid in English most of the time.
作者: mumof3    時間: 11-8-18 15:24

sent you a PM

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