標題: Thank you so much [打印本頁]
作者: LPYdad1 時間: 11-9-22 00:13 標題: Thank you so much
Thank you so much
[ 本帖最後由 LPYdad1 於 11-10-19 00:42 編輯 ]
作者: conconma 時間: 11-9-22 09:48 標題: 回復 1# LPYdad1 的帖子
haha...pls give me the patent fee...(just kidding) parents ll get a lot of information from u, i m also eager to join as well...
作者: LPYdad1 時間: 11-9-22 13:35
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[ 本帖最後由 LPYdad1 於 11-10-17 03:20 編輯 ]
作者: conconma 時間: 11-9-22 17:32 標題: 回覆 1# LPYdad1 的文章
come on...dont be humble...u are an expert i know...kindly adv when ll u hold the parent gathering?
作者: diving_bing 時間: 11-9-24 01:35
I would love to join, you both are experts!
How can I join? In where and when?
I live in taikoo.
作者: LPYdad1 時間: 11-9-24 02:07
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[ 本帖最後由 LPYdad1 於 11-10-17 03:17 編輯 ]
作者: shanyeungbb 時間: 11-9-24 18:30
I am interested to join. However, it depends on the gathering date and time.
作者: fatpam 時間: 11-9-25 19:26
作者: LPYdad1 時間: 11-9-25 21:28
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[ 本帖最後由 LPYdad1 於 11-10-17 03:17 編輯 ]
作者: KELSEYLI 時間: 11-9-25 22:10
i would like to join too.my son is busy on sat morning, so i will go alone. I would like to let my son join in too if the date and time is allowed.
作者: appleyma 時間: 11-9-26 08:48
作者: fatpam 時間: 11-9-26 12:14
I think it's better for parents to meet first as we need time to chat and share.
I will be very busy to look after my kid if I go with him.
But if it's possible, it's also good to let the kids play together. I think the indoor playrooms are suitable and safe for them.
作者: LPYdad1 時間: 11-9-26 23:28 標題: 回覆 1# fatpam 的文章
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[ 本帖最後由 LPYdad1 於 11-10-17 03:18 編輯 ]
作者: ababymami 時間: 11-9-27 00:01
I would like to join, I prefer Eastern District. Saturday is fine with me. Good to have such a meeting.
作者: fatpam 時間: 11-9-27 07:42
作者: ll3314 時間: 11-9-27 08:58
I would like to join. I am only available on Sat morning. I prefer wanchai or cwb. Looking forward to seeing you soon.
作者: LPYdad1 時間: 11-9-30 11:56
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[ 本帖最後由 LPYdad1 於 11-10-17 03:18 編輯 ]
作者: scatterbrain 時間: 11-9-30 13:59 標題: 回復 1# LPYdad1 的帖子
I would like to join the gathering. Please let me know the date, time and venue. Thank you.
作者: ababymami 時間: 11-9-30 19:48
I will propose North Point, since it is in the middle of Hong Kong Island.
作者: FoEE 時間: 11-9-30 21:19
pls count me in.
作者: LPYdad1 時間: 11-10-2 22:56
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[ 本帖最後由 LPYdad1 於 11-10-17 03:19 編輯 ]
作者: shanyeungbb 時間: 11-10-3 11:25
I cannot join on 15 Oct 2011 because I need to work...
Please share the happiness or any good ideas after the gathering!
[ 本帖最後由 shanyeungbb 於 11-10-3 11:27 編輯 ]
作者: LPYdad1 時間: 11-10-10 15:30
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[ 本帖最後由 LPYdad1 於 11-10-17 03:19 編輯 ]
作者: LPYdad1 時間: 11-10-11 15:19
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[ 本帖最後由 LPYdad1 於 11-10-17 01:05 編輯 ]
作者: autunmbb 時間: 11-10-12 12:43
作者: FoEE 時間: 11-10-12 20:56
sorry that 15th is long week for me. cannot join this time.
作者: ababymami 時間: 11-10-13 00:22
Thank you for your arrangement, I will be there, see you then.
作者: LPYdad1 時間: 11-10-13 23:03
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[ 本帖最後由 LPYdad1 於 11-10-17 01:05 編輯 ]
作者: shanyeungbb 時間: 11-10-14 09:59
其實我有興趣想知LPYdad1你呢幾年來如何幫你的小朋友? 用3T訓練? 用其他方法? 好可惜我明天早上要返工, 不能來。
作者: kelvin_hmlau 時間: 11-10-14 10:42 標題: 回覆 2# LPYdad1 的文章
其實我覺得你可以先講下Steve Jobs "Standford U" 果個talk, 跟住講下上流力果d "think big, step small",
跟住可以討論下訓練的目標係乜野, 係唔係"安坐, 唔發脾氣, 大聲叫", 定係有其他更重要...
以上提議純粹講笑, 可以同c9討論下邊度做針灸好: 浸會定廣華, 盧底骨, 中藥, 西式的homopathy, biochemical, ABA, RDI, floor time, Louise, 3T,... 邊度做, 價錢如何, 做多久, 有無效...
作者: LPYdad1 時間: 11-10-14 11:28
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[ 本帖最後由 LPYdad1 於 11-10-17 01:04 編輯 ]
作者: kelvin_hmlau 時間: 11-10-14 12:37 標題: 回覆 1# LPYdad1 的文章
你呢個topic 講個腦我都好有興趣, 不過唔知C9有無. 我以前參加過d C9早餐會就發覺佢地對針灸同ABA好有興趣...
另外可以討論下d 比較包容的小學...拔尖補底, 全校融合, 社交言語班, 小一預備班, 自然學校等...
作者: shanyeungbb 時間: 11-10-14 12:47 標題: 回復 31# LPYdad1 的帖子
講個腦, 我好有興趣, 但係我出唔到來join, 點算! ?
作者: LPYdad1 時間: 11-10-15 00:36 標題: 回復 1# shanyeungbb 的帖子
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[ 本帖最後由 LPYdad1 於 11-10-17 01:04 編輯 ]
作者: HAPPIMAMA 時間: 11-10-15 01:17 標題: 回復 1# LPYdad1 的帖子
明天一早按排帶個仔去OCEAN PARK,
約晒人所以去唔到, 真可惜.
唔知你下次幾時再搞呢?? 可以的話, 可唔可以SUNDAY!!
作者: LPYdad1 時間: 11-10-15 22:42
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[ 本帖最後由 LPYdad1 於 11-10-17 01:04 編輯 ]
作者: LPYdad1 時間: 11-10-15 23:10
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[ 本帖最後由 LPYdad1 於 11-10-17 01:03 編輯 ]
作者: conconma 時間: 11-10-16 09:06 標題: 回復 8# kelvin_hmlau 的帖子
如果我去咁我咪都係c9之一, 哈哈...我都係c9仔一名, 你mentioned 0既治療, 我全部都有試過...well...
作者: conconma 時間: 11-10-16 09:44 標題: 回復 8# LPYdad1 的帖子
假如係講個腦點運作及傳遞訊息, 我都有興趣, 因為以前在美國讀過下腦神經course, 不過只係皮毛, 都略知少少...反而我好有興趣, 一些相關腦的病, 自閉症, 腦退化...好多大學都研究到患者可能腦部缺乏某些物質或蛋白, 所以傳遞唔到訊息...當然搵出問題徵結係好, 但如果科學家們能研究到如何幫到個腦就更好...應該都可以攞諾貝爾獎...
以前曾經聽過香港某間大學講相關腦疾病的講座, 個講師用0左個比喻, 我0地成日鬧人[頭大冇腦, 腦大生草], 並不是話自閉兒個腦係空白, 但可能係缺少或某些物質分泌過多而產生問題...
咁好想知除0左食supplements, 針炙, 做感統之外, 有咩可幫助腦去傳遞訊息呢...我真係極有興趣...
http://programme.rthk.org.hk/rth ... &e=155664&m=episode
同阿仔都睇過起碼4-5個不同醫生, 他們都得出同一推論, 先天巳不足, (可能腦細胞不活躍或少, 突觸又唔多,加上后天嚴重重金屬超標, 傷害個腦...)仲知就係難搞, 需要很長時間去修補(類似腦傷問題, 或中風, 需時間去修補)...醫生說唔治好本, 只治標, 凡事都只會事倍而功半...
[ 本帖最後由 conconma 於 11-10-16 12:08 編輯 ]
作者: LPYdad1 時間: 11-10-16 22:09
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[ 本帖最後由 LPYdad1 於 11-10-17 01:02 編輯 ]
作者: conconma 時間: 11-10-16 22:30 標題: 回覆 1# LPYdad1 的文章
yes, u r c公
brain is very complicated...ah...
作者: conconma 時間: 11-10-16 22:34 標題: 回復 10# kelvin_hmlau 的帖子
hi kelvin, u r frank...i like u...
作者: LPYdad1 時間: 11-10-17 00:48 標題: 回復 3# LPYdad1 的帖子
Very disappointed...
I will cancel this column later (if possible la).
Dont want to talk anymore.
But those I promised to send, I will keep doing.
Dont want people think I am selling something coz I am not.
(U gals just like an orphan having some fdship or gift, worrying that he/she will take advantage. U are just so pathetic...)
[ 本帖最後由 LPYdad1 於 11-10-17 09:22 編輯 ]
作者: anan3388 時間: 11-10-17 11:10
發生咩事. 雖然我沒回此帖但都有睇的.
不要太灰心, 咩人都有, 不要為少數人而放棄, 有心人大家有眼睇
作者: winniechow 時間: 11-10-17 11:49
LPYdad1, 我都好支持你! 在Sat gathering 你所俾的意見及經驗分享實在對我這新手有很大的幫助. 雖然不知這裡發生什麼事, 但希望你唔好唔開心, 還會為我們解答/分享各種疑難.
作者: shanyeungbb 時間: 11-10-17 12:49
我只係2天無追此帖, 就搞成咁, 究竟發生咩事? 可唔可以講下?
作者: kelvin_hmlau 時間: 11-10-17 14:23 標題: 回復 4# LPYdad1 的帖子
不要灰心和介意! 人心難測, 唔和善的 ignore 左佢吧!
你post 的意見我就覺得非常有用. 好像 social activity breakthrough, 我都無諗過帶個仔去公園玩可以學社交...
作者: fatpam 時間: 11-10-17 15:07
咩事呀? 咪咁啦
原帖由 LPYdad1 於 11-10-17 00:48 發表
Very disappointed...
I will cancel this column later (if possible la).
Dont want to talk anymore.
But those I promised to send, I will keep doing.
Dont want people think I am selling something coz I ...
作者: Capricorn2521 時間: 11-10-17 15:18
LPYdad1, 我都支持你。
作者: conconma 時間: 11-10-17 22:00 標題: 回覆 7# LPYdad1 的文章
what's up? anyway, i'm at your side...support! If u think u r doing the right things, n no need to regret...
作者: FoEE 時間: 11-10-17 22:54
someone sent LPYdad1 some bad PMs? did the gathering happen?
作者: BB頭maimimi 時間: 11-10-18 09:02
Support you! 雖然我從未回帖,但你和conconma發表的意見,對我來說很有用,你唔係度發表會係我的損失,如果你决定在其他渠道發表,請告知,我希望可以繼續向你們學習。
作者: ll3314 時間: 11-10-18 09:07
作者: LPYdad1 時間: 11-10-19 00:41
It is so embarrassed to receive so much sincere greeting in public and pm from you gals that I never expect. I just have been here only for 1-2 mths. I am ok, but will try not to be a small person esp for those who speak ill. Anyway, thank for your kindess. ( I hate to talk too much about myself)
Going back to autism topic, I have found each of you gals knew very well about each therapy & treatment in very details. However, please bear in mind, there are ALWAYS relativity of each therapy/treatment, some are even contradict. Effect could be offset. Also, even a child's brain is under hypergrown before 6, there are also a problem of shifting importance of the brain growth esp when you are imposing something additional to the brain. More importantly, I think u gals also experienced that a lot of them are having performance limit. I could tell that effectiveness of many treatment (including the most famous ABA & Biomedical treatment) are also performed in a logarithm function. Going great in the beginning, but flat afterwards. You then need to end it, otherwise, not economical, right? I am trying to write something about the relativity of each therapy which so little article has mentioned before. Hope will guide you before u commit to certain treatment esp those are expensive. Before that, you should know a bit the functioning of the brain & brain development against autism. I have chosen some article that could be easy to understand but also in details as I mentioned in last gathering, will send u gals later.
作者: ll3314 時間: 11-10-19 15:41
Yeah!! Glad to read your message and sharing again. I am expecting for the second gathering.
作者: Hello101 時間: 11-10-19 17:48
Hello LPYdad1, i missed the gathering and hopefully you will arrange another one soon...expecting...
and very happy to see your sharing here...
dont be unhappy la...
作者: ababymami 時間: 11-10-19 23:18
LPYDad is back, hooray !
作者: LPYdad1 時間: 11-10-20 01:27
Again, thanks so much.
I dont know what to say except thank you.
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