
標題: 有無人收到取錄信 [打印本頁]

作者: water55    時間: 11-10-5 10:20     標題: 有無人收到取錄信

作者: iantsang    時間: 11-10-6 12:30

Received this morning.  Slightly surprised as I was expecting it to arrive tomorrow.
作者: water55    時間: 11-10-6 12:52     標題: 回復 2# iantsang 的帖子

作者: iantsang    時間: 11-10-6 13:00

原帖由 water55 於 11-10-6 12:52 發表

No we are just lucky as my daughter is not OLK student.

How is the application process for OLK students this year?  Anyone knows?
作者: 伊芙蓮    時間: 11-10-6 17:15

作者: iantsang    時間: 11-10-6 17:21     標題: 回復 5# 伊芙蓮 的帖子

It was not mentioned in the letter.  

The reservation process will take place on next Fri and Sat.  Not sure if they will have additional requirement during the process.
作者: CMPCTLR0920    時間: 11-10-6 18:00     標題: 回復 5# 伊芙蓮 的帖子

聖母小學屬私校, 應該不會影響自行學位, 直資才要放棄, 若錯誤請更正.
作者: iantsang    時間: 11-10-6 19:00     標題: 回復 7# CMPCTLR0920 的帖子

Some private schools may request the students to sign a letter to give up the seats.  Also, they will be notify if those they accepted have participated the central allocation (i.e. lucky draw) by EDB.  They can decide whether they will keep the seats for these applicants, with prior notifications.
作者: 福媽    時間: 11-10-6 20:53

有冇收到rejected letter? 係未逄報必收..? 我係其他forum見到話逄報必收..
作者: ggbwong    時間: 11-10-6 22:02     標題: 回復 9# 福媽 的帖子

我都收到呀!! 妳是在那個forum看見是逢報必收? 我都十五十六唔知交唔交錢好, 因仲有幾間未in. 補充資料: 我囡囡都不是OLK的學生.
作者: jas602    時間: 11-10-6 22:06

我都收到信, 好開心
作者: ckkjoe13    時間: 11-10-6 22:23

我都收到信啦, 但仲諗緊交唔交deposit好
作者: nancyPoPo    時間: 11-10-6 23:52

作者: ggbwong    時間: 11-10-7 08:46

請問邊度有得睇面試相呢? 想看看有冇呀女.
呀女只是話一組人一齊坐, 每人看一本圖書, 跟住小組一齊問書入面的圖畫係乜, D動物食乜等, 同自我介紹, 但冇畫畫wor.

原帖由 nancyPoPo 於 11-10-6 23:52 發表
不知收生標準係點? ...

作者: hoikiuma    時間: 11-10-7 09:10

作者: lingoma    時間: 11-10-7 09:54

收到了,取錄了...我有一朋友是waiting list... So... 唔係一定收的,我都諗緊交唔交錢,都幾貴呀,心目心梗係想津校得啦
作者: lingoma    時間: 11-10-7 10:13

作者: ggbwong    時間: 11-10-7 10:35

個日個sister 話仲有2場interview, 但我見D相好像都係早上我去interview個批, 都冇400人.
作者: iantsang    時間: 11-10-7 10:54

原帖由 ggbwong 於 11-10-7 10:35 發表
個日個sister 話仲有2場interview, 但我見D相好像都係早上我去interview個批, 都冇400人.

I believe the total number of applicants should be around 400-500.  Because we attend the second round of interviews and the range of the applicants number are from 181-360.  So, the first two rounds should be 360 + whatever number from the third round.  See anyone from the third round can provide information.
作者: 晞晞豬    時間: 11-10-7 11:06

我囡囡係聖母幼既學生, 當日應該係in第三場, 那天我印象中係有六組, 每組約十個學生, 即大約六十人.  但反而我地未收到信 (唔知今日會唔會收到呢 )
作者: granlee    時間: 11-10-7 11:14

我亞囡取錄左 !
作者: iantsang    時間: 11-10-7 11:39

原帖由 晞晞豬 於 11-10-7 11:06 發表
我囡囡係聖母幼既學生, 當日應該係in第三場, 那天我印象中係有六組, 每組約十個學生, 即大約六十人.  但反而我地未收到信 (唔知今日會唔會收到呢 ) ...

Thank you very much for the sharing, wish you have good news today!  Is there any preferences that can be given to own kindergarten students?

For the second round, there are also 6 groups (Letter G to L)  but there are 30 students per group (my daughter also told me she saw around 20+ in the classroom).
作者: josie20060519    時間: 11-10-7 11:48

咁快收到!!  睇下信箱有無信先
作者: 晞晞豬    時間: 11-10-7 12:07

有無優先我都唔知, 幼稚園校長無講, 小學校長都無講, 不過你地頭2groups 家長所睇到既show, 我地係無, 但仍然有一位家長做sharing & 修女有介紹學校.

我地係由M到R (當日我都無睇到, 係其他家長話我知) 我地去點名時見到每group約有10個小朋友, 一樣係問d簡單問題.

其實我同先生都好鍾意學校的教學理念, 希望今日收到好消息!!
作者: iantsang    時間: 11-10-7 12:13     標題: 回復 24# 晞晞豬 的帖子

Good luck to you!
作者: josie20060519    時間: 11-10-7 21:36

作者: ivan3978    時間: 11-10-7 23:06

My daughter has received the acceptance letter yesterday.
作者: nancyPoPo    時間: 11-10-8 22:28

作者: 晞晞豬    時間: 11-10-9 08:25

原帖由 nancyPoPo 於 11-10-8 22:28 發表


BTW, we got the acceptance letter.
作者: kinkin010327    時間: 11-10-10 22:46

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作者: lydiachau    時間: 11-10-11 02:35

I also recevied the accepted letter!
作者: ivan3978    時間: 11-10-13 23:25

Don't worry, maybe receive letter later.
作者: ivan3978    時間: 11-10-13 23:29

Don't worry, maybe receive letter later.
作者: man2602    時間: 11-10-14 09:00

作者: nancyPoPo    時間: 11-10-15 10:55


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