標題: 聖心INTERVIEW [打印本頁]
作者: 冬菇 時間: 11-12-15 16:38 標題: 聖心INTERVIEW
雖然1月先IN, 但都要準備下啦...
作者: iantsing 時間: 11-12-19 13:44
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作者: sunnygirl 時間: 11-12-19 16:44
作者: Rickylama 時間: 11-12-19 18:08
Rabbit jump?
作者: iantsang 時間: 11-12-19 18:16
iantsing 發表於 11-12-19 13:44
"食物同水果名稱" only asked once (last year) in the past three years
"兔仔跳" only asked once (two years ago) in the past three years
Can be quite sure to tell you, don't bother to guess.
作者: Rickylama 時間: 11-12-19 18:32
引體上升,跑100M, 猜迷語,捉迷藏,打觔斗,etc
作者: iantsang 時間: 11-12-19 18:41
Rickylama 發表於 11-12-19 18:08
Rabbit jump?
作者: Janetlam263 時間: 11-12-19 19:03
作者: gigi812 時間: 11-12-20 00:30
咁會問家長問題嗎?以前問過咩問題呢?唔該 !
作者: mandyw 時間: 11-12-22 02:59
May I know the question?
作者: Ackl1002 時間: 11-12-22 13:45
Janetlam263 發表於 11-12-19 19:03
依個先係關鍵!好似St. Clare's咁, 真係side氣.
作者: iantsang 時間: 11-12-22 14:03
Janetlam263 發表於 11-12-19 19:03
No, no such preferences.
作者: iantsang 時間: 11-12-22 14:05
gigi812 發表於 11-12-20 00:30
咁會問家長問題嗎?以前問過咩問題呢?唔該 !
There were no questions directly to parents last year, but not sure about this year.
Three years ago, those questions are just the typical ones like why choose this kindergarten, what is the expectation, etc.
作者: Janetlam263 時間: 11-12-22 15:57
回復 Ackl1002 的帖子
何解?妳覺得今年St.Clare收港島區多嗎? 我沒有報,所以都唔清楚.
作者: Ackl1002 時間: 11-12-23 07:46
Janetlam263 發表於 11-12-22 15:57
回復 Ackl1002 的帖子
何解?妳覺得今年St.Clare收港島區多嗎? 我沒有報,所以都唔清楚.
係呀, 你睇吓"聖嘉勒收到信"條thread就知, 有個家長直頭問老師地址有無關, 老師直認有關. 老師仲話吾想九龍新界小朋友中途退學, 所以港島小朋友優先.
作者: spmok1999 時間: 11-12-23 09:25
有相同宗教機會會大D, 住址反而次要... 我覺得有D偏向好似聖士提反女子咁...因為小學部有半日津校, 計定分收人都好正路啫....
會問家長問題 : 係覺得你小朋友有咩長處 ...
最好諗定, 如果到時真係唔知自己想/可以講D咩 ...
作者: McBonnie 時間: 11-12-30 10:55
我個人覺得"住宅地區/宗教" 會係挑選WAITING LIST既考慮條件.
有人說'遞交表格時間' 亦是考慮因素. 不知真定假.
作者: 5162002 時間: 12-1-3 23:18
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作者: bwm 時間: 12-1-4 09:09
does any mami know if the interview is group interview or individual interview? How long does it need normally?
作者: fefemom 時間: 12-1-4 09:45
本帖最後由 fefemom 於 12-1-4 09:46 編輯
回復 bwm 的帖子
Last year, there was one teacher interviewing one child (accompanied by one parent), but there were 2 or 3 candidates in the classroom (separated by partitions).
The actual interview process lasted 5 minutes.
作者: gwlam 時間: 12-1-4 09:48
回復 fefemom 的帖子
Hello fefemom, thanks for your info. Does it need to wait for long? Any playground outside to let the kids to warm up?
作者: fefemom 時間: 12-1-4 09:57
本帖最後由 fefemom 於 12-1-4 09:58 編輯
回復 gwlam 的帖子
Last year, they only allowed the candidates inside the school premises in batches (a certain time before your interview time). We had to queue up in the 5/F playground according to groups, then listened to the interview briefing. Then we were led downstairs to the classrooms and had a roll call. The candidates would sit outside the classroom and waited to be called by the teacher.
The playground facilities were closed.
作者: SiuSam 時間: 12-1-4 10:15
回復 fefemom 的帖子
May I know the questions in your interview in last year
作者: fefemom 時間: 12-1-4 10:59
回復 SiuSam 的帖子
It was pretty standardized for all candidates.
I could only remember asking my daughter to point at her facial organs, showed her the 大白菜&大番茄 and asked what they were. Gave her stickers at the end and asked her to push the chair back.
For details you can refer to last year's post:
作者: Kobaby 時間: 12-1-4 11:04
回復 5162002 的帖子
去年搭的士由北角上, 半山少少塞, 同埋多車, 落車要小心。
上年天氣得10度, 室內好暖, 唔駛擔心凍。
作者: highhand29 時間: 12-1-5 12:23
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