
標題: greenfield(LB) vs 聖三一堂 [打印本頁]

作者: rubylairubybuzz    時間: 11-12-19 17:43     標題: greenfield(LB) vs 聖三一堂

希望有家長能比些意見....greenfield (long beach) & 聖三一堂都收了我仔仔...希望大家能提供一些意見!!!!謝謝
作者: Kammy33    時間: 11-12-20 17:52

My son is studying in greenfield (LB), the teacher are nice with caring.  Since the school is in full English speaking except the mandarin and Chinese session, my son can pickup the language quickly.  The school environment is good and also with good academic level.  I read the P1 records at tung chung, mis and junk bay campus, student can promote to 直資、traditional and international school.
作者: rubylairubybuzz    時間: 11-12-21 15:20

Kammy33 發表於 11-12-20 17:52
My son is studying in greenfield (LB), the teacher are nice with caring.  Since the school is in ful ...

作者: smile_w99    時間: 11-12-21 15:30

I think it depends on what you're looking for since 2 schools are totally different.  GF should emphasize in language (bi-lingual) while 聖三一堂 should emphasize in self-caring (since it's whole day class)!  
BTW, since the communication channel at home is mainly cantonese, that's why I would like to let my kid to be exposed to English environment more.  2-3 hours/day should be good enough since I also only have 3-4 hours to play with my kid every day!
作者: 菠蘿媽媽    時間: 11-12-21 15:36

Greenfield都收左我個小朋友, 但因為佢係新校, 冇乜朋友可以俾俾意見, 所以我都心大心細.
好處: 近屋企 (加上係細B, 如無意外學之園唔會收; 又冇join Victoria's playgroup, so no hope as well)
壞處: 貴, 老師好似係South East Asian多 (唔肯定, 單憑interview day所見)
作者: rubylairubybuzz    時間: 11-12-21 15:42

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作者: rubylairubybuzz    時間: 11-12-21 15:46

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作者: smile_w99    時間: 11-12-21 15:49

菠蘿媽媽 發表於 11-12-21 15:36
Greenfield都收左我個小朋友, 但因為佢係新校, 冇乜朋友可以俾俾意見, 所以我都心大心細.
好處: 近屋企 ( ...

I saw only 1 NET on my interview day!  Didn't notice that most are South-East Asian!
作者: 菠蘿媽媽    時間: 11-12-21 15:49

rubylairubybuzz 發表於 11-12-21 15:46
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GF好多好評都係NET老師所以英文一定良好....之不過小學又要面對升學問題囉!!!!:thin ...

咁又係呀..其實, 有可能K1已經要再轉了!
凈係PN都攪到我暈左, 事關我一向都冇留意搵校學須知!

作者: smile_w99    時間: 11-12-21 15:53

rubylairubybuzz 發表於 11-12-21 15:42
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我都明白兩間分別....多謝你提點....因為兩間學校都無壞評語而兩間都有各好...所以 ...

If 有直升小一, I would choose 聖三一 then!
But I can't remember if I heard from somewhere that its primary school is not good!  You can do some research first!

作者: rubylairubybuzz    時間: 11-12-21 15:53

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作者: rubylairubybuzz    時間: 11-12-21 15:56

smile_w99 發表於 11-12-21 15:53
If 有直升小一, I would choose 聖三一 then!
But I can't remember if I heard from somewhere that its ...

作者: rubylairubybuzz    時間: 11-12-21 16:01

菠蘿媽媽 發表於 11-12-21 15:49
咁又係呀..其實, 有可能K1已經要再轉了!
凈係PN都攪到我暈左, 事關我一向都冇留意搵校學須知!

作者: peckychiu    時間: 11-12-22 12:40

greenfield (long beach)我無記錯應該係比較新d...我都有諗過報..不過始終新..唔想take個risk~唔知係咪真係`//但聖3一中心出名好...老師有愛心...其實聖3一offer出黎好似好小位..好似比較難得..如果比我揀..我會揀聖3一...我有朋友個女讀緊k3..自己考直資..成績都唔錯...其他同學都ok~我自己就有報不過無去in..因為屋企壓力..唔想佢n班就讀全日...所以give up左~
作者: rubylairubybuzz    時間: 11-12-23 16:13

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^^係呀!!!!聖三一堂每年只收48個PN班.....我其實都應該比仔仔讀聖三一多...不過都會試埋ST.C & 學之園先^^

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