
標題: DGS 收到信未? [打印本頁]

作者: holanlac    時間: 11-12-23 14:08     標題: DGS 收到信未?


作者: alauct    時間: 11-12-23 19:13

未呀! 仲等緊
作者: eins    時間: 11-12-23 21:31

I am waiting the letter

作者: christykhong    時間: 11-12-24 16:41

作者: 天使~魔鬼    時間: 11-12-25 01:04

上年係29/12 寄出

作者: alauct    時間: 11-12-25 01:53

Thanks for your information.
作者: amychu69    時間: 11-12-26 04:49

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作者: Karen2010    時間: 11-12-28 10:02

waiting for the letter.......
作者: 小小bb    時間: 11-12-28 18:25

不是一月尾才收信嗎? 2月11日面試(只有一天)
作者: specialapple    時間: 11-12-29 13:30

According to my experience in last year, in late Dec, you will recieve a letter  from DGS which will invite you to submit an application form together with another profile.  Also, the date of first interivew will be fixed.   After the first interivew, you will recieve another letter informing you to attend a final interview in Feb which will be chaired by Mrs Lau.  Hope this information can help you all.   The result will be available in late Feb.
作者: misssbear    時間: 11-12-30 13:49

有無人今天已收到信 ? 今日已經 12月30日, 尚未有任何消息 !

作者: alauct    時間: 11-12-30 16:07


作者: martie    時間: 11-12-30 20:18

回復 alauct 的帖子

Wont be registered mail, I guess!  But it is coming soon.  Could be tomorrow, just before 2012.

作者: ddcccheung    時間: 11-12-30 21:08

作者: Karen2010    時間: 11-12-31 12:03

剛剛check mailbox,收到信啦! 要再填表,再交。
作者: esmond88    時間: 11-12-31 12:18

We also received the letter my number is 1xxx
What is yr nr
作者: Karen2010    時間: 11-12-31 12:26

本帖最後由 Karen2010 於 11-12-31 12:29 編輯

our no. is 16xx

作者: ddcccheung    時間: 11-12-31 13:25

本帖最後由 ddcccheung 於 11-12-31 13:28 編輯

作者: szema    時間: 11-12-31 13:55

Just rec'd the application form together with Specific Skill Test Registration details for Sports, not for music !
作者: Sum_Ba    時間: 11-12-31 14:12


作者: mamakc123    時間: 11-12-31 14:15

My daughter has just recieved the letter.
作者: holanlac    時間: 11-12-31 14:17

Got it !
But what is the meaning of the number?
is it really more than 1600 students apply?

And any of you will apply the special skill test?
作者: szema    時間: 11-12-31 15:04

Does anybody know the first 3 letters of the Application No. stand for ?

Thx ;)
作者: amychu69    時間: 11-12-31 17:10

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作者: mamakc123    時間: 11-12-31 17:25

作者: esmond88    時間: 11-12-31 17:34

本帖最後由 esmond88 於 11-12-31 18:09 編輯
szema 發表於 11-12-31 15:04
Does anybody know the first 3 letters of the Application No. stand for ?

Thx ;)

Our number is AAB 1xxx . What is your first three character?

作者: mamakc123    時間: 11-12-31 17:48

our number is AAB 1****
作者: LittlePeaFamily    時間: 11-12-31 18:59

女女都收到Application form啦 ! 2月18號 meet with teacher.
作者: eins    時間: 11-12-31 21:00

剛收到。But they rejected our application. My daughter is  disappointed....  why? The headmaster told that all the appication should be interview?

作者: 88-123    時間: 11-12-31 22:26

I heard that first interview. 400 ...
作者: alauct    時間: 12-1-1 01:04

回復 eins 的帖子

Hi, what do you mean the reject letter.  Did they ask you to complete the reply slip for the reserve list?

作者: eins    時間: 12-1-1 10:07

I just received letter from DGS. They rejected our application.  I  don't understand why headmaster told that everyone must interview when receive the application form..... My daughter was disappointed ........
作者: eins    時間: 12-1-1 10:09

Yes, they informed us to complete the reply slip for the reserve list. Is it no choice?
作者: eins    時間: 12-1-1 10:09

Yes, they informed us to complete the reply slip for the reserve list. Is it no choice?
作者: szema    時間: 12-1-1 21:31

回復 esmond88 的帖子

Same, AAB1xxx
作者: lily~lily    時間: 12-1-2 00:56

回復 eins 的帖子

作者: fafa200    時間: 12-1-3 11:46

請問reserve 是否等於reject 呢? 有冇reject letter 架? 靖賜教!
作者: laughapple    時間: 12-1-3 11:49

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作者: meimeimama1    時間: 12-1-3 12:24

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作者: thshum556    時間: 12-1-3 14:37

如只考了5 級琴. MISS 話有7 級. 是否不用 music audition. 無謂獻醜

作者: laughapple    時間: 12-1-3 15:27

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作者: ddcccheung    時間: 12-1-3 17:08

本帖最後由 ddcccheung 於 12-1-3 17:10 編輯
meimeimama1 發表於 12-1-3 12:24
"music 是否要好勁好勁的才有測試, ..........上年的情況是另外打電話告訴music audition的時間和地點......"

Thanks for your information.
作者: meimeimama1    時間: 12-1-3 18:39

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作者: specialapple    時間: 12-1-4 09:16

本帖最後由 specialapple 於 12-1-4 09:25 編輯

回復 eins 的帖子

The documents you submitted before is a portfolio of your daughter, not application form.  Every year, the school received about 1,600 to 1900 protfolio.  After having screened them, the school will select about 400-500 applicants for interview.  The girls will receive application forms and will be interviewed by teachers (1st interview).
After that, about 200 girls will be selected for 2nd interivew which will be chaired by Mrs Lau.

This is my last year experience.

作者: wendyhue    時間: 12-1-4 12:35

剛剛收到信, 有d驚, 個女d成績唔係全級頭十名,更無特異工能,估唔到會有面試機會, 請問有無人知DGS嘅面試模式係點?
作者: wymwym    時間: 12-1-4 20:10

Wonder how many they have selected for this first round of interview.

作者: amychu69    時間: 12-1-4 23:21

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作者: boboli99    時間: 12-1-9 23:24

各位家長:我上星期收到DGS的申請表,第一版要填Extra-curricular Activities/Achievements,但下面只得幾行線,不是表列的;與上次張申請表不同。究竟是否要重新把上次的內容寫多次,做多一次Portfolio交呢?如果知道,請幫幫忙?
作者: szema    時間: 12-1-10 13:29

本帖最後由 szema 於 12-1-10 13:30 編輯

回復 boboli99 的帖子

I think just list out the relevant details only. No need to submit portfolio again cos' they already have our portfolio in hand.

作者: KiuKiu-Mama    時間: 12-1-13 14:24

回復 szema 的帖子

Yes, 我打去問過已經交咗嘅資料係唔洗再交!另外提提大家,記得將張form同其他文件入哂落信封交,因為原來同第一次交表一樣要drop box 嘅!我今朝就企係街成個鐘等商務開門買信封!

作者: amychu69    時間: 12-1-16 03:04

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作者: szema    時間: 12-1-18 17:35

回復 meimeimama1 的帖子

Hi meimeimama1,

Just received a call from DGS for music audition. May I know that will they make offer to those applicants who meet their standard in the audition prior to the interview ?

Thx a lot !

作者: laughapple    時間: 12-1-18 20:20

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作者: szema    時間: 12-1-18 20:52

My girl play cello for audition. Applicants are asked to play a 3 mins pieces. They don't mention whether parents can go with the girl or not. Since they have to check the ID card, so I think parents can be waiting somewhere outside the room.
作者: ddcccheung    時間: 12-1-19 11:44

Hi Szema,

Your girl must be very smart, got G8 or above?
My friend's daughter though study at APA, no audition for her!
作者: szema    時間: 12-1-19 13:08

Hi ddcccheung,

Yes, she is Grade 8 with very satisfactory result, and planning to take LTCL this summer. As I know, one of her classmate also be invited. She plays violin.
作者: ltdcorp    時間: 12-1-19 15:20

個女同學confirm收了, 個女同學田徑超勁,但成績就......., 連自己間小學都要考慮收唔收. 不過寄然DBS收了就唔洗怕.

其實本人認為就算有8級或以上piano, 或什麼公開考試証書已經是好普遍, 學校最主要收的是在公開比賽中取好成績, 或為學校比賽拿獎牌的等等.  最重要不要給太大的壓力大家.
作者: szema    時間: 12-1-19 17:35

Yes ah! 最緊要唔好比太大壓力d小朋友.

我自己都覺得8級或以上真的大有人在, 所以冇諗過會call佢去Audition, 亦冇諗過阿女因呢方面入到DGS的. 以我所知, 游水同田徑勁的會最早收到offer.
作者: ddcccheung    時間: 12-1-19 17:55

szema 發表於 12-1-19 13:08
Hi ddcccheung,


Hi szema,
Thanks for the reply.

作者: ddcccheung    時間: 12-1-19 18:05

ltdcorp 發表於 12-1-19 15:20
個女同學confirm收了, 個女同學田徑超勁,但成績就......., 連自己間小學都要考慮收唔收. 不過寄然DBS收了就 ...
Hi ltdcorp,
What do u mean? DBS or DGS?
If it is DGS, is that means your daughter's classmate has been admitted to DGS without/ not necessary  to attend the interview on 18/2/2012 ?

作者: leeleelumlum    時間: 12-1-20 13:40

szema 發表於 12-1-18 20:52
My girl play cello for audition. Applicants are asked to play a 3 mins pieces. They don't mention wh ...

szema, pls check pm, thank you

作者: meimeimama1    時間: 12-1-20 13:55

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作者: szema    時間: 12-1-20 17:12

回復 meimeimama1 的帖子


Ths for your reply.

作者: szema    時間: 12-1-20 17:18

回復 leeleelumlum 的帖子

Hi leeleelumlum,

Check PM for my reply. Hope it can help.

作者: leeleelumlum    時間: 12-1-20 19:52

回復 szema 的帖子

Thank you szema. BTW, wish your kid can get into your favorite school. Thanks again

作者: laughapple    時間: 12-1-23 21:28

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作者: 傲雪    時間: 12-1-27 12:24

小女明年才升中, 我問下大家今年DGS Interview問了什麼? THANKS
作者: szema    時間: 12-1-28 17:56

回復 傲雪 的帖子

未見啊, 18/2 先 first in.

作者: 傲雪    時間: 12-1-29 00:11

回復 szema 的帖子

szema,  OK , 等你IN完先啦!.

作者: szema    時間: 12-1-31 14:33

回復 傲雪 的帖子

One 1 day interview is scheduled on 18/2. All candidates will be interviewed on that day.
2nd interview to be schedule on March.

作者: mo-ma    時間: 12-2-3 00:02     標題: 回覆:szema 的帖子

作者: mo-ma    時間: 12-2-3 00:05     標題: 回覆:szema 的帖子

May I ask where you found about all students would only be interviewed on the same day?  Thanks.

作者: szema    時間: 12-2-3 10:41

回復 mo-ma 的帖子

It was stated clearly in the covering letter of their application form posted to all selected applicants.

作者: mo-ma    時間: 12-2-3 13:36     標題: 回覆:szema 的帖子

Thanks szema!

作者: Karen2010    時間: 12-2-3 19:15

Has anyone recived the letter for the time of the interview?
作者: CPU1995    時間: 12-2-3 20:07

My friend's girl has already interviewed DGS and finished audition in music last month. I think this month's interview is the second round.
作者: szema    時間: 12-2-3 22:53

本帖最後由 szema 於 12-2-3 22:58 編輯

1st interview should be on 18/2. Only music audition had been taken placed on 21/1, they just asked the applicants some musical knowledge, no interview at all on that day.

2nd interview to be held in March as mentioned in the previous letter. I think they will send out letter about interview details after the specific skill test (4/2/2012)

作者: phylli    時間: 12-2-4 14:44

本帖最後由 phylli 於 12-3-5 06:25 編輯


剛收到確實 interview 的時間,我的小女被安排在18/2/2012 的 下午時段`,你們如何?不介意的話,公佈一下。

作者: Karen2010    時間: 12-2-4 15:12

我也收到了, 時間是下午1時多。

作者: esmond88    時間: 12-2-4 18:08

we also have interview at 2:30 pm, and my daughter's classmate 's interview time is 8:20 am.
作者: szema    時間: 12-2-4 18:37

Interview time 0905
作者: martie    時間: 12-2-4 22:52

回復 szema 的帖子

That is early.

作者: holanlac    時間: 12-2-5 00:34

本帖最後由 holanlac 於 12-2-5 09:51 編輯

got it !
At noon.

Please share if anyone know the content of the interview, group or individual? eng/ putonghua etc...

Thank you very much!!!!

作者: LittlePeaFamily    時間: 12-2-5 18:07

Early morning 0905, the interview last for an hour. Also want to know the interview format.
作者: laughapple    時間: 12-2-5 19:29

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作者: CPU1995    時間: 12-2-5 20:01

DGS also interviewed some girls for music audition yesterday.
作者: sumyuetma    時間: 12-2-6 16:14

My dauther's timeslot is very early in morning (08:10am)

作者: ddcccheung    時間: 12-2-6 16:51

作者: LittlePeaFamily    時間: 12-2-7 22:25

本帖最後由 LittlePeaFamily 於 12-2-7 22:27 編輯

回復 laughapple 的帖子


No,she didn't attend,but her classmate did attend the music audition

作者: laughapple    時間: 12-2-8 17:10

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作者: LittlePeaFamily    時間: 12-2-8 20:03

回復 laughapple 的帖子


But the interview is about an hour, so I'm not sure what test it is.


作者: like_travel    時間: 12-2-8 20:26

the interview should be proceed with Chinese / English / math test. my fd's daughter who is studying F1 now.
作者: laughapple    時間: 12-2-8 21:07

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作者: like_travel    時間: 12-2-9 11:49

Feb 18, interview day, so worry
作者: holanlac    時間: 12-2-10 15:43

本帖最後由 holanlac 於 12-2-10 15:44 編輯
like_travel 發表於 12-2-9 11:49
Feb 18, interview day, so worry

Don't worry, we need to be our gals 's lighthouse, if we lost ourselves, how to guide them to overcome the obstacles?

作者: like_travel    時間: 12-2-10 15:50

holanlac 發表於 12-2-10 15:43
Don't worry, we need to be our gals 's lighthouse, if we lost ourselves, how to guide them to overc ...

u are right, but will you take the DGS offer if you have been selected.
作者: like_travel    時間: 12-2-10 15:53

laughapple 發表於 12-2-8 21:07
Hi like travel,

Did the teachers ask some interview questions as well? Or daily news ?

It will be the second round interview by headmaster, first interview will be the test
作者: holanlac    時間: 12-2-10 16:47

like_travel 發表於 12-2-10 15:50
u are right, but will you take the DGS offer if you have been selected.

Yes, she said that DGS is her dream school.
Even she may not get back to the top of the class ( if compare to other DGS students), she still being proud of being a DGS student, as she is the cream of the all HK students ( DGS wo,,,,)

作者: wendyhue    時間: 12-2-10 16:55

作者: like_travel    時間: 12-2-10 17:16


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