
標題: 如真的不考慮讀某間幼稚園, 請放出來! [打印本頁]

作者: yushbaby123    時間: 11-12-23 16:06     標題: 如真的不考慮讀某間幼稚園, 請放出來!

因有很多家長仍會俾佐留位費先, 但其實末真的考慮清楚....

所以希望大家多多幫忙, 因有很多小朋友到依家都係無offer (包括我女), thanks.
作者: ScarlettShannon    時間: 11-12-23 17:41

同意,或者過了2月份各大一條龍放榜後會較多人放位,但只有在5 - 6 月才知道,不過較進取的可寫求位信。
作者: bb11111    時間: 11-12-24 00:10     標題: Deleted.........................................................................

本帖最後由 bb11111 於 12-1-9 18:46 編輯


作者: chingcat    時間: 11-12-24 01:27

係啦!都唔知點解D爸爸媽媽唔鍾意果D KG都要交留位費...
作者: thingy    時間: 11-12-25 00:13

bb11111 發表於 11-12-24 00:10
你都係預等到五、六月交大訂先收到call waiting咁你d日子會好過d,因我識人一早已有心儀名KG offer,連佢睇 ...

咁你識的那人真是極品! 佢d細路一定係港童中的港童!

作者: wane    時間: 11-12-25 17:10

作者: chongnicole    時間: 11-12-25 19:43


作者: winnietingting    時間: 11-12-25 22:01

回復 chongnicole 的帖子

作者: winnietingting    時間: 11-12-25 23:11

winnietingting 發表於 11-12-25 22:01
回復 chongnicole 的帖子

不過之前的forum見過,有些小朋友讀兩間kg(上午一間下午一間)。希望今年這些情況 ...

http://www.edu-kingdom.com/forum ... &extra=page%3D6
作者: chongnicole    時間: 11-12-25 23:47

做waiting list的,最慘是不知道自己是排在前面,有機會被call的,還是排在幾百個之後,機會渺茫。

作者: Mimmy    時間: 11-12-26 00:39

waiting感覺一點也不好受, 一年前我好明白
我也只好等, 真的等到5月等到各位仁兄終肯高抬貴手唔去交書簿費我囡先得到一個offer, 真的眼淚在心裡流
留意自己心儀學校動態, 我上年一共寫3封信比學校
1. 出offer後第2日我親手交到學校
2. 交留位費後第2日我親手交到學校
3. 交書簿費後第2日我又親手交到學校
可能有人覺得我傻寄咪得囉, 但呢一切只係我當時仲可以為個囡做既事
作者: gskw    時間: 11-12-26 04:34

作者: CH007    時間: 11-12-26 08:12

Agree. 希望大家多多幫忙, 如真的不考慮讀某間幼稚園, 請放出來! 因有很多小朋友到依家都係無offer.  Many thanks.
作者: winnietingting    時間: 11-12-26 10:11

Mimmy 發表於 11-12-26 00:39
waiting感覺一點也不好受, 一年前我好明白
我也只好等, 真的等到5月等到各位仁兄 ...


作者: gchow123    時間: 11-12-26 11:19

很明白waiting 的感受。
始終都是讀一間, 早D決定, 早日放D位出來。
作者: ScarlettShannon    時間: 11-12-26 16:19

作者: shirleysung211    時間: 11-12-28 11:18

另外,我覺得有offer唔代表一定比人叻,無offer唔一定差,只是那學校想收什麼學校,小朋友是什麼type,match同唔match的問題。kv同st cat我無考,因為我唔應同某些教學觀念(個人應為),咪唔考lor,我都match唔到佢地。
作者: CKBCHU    時間: 11-12-28 14:49

我都係全軍覆沒!  不如叫DKG要家長一交就交半年學費做留位費! 睇你點集郵!

作者: yushbaby123    時間: 11-12-28 15:04

yes ar, some of the kindergarden should really think of asking the parents to pay at least half year deposit first to sercure a place.
then, no one will take so many offers but only go one kingergarden at last.

作者: retasm    時間: 11-12-28 15:32

回復 yushbaby123 的帖子


作者: 傻太    時間: 11-12-28 16:00

retasm 發表於 11-12-28 15:32
回復 yushbaby123 的帖子


agree agree...

同埋就算呢刻有人give up, 學校都唔會即刻打俾waiting list...

其實我都識人無去交留位費, 但都唔見有學校call waiting...

同埋真係要諗清楚讀邊間, 唔想揀錯/後悔...如果係諗都唔洗諗既, 就連留位費都唔會俾...總有d因素令人要俾果$660(變態者除外)...

作者: fellow    時間: 11-12-28 17:16

Actually those parents can be understanded. They are not really want to pay many times for the deposit. That's the problem of the system. All KGs clearly understand their status. That's why those KGs people always think as a back up will collect deposit much earlier. And force parents to pay more then one time deposit. What would you do if you have better offer this time then your previous one? Will you pay the deposit again? All parents just want to do the best to their kids only. Not 集郵!
作者: mamay    時間: 11-12-30 09:18

I will release one kinder, just finished writing the letter, will send it out today....also will send email to notify as well.

Hope you all will get the offer you want
作者: cmir    時間: 11-12-30 09:43

I have already given up SPC (am) offer and Rosaryhill offer....
Good Luck to all of you!!!
作者: 麥兜MaMa    時間: 11-12-30 09:50

We have wrote letter to release the offer, but may be not the famous one you want.
作者: McBonnie    時間: 11-12-30 10:44

Last year, my daughter received two waiting list offer in August. Therefore, I believe some parents do not release their seats until the last minute.
作者: McBonnie    時間: 11-12-30 10:47

This stage is too early to have waiting list release out, esp. those 'famous' one. but don't give up as there should be some next year.
作者: mamay    時間: 11-12-30 11:17

回復 cmir 的帖子

hi cmir,
may I know which offer you take?

I gave up Precious Blood to take the Rosaryhill offer.....

作者: cmir    時間: 11-12-30 14:03

回復 mamay 的帖子

Right now i am only holding TL (Caine Road) am offer.

作者: ScarlettShannon    時間: 11-12-30 23:02

I think releasing  the offer is one step, when will the school send the offer to wait list parent is an issue. I think we need to be patient to wait till May or August. Waiting is a torture! The uncertainty making parent keep thinking and thinking. I am now waiting for MS (waitlist) and GH (first round result in Feb).
作者: 英俊爸爸    時間: 11-12-31 00:25

thingy 發表於 11-12-25 00:13
咁你識的那人真是極品! 佢d細路一定係港童中的港童!


作者: 喜樂寶寶    時間: 11-12-31 00:42

作者: sleepykly    時間: 11-12-31 01:28

I also gave up Lingnam and took Precious Blood offer... good luck to all~~

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