
標題: Self-caring of primary school kids [打印本頁]

作者: gifthoney    時間: 12-2-27 19:36     標題: Self-caring of primary school kids

People nowadays say that HK kids are weak in self-caring.  I just wonder what is the normal ability of a normal kid.  Would you please share at what age will your kids do the following?

1.  take a bath on their own
2.  wash hair on their own
3.  tie shoelaces
4.  clean "pat pat" after "boo boo"
5.  tidy up school bag
6.  cook rice using a rice cooker
7.  cook an instant noodle

Thanks for sharing.
作者: Yanamami    時間: 12-2-27 19:53

My daughter has just turned 8 this Jan.

1. K3, 5yrs old.
2. P1, 6 yrs old.
3. P1, 6 yrs old.
4. K3, 5 yrs old.
5. K3, 5 yrs old.
6. 7 1/2 yrs old.
7. not yet.

作者: 仔仔錫錫你    時間: 12-2-27 22:24

1. 4.5歲
2. 4歲
3. 5歲
4. 4.5歲
5. 4.5歲
6. 4歲
7. 未試

8. 掃地拖地 3歲多
9. 開洗衣机,涼衫+摺衫 3.5歲
10. 食飯開/收檯 3.5歲
作者: HTLT    時間: 12-2-28 09:45

My son (aged 8 this year):

1. K3
2. K3
3. P1
4. K3
5. P1
6. not yet
7. not yet
8. P1
9. not yet
10. P1 (clear the table only)

My daughter (aged 5 this year)
can do 4. only
+ 自行煎蛋

作者: judymama    時間: 12-2-28 14:07     標題: 引用:阿仔5歲多dd1.+4.5歲2.+4歲+3.+5歲4.+4.5歲

原帖由 仔仔錫錫你 於 12-02-27 發表
1. 4.5歲
2. 4歲

作者: YLMom    時間: 12-2-28 18:19

回復 仔仔錫錫你 的帖子

Hi 仔仔錫錫你, your son is very smart and can do so many things.  Do you mind sharing which school he will join finally?
作者: Mighty    時間: 12-2-29 11:07

香港KIDS無自理能力、我相信大部分是因為有工人貼身跟住、所以才養成不自理的習慣、要做的時候、我相信一定做到的。  只要父母出声叫工人不要太貼身就OK。  我反而看到很多小朋友没有EATING MANNERS、状況厳重、如狼呑虎嚥、又或者食野時不合口、発出声音。  EATING MANNERS真係靠家教、父母責任。 壊習慣形成了、好難改。  
作者: gifthoney    時間: 12-2-29 19:14


Agree!!  It is not a matter of ability, but a matter of habit.  So I guess the kids from those families without a domestic helper will be more independent.  But the fact is, most families nowadays hire a domestic helper.  And, parents usually ask the helper to serve the kid (otherwise it seems that the helper is not playing her role.)  As a result, the kids have no chance to learn to be independent.
作者: madscientist    時間: 12-2-29 21:45

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作者: madscientist    時間: 12-2-29 21:52

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作者: Mighty    時間: 12-2-29 22:59

回復 gifthoney 的帖子



作者: gifthoney    時間: 12-3-1 11:45

回復 madscientist 的帖子

" We need random samples.  Here, those who have P6 kids who cannot tie their shoe laces will NOT answer your questions. "  Agree.

So, if we wish to know the normal ability of kids based on their development, is there any reference from a better survey (e.g. by Government?  by child health authorities?)

作者: Mighty    時間: 12-3-1 14:02

過到自己関、就OK LA.  不用着意SURVEY LA。  都応該係COMMON SENSE。  以前我7、8歳用火水炉煮面、亜MA話OK。  宜家一定比人話無危険意識。  毎個家庭都有把尺、総之 common sense.
作者: ppsfung    時間: 12-3-1 16:44

Your kids seems more smart then mine.

My daughter - 7 years P.2

1.  take a bath on their own  ==> 6 year
2.  wash hair on their own ==> 6.5 years (long hair)
3.  tie shoelaces ==> learn at K.3 but no chance to practice , I guess not yet
4.  clean "pat pat" after "boo boo"  ==> 5.5 year (summer holiday before P.1)
5.  tidy up school bag  ==> P.1
6.  cook rice using a rice cooker  ==> not yet
7.  cook an instant noodle  ==> not yet

因屋企灶位較高,囡囡高度未夠, 我暫時無打算比佢學煮食.... 等佢身高150cm 以上才考慮比佢用火和熱水.

洗碗 : 5.5 yr
摺衫 : 5 yr
晒衫 (把濕衫掛入衣架+ 衣夾) : 5 yr
摺被: 7 yr

作者: 仔仔錫錫你    時間: 12-3-2 23:54

回復 YLMom 的帖子

阿仔唔叻, 只係我地肯放手比佢做, 基本上14個月大我地已經要佢收拾玩具(工人不可幫手), 所以在家中他是最有"手尾"的人.  就算趕住出街佢都會堅持先收拾玩具.  依家每個月都會自己走去洗波鞋及更換床單!  講真, 呢d事個個小朋友都做到, 只係父母覺得有工人又何必要自己動手咁傻!  有時間不如上多幾個英文/公文數/國語重好!

讀邊間小一無謂講喇, 只可以說有幸入到我們最心儀的dss 龍校.  不過我地仍會努力去叩某村校, 好讓兩兄妹可一同讀書方便照顧(妹妹讀緊n2).  現在考慮應否考劍橋試作提高叩門機會,因不想大細辛苦.

作者: 仔仔錫錫你    時間: 12-3-3 00:07

回復 Mighty 的帖子

係呀佢地真係玩架!  好似開洗衣机,涼衫+摺衫每星期最少玩兩次, 玩左差不多近2年, 玩左無200次都一定有180次以上, 睇怕重會玩多2年先停手.  講開又講, 女仔真係比男仔細心d, 妹妹每次涼衫前都會先把衫反好才涼衫(無人教佢咁做), 哥哥只會摺衫時才會把衫反好.

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