
標題: 詢問大家意見,極急! 聖瑪加利大 (AM) / 聖心 (PM) [打印本頁]

作者: wing724    時間: 12-5-7 14:00     標題: 詢問大家意見,極急! 聖瑪加利大 (AM) / 聖心 (PM)

本帖最後由 wing724 於 12-5-8 10:51 編輯

詢問大家意見,極急! (剛收到SMM通知, waiting收了囡囡AM)

<< 聖瑪加利大 (AM) / 聖心 (PM) >>


作者: gwlam    時間: 12-5-7 14:19

I still vote for SH
作者: McBonnie    時間: 12-5-7 14:20

SH as has primary backup
作者: tanglulu    時間: 12-5-7 15:14

of course SH
作者: siden    時間: 12-5-7 15:29     標題: 回覆:詢問大家意見,極急! 聖瑪加利大 (AM) / 聖心 (PM)



作者: wing724    時間: 12-5-7 15:35

回復 siden 的帖子

作者: joanie731    時間: 12-5-7 16:03

作者: wing724    時間: 12-5-7 16:07

其實大家揀SH, 而唔揀SMM的原因係......
作者: gwlam    時間: 12-5-7 16:14

本帖最後由 gwlam 於 12-5-7 16:22 編輯

SH係一間有150年歴史嘅老牌Band 1一條龍名校,老中青個個都識。而且SH嘅學生競争力會大d, 因爲課程較深。
作者: gwlam    時間: 12-5-7 16:18

SMM學生大都住net 12, 大都係派返net 12津校。但派位唔關讀邊間幼稚園事,無保証。
作者: whybanme    時間: 12-5-7 17:35

wing724 發表於 12-5-7 14:00


作者: TYBB1    時間: 12-5-7 21:40     標題: 回覆:whybanme 的帖子


作者: whybanme    時間: 12-5-8 00:37

TYBB1 發表於 12-5-7 21:40

作者: sarubuta    時間: 12-5-8 08:56     標題: 引用:Quote:TYBB1+發表於+12-5-7+21:40+可否分享

原帖由 whybanme 於 12-05-08 發表


作者: gwlam    時間: 12-5-8 09:16

作者: creamsicle    時間: 12-5-8 10:20

咁第時樓主自行收生填表,係唔係要填SH 1st choice?
如果填左net12 D Marymount/St Paul做1st/2nd choice,係唔係唔夠誠意? 等同放棄花三年讀SH既保險?
如果填SH做1st choice,要入心儀的Marymount/St Paul單靠lottery風險又太過大.
作者: wing724    時間: 12-5-8 10:22

作者: hellocheese    時間: 12-5-8 10:44

作者: ymjoy    時間: 12-5-8 10:45

SH la, 雖然我都好鐘意SMM, 但如果我係你, 我都會選SH ^^
作者: wing724    時間: 12-5-8 10:50

本身住筲箕灣, 未有細佬妹, 將來P1會在Net 12校網 (因CWB有屋), 仍在懊惱中, 麻煩大家啊~~~
作者: happy3988    時間: 12-5-8 10:53

回復 ymjoy 的帖子

will all SH kg students 100%(mainly) be accepted to entre into its Primary?  I guess both am & pm primary schools will give advantage to SH kg students. Besides, I like the half day school arrangement for SH primary coz most of Primary schools nowaday are in full time.
作者: Sumyeema1    時間: 12-5-8 11:21

wing724 發表於 12-5-8 10:50
本身住筲箕灣, 未有細佬妹, 將來P1會在Net 12校網 (因CWB有屋), 仍在懊惱中, 麻煩大家啊~~~ ...

我唔明點解你唔鐘意 SH 呢?
大家幾乎一面倒 vote for SH

SH 系好多媽咪即 dream school
課程好 + 有小學 backup
中學 band 1 頭
你其他兩個 offer - SMM / 寶血
都唔可以保証你入到 SH 小學啦

你有 20 分 + Net12 住址
SH 可以俾你抽政府學校
甘你可以到時再睇下可唔可以抽到好 + free 即小學

俾我,就一定選一間有小學 backup 即幼稚園

p.s. 我同 SH 無關系

作者: hellocheese    時間: 12-5-8 11:21

回復 wing724 的帖子

作者: wing724    時間: 12-5-8 11:26

回復 Sumyeema1 的帖子

我再問, 只係因為剛收smm的WAITING有AM offer的關係
作者: wing724    時間: 12-5-8 11:30

creamsicle 發表於 12-5-8 10:20
咁第時樓主自行收生填表,係唔係要填SH 1st choice?
如果填左net12 D Marymount/St Paul做1st/2nd choice, ...

作者: gwlam    時間: 12-5-8 11:50

本帖最後由 gwlam 於 12-5-8 11:55 編輯

我唔明嘅係聖心小學其實唔差得過net 12嘅小學,點解樓主甘堅持揀小學時聖心只係大後備? 自行如果揀聖心,收咗咪大抽奬net 12試試運氣lor. 但如果你好eager自行要揀mary mount / st. francis / st. paul catholic primary因當自行同大抽奬都唔中時叩門有advantage, that means 你都唔多想入聖心小學,甘就唔好晒大家時間,放返聖心個位出黎比真正想讀聖心嘅人。
作者: gwlam    時間: 12-5-8 12:03

myfanwy  你意思係自行收左仲可以大抽獎?
Oh, sorry. 說錯了。應該係私立部收咗,照抽net 12.
作者: myfanwy    時間: 12-5-8 12:03

作者: wing724    時間: 12-5-8 12:06

回復 myfanwy 的帖子

作者: markbean    時間: 12-5-8 12:12

creamsicle 發表於 12-5-8 10:20
咁第時樓主自行收生填表,係唔係要填SH 1st choice?
如果填左net12 D Marymount/St Paul做1st/2nd choice, ...

學校係會幫咗FIRST CHOICE選聖心而又入唔番聖心的小朋友先架, 以我所知係咁.
作者: happy3988    時間: 12-5-8 12:16

回復 markbean 的帖子

To me, SH is already a very best kg, primary and secondary in terms of academic and moral education.  It will be more or less the same as when compared with MM, St Francis & St Paul Catholic Church.  The only difference is its am primary need to pay school fee but its fee is acceptable and fair enough!
作者: fefemom    時間: 12-5-8 12:26

I have been following the various posts. I guess you need to ask yourselves (you, your husband and possibly also your daughter): do you target on SH private, SH primary govt-aided section or one of the three Catholic girls' schools in Net 12 in three years time.

If you target on SH private section, then pure mathematics gives a conclusion that >50% of the SHCK students will get in. If your daughter fails that, you still have a good chance of govt-aided section and waiting. So SHCK gives you this advantage.

In three years time, 20 marks is no guarantee in 自行 (I think that's most likely as the birth rate is getting higher and higher each year). If you target on SH primary, then being 一心一意, you better put SH in 自行, if fail, then also SH in 抽奬甲一 (in case you need to 叩門SH -touch wood) and one of the three Net 12 schools in 抽奬乙一.

If you target on the Net 12 schools, you have 3 stages in applying to Net 12 Catholic girls's school. To show your sincerity, maybe putting the same school for 自行, 抽奬甲一,抽奬乙一 should be a safe strategy. Then the safety net of SH primary does not apply, as you are not putting it in 自行, 抽奬甲一 (if you are admitted by SH private section is another story). In that case, studying in SHCK may not give you an advantage in the Net 12 schools in 叩門, if your daughter is unlucky and doesn't get a place in the target school(s). Rumours go that SMM has advantage at this stage. (Though I always wonder if St. Francis takes into account SHCK is also a Canossian school....).

I can understand that travelling time is a concern for parents, especially for kids of 3-6. Also, to me, kindergarten is more than a door to primary school, each kindergarten is different and that should also be a factor in consideration.

Trust God will guide you to the best choice. Good luck.

(抄襲Ian: Just my personal opinion)
作者: 蕃薯仔媽媽    時間: 12-5-8 12:29     標題: 回覆:詢問大家意見,極急! 聖瑪加利大 (AM) / 聖心 (PM)

今時今曰幫小朋友搵幼稚園,搵間有小學backup真係好重要,有埋中學就最very good, 靠教育局,靠搞珠,家長好易死於心臟病

作者: whybanme    時間: 12-5-8 21:55

happy3988 發表於 12-5-8 10:53
回復 ymjoy 的帖子

will all SH kg students 100%(mainly) be accepted to entre into its Primary?  I gu ...
If you have faith, 100% chance to get into AM or PM primary

作者: wing724    時間: 12-5-9 13:25

Thanks for ALL your comments, finally I got my right turn now
作者: Sumyeema1    時間: 12-5-9 16:10

wing724 發表於 12-5-9 13:25
Thanks for ALL your comments, finally I got my right turn now

sorry wing724,

我出 post 時太心急

你個女好 smart
考到幾間好 kg
你最后揀邊一間都好, 一定好多 BK 媽咪多謝你

因為有小學做 backup, 真系煩少好多野
我有朋友, 仔仔讀港島出名 kg
去年要考 10+ 小學
k2 開始就要鋪排
之后,不停 open day/briefing/1st int /2nd int
再來一封又一封 reject / waiting letter...

點解 d 學校唔收我?



6月2日 可能仲要扣門...

作者: stepyau    時間: 12-5-9 17:54

SH 同 SMM都是好學校,但SH有暗龍,自然讓家長煩少好多。
我的問題是 蘇浙 pm vs SMM am。雖然蘇幼有蘇小back up,但並不是guarantee,同時,也不算是最心儀的小學。SMM派位往績好,但人人都話幼稚園與小學派位是沒有關係的(有朋友說20分要抽的學校未是不是真的抽是一個謎,另外叩門階段可能有dd優勢)。

雖然我都幾肯定會take SMM,不過每當朋友建議我要考慮清楚,我内心都不禁有d動搖,怕做錯決定。

作者: hellocheese    時間: 12-5-9 18:06


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