標題: 想請教各位對Oxford Reading Tree有研究的媽媽們 [打印本頁]
作者: usakumya 時間: 12-10-7 04:25 標題: 想請教各位對Oxford Reading Tree有研究的媽媽們
A. Songbirds 是學Phonics
B. 是關於Biff丶Cxxx丶Kipper的故事
C. Read at Home
D. ?
E. TreeTops(我猜是ORT系列中最高Level)
F. ?
G. Glow worms內容以poems為主
H. ?
Read at Home是給小朋友在家裡自己看的,Story Tree則是香港版的ORT
但大家談論的stage 1-11的ORT系列,封面到底是如何的?
又聽過有些書後有遊戲,有些沒有丶有些會跟exercise book丶CD
作者: A-Mum 時間: 12-10-7 09:29
A. 故事薄弱,用字以可拼讀為主,適合練習 phonics skills, 重讀性不高,建議去圖書館借
B. workbook 喎,唔係故事呀!
D. E. 程度高好多喇
G. 讀下 poems 都好,不過唔一定要呢套,入面應該係無 Biff, Chip, Kipper 的
F. 就係多數人講嘅 ORT
H. 係 F 嘅舊版,內容一樣,轉咗封面、字體
C. Read At Home:supposedly 用嚟補充 ORT,不過無乜所謂嘅。主角一樣,故事不同。有啲小遊戲氹下小朋友。我附近間圖書館借 Read At Home 易過 ORT,不過淘寶買 Read At Home 又易又平;自己唸唸。
你套圖無 OST?OST 用 present tense, 有家長鍾意,因為好多小學係教 present tense 先。我自己唔鍾意,因為故事係發生咗嘅,應該要用 past tense ie ORT. 同埋越來越多小朋友小一前已睇完 ORT 1-9, 小一學甚麼影響不大,不如學啲 proper 啲嘅。
ORT 加 Read At Home 已經有好多本,買啲借啲啦,去下圖書館可以搵下唔同種類嘅書添,讀得多,讀得廣,會識多啲生字。
作者: usakumya 時間: 12-10-10 03:08
回復 A-Mum 的帖子
Oxford Reading Tree
我本來打算買ORT, 因在淘寶上算是最平
找到一家STAGE 1-9有218本,而且有MP3檔送
作者: desmondsk 時間: 12-10-10 11:27
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hello, could u pm the seller at taobao? want to buy too.
作者: A-Mum 時間: 12-10-10 14:46
我啲小朋友睇 ORT 已經年幾前了,我買書時,沒有現在這樣複習的!
之前佢地鍾意嘅,應該係依家嘅 Biff, Chip & Kipper classic stories, 你再 check 下啦
作者: HKTHK 時間: 12-10-11 03:32
I have tried to learn about the various Oxford published books and here is what I have found out. For others who are more knowledgeable, please feel free to correct me.
Oxford publishes many many different series. They are published for different markets and the main ones I have found are the UK ones and the HK ones.
For the UK ones, most are listed under the link that you have (http://www.oxfordreadingtree.com/chart/) and I will try to go through each of the series listed. Floppy's Phonics (with sub-series Phonic Stories, More Phonic Stories, Non-fiction, Sounds and Letters) are meant to be used by either teachers in schools or parents at home to teach phonics to their kids. These books are primarily for kids to learn how to pronounce the various phonics and to practice blending. I did not choose to teach my kids phonics myself and I didn't find these very helpful. If you choose to teach phonics yourself, these can be useful as they have books, flash cards, CD-roms, Handbook on how to teach, .... to facilitate the teaching. I have seen them at ETC Educational Technology in Tai Koo Shing though you may have to order ahead of time.
ORT Decode and Develop and Biff, Chip and Kipper Classic Stories are both stories about the characters Biff, Chip and Kipper and their family and are both leveled readers for kids transitioning from blending phonics to pronounce words to reading. The Classic Stories have been around for some time and are what people usually refer to as ORT but since they were written pre-phonics time, they do not fit well into the whole phonic system as phonics are taught in a certain order and if one hasn't studied that particular phonemes, the child will have a tough time reading the book. In the front cover of these books, it will say which words should be pronounceable by kids at this particular level and often, there aren't that many words. The Decode and Develop series is written to fill this gap so that children at a particular level can still enjoy Kipper stories and also use phonemes that they know to pronounce specific words so that they can decode the words themselves.
Traditional Tales are similar to Decode and Develop but these do not use the popular Biff, Chip and Kipper characters and instead are tales from around the world but are still written for particular phonic levels.
Songbirds is another series of leveled phonic books that are written by Julia Donaldson and the books come with CD-Rom.
Snapdragons are levelled fiction stories and Glow-worms are levelled poetry serving similar purposes though I am not sure how tied-in they are with the phonics learning program.
One series that I believe is from the UK but not included in the chart is the Read at Home series which was for kids to bring home to read with parents since Biff, Chip and Kipper stories are usually taught at school. From a leaflet that I have, there are two Read at Home series (First Experience and First Skills). These are more basic books with First Skills covering topics like colors and shapes and First Experience covering specific situations like At the Dentist or On a Plane.
ETC Tech mentioned above carries some of the titles above but Greenfield probably has a bigger selection especially the Biff, Chip and Kipper Classic Stories and they sell it with a CD.
作者: HKTHK 時間: 12-10-11 03:46
As for the HK ones, you can look it up on Oxford's HK website here (http://www.oupchina.com.hk/elt/reading/parents/catalogue.pdf). The second and third to last pages in this file has a list of all the various series of books and their appropriate grade levels. Will go through just the ones I am familiar with.
Oxford Story Tree is similar to ORT but with a different tense and also more American English. Some of the stories are the same as ORT though the overall selection is less. While I personally prefer American English, I chose ORT since it has a larger selection and kids can go through a couple of books a day. Have not tried to look for these but supposedly, they are available from Commercial Press and 教協.
Oxford Storyland Readers are levelled readers with exercises inside the books to test comprehension. It is usually a story in the front followed by a bit of non-fiction (at least for the higher levels). I borrowed many of them from the library and find them to be quite useful. Don't buy them though as I doubt the kids would like to read the same book more than once or twice.
作者: kittytyl 時間: 12-10-19 14:47 標題: 回覆:想請教各位對Oxford Reading Tree有研究的媽媽們
有冇人知read at home 同read with biff chip and kipper 有咩分別?
如果2歲人仔,剛開始買ORT, read at home or read with biff 系列好?
作者: himuimui 時間: 12-10-20 10:38
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作者: usakumya 時間: 12-11-7 08:11
本帖最後由 usakumya 於 12-11-7 08:14 編輯
回復 HKTHK 的帖子
1. 大家口中的ORT就是Biff, Chip, Kipper Classic Stories
2. 所以後來增加了ORT Decode and Develop來填補ORT本身的不足
3. ORT以外,oxford出了很多系列的書:
Read at Home丶songbirds丶Traditional tales丶Floopy's phonics丶Glow worms丶Fireflies等等
1. ORT的Biff, Chip, Kipper Classic Stories 中, stage 3和4 另外還配了一套sparrows系列
2. Read at home 後來改了版, 變成了read with biff,chip and kipper, 內容不知是否仍是一樣
1. 我英文不太好,是否所有formal english 的故事都是用past tense寫成的呢?
以前小學學英文,初初用present tense後來用past tense,我到現在才知外國人不會這樣做。
但我之前翻過幾本英文故事書,有部分也是用present tense,是否表示這些書是香港出版的呢?
2. floopy's phonics是否用來學phonics發音,而songbirds只是用phonics system寫的故事?
3. 我已買了read with biff,chip and kipper, 但不知需不需要再買一套phoncis相關的系列呢?
在考慮songbirds中,因我很喜歡julia donaldson寫的書,但songbirds內容好像比她平時寫的書要簡單很多
我覺得沒有dr seuss的書那麼易讀和有趣,也沒有julia平時寫的書那麼有故事性
我想知小朋友真的會喜歡嗎? 因為ORT的插圖沒有繪本那麼吸引,內容也比較零碎(我個人認為)
小朋友不是都應該喜歡像ERIC CARLE丶Anita Jeram畫的繪本這樣的嗎?
相比之下,小朋友會不會對ORT完全沒興趣呢? (因我家有很多繪本)
我每次拿OST和ladybirds的peter and jane讀過給5個月的兒子聽, 他只聽幾分鐘便不耐煩的哭了
反而dr seuss和其他較大本和多字的書,他聽得津津有味,可以聽上半個小時可能嬰兒和幼兒喜愛的會有所不同?
4. ORT的無字書,大家一般都是甚麼時候開始用的? 會用中文還是英文?
stage 1+那些一頁只有一句的, 會不會很快讀完所以沒興趣看? 還是小朋友喜歡讀一句研究完圖畫才翻下一頁看?
作者: HKTHK 時間: 12-11-7 13:35
本帖最後由 HKTHK 於 13-11-28 12:28 編輯
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1) I don't really pay much attention to tense when I read with my children. I do think ORT and OST uses different tenses as someone has mentioned it in another post. I actually think the children will start to pick up on it once they become more context aware and develop their sense of language.
2) Under Floppy's phonics, there are several series. There is "Sound and Letters" which is to teach the sound of the various phonemes and some blending as well. There are also "Phonic Stories" and "Non-fiction" which are just reading materials with the stage-appropriate phonic words (i.e. you will not encounter as many phonemes that have not been taught by that stage). Songbirds seems to be similar to "Phonic Stories" but by another author.
3) My kid likes Dr Seuss a lot too but I think the words are more difficult so she can't read it by herself. It is still good choral reading material though since it rhymes. My daughter read several books a day so I just mix it up. If yours lose interest, may be he want something more advanced in the ORT series or you can always let him explore in the library?
4) I think if no pictures, almost as soon as you would like? You are doing the reading anyway. And I would imagine most kids like to be read stories. The stage1+ books are simple but kids like to go back and re-read from time to time since they are familiar with it. Once they memorize the book, they also like to show you that they can read and be the one to tell the story.
As for reading technique, I think you should take a book at websites like Bring Me a Book Hong Kong or readingrockets.
作者: usakumya 時間: 12-12-1 02:54
HKTHK 發表於 12-11-7 13:35
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1) I don't really pay much attention to tense when I read with my children. I ...
作者: HKTHK 時間: 12-12-1 11:22
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Thank you, I have not seen that before. Greenfield also has several series of good Chinese books. Definitely worth a trip to their office.
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