
標題: 請教各前輩:小學SFA定APS好? [打印本頁]

作者: Lung12345    時間: 13-1-4 00:42     標題: 請教各前輩:小學SFA定APS好?

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作者: vickychmama    時間: 13-1-4 09:52     標題: 回覆:請教各前輩:小學SFA定APS好?

Aps better
Sfa drop a lot recently as per sfa parent info

作者: MCGC    時間: 13-1-12 15:22     標題: 回覆:Lung12345 的帖子

教學方法不同,APS教淺考深SFA教深考深.  升中派位而言近年男生APS佔優但女生無大分別.  APS上私校直資中學較多,SFA上官津較多.  APS音樂出衆,SFA資優學生較多.  稍提一下SFA尖子多於未畢業前已轉往大部分人心目中的超級名私校、直資、官津,只比較升中派位並不全面.

作者: gogoweb    時間: 13-1-12 21:20

本帖最後由 gogoweb 於 13-1-12 21:22 編輯


作者: chanpa    時間: 13-1-12 21:28


作者: cellon    時間: 13-1-12 21:38

本帖最後由 cellon 於 13-1-12 21:41 編輯
Lung12345 發表於 13-1-4 00:42



作者: MCGC    時間: 13-1-13 01:00     標題: 回覆:cellon 的帖子

女生差不多,男生APS較好.  據知近兩年APS排球隊被DBS 差不多全隊接收,原因無需注明,因此APS考入男拔由8-9人增至19人.  女生兩校升入SPCC及DGS人數相若,不分高下.  而MCS出名愛接收SFA及GH插班生.  同意有運動音樂獎項(並適用者)會加分, 所以近年APS升DBS成績確實impress.  樓主小孩是男是女? 運動音樂是否賦有天份?  家中是否有資源作額外栽培?  還是認為讀好書才是真諦?  考慮中學時是純粹想考入該些極具名氣中學(因此主攻運動音樂及獎項), 還是以考入大學為終極目標?  這些都影響閣下決定.  稍提一下大學還是只看成績,不計音樂與運動,隨非您想另找出路.

作者: MCGC    時間: 13-1-13 01:43     標題: 回覆:請教各前輩:小學SFA定APS好?

另補充SFA只有約三份一是女生, APS約6:4,因此升中數基亦不同, SFA是英小, APS是中小(但不代表英文不好), 考慮時應注意.

作者: Lung12345    時間: 13-1-13 09:44

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作者: ChiChiPaPa    時間: 13-1-13 11:19

作者: TKO2040    時間: 13-1-13 11:37

APS去男拔要靠運動才藝, 成績優良好多考唔到.
作者: TTMA    時間: 13-1-16 07:24     標題: 回覆:請教各前輩:小學SFA定APS好?

Of course APS ,

作者: peterdad    時間: 13-1-16 09:40

作者: Glau    時間: 13-1-16 10:29

要入到top band 1 既中學, 間間私小都一樣谷, 亦有小朋友派得唔好, 你可以比較埋地區,學費,宗教, 課外活動等...啱唔啱你地.  I vote APS  
作者: woodst    時間: 13-1-16 10:54

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作者: isila    時間: 13-1-16 13:00

不過聽聞今年SFA小六畢業男生已經20個收到DBS offer, 有冇SFA家長可以求證下?
作者: KikiDaddy    時間: 13-1-22 11:35

本帖最後由 KikiDaddy 於 13-1-23 07:58 編輯

My son is a P1 student of SFA. It is hard to tell which school is better. We chose SFA over APS just because we thought it is more suitable to my son.

Based on the impression during interviews, APS students are more polite and disciplined while SFA kids are more energetic and outgoing. My son's characters seems to fit in SFA better. Besides, music is not just a extra-curriculum activity in SFA. You need to devote lots of time in music learning. My son didn't show enough enthusiasm in music as he got so many interests.

Regarding the secondary school allocation, I don't think SFA is inferior to APS. In 2012, there were 101 boys in P6 of SFA. More than 20 boys were allocated to top band one schools: -

LS - 6
DBS - 5
QC - 4
SJC - 2
KC - 1
Lam Woo - 1

Besides, about 60 second tier boys were accepted by other solid band one schools like YW (3), WY (21), SPC (2), SFX (6), CSW Catholic (11) and etc.

My observations from the above allocation are that:

1. More SFA students are allocated to government / subsidised schools than DSS. If your target secondary school is SPCC / DBS. APS should be better; and
2. The impact of school net is not that important.

作者: hi999999    時間: 13-1-22 22:34

My son is an old boy of SFA.
The student's English level is superior than others.
He is now studying in a band 1B subsidised schools, the ranking in the class is superior, even he is not studying hard.

Actually, every school is a good school. It depends on "what the parents want?"
作者: cellon    時間: 13-1-22 23:27

Lung12345 發表於 13-1-4 00:42

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