
標題: 英式, 美式, 港式英語, 咩式英語最好 [打印本頁]

作者: lee.joyce    時間: 13-1-19 14:24     標題: 英式, 美式, 港式英語, 咩式英語最好

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作者: kaede    時間: 13-1-20 19:47

haha... 我淨係知港式英語一定唔係最好!
作者: lee.joyce    時間: 13-1-21 15:08

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作者: wolfssss    時間: 13-1-24 17:47

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作者: lee.joyce    時間: 13-1-26 16:49

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作者: elmostoney    時間: 13-1-26 18:31

不論英式定美式, 都係neutral accent 呢回事, 即係等於普通話都有 "標準".

我唔介意美式, 因為我自己係美國讀書.  香港人要求英式都係因為殖民地歷史原因.  真正neutral嘅口音, 就係新聞報導個d, 而某d 地方又會比較neutral.  老實講, 要聽scotland 口音英文又或英國某d其他地方, 唔係所謂 standard, 一樣係超難聽.  

好多藝人, 因為要演一d角式必須帶某種口音, 如 Vivian Leigh, 佢係英國人, 但係佢演gone with the wind 嘅角色, 就被要求要學美國南部口音, 其實都唔易架.  好多時佢地會請埋coach特登教 -- 純粹係分享下.

明珠台有BBC紀錄片, 都係英國旁述.  早論我見到亞視有做dr who, pearl都有套唔知物野 酒店 drama, 又會做downtown abbey, 都係英國嘅, 但你未必想比小朋友睇.
作者: 阿早!    時間: 13-2-5 22:37

現今世界大都以美國為首, 美式英語比較流行, 點解仲要堅持學英式

我當年上IPA, 問過老師現今小朋友應該學英式定美式好, 佢話應該美式對佢入學做事較為有利。
作者: caramelpudding    時間: 13-2-6 15:56     標題: 引用:同意,+真係有些香港人好介意,+其實都係那些

原帖由 lee.joyce 於 13-01-26 發表
同意, 真係有些香港人好介意, 其實都係那些A-Z的英文字母.
幼稚園, 都有澳洲英文老師, 美國英文老師, 本地 ...

作者: jasonso0923    時間: 13-2-21 02:28

作者: raytsui    時間: 13-3-15 11:11

呢個係好多人會煩惱的問題,有好多FD煩Disney World/Oxford Path......
作者: edith208    時間: 13-3-15 15:29

Be consistent: if you start with an American accent, you use it throughout together with the spelling; otherwise, there is no standard English among native speakers. HK people speaking with a slight HK accent is not a sin.
作者: edith208    時間: 13-3-15 15:33

本帖最後由 edith208 於 13-3-15 15:34 編輯

HK students speaking with an American accent mainly roll their tongue to say the strong "rr" sound and say "chance" and "dance" with /ae/ instead of /a/ as well as speaking with a strong nasal pronunciation. The rest is not clear at all e.g. plant -- they don't say /plaent/
作者: edith208    時間: 13-3-15 15:34

HK students speaking with an American accent mainly roll their tongue to say the strong "rr" sound and say "chance" and "dance" with /ae/ instead of /a/ as well as speaking with a strong nasal pronunciation. The rest is not clear at all e.g. plant -- they don't say /plaent/
作者: cchealthy    時間: 13-3-16 00:46     標題: 回覆:英式, 美式, 港式英語, 咩式英語最好

Same same for me

作者: whitepenguin    時間: 13-3-17 02:32

本帖最後由 whitepenguin 於 13-3-17 02:33 編輯

If just for the purpose of communication, then as long as what is being said is understandable (fluency helps of course) then all of the above are fine.

If you are asking about the reputation of these accents, generally most would consider the English accent more refined, but as mentioned above this really applies to the "posh" English accent and not, for example, the cockney accent (London East End - working class accent).  

American English (again the reference here is general and not, for example, the Southern accent) is more common internationally and many find it easier to understand.  It can be considered more "hip" in certain countries and among certain age groups.

Personally, I think it is not so much the accent but how one speaks that matters.

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