
標題: 繁體中文 [打印本頁]

作者: GentooMama    時間: 13-5-24 03:21     標題: 繁體中文

Which international school teaches traditional Chinese?
作者: HKTHK    時間: 13-5-24 16:12

回復 GentooMama 的帖子

Please do a search.  This question has been answered many times and is asked on a monthly basis.
作者: GentooMama    時間: 13-5-24 23:36

HKTHK 發表於 13-5-24 16:12
回復 GentooMama 的帖子

Please do a search.  This question has been answered many times and is asked ...
I have been in this forum for several months and did not notice any discussion about traditional Chinese here. Even when I type in 繁體中文in the search above, I come up with nothing aout this topic. If you don't like people asking a certain topic, you can simply skip it. There is no need to make sarcastic comment. Here is an open forum. Anyone asking a question here is just sincerely seeking for answer but not preparing to be mocked at. Please respect the participants here
作者: poonseelai    時間: 13-5-24 23:53

http://www.edu-kingdom.com/searc ... mp;searchsubmit=yes

The above may help
作者: HKTHK    時間: 13-5-24 23:53

回復 GentooMama 的帖子

Do you know how to read?  My response was hardly sarcastic or mocking.  Someone asked the exact same question starting a new thread in April.  So if you can read, you should be able to find it very easily.  But let me be sarcastic now.  There is a wonderful service started many years ago that allow a person to search the internet called Google.  Try it, it may save you from your ignorance.
作者: GentooMama    時間: 13-5-24 23:59

poonseelai 發表於 13-5-24 23:53
http://www.edu-kingdom.com/search.php?mod=forum&searchid=1717&orderby=lastpost&ascdesc=desc&searchsu ...
Thank you so much for your genuine help. However, in your thread, there is only one discussion on this. I don't know whether it is update or not. It is because it seems hat Anfield also teaches in traditional Chinese but not mentioned in the thread that you have mentioned. Anyone knows if there are more
作者: GentooMama    時間: 13-5-25 00:06

HKTHK 發表於 13-5-24 23:53
回復 GentooMama 的帖子

Do you know how to read?  My response was hardly sarcastic or mocking.  Some ...
Sorry feeling being mocked is a feeling. It is not a matter of reading. It is how the other expressed and perceived. I think you are the one who can't read. I have stated clearly that this is an open forum and if you don't like the topic, you can skip it. You does not offer help but instead saying this topic is repeatedly discussed in a monthly basis. Sorry I am not a regular user of google in seeking opinion about parenting. I rather trust more sincere help and sharing in this forum and this topic is definitely not repeating every month no matter how hard you try to search here.I don't mind admitting I am confused or ignorant in this aspect for I really ask this question simply because I don't see a lot of discussion here or updated information. Being ignorant is better than being arrogant. i hope you can read this. Please respect the participants here.

作者: GentooMama    時間: 13-5-25 00:08

poonseelai 發表於 13-5-24 23:53
http://www.edu-kingdom.com/search.php?mod=forum&searchid=1717&orderby=lastpost&ascdesc=desc&searchsu ...
Sorry I mean just one discussion in this year. The others are 2011 or before.
作者: Littleho    時間: 13-5-25 00:17     標題: 回覆:繁體中文

A better way to find out is to check the websites or even enquire the school administration office , because things do change . For example , Cdnis used to teach traditional Chinese , started to offer simplified Chinese for some classes . On the other hand , I heard one IS used to offer simplified Chinese for all students , have recently started offering traditional Chinese to the most capable class .

作者: HKTHK    時間: 13-5-25 00:28

回復 GentooMama 的帖子

I actually gave you the answer you want but your reading comprehension, or the lack thereof, is failing you.  I said and will repeat that someone asked the exact same question in this exact same forum in April 2013, i.e. 1 month ago.  Would you like instructions on how to turn to the next few pages of topics in 國際學校?  Or do you think information from a month ago might be stale already?

作者: GentooMama    時間: 13-5-25 00:28

Littleho 發表於 13-5-25 00:17
A better way to find out is to check the websites or even enquire the school administration office , ...
Thanks. I admit that I am a bit lazy but this is not stated in many school websites. Also I have sent this question via email to some international school but they don't reply. For example, I have emailed this to Kellet school but they don't reply. I know Hong Lok Yuen International school and Anfield teaches traditional Chinese. That's one reason I preferred these two schools. Just want to see if there are other options. ESF teaches simplified Chinese. So there seems not much choices. I have a friend's kid studying in IS which teaches simplified Chinese and he admitted that he could not read traditional Chinese and it is very difficult to learn it now. I predefined Kowloon or New territories and therefore even less choices.
作者: GentooMama    時間: 13-5-25 00:32

回復 HKTHK 的帖子

One month ago = monthly! Wow! My comprehension really needs to be improved! Please refer to your first response to my topic.
作者: HKTHK    時間: 13-5-25 00:37

回復 GentooMama 的帖子

It actually does and FattyDaddy thinks weekly.  Do you think you are the first parent in HK smart enough to look into which IS teaches in traditional Chinese?  Or the one not smart enough to use the search function?  
作者: GentooMama    時間: 13-5-25 00:39

回復 HKTHK 的帖子

Also I have already explained to you that I have typed in 繁體中文and the other jm typed in traditional Chinese and none of these two searches gave the thread that you mentioned. Is it a sin or crime to miss one thread one month ago? I don't mean to argue. I just can't understand why a simple question even if it is repeated one month ago would attract the other's attack. Why can't you just simply give me the thread or remind me in which month there is the same topic at the very beginning? I thought the jm here is always helpful and don't mind others apparently foolish questions. We always encourage our children to ask but your response is simply too discouraging.
作者: HKTHK    時間: 13-5-25 00:56

回復 GentooMama 的帖子

This will be my last response in this thread since your responses are just too painful and/or ridiculous to read.
The thread I am referring to has the exact same words "繁體中文" in its topic and is on page 4.

It is not a crime to miss a thread.  But have you wondered why no one responded to your topic all day despite all the traffic?  Could it be that a lot of the regulars or those "in-the-know" couldn't be bothered with another repetitive question that is asked all the time?  I am actually the first one who made an effort to respond and tell you that the answer is readily available and can be easily find through searching.

Not to mention my first response did not "attack" you in anyway.  I said please use search and stated the reasons why you should do so.  You are the one who called me names and tag me as sarcastic and mocking.

Next time, maybe you should learn to evaluate other's response and try to understand what they are trying to tell you.  Calling others "sarcastic", "mocking" and "arrogant" due to your own ignorance is just rude.

作者: GentooMama    時間: 13-5-25 01:23

HKTHK 發表於 13-5-25 00:56
回復 GentooMama 的帖子

This will be my last response in this thread since your responses are just t ...
Great because this will also be my last statement to clear this. I have already admitted that I have missed the thread that you pointed out in April. I apologize for missing that thread. However, what is your response at the beginning? You said it is asked in monthly basis. How come a thread last month become a monthly basis. Can you please point out where in each month this is discussed? Can you just simply guide me to that thread like the other jm did? My comprehension and perception of this act is mocking. You can just take me as an idiot which I don't mind. But is helping an idiot such a difficult task ? Not helping an idiot is not rude? I never say I am smart but I now know this forum cannot accommodate any ignorant person. It is fine if others think this topic is repetitive and not respond. At least others know to react the freedom of speech in this forum. Interesting topic will go on and less attractive one will simply fade out. This is the essence of this forum. But now there seems to have another judge who can determine others' speech or question is smart enough or not ignorant?Answering to your accusation is also so painful. Parent sharing ideas and questions here are all out of good will and I hope the other jm can continue your generous help

作者: GentooMama    時間: 13-5-25 01:28

Thank you so much for the jm (poonseelai and littleho) kindly pointing out the source that I can look up. I wil continue my research not daring to ask here . Can we just accept others' ignorance or not that smart questions? I better close up this topic la. Next time if you want to ask this question, remember to look into this thread and know some people hate this question so much.
作者: shadeslayer    時間: 13-5-25 11:42     標題: 引用:Thank+you+so+much+for+the+jm+(poonseelai

原帖由 GentooMama 於 13-05-25 發表
Thank you so much for the jm (poonseelai and littleho) kindly pointing out the source that I can loo ...
People who hate these repetitive questions have a right to say so. Have a right to be annoyed. Freedom of speech, right?

作者: danielboy    時間: 13-6-3 12:09     標題: 回覆:GentooMama 的帖子

My child goes to Renaissance College where traditional Chinese is taught.

作者: cowmoon    時間: 13-6-3 14:35

本帖最後由 cowmoon 於 13-6-3 14:36 編輯

I am a bit annoyed by the discussion. As it's an open forum I just express what I think.

Well, it is really relative easily to search for the threads using those keywords. I just did the search using 10 seconds.


"Traditional Chinese"

I do not feel that HKTHK was sarcastic. Though it is an open forum, asking the same factual question repetitively is not of the best benefit to you and other EK parents. I suggest the best way is that you search for the old thread and ask for any update based on that thread - then it will not only "consume knowledge" but "build knowledge" ...

Students in IS are always challenged by teachers that they need to find their own answers instead of asking for help easily. It is the way of IS education. We as parents should try to appreciate that the teachers are not being sarcastic but really want them to learn to learn.


作者: GentooMama    時間: 13-6-3 22:34

danielboy 發表於 13-6-3 12:09
My child goes to Renaissance College where traditional Chinese is taught.
Thank you so much for your kind response. Tough I am a bit curious for ESF teach simplified Chinese. So how do kids taught in simplified Chinese adapt to traditional Chinese? I just guess some ESF kids will go to RC. Please correct me if I am wrong.
作者: GentooMama    時間: 13-6-3 22:45

I have already apologized for missing the thread in April which was the only thread asking about traditional Chinese in this year. The other one was last May. Is this topic really so repetitive? Is the topic repeating just once in a year so annoying? Sure I honor the freedom of speech and how different jm react and feel. It is just that I don't hope to see jm wasting your precious time on the discussion on whether this topic is so annoyingly repetitive because it won't help any jm at all. Or else it would become those thread please pm me..... So if you hate this thread, please simply ignore it. Not because of me. It is for the benefit of others.
Also I truly appreciate those who are so generous to share your experiences in the Chinese teaching medium again. Hope this topic won't bother anyone anymore.
作者: sayubemine    時間: 13-6-4 01:42

as i know, rc & cais use traditional one.
作者: danielboy    時間: 13-6-4 10:06

回復 GentooMama 的帖子

Yes some of them do have difficulties adapting to a traditional Chinese environment like Hong Kong.  My nephew and niece go to an ESF school where simplified Chinese is taught.  They do have problems reading Chinese characters that we see everyday in the streets, road signs, menus in restaurants, etc. I personally find it very annoying if I can't read Chinese characters in Hong Kong but they don't see it as a problem.  It's also harder to support the kids in Chinese learning because books/supplementary exercises written in simplified Chinese are very limited.

作者: GentooMama    時間: 13-6-4 10:41     標題: 引用:回復+GentooMama+的帖子 Yes+some+of+them

原帖由 danielboy 於 13-06-04 發表
回復 GentooMama 的帖子

Yes some of them do have difficulties adapting to a traditional Chinese envi ...
Yes and so I really hope my kid can be accepted in an IS which teach traditional Chinese. It looks very strange from foreigner's eyes that Chinese can't read those Chineae characters in historical building. I had friends from mainland asking me what was written in temple during traveling because they are in traditional characters . It is a pity

作者: 112200    時間: 13-6-4 10:43     標題: 回覆:GentooMama 的帖子

Hi GentooMama
May i share my view and experience. I knew quite some kids studying in IS which teach in simplified chinese. They have no problem in reading traditional chinese on street , resturant menu and even simple comic at all. As we have chance to see TC everywhere everyday in daily life unless the family does purpose limite the living and social circle for the kids. Second i always think .... Except hk, taiwan and macau, all over the world is adopting simplified chinese. I think SC is the trend anx at least follow the majority , unless any reason  kid must work in hk/tw/ macau. Further, even work in hk , last time i need to write chinese letter was a few years ago .  that why i think we should not limite our kid path by our own view or thinking path as a local .

作者: md23    時間: 13-6-4 12:57

GentooMama 發表於 13-6-4 10:41
Yes and so I really hope my kid can be accepted in an IS which teach traditional Chinese. It looks v ...

China is a country, HK is a city. There are way many people using simplified Chinese than Traditional Chinese. Simplified Chinese is much more useful in mainland China and overseas (more foreigners learn simplified Chinese if they do wanna pick up Chinese), traditional Chinese is more useful in HK and Taiwan. If you are sure you kid is definitely staying in these two places, go for it.
作者: GentooMama    時間: 13-6-4 15:01

The reasons why I prefer traditional Chinese, besides the reason that I have stated above, if you know traditional Chinese, you basically can read simplified Chinese without any problem but not vice versa. So I view it as an added value. Moreover, the beauty in Chinese is in traditional Chinese but not in simplified Chinese because the traditional Chinese is built on symbolic meaning and I hope my kid can appreciate global culture and also our own culture and languages. Sure in Hong Kong, unlike in mainland, kids would have more exposure in traditional Chinese and therefore probably can recognize the traditional Chinese character more easily than kids growing up in mainland. It is just always easier to learn simplified Chinese if you have acquired traditional Chinese but not the other way round. We are local family. So she may study abroad but still quite a high chance to work in HK. I don't know what her job maybe. If she wants to work in occupation which requires writing or reading large amount traditional Chinese, I just don't want to see her being restricted because of knowing just simplified Chinese. We always just want to give the best combination to kids if possible.

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