標題: 有關附加資料 (portfolio) [打印本頁]
作者: CheukC9 時間: 13-7-31 15:06 標題: 有關附加資料 (portfolio)
本帖最後由 CheukC9 於 13-7-31 15:06 編輯
想請問現任家長過去報st paul boys時有冇交portfolio? 我見佢話唔一定要交但又有guidelines交幾多。其實過去有冇人係冇交但都收咗架呢?
作者: hogwarts 時間: 13-8-3 12:48 標題: 回覆:CheukC9 的帖子
作者: CheukC9 時間: 13-8-5 15:56
回復 hogwarts 的帖子
作者: hogwarts 時間: 13-8-5 22:17
Many years ago, my son so called portfolio was only two pages with one photo.
It seems that Mrs. Chan judges boys by interview than portfolio.
For SPCPS, no need to produce anything more than as put down in the web. Mrs. Chan did complain once that those beautiful portfolios were not environmental friendly at all. Especially, there is no way to return all those folder.
Even this school has a lower number of applicants, with 5 pages per child, there are ten of thousand pieces of paper.
作者: Teresa 時間: 13-8-24 00:11
hogwarts 發表於 13-8-5 22:17
Many years ago, my son so called portfolio was only two pages with one photo.
It seems that Mrs. Ch ...
I will only prepare 2-pages for P1 application.
PS: It's the turn of my No. 2 this Sep.
作者: 556699 時間: 13-8-26 19:40 標題: 回覆:有關附加資料 (portfolio)
想懶就唔好整, 整咗唔係必收, 唔整亦唔係必輸, 整唔整自己決定, 問人冇用。
作者: Teresa 時間: 13-8-27 09:56 標題: 引用:回復+hogwarts+的帖子
原帖由 CheukC9 於 13-08-05 發表
回復 hogwarts 的帖子
我知道。我想要的不是指引,是想知道有冇人冇交過portfolio但最後都有被取錄。 ...
其實學校係睇interview performance多過portfolio. 唔交其實冇咩影響. 校長係個好practical嘅教育工作者. 佢其實唔鼓吹小朋友細細個就十項全能。
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