
標題: 收到Anfield offer, 急需意見! [打印本頁]

作者: tityting    時間: 13-11-9 14:47     標題: 收到Anfield offer, 急需意見!

今日收到Anfield N班offer. 要係11月15日前回覆是否接受,俾$14000 debenture.或者consider for round 2, no guarantee seat. 好矛盾,因我also applied York and St.Cat,未開始面試。我一直想阿仔讀國際學校,但好想請教各位媽媽讀完Anfield,入英基或CAIS會容易D嗎?如果萬一讀完Anfield又入唔到國際學校,咁仲可以讀返LS嗎?我知道問題可能有D低能,但我實在有點猶豫,好希望可以從各位媽媽處得到一些意見或建議。萬分感謝

作者: echa1110    時間: 13-11-9 15:14     標題: 回覆:收到Anfield offer, 急需意見!

WP campus?

作者: sagesage    時間: 13-11-9 15:28     標題: 回覆:收到Anfield offer, 急需意見!


作者: Joeyhk    時間: 13-11-9 15:59     標題: 回覆:tityting 的帖子

Is your baby attending their playgroup?

作者: luckyveronique    時間: 13-11-9 16:34

本帖最後由 luckyveronique 於 13-11-9 16:40 編輯

At least you may get priority to enter Anfield primary.

To choose york, means you especially target 直資/私立, and will enjoy no advantage of entering an IS primary over the kids from a real internatioanl kinder
作者: tityting    時間: 13-11-9 16:43     標題: 引用:Is+your+baby+attending+their+playgroup? +

原帖由 Joeyhk 於 13-11-09 發表
Is your baby attending their playgroup?
No, he didn't join the PG of Anfield

作者: tityting    時間: 13-11-9 16:43     標題: 引用:WP+campus? +

原帖由 echa1110 於 13-11-09 發表
WP campus?

作者: suetfa    時間: 13-11-9 17:00     標題: 回覆:收到Anfield offer, 急需意見!

Same situation as you! Still thinking whether I should accept the am offer from Anfield.

作者: tityting    時間: 13-11-9 17:26     標題: 引用:Same+situation+as+you!+Still+thinking+wh

原帖由 suetfa 於 13-11-09 發表
Same situation as you! Still thinking whether I should accept the am offer from Anfield.
Oh, we really should talk about it! What do you think?

作者: Rachel710    時間: 13-11-9 17:35     標題: 引用:今日收到Anfield+N班offer.+要係11月15日前

原帖由 tityting 於 13-11-09 發表
今日收到Anfield N班offer. 要係11月15日前回覆是否接受,俾$14000 debenture.或者consider for round 2, n ...
May I know did they call u or mail to u??

作者: tityting    時間: 13-11-9 17:38     標題: 引用:Quote:原帖由+tityting+於+13-11-09+發表今

原帖由 Rachel710 於 13-11-09 發表
May I know did they call u or mail to u??
By Mail

作者: suetfa    時間: 13-11-9 18:03

I am still struggling...I have interviewed many pn and still some more interviews coming...
personally, I like Anfield a lot...as the language environment is really nice...when I compared this with Think...I think the language environment is still better...the fee for Think and Anfield is similar...the only different is ...Think has Chinese..but Anfield does not have much ...

作者: tityting    時間: 13-11-9 18:16     標題: 引用:I+am+still+struggling...I+have+interview

原帖由 suetfa 於 13-11-09 發表
I am still struggling...I have interviewed many pn and still some more interviews coming...
personal ...
OMG, I am totally in the same situation

作者: swing829    時間: 13-11-9 18:27     標題: 回覆:收到Anfield offer, 急需意見!

不要擔心,anfield 真係一間好好的學校,我仔仔讀緊K1 ,又開心又學到知識,語言環境好好,甚至國語都ok,最初我都驚升小學,不過同其他家長傾計,佢地本身有經驗因有大兒子/囡囡,考過小學,佢哋都話小朋友嘅英語一定冇問題,睇到時的表現隱定就一定得,不過一定在家中多聽多說,除了學校,屋企都好重要,加油!

作者: suetfa    時間: 13-11-9 18:28

May be I should ask you when you choose Anfield?  Are you going to let your son or daughter study in international school? Maybe this kind of basic question can help...

To me, I really think language development is very important for kids before 6.  I really appreciate the language environment and intensive care of Anfield.  As a secondary language teacher, I do think that before 6 is the golden age for language.  

I also have another thought as my daughter is not really a very active person and she is a bit shy in front of strangers.  Her performance in Creative, Canaan or even in Roseryhill were not so good and still have no offer or waiting at the moment.  I want to accept the offer from Anfield first.  But paying $14000 non-refundable debenture is not a small amount.  I don't know whether I would have another PN give me an offer.  I am waiting for Think as her performance is good at that school...

No idea...and still wait..
How about you?  Mind to share...??
作者: tityting    時間: 13-11-9 18:43     標題: 引用:May+be+I+should+ask+you+when+you+choose+

原帖由 suetfa 於 13-11-09 發表
May be I should ask you when you choose Anfield?  Are you going to let your son or daughter study in ...
I've always want my son to get into international school, because I do want my son to enjoy his childhood instead of dealing with all different kinds of 'training' in local school. Of course language is also what I consider the most. I agree that $14000 is not a small amount that I can easily say" forget about it", but we don't have much time to 'consider'!

作者: tityting    時間: 13-11-9 18:46     標題: 引用:May+be+I+should+ask+you+when+you+choose+

原帖由 suetfa 於 13-11-09 發表
May be I should ask you when you choose Anfield?  Are you going to let your son or daughter study in ...
I also applied THINK, but the comments from BK on THINK makes me hesitate

作者: little-pig-pig    時間: 13-11-9 19:05     標題: 回覆:swing829 的帖子


作者: suetfa    時間: 13-11-9 19:15

Little pig pig,
both...Chinese and English are important...but still depends on which type of primary you would like to apply for.  Local ones and international ones are really different..already...or even famous local and average ones are totally different story already..

Yes...money is not really the main concern...yes..totally agree that time is not much..for us to consider...I can know the result of THINK on or before 15/11.  

What kind of comments have you got from BK about Think?  I think I am just considering between THINK and Anfield?  For Roseryhill, I think my daughter's performance was not really satisfactory.  

Can you let me know what the comments are?  I am interested to know...

作者: tityting    時間: 13-11-9 19:18     標題: 引用:Little+pig+pig,both...Chinese+and+Englis

原帖由 suetfa 於 13-11-09 發表
Little pig pig,
both...Chinese and English are important...but still depends on which type of primar ...
U can search some old posts about THINK. I read the comments from here.

作者: suetfa    時間: 13-11-9 19:28

can you summarize their comments here?
thanks a lot!
作者: Rachel710    時間: 13-11-9 19:45     標題: 回覆:收到Anfield offer, 急需意見!

I just check my mail box and I found the letter fm Anfield too!!! But right now I want to change to PM class! Do u guys think is that possible? Or I have to wait for round 2??

作者: happyfleet    時間: 13-11-9 19:47     標題: 回覆:收到Anfield offer, 急需意見!


作者: lui    時間: 13-11-9 22:39     標題: 引用:I+just+check+my+mail+box+and+I+found+the

原帖由 Rachel710 於 13-11-09 發表
I just check my mail box and I found the letter fm Anfield too!!! But right now I want to change to  ...
Should be ok if you opt for pm. I love Anfield a lot. My girl always say she loves her class teachers. She is now proficient in both Chinese (pth and cantonese) and English. Teachers are caring and with hearts! My girl like reading before going to school and now even more addicted to. She wakes up at 6am and starts reading ( a bit crazy but she enjoys). She has been in Nursery for 2 months

作者: panda_k    時間: 13-11-9 22:46

lui 發表於 13-11-9 22:39
Should be ok if you opt for pm. I love Anfield a lot. My girl always say she loves her class teacher ...
In which campus?
作者: Rachel710    時間: 13-11-9 23:34     標題: 引用:Quote:原帖由+Rachel710+於+13-11-09+發表I

原帖由 lui 於 13-11-09 發表
Should be ok if you opt for pm. I love Anfield a lot. My girl always say she loves her class teacher ...
Thanks!!! I surprised that u said yr girl is good in pth too! Cox many comments in BK talk about the pth is not enough in Anfield! And I don see any pth teacher in WP campus too!! So i am still struggling like another JM!  Shd I choose Kingston or Anfield!

作者: lui    時間: 13-11-10 08:06     標題: 引用:Quote:原帖由+lui+於+13-11-09+發表Should+

原帖由 Rachel710 於 13-11-09 發表
Thanks!!! I surprised that u said yr girl is good in pth too! Cox many comments in BK talk about the ...
They have PTH every day for 30 mins and the PTH teacher is on and off getting involved in class in other times. 30 out of 3 hours. You may check how it's at Kingston. I believe at the end, it's all about balance.

作者: tityting    時間: 13-11-10 08:11     標題: 引用:can+you+summarize+their+comments+here?th

原帖由 suetfa 於 13-11-09 發表
can you summarize their comments here?
thanks a lot!
It's just that THINK is not a real IS, more like local school.

作者: tityting    時間: 13-11-10 08:12     標題: 引用:Quote:原帖由+Rachel710+於+13-11-09+發表I

原帖由 lui 於 13-11-09 發表
Should be ok if you opt for pm. I love Anfield a lot. My girl always say she loves her class teacher ...
Thanks, that really comforts me a lot

作者: tityting    時間: 13-11-10 08:14     標題: 引用:請問你們是在bb幾多個月時申請?及申請了幾

原帖由 happyfleet 於 13-11-09 發表

作者: 小之爸    時間: 13-11-10 08:55

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: tityting    時間: 13-11-10 10:47     標題: 引用:不要擔心,anfield+真係一間好好的學校,我

原帖由 swing829 於 13-11-09 發表
不要擔心,anfield 真係一間好好的學校,我仔仔讀緊K1 ,又開心又學到知識,語言環境好好,甚至國語都ok,最 ...
唔好意思,我想請問下你會唔會知道Anfield N班會幫小朋友戒片嗎?

作者: happyfleet    時間: 13-11-10 12:14     標題: 回覆:tityting 的帖子


作者: lui    時間: 13-11-10 16:12     標題: 引用:Quote:原帖由+swing829+於+13-11-09+發表不

原帖由 tityting 於 13-11-10 發表
唔好意思,我想請問下你會唔會知道Anfield N班會幫小朋友戒片嗎?
Yes the school will do that

作者: CapricornO    時間: 13-11-10 17:52

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: CapricornO    時間: 13-11-10 18:29

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作者: TLdad    時間: 13-11-10 21:30

I would suggest not to expect too much on Chinese from IS in general.  For Anfield kindergarten, it has around 30mins PTH each day, normally they will have story time, singing and some writing too.  Of course the level would not be comparable to local school at all.  In case you have high expectation on Chinese, then probably Anfield is not your cup of tea or you might want to consider extra tutorial outside.   
作者: lui    時間: 13-11-10 21:34     標題: 引用:Quote:lui+發表於+13-11-9+22:39+Should+be

原帖由 CapricornO 於 13-11-10 發表
Can i know when they teach PTH, do they teacher written chinese as well?  As your girl is fluent in  ...
At this stage, they won't teach written Chinese. The fluency should be becoz we speak Cantonese and English at home. She can use connectives words which quite surprise me. I didn't enrol into any after school classes.

作者: CapricornO    時間: 13-11-10 21:57

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: tityting    時間: 13-11-10 23:07     標題: 引用:I+would+suggest+not+to+expect+too+much+o

原帖由 TLdad 於 13-11-10 發表
I would suggest not to expect too much on Chinese from IS in general.  For Anfield kindergarten, it  ...
Yes,you are right. I should expect much as Anfield is a real international kindergarten. Thanks

作者: 964000    時間: 13-11-10 23:23

tityting 發表於 13-11-10 23:07
Yes,you are right. I should expect much as Anfield is a real international kindergarten. Thanks

I think they are already better than ESF since they teach traditional chinese.
作者: little-pig-pig    時間: 13-11-10 23:43     標題: 回覆:收到Anfield offer, 急需意見!


作者: tityting    時間: 13-11-10 23:51     標題: 引用:Quote:tityting+發表於+13-11-10+23:07+Yes

原帖由 964000 於 13-11-10 發表
I think they are already better than ESF since they teach traditional chinese.
Really? I though they teach simplified Chinese.

作者: 964000    時間: 13-11-11 00:08

little-pig-pig 發表於 13-11-10 23:43
反而我有d擔心Anfield既英文程度,因為我地係屋企都係同仔仔講廣東話,唔知單靠係Anfield上堂,小朋友既英 ...
should not be a problem Anfield is a genuine IS
作者: Ruby1219    時間: 13-11-11 07:04     標題: 回覆:little-pig-pig 的帖子

my son graduated from Anfield almost ten years ago. He studied there for prep program then K.1 & 2. His English and Chinese are both good. He passed all the interviews of primary schools including ICS, Phoenix. (closed now), Renaissance, GSIS and CDNIS. We spoke to him in both English and Chinese and I hired a Mandarin teacher come come to my home to play and talk with him for one hour per week.

作者: CapricornO    時間: 13-11-11 10:10

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: 小之爸    時間: 13-11-11 12:25

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: tityting    時間: 13-11-11 12:34     標題: 引用:語言能力可由聽、講、寫、讀四方面訓練及學

原帖由 小之爸 於 13-11-11 發表
語言能力可由聽、講、寫、讀四方面訓練及學習.....對於N班及幼稚園學生,重點應在於聽、講及讀.....能寫當 ...

作者: oooray    時間: 13-11-11 12:53

tityting 發表於 13-11-9 14:47
今日收到Anfield N班offer. 要係11月15日前回覆是否接受,俾$14000 debenture.或者consider for round 2, n ...
好奇問句:你想入IS多d;定去York/St. Catherine多d?冇人可保證入小學機會有幾大;即使當年問Anfield校長/Staff,佢只會話你知年年不少學生去左邊間邊間(亦係事實);但人地入到唔代表你一定得;加上想讀IS人多左好多;乜IS讀好多人爭;ESF收生遊戲規則又改左;以前d人點點點行今日已經唔work;好似當年Anfield行入去就有位;當年Anfield一剛開冇乜人吼...

作者: newdaddy    時間: 13-11-11 13:18

Anfield is a good school with good English environment.
Do the kids of our senior Govt officials go to IS more or LS more?? Haha the answer will surely ring a bell to you :)
BTW, how can you be so sure that you can get in the primary LS of your choice in 2-3 yrs time? The competitteion for IS is keen and it will onl;y get worse!
Hahaha if you believe in what our Head of Education Mr Ng said -- the English standard of Hong Kong students is improving ans is among the highest in Asia, then go to LS la hahaha.
作者: tityting    時間: 13-11-11 13:47     標題: 引用:Quote:tityting+發表於+13-11-9+14:47+今日

原帖由 oooray 於 13-11-11 發表
好奇問句:你想入IS多d;定去York/St. Catherine多d?冇人可保證入小學機會有幾大;即使當年問Anfield校長/St ...

作者: CapricornO    時間: 13-11-11 14:50

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: tityting    時間: 13-11-11 14:52

CapricornO 發表於 13-11-11 14:50
Also, i want to ask current Anfield parents, how do the kids go to school usually? It seems that Anf ...

Do you have helper that could help you with picking up the kid after school?
作者: minirat    時間: 13-11-11 15:03

I agree with most of the comments here.  You have to know what you want first.  Anfield is an international kindergarten, whereas York and SC are local kindergartens, hence approaches are very different.  It's like comparing apple to orange.  We had few offers including York last year but we had no hesitations in choosing Anfield.  We know we want IS route for our boy.  And language development is most important at this stage in my opinion.  Other academic acquisitions can come later.  Language cannot be taught, one have to immerse in the environment.  Anfield provides a good genuine English environment and ideal teacher and students ratio.  Hence it is a perfect choice for us.  Honestly I do not have great expectations of Mandarin from this school, hence we are amused when my boy started coming home singing Mandarin songs and speaking bits and pieces of Mandarin after only 2 months of school.  That's good enough for us, maybe not for LS.  So it's a choice.  Take it this way.  When you gain more on one, you lose the same from the others.  It is the same amount of time from school everyday, ie. when the school allocates more time on Mandarin, it means less time for English.  Unless it is completely an English environment back at home, I think sufficient English exposure in school in order to establish a good English foundation is more important.
作者: CapricornO    時間: 13-11-11 15:08

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: tityting    時間: 13-11-11 15:09

minirat 發表於 13-11-11 15:03
I agree with most of the comments here.  You have to know what you want first.  Anfield is an intern ...

you are right, i agree at this stage language development is the most important thing. 我應該已經有決定了。

作者: tityting    時間: 13-11-11 15:11

CapricornO 發表於 13-11-11 15:08
I am worried about the safety of my kids if they commute with the helper

well, if you have no choice, you have to trust your helper with that. I will let my helper take my son to school and pick him up after.
作者: minirat    時間: 13-11-11 15:13

Rachel710 發表於 13-11-9 19:45
I just check my mail box and I found the letter fm Anfield too!!! But right now I want to change to  ...

Confirm your offer and send in your request for change of session at the same time (or asap).  It should not be difficult to change from AM to PM session but they will not entertain you before you confirm your offer.  Last year I did the same (but mine was PM to AM) and it was successful.
作者: tityting    時間: 13-11-11 15:16

minirat 發表於 13-11-11 15:13
Confirm your offer and send in your request for change of session at the same time (or asap).  It s ...
I call the school this morning ask about change from AM to PM, she told me to send an e-mail to the principal first.

作者: CapricornO    時間: 13-11-11 15:17

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作者: CapricornO    時間: 13-11-11 15:19

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作者: tityting    時間: 13-11-11 15:21

CapricornO 發表於 13-11-11 15:19
Why do you want to change? Just curious if I have missed any points to consider for myself too.  :)

Because I don't live nearby, I just want my son to sleep more..
作者: minirat    時間: 13-11-11 15:35

CapricornO 發表於 13-11-11 15:17
Agree with you that academic acquisitions can come later! What we buy Anfield for are their educatio ...

Honestly I am not an expert in this but I am judging based on my own belief and experiences.  In a place like Hong Kong, there is no way you won't know Chinese, coz there are Chinese characters everywhere, especially the fact that most of us speak Cantonese at home.  Even if some of us do not speak Cantonese at home, you can hear and are forced to know how to speak Cantonese in every part of Hong Kong.  I am not local but I can speak decent Cantonese now coz it is just so easy to pick up Cantonese here.  In my personal opinion, being able to speak, read and write simple Chinese is good enough.  There is no way Chinese can overtake English being the first international language.  You can challenge me on this but it will still remain as my strong belief.  In terms of language development, taking myself as example, I attended English schools since young, where all the other subjects were taught in English except Chinese (ie. Mandarin) lessons which were only one lesson (maybe 1 hour or so) per day.  At home, we speak Chinese with our parents.  Now I can speak, read and write Chinese, of course not up to the Chinese literature standard but good enough to work in places like Hong Kong and Beijing (I was there for 15 months).  In fact I learnt Simplified Chinese, and have no problems reading Traditional Chinese, but I cannot write Traditional Chinese though.
作者: 小之爸    時間: 13-11-11 15:56

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作者: CapricornO    時間: 13-11-12 14:33

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作者: minirat    時間: 13-11-12 14:36

CapricornO 發表於 13-11-12 14:33
如果而家留左位, 到時真係反悔唔讀會唔會有可能攞番留位費呢?


作者: little-pig-pig    時間: 13-11-12 15:01     標題: 回覆:收到Anfield offer, 急需意見!

其實我覺得貴既留位費係好事, 起碼唔會hold完之後唔讀最遲先講, 令真正想讀既人冇機會。Play session o個日有位老師同我講Play session 既目的都係想比家長好好認識學校, 令佢地思考Anfield係咪家長真係有興趣想入既學校, 學校都唔想比咗offer 一d學生, 點知最後又唔讀, 跟住令到真正想入既學生冇機會。

作者: minirat    時間: 13-11-12 15:19

little-pig-pig 發表於 13-11-12 15:01
其實我覺得貴既留位費係好事, 起碼唔會hold完之後唔讀最遲先講, 令真正想讀既人冇機會。Play session o個日 ...


作者: tityting    時間: 13-11-12 15:37

CapricornO 發表於 13-11-12 14:33
如果而家留左位, 到時真係反悔唔讀會唔會有可能攞番留位費呢?

你都係14年N班?am or pm?
作者: CapricornO    時間: 13-11-12 17:38

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作者: CapricornO    時間: 13-11-12 17:40

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作者: hotmilo    時間: 13-11-12 18:26     標題: 回覆:收到Anfield offer, 急需意見!

Anyone knows about school bus arrangement for nursery class?

作者: tityting    時間: 13-11-12 18:37     標題: 引用:Anyone+knows+about+school+bus+arrangemen

原帖由 hotmilo 於 13-11-12 發表
Anyone knows about school bus arrangement for nursery class?
Need to call and ask

作者: lui    時間: 13-11-12 18:47     標題: 引用:Anyone+knows+about+school+bus+arrangemen

原帖由 hotmilo 於 13-11-12 發表
Anyone knows about school bus arrangement for nursery class?
The school bus runs on most area at KLN side, including Shatin. But the fee is extremely high. I am living in Olympic station and the charge is 2200 per month. For Shatin, it's 3000 per month

作者: hotmilo    時間: 13-11-12 20:37     標題: 回覆:lui 的帖子

I also live in Olympic! What's your thoughts on Anfield? So far so good?

作者: hotmilo    時間: 13-11-12 20:38     標題: 回覆:lui 的帖子

I also live in Olympic! What's your thoughts on Anfield? So far so good?

作者: CapricornO    時間: 13-11-12 22:23

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作者: Beida    時間: 13-11-12 22:38

Hi all, i stay in KLT and hence I would like to send my daughter to KLT campus but she was born in August hence she can't enroll into preK or first step in KLT campus.  the school suggested me taking playground and prep program there but no guarantee she will have K1 offer.  Priority will be given first to pre K or first step students.  I am still struggling if I shall send her to WP for PN but I hesitate in view of daily commuting.  What would you suggest ?  Will you take prep program in KLT even there is no secured K1 offer or accept PN in WP?  Thanks all
作者: tityting    時間: 13-11-12 22:45     標題: 引用:Hi+all,+i+stay+in+KLT+and+hence+I+would+

原帖由 Beida 於 13-11-12 發表
Hi all, i stay in KLT and hence I would like to send my daughter to KLT campus but she was born in A ...
I believe that even there is no guarantee, you will still have bigger chance to get in

作者: lui    時間: 13-11-12 22:45

hotmilo 發表於 13-11-12 20:37
I also live in Olympic! What's your thoughts on Anfield? So far so good?
As you may see my reply in other thread, I love the school much. The school is a small one,  but I can feel the warmth in the teachers and staffs. My girls is having a good time there, always talk about the school, teachers and classmates. Not to mention, she acquires  good skills not only in language, but also the self -care. One impresses me is the school will send out newsletter every month to tell what is going on with the class the kids are in. They also organize some workshops once in while. I have been to their reading story workshop that organised by a famous children book author overseas and that amazed me and inspires my hubby. All the staffs of the school attend that workshop including the principal. I feel blessed to choose such a good school for my girl. So in short, I highly recommend this school to all potential parents .

作者: lui    時間: 13-11-12 22:48

CapricornO 發表於 13-11-12 22:23
Wow, really expensive! So it's better to take taxi or drive ??
I prefer taking school bus as its more safe. It's especially a lot better if you leave your kid in the hands of a maid. If you are able to drive, of course this is the best option.
作者: Beida    時間: 13-11-12 23:28

Beida 發表於 13-11-12 22:38
Hi all, i stay in KLT and hence I would like to send my daughter to KLT campus but she was born in A ...
Thanks little pig pig, it is true that PG  may not valued by other Kindergartens  though the teachers said the curriculum is similar but one hour shorter..
作者: tityting    時間: 13-11-12 23:32     標題: 引用:Quote:hotmilo+發表於+13-11-12+20:37+I+al

原帖由 lui 於 13-11-12 發表
As you may see my reply in other thread, I love the school much. The school is a small one,  but I c ...

作者: lui    時間: 13-11-12 23:37     標題: 引用:Quote:原帖由+lui+於+13-11-12+發表As+you+

原帖由 tityting 於 13-11-12 發表

No additional cost. You have to buy uniforms at your own cost, including the anfield school bag.

作者: lovecasey    時間: 13-11-12 23:56

回復 tityting 的帖子

Total 7000
作者: minirat    時間: 13-11-13 09:53

Beida 發表於 13-11-12 22:38
Hi all, i stay in KLT and hence I would like to send my daughter to KLT campus but she was born in A ...

If I am in your shoes, I will attend Nursery in WP and see there is chance of moving to K1 in KLT in the next year, otherwise you are at least secured with K1 in WP.  In my opinion, transportation between KLT and WP is not such a big deal.
作者: CapricornO    時間: 13-11-13 12:14

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: lui    時間: 13-11-13 13:52     標題: 引用:Quote:lui+發表於+13-11-12+23:37+No+addit

原帖由 CapricornO 於 13-11-13 發表
How much are the uniform and school bags?  
Another question, did you take the school bus to/from Ts ...
This is for winter uniform.
We moved to Olympic before the school term starts. I think the traffic will be much worst in the am as I can see the 加士居道天橋 always stuck with cars in the morning time. They offer full day for k1 and k2. School bus is charged on term basis. Three terms a year

圖片附件: myphoto.jpg (13-11-13 13:52, 100.73 KB) / 下載次數 1

作者: tityting    時間: 13-11-13 18:08     標題: 引用:Quote:原帖由+tityting+於+13-11-12+發表想

原帖由 lui 於 13-11-12 發表
No additional cost. You have to buy uniforms at your own cost, including the anfield school bag.

Thanks for the information, I also want to know the tuition fee from K1 to K3, full day, cause I can't find it on the website. Thank you so much

作者: lovecasey    時間: 13-11-13 18:13

回復 tityting 的帖子

i remember the half day is 7000+1000 and full day is around 8200+1000 i think,

作者: tityting    時間: 13-11-13 18:15     標題: 引用:回復+tityting+的帖子 i+remember+the+hal

原帖由 lovecasey 於 13-11-13 發表
回復 tityting 的帖子

i remember the half day is 7000+1000 and full day is around 8200+1000 i think, ...
Thank you

作者: lui    時間: 13-11-13 18:57     標題: 引用:Quote:原帖由+lui+於+13-11-12+發表No+addi

原帖由 tityting 於 13-11-13 發表
Thanks for the information, I also want to know the tuition fee from K1 to K3, full day, cause I can ...
$7000 for nursery to k2. $9500 for full day. It was stated in the recent circular distributed by the school. The school says there is a long waiting list hence we need to confirm the seat fir next year by 11th nov.

作者: tityting    時間: 13-11-13 19:00     標題: 引用:Quote:原帖由+tityting+於+13-11-13+發表Th

原帖由 lui 於 13-11-13 發表
$7000 for nursery to k2. $9500 for full day. It was stated in the recent circular distributed by the ...
Thanks, will you plan to go on

作者: lui    時間: 13-11-13 19:05     標題: 引用:Quote:原帖由+lui+於+13-11-13+發表$7000+f

原帖由 tityting 於 13-11-13 發表
Thanks, will you plan to go on
Yes I will.

作者: tityting    時間: 13-11-13 19:10     標題: 引用:Quote:原帖由+tityting+於+13-11-13+發表Th

原帖由 lui 於 13-11-13 發表
Yes I will.

作者: 964000    時間: 13-11-13 22:55

I am very interested in Anfield too cos all the comments I heard about the school are good.
作者: little-pig-pig    時間: 13-11-13 22:57     標題: 回覆:964000 的帖子

The comment you heard about the school is for which campus?

作者: Beida    時間: 13-11-13 23:19

Hi anyone can remind me the schedule of am and pm session, thanks
作者: 964000    時間: 13-11-13 23:21

little-pig-pig 發表於 13-11-13 22:57
The comment you heard about the school is for which campus?
I know one friend in person in k1 KLT and he gives very good comments.The other I mostly heard from diff internet forum, both campus got good comments.
For me I think I will go for WP campus cos I lives nearby, and it's easier to get parking over there.

作者: tityting    時間: 13-11-14 10:07

964000 發表於 13-11-13 23:21
I know one friend in person in k1 KLT and he gives very good comments.The other I mostly heard from  ...
you got PN offer or K1?

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