
標題: SMA feedback [打印本頁]

作者: TJ05    時間: 25-2-6 15:31     標題: SMA feedback

有無用家分享St Mary's School Ascot 就讀經驗?
作者: Poyau    時間: 25-2-6 20:27

TJ05 發表於 25-2-6 15:31
有無用家分享St Mary's School Ascot 就讀經驗?

請問想申請那年入學 Year幾?
St Mary's Ascot 屬細校 學額相對少
Y7 收約40人 Y9 約20人 SF 約5人


The school accepts about 65 pupils each year. Entry is at 11+ (our main intake), 13+ or 16+ and is by the school’s own entrance examination, an interview and a report from the current school. About 40 pupils are admitted to Year 7 (11+), 20 to Year 9 (13+) and about 5 to the Sixth Form (16+).

作者: Poyau    時間: 25-2-6 20:39

TJ05 發表於 25-2-6 15:31
有無用家分享St Mary's School Ascot 就讀經驗?

St Mary's Ascot 天主教 全寄宿 女校


Does St Mary's accept non-Catholic girls?

St Mary’s gives preference to girls who are Roman Catholic and 96% of girls at St Mary’s are baptised Catholic. Non-Catholic families considering St Mary’s Ascot for their daughter are, in the first instance, requested to contact the Admissions Office on +44 (0) 1344 296614 or at [email protected]. The Catholic ethos forms a cornerstone of life at St Mary’s and the whole school gathers for prayers in the chapel every morning.   St Mary’s Ascot is fortunate to have a resident Chaplain who oversees the Catholic life of the school.

How many girls board?

Only approximately 15 girls are day boarders and these girls live very locally to the school. Day boarders participate fully in the programmes of activities organised at weekends and are required to be at school when their House is on duty at a weekend. Day boarders have to be at school by 8.15am. Although lessons end at 4.30pm, day boarders must stay at school to complete their study and/or take part in sports matches, drama productions or clubs. Day boarders must attend on a Saturday morning until 12.15pm. The majority of day boarders will go on to board as they progress through the school.

作者: Poyau    時間: 25-2-6 21:32

TJ05 發表於 25-2-6 15:31
有無用家分享St Mary's School Ascot 就讀經驗?

St Mary's Ascot 學術水平高
寄宿女校 2024 AL/GCSE 成績
隨 Wycome Abbey 之後

England Girls' Boarding Schools
2024 A level ranking #37

2024 GCSE ranking #21

作者: TJ05    時間: 25-2-6 23:23

Poyau 發表於 25-2-6 20:27
請問想申請那年入學 Year幾?
St Mary's Ascot 屬細校 學額相對少
Y7 收約40人 Y9 約20人 SF 約5人

Yr.7 是否好難入?很chur 嗎?

作者: Poyau    時間: 25-2-7 13:27

TJ05 發表於 25-2-6 23:23
Yr.7 是否好難入?很chur 嗎?

St Mary's Ascot Y7 入學相對 Y9 易
Y7 主要考 English Maths
Y9 另考 Sci RS Hist/Geog MFL 及 Latin


Entrance Exams

The examinations and interviews for all 13+ and 16+ candidates take place at St Mary’s in November / December of the year prior to entry. For 11+ candidates, the assessment will take place at St Mary’s in the Lent term of the year of entry. The school does not issue past papers but will supply guidelines to the current school or parents upon request. 

The subjects tested are:

at 11+: English, Mathematics and a general paper (which could include: graded spelling; non-verbal puzzles; listening skills)

at 13+: English, Mathematics, Science, Religious Studies, History or Geography, French or an alternative modern language (Spanish, Italian or German) and Latin

at 16+: a general paper, and interviews in the subjects to be studied at A Level
Please contact the Director of Admissions, Ms Alison Atherton, on +44 (0)1344 296614, or by email at [email protected], if you have any queries about our entrance examinations.

Results are normally notified within three weeks of sitting the examinations.


Is there an entrance examination?

St Mary’s conducts 11+, 13+ and 16+ entrance examinations at the school. At 11+, girls come to St Mary’s for a day in the December before the year of entry. They will sit examinations in English, Mathematics and a General Paper, for which no special preparation is required.  Candidates are taken to lunch by current Year 7 girls who will also give them a tour of the school.

At 13+ girls come to St Mary’s for two days in the November before the year of entry and candidates are invited to spend the night at school. The examinations will include English, Mathematics, Religious Studies, Science, a modern language, Geography or History and a Latin paper.

Both the 11+ and 13+ examinations are similar to Common Entrance, although girls also have an interview with the Headmistress or with a senior member of staff. We do not recommend extra examination tutoring prior to your daughter sitting an entrance assessment for St Mary’s.

At 16+ girls come to St Mary’s for a day. They sit a general examination paper and will also meet the Heads of Departments of the subjects to be studied at A level. In addition they have an interview with the Headmistress and the Head of Sixth Form.

作者: Poyau    時間: 25-2-7 14:37

TJ05 發表於 25-2-6 23:23
Yr.7 是否好難入?很chur 嗎?

請問有無考過 CAT4 多少分?
WA 基本上要 130+
SMA 可不用這分數 有校本選人分法

作者: TJ05    時間: 25-2-7 17:23

Poyau 發表於 25-2-7 14:37
請問有無考過 CAT4 多少分?
WA 基本上要 130+
SMA 可不用這分數 有校本選人分法
作者: Poyau    時間: 25-2-10 16:13

TJ05 發表於 25-2-7 17:23

St Mary's Ascot CATS 120+ 有機會

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