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Chinese [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 07-10-2 18:33 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
my son is in 1H.. he always get wrong in his Chinese homework and dictation, is this common or he really did it bad?  I really worried about this.. please help!
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Rank: 8Rank: 8


發表於 07-10-3 02:26 |只看該作者
Children in P1 still in the stage to adjust himself to adopt the new environment. As parents, we should leave spaces for them to learn from error, and accept that everyone should have different learning curves.

More important is to teach your son to enjoy his school life and get along well with other schoolmates.

You should also need to know the learning style (學習模式) of your son.


For examples if your son is major in "運動覺" learning style, when preparing for Chinese dictation, you may need to
turn the text contents into flash cards and let him to re-arrange the sentences or characters. If 聽覺 is dominated, you may record the textbook contents for he to learn,...etc.

Remember: your son is unique in the world. You are his life coach. You need to find out his strength and not just always emphasis on his weaknesses. After all, he can use his strength to build up confidence and bring up his weakness. In addition, there should not be any success or failure in his studying life. All are his valuable learning experiences.

So, be relax and explore your son's potentials.
Best wish,
(\~~/)           天下間沒有不受教的孩子,
(='.'=)           只有不懂教的父母。
(") (")~~O Derdad
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